# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

package Bugzilla::Auth::Verify::LDAP;

use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base qw(Bugzilla::Auth::Verify);
use fields qw(

use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Util;

use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::Util qw(escape_filter_value);

use constant admin_can_create_account => 0;
use constant user_can_create_account  => 0;

sub check_credentials {
  my ($self, $params) = @_;
  my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;

  # We need to bind anonymously to the LDAP server.  This is
  # because we need to get the Distinguished Name of the user trying
  # to log in.  Some servers (such as iPlanet) allow you to have unique
  # uids spread out over a subtree of an area (such as "People"), so
  # just appending the Base DN to the uid isn't sufficient to get the
  # user's DN.  For servers which don't work this way, there will still
  # be no harm done.

  # Now, we verify that the user exists, and get a LDAP Distinguished
  # Name for the user.
  my $username = $params->{username};
  my $dn_result
    = $self->ldap->search(_bz_search_params($username), attrs => ['dn']);
  return {
    failure => AUTH_ERROR,
    error   => "ldap_search_error",
    details => {errstr => $dn_result->error, username => $username}
    if $dn_result->code;

  return {failure => AUTH_NO_SUCH_USER} if !$dn_result->count;

  my $dn = $dn_result->shift_entry->dn;

  # Check the password.
  my $pw_result = $self->ldap->bind($dn, password => $params->{password});
  return {failure => AUTH_LOGINFAILED} if $pw_result->code;

  # And now we fill in the user's details.

  # First try the search as the (already bound) user in question.
  my $user_entry;
  my $error_string;
  my $detail_result = $self->ldap->search(_bz_search_params($username));
  if ($detail_result->code) {

    # Stash away the original error, just in case
    $error_string = $detail_result->error;
  else {
    $user_entry = $detail_result->shift_entry;

  # If that failed (either because the search failed, or returned no
  # results) then try re-binding as the initial search user, but only
  # if the LDAPbinddn parameter is set.
  if (!$user_entry && Bugzilla->params->{"LDAPbinddn"}) {

    $detail_result = $self->ldap->search(_bz_search_params($username));
    if (!$detail_result->code) {
      $user_entry = $detail_result->shift_entry;

  # If we *still* don't have anything in $user_entry then give up.
  return {
    failure => AUTH_ERROR,
    error   => "ldap_search_error",
    details => {errstr => $error_string, username => $username}
    if !$user_entry;

  my $mail_attr = Bugzilla->params->{"LDAPmailattribute"};
  if ($mail_attr) {
    if (!$user_entry->exists($mail_attr)) {
      return {
        failure => AUTH_ERROR,
        error   => "ldap_cannot_retreive_attr",
        details => {attr => $mail_attr}

    my @emails = $user_entry->get_value($mail_attr);

    # Default to the first email address returned.
    $params->{bz_username} = $emails[0];

    if (@emails > 1) {

      # Cycle through the adresses and check if they're Bugzilla logins.
      # Use the first one that returns a valid id.
      foreach my $email (@emails) {
        if (login_to_id($email)) {
          $params->{bz_username} = $email;

  else {
    $params->{bz_username} = $username;

  $params->{realname} ||= $user_entry->get_value("displayName");
  $params->{realname} ||= $user_entry->get_value("cn");

  $params->{extern_id} = $username;

  return $params;

sub _bz_search_params {
  my ($username) = @_;
  $username = escape_filter_value($username);
  return (
    base   => Bugzilla->params->{"LDAPBaseDN"},
    scope  => "sub",
    filter => '(&('
      . Bugzilla->params->{"LDAPuidattribute"}
      . "=$username)"
      . Bugzilla->params->{"LDAPfilter"} . ')'

sub _bind_ldap_for_search {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $bind_result;
  if (Bugzilla->params->{"LDAPbinddn"}) {
    my ($LDAPbinddn, $LDAPbindpass) = split(":", Bugzilla->params->{"LDAPbinddn"});
    $bind_result = $self->ldap->bind($LDAPbinddn, password => $LDAPbindpass);
  else {
    $bind_result = $self->ldap->bind();
  ThrowCodeError("ldap_bind_failed", {errstr => $bind_result->error})
    if $bind_result->code;

# We can't just do this in new(), because we're not allowed to throw any
# error from anywhere under Bugzilla::Auth::new -- otherwise we
# could create a situation where the admin couldn't get to editparams
# to fix their mistake. (Because Bugzilla->login always calls
# Bugzilla::Auth->new, and almost every page calls Bugzilla->login.)
sub ldap {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{ldap} if $self->{ldap};

  my @servers = split(/[\s,]+/, Bugzilla->params->{"LDAPserver"});
  ThrowCodeError("ldap_server_not_defined") unless @servers;

  foreach (@servers) {
    $self->{ldap} = new Net::LDAP(trim($_));
    last if $self->{ldap};
  ThrowCodeError("ldap_connect_failed", {server => join(", ", @servers)})
    unless $self->{ldap};

  # try to start TLS if needed
  if (Bugzilla->params->{"LDAPstarttls"}) {
    my $mesg = $self->{ldap}->start_tls();
    ThrowCodeError("ldap_start_tls_failed", {error => $mesg->error()})
      if $mesg->code();

  return $self->{ldap};
