# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org> # Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org> # Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com> use strict; package Bugzilla::Attachment; =head1 NAME Bugzilla::Attachment - a file related to a bug that a user has uploaded to the Bugzilla server =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bugzilla::Attachment; # Get the attachment with the given ID. my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->get($attach_id); # Get the attachments with the given IDs. my $attachments = Bugzilla::Attachment->get_list($attach_ids); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module defines attachment objects, which represent files related to bugs that users upload to the Bugzilla server. =cut # This module requires that its caller have said "require globals.pl" # to import relevant functions from that script. use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Flag; use Bugzilla::Config qw(:locations Param); use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Util qw(trick_taint); sub get { my $invocant = shift; my $id = shift; my $attachments = _retrieve([$id]); my $self = $attachments->[0]; bless($self, ref($invocant) || $invocant) if $self; return $self; } sub get_list { my $invocant = shift; my $ids = shift; my $attachments = _retrieve($ids); foreach my $attachment (@$attachments) { bless($attachment, ref($invocant) || $invocant); } return $attachments; } sub _retrieve { my ($ids) = @_; return [] if scalar(@$ids) == 0; my @columns = ( 'attachments.attach_id AS id', 'attachments.bug_id AS bug_id', 'attachments.description AS description', 'attachments.mimetype AS contenttype', 'attachments.submitter_id AS _attacher_id', Bugzilla->dbh->sql_date_format('attachments.creation_ts', '%Y.%m.%d %H:%i') . " AS attached", 'attachments.filename AS filename', 'attachments.ispatch AS ispatch', 'attachments.isurl AS isurl', 'attachments.isobsolete AS isobsolete', 'attachments.isprivate AS isprivate' ); my $columns = join(", ", @columns); my $records = Bugzilla->dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT $columns FROM attachments WHERE attach_id IN (" . join(",", @$ids) . ") ORDER BY attach_id", { Slice => {} }); return $records; } =pod =head2 Instance Properties =over =item C<id> the unique identifier for the attachment =back =cut sub id { my $self = shift; return $self->{id}; } =over =item C<bug_id> the ID of the bug to which the attachment is attached =back =cut # XXX Once Bug.pm slims down sufficiently this should become a reference # to a bug object. sub bug_id { my $self = shift; return $self->{bug_id}; } =over =item C<description> user-provided text describing the attachment =back =cut sub description { my $self = shift; return $self->{description}; } =over =item C<contenttype> the attachment's MIME media type =back =cut sub contenttype { my $self = shift; return $self->{contenttype}; } =over =item C<attacher> the user who attached the attachment =back =cut sub attacher { my $self = shift; return $self->{attacher} if exists $self->{attacher}; $self->{attacher} = new Bugzilla::User($self->{_attacher_id}); return $self->{attacher}; } =over =item C<attached> the date and time on which the attacher attached the attachment =back =cut sub attached { my $self = shift; return $self->{attached}; } =over =item C<filename> the name of the file the attacher attached =back =cut sub filename { my $self = shift; return $self->{filename}; } =over =item C<ispatch> whether or not the attachment is a patch =back =cut sub ispatch { my $self = shift; return $self->{ispatch}; } =over =item C<isurl> whether or not the attachment is a URL =back =cut sub isurl { my $self = shift; return $self->{isurl}; } =over =item C<isobsolete> whether or not the attachment is obsolete =back =cut sub isobsolete { my $self = shift; return $self->{isobsolete}; } =over =item C<isprivate> whether or not the attachment is private =back =cut sub isprivate { my $self = shift; return $self->{isprivate}; } =over =item C<data> the content of the attachment =back =cut sub data { my $self = shift; return $self->{data} if exists $self->{data}; # First try to get the attachment data from the database. ($self->{data}) = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT thedata FROM attach_data WHERE id = ?", undef, $self->{id}); # If there's no attachment data in the database, the attachment is stored # in a local file, so retrieve it from there. if (length($self->{data}) == 0) { if (open(AH, $self->_get_local_filename())) { local $/; binmode AH; $self->{data} = <AH>; close(AH); } } return $self->{data}; } =over =item C<datasize> the length (in characters) of the attachment content =back =cut # datasize is a property of the data itself, and it's unclear whether we should # expose it at all, since you can easily derive it from the data itself: in TT, # attachment.data.size; in Perl, length($attachment->{data}). But perhaps # it makes sense for performance reasons, since accessing the data forces it # to get retrieved from the database/filesystem and loaded into memory, # while datasize avoids loading the attachment into memory, calling SQL's # LENGTH() function or stat()ing the file instead. I've left it in for now. sub datasize { my $self = shift; return $self->{datasize} if exists $self->{datasize}; # If we have already retrieved the data, return its size. return length($self->{data}) if exists $self->{data}; $self->{datasize} = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT LENGTH(thedata) FROM attach_data WHERE id = ?", undef, $self->{id}) || 0; # If there's no attachment data in the database, either the attachment # is stored in a local file, and so retrieve its size from the file, # or the attachment has been deleted. unless ($self->{datasize}) { if (open(AH, $self->_get_local_filename())) { binmode AH; $self->{datasize} = (stat(AH))[7]; close(AH); } } return $self->{datasize}; } =over =item C<flags> flags that have been set on the attachment =back =cut sub flags { my $self = shift; return $self->{flags} if exists $self->{flags}; $self->{flags} = Bugzilla::Flag::match({ 'attach_id' => $self->id }); return $self->{flags}; } # Instance methods; no POD documentation here yet because the only ones so far # are private. sub _get_local_filename { my $self = shift; my $hash = ($self->id % 100) + 100; $hash =~ s/.*(\d\d)$/group.$1/; return "$attachdir/$hash/attachment." . $self->id; } sub _validate_filename { my ($throw_error) = @_; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; defined $cgi->upload('data') || ($throw_error ? ThrowUserError("file_not_specified") : return 0); my $filename = $cgi->upload('data'); # Remove path info (if any) from the file name. The browser should do this # for us, but some are buggy. This may not work on Mac file names and could # mess up file names with slashes in them, but them's the breaks. We only # use this as a hint to users downloading attachments anyway, so it's not # a big deal if it munges incorrectly occasionally. $filename =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//; # Truncate the filename to 100 characters, counting from the end of the # string to make sure we keep the filename extension. $filename = substr($filename, -100, 100); return $filename; } sub _validate_data { my ($throw_error, $hr_vars) = @_; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; my $maxsize = $cgi->param('ispatch') ? Param('maxpatchsize') : Param('maxattachmentsize'); $maxsize *= 1024; # Convert from K my $fh; # Skip uploading into a local variable if the user wants to upload huge # attachments into local files. if (!$cgi->param('bigfile')) { $fh = $cgi->upload('data'); } my $data; # We could get away with reading only as much as required, except that then # we wouldn't have a size to print to the error handler below. if (!$cgi->param('bigfile')) { # enable 'slurp' mode local $/; $data = <$fh>; } $data || ($cgi->param('bigfile')) || ($throw_error ? ThrowUserError("zero_length_file") : return 0); # Windows screenshots are usually uncompressed BMP files which # makes for a quick way to eat up disk space. Let's compress them. # We do this before we check the size since the uncompressed version # could easily be greater than maxattachmentsize. if (Param('convert_uncompressed_images') && $cgi->param('contenttype') eq 'image/bmp') { require Image::Magick; my $img = Image::Magick->new(magick=>'bmp'); $img->BlobToImage($data); $img->set(magick=>'png'); my $imgdata = $img->ImageToBlob(); $data = $imgdata; $cgi->param('contenttype', 'image/png'); $$hr_vars->{'convertedbmp'} = 1; } # Make sure the attachment does not exceed the maximum permitted size my $len = $data ? length($data) : 0; if ($maxsize && $len > $maxsize) { my $vars = { filesize => sprintf("%.0f", $len/1024) }; if ($cgi->param('ispatch')) { $throw_error ? ThrowUserError("patch_too_large", $vars) : return 0; } else { $throw_error ? ThrowUserError("file_too_large", $vars) : return 0; } } return $data || ''; } =pod =head2 Class Methods =over =item C<get_attachments_by_bug($bug_id)> Description: retrieves and returns the attachments for the given bug. Params: C<$bug_id> - integer - the ID of the bug for which to retrieve and return attachments. Returns: a reference to an array of attachment objects. =cut sub get_attachments_by_bug { my ($class, $bug_id) = @_; my $attach_ids = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT attach_id FROM attachments WHERE bug_id = ?", undef, $bug_id); my $attachments = Bugzilla::Attachment->get_list($attach_ids); return $attachments; } =pod =item C<validate_is_patch()> Description: validates the "patch" flag passed in by CGI. Returns: 1 on success. =cut sub validate_is_patch { my ($class, $throw_error) = @_; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; # Set the ispatch flag to zero if it is undefined, since the UI uses # an HTML checkbox to represent this flag, and unchecked HTML checkboxes # do not get sent in HTML requests. $cgi->param('ispatch', $cgi->param('ispatch') ? 1 : 0); # Set the content type to text/plain if the attachment is a patch. $cgi->param('contenttype', 'text/plain') if $cgi->param('ispatch'); return 1; } =pod =item C<validate_description()> Description: validates the description passed in by CGI. Returns: 1 on success. =cut sub validate_description { my ($class, $throw_error) = @_; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; $cgi->param('description') || ($throw_error ? ThrowUserError("missing_attachment_description") : return 0); return 1; } =pod =item C<validate_content_type()> Description: validates the content type passed in by CGI. Returns: 1 on success. =cut sub validate_content_type { my ($class, $throw_error) = @_; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; if (!defined $cgi->param('contenttypemethod')) { $throw_error ? ThrowUserError("missing_content_type_method") : return 0; } elsif ($cgi->param('contenttypemethod') eq 'autodetect') { my $contenttype = $cgi->uploadInfo($cgi->param('data'))->{'Content-Type'}; # The user asked us to auto-detect the content type, so use the type # specified in the HTTP request headers. if ( !$contenttype ) { $throw_error ? ThrowUserError("missing_content_type") : return 0; } $cgi->param('contenttype', $contenttype); } elsif ($cgi->param('contenttypemethod') eq 'list') { # The user selected a content type from the list, so use their # selection. $cgi->param('contenttype', $cgi->param('contenttypeselection')); } elsif ($cgi->param('contenttypemethod') eq 'manual') { # The user entered a content type manually, so use their entry. $cgi->param('contenttype', $cgi->param('contenttypeentry')); } else { $throw_error ? ThrowCodeError("illegal_content_type_method", { contenttypemethod => $cgi->param('contenttypemethod') }) : return 0; } if ( $cgi->param('contenttype') !~ /^(application|audio|image|message|model|multipart|text|video)\/.+$/ ) { $throw_error ? ThrowUserError("invalid_content_type", { contenttype => $cgi->param('contenttype') }) : return 0; } return 1; } =pod =item C<insert_attachment_for_bug($throw_error, $bug_id, $user, $timestamp, $hr_vars)> Description: inserts an attachment from CGI input for the given bug. Params: C<$bug_id> - integer - the ID of the bug for which to insert the attachment. C<$user> - Bugzilla::User object - the user we're inserting an attachment for. C<$timestamp> - scalar - timestamp of the insert as returned by SELECT NOW(). C<$hr_vars> - hash reference - reference to a hash of template variables. Returns: the ID of the new attachment. =back =cut sub insert_attachment_for_bug { my ($class, $throw_error, $bug_id, $user, $timestamp, $hr_vars) = @_; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $attachurl = $cgi->param('attachurl') || ''; my $data; my $filename; my $contenttype; my $isurl; $class->validate_is_patch($throw_error) || return 0; $class->validate_description($throw_error) || return 0; if (($attachurl =~ /^(http|https|ftp):\/\/\S+/) && !(defined $cgi->upload('data'))) { $filename = ''; $data = $attachurl; $isurl = 1; $contenttype = 'text/plain'; $cgi->param('ispatch', 0); $cgi->delete('bigfile'); } else { $filename = _validate_filename($throw_error) || return 0; # need to validate content type before data as # we now check the content type for image/bmp in _validate_data() unless ($cgi->param('ispatch')) { $class->validate_content_type($throw_error) || return 0; } $data = _validate_data($hr_vars, $throw_error) || return 0; $contenttype = $cgi->param('contenttype'); # These are inserted using placeholders so no need to panic trick_taint($filename); trick_taint($contenttype); $isurl = 0; } # The order of these function calls is important, as both Flag::validate # and FlagType::validate assume User::match_field has ensured that the # values in the requestee fields are legitimate user email addresses. my $match_status = Bugzilla::User::match_field($cgi, { '^requestee(_type)?-(\d+)$' => { 'type' => 'multi' }, }, MATCH_SKIP_CONFIRM); $$hr_vars->{'match_field'} = 'requestee'; if ($match_status == USER_MATCH_FAILED) { $$hr_vars->{'message'} = 'user_match_failed'; } elsif ($match_status == USER_MATCH_MULTIPLE) { $$hr_vars->{'message'} = 'user_match_multiple'; } # FlagType::validate() and Flag::validate() should not detect # any reference to existing flags when creating a new attachment. # Setting the third param to -1 will force this function to check this # point. # XXX needs $throw_error treatment Bugzilla::Flag::validate($cgi, $bug_id, -1); Bugzilla::FlagType::validate($cgi, $bug_id, -1); # Escape characters in strings that will be used in SQL statements. my $description = $cgi->param('description'); trick_taint($description); my $isprivate = $cgi->param('isprivate') ? 1 : 0; # Insert the attachment into the database. my $sth = $dbh->do( "INSERT INTO attachments (bug_id, creation_ts, filename, description, mimetype, ispatch, isurl, isprivate, submitter_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", undef, ($bug_id, $timestamp, $filename, $description, $contenttype, $cgi->param('ispatch'), $isurl, $isprivate, $user->id)); # Retrieve the ID of the newly created attachment record. my $attachid = $dbh->bz_last_key('attachments', 'attach_id'); # We only use $data here in this INSERT with a placeholder, # so it's safe. $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO attach_data (id, thedata) VALUES ($attachid, ?)"); trick_taint($data); $sth->bind_param(1, $data, $dbh->BLOB_TYPE); $sth->execute(); # If the file is to be stored locally, stream the file from the webserver # to the local file without reading it into a local variable. if ($cgi->param('bigfile')) { my $fh = $cgi->upload('data'); my $hash = ($attachid % 100) + 100; $hash =~ s/.*(\d\d)$/group.$1/; mkdir "$attachdir/$hash", 0770; chmod 0770, "$attachdir/$hash"; open(AH, ">$attachdir/$hash/attachment.$attachid"); binmode AH; my $sizecount = 0; my $limit = (Param("maxlocalattachment") * 1048576); while (<$fh>) { print AH $_; $sizecount += length($_); if ($sizecount > $limit) { close AH; close $fh; unlink "$attachdir/$hash/attachment.$attachid"; $throw_error ? ThrowUserError("local_file_too_large") : return 0; } } close AH; close $fh; } return $attachid; } 1;