# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net> # Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org> # Dan Mosedale <dmose@mozilla.org> # Stephan Niemz <st.n@gmx.net> # Andreas Franke <afranke@mathweb.org> # Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org> # Michael Schindler <michael@compressconsult.com> # Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org> # Joel Peshkin <bugreport@peshkin.net> # Lance Larsh <lance.larsh@oracle.com> # Jesse Clark <jjclark1982@gmail.com> # RĂ©mi Zara <remi_zara@mac.com> # Reed Loden <reed@reedloden.com> use strict; package Bugzilla::Search; use base qw(Exporter); @Bugzilla::Search::EXPORT = qw( EMPTY_COLUMN IsValidQueryType split_order_term translate_old_column ); use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Group; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Field; use Bugzilla::Status; use Bugzilla::Keyword; use Data::Dumper; use Date::Format; use Date::Parse; use List::MoreUtils qw(all part uniq); use Storable qw(dclone); # Description Of Boolean Charts # ----------------------------- # # A boolean chart is a way of representing the terms in a logical # expression. Bugzilla builds SQL queries depending on how you enter # terms into the boolean chart. Boolean charts are represented in # urls as three-tuples of (chart id, row, column). The query form # (query.cgi) may contain an arbitrary number of boolean charts where # each chart represents a clause in a SQL query. # # The query form starts out with one boolean chart containing one # row and one column. Extra rows can be created by pressing the # AND button at the bottom of the chart. Extra columns are created # by pressing the OR button at the right end of the chart. Extra # charts are created by pressing "Add another boolean chart". # # Each chart consists of an arbitrary number of rows and columns. # The terms within a row are ORed together. The expressions represented # by each row are ANDed together. The expressions represented by each # chart are ANDed together. # # ---------------------- # | col2 | col2 | col3 | # --------------|------|------| # | row1 | a1 | a2 | | # |------|------|------|------| => ((a1 OR a2) AND (b1 OR b2 OR b3) AND (c1)) # | row2 | b1 | b2 | b3 | # |------|------|------|------| # | row3 | c1 | | | # ----------------------------- # # -------- # | col2 | # --------------| # | row1 | d1 | => (d1) # --------------- # # Together, these two charts represent a SQL expression like this # SELECT blah FROM blah WHERE ( (a1 OR a2)AND(b1 OR b2 OR b3)AND(c1)) AND (d1) # # The terms within a single row of a boolean chart are all constraints # on a single piece of data. If you're looking for a bug that has two # different people cc'd on it, then you need to use two boolean charts. # This will find bugs with one CC matching 'foo@blah.org' and and another # CC matching 'bar@blah.org'. # # -------------------------------------------------------------- # CC | equal to # foo@blah.org # -------------------------------------------------------------- # CC | equal to # bar@blah.org # # If you try to do this query by pressing the AND button in the # original boolean chart then what you'll get is an expression that # looks for a single CC where the login name is both "foo@blah.org", # and "bar@blah.org". This is impossible. # # -------------------------------------------------------------- # CC | equal to # foo@blah.org # AND # CC | equal to # bar@blah.org # -------------------------------------------------------------- ############# # Constants # ############# # This is the regex for real numbers from Regexp::Common, modified to be # more readable. use constant NUMBER_REGEX => qr/ ^[+-]? # A sign, optionally. (?=\d|\.) # Then either a digit or "." \d* # Followed by many other digits (?: \. # Followed possibly by some decimal places (?:\d*) )? (?: # Followed possibly by an exponent. [Ee] [+-]? \d+ )? $ /x; # If you specify a search type in the boolean charts, this describes # which operator maps to which internal function here. use constant OPERATORS => { equals => \&_simple_operator, notequals => \&_simple_operator, casesubstring => \&_casesubstring, substring => \&_substring, substr => \&_substring, notsubstring => \&_notsubstring, regexp => \&_regexp, notregexp => \&_notregexp, lessthan => \&_simple_operator, lessthaneq => \&_simple_operator, matches => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); }, notmatches => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); }, greaterthan => \&_simple_operator, greaterthaneq => \&_simple_operator, anyexact => \&_anyexact, anywordssubstr => \&_anywordsubstr, allwordssubstr => \&_allwordssubstr, nowordssubstr => \&_nowordssubstr, anywords => \&_anywords, allwords => \&_allwords, nowords => \&_nowords, changedbefore => \&_changedbefore_changedafter, changedafter => \&_changedbefore_changedafter, changedfrom => \&_changedfrom_changedto, changedto => \&_changedfrom_changedto, changedby => \&_changedby, }; # Some operators are really just standard SQL operators, and are # all implemented by the _simple_operator function, which uses this # constant. use constant SIMPLE_OPERATORS => { equals => '=', notequals => '!=', greaterthan => '>', greaterthaneq => '>=', lessthan => '<', lessthaneq => "<=", }; # Most operators just reverse by removing or adding "not" from/to them. # However, some operators reverse in a different way, so those are listed # here. use constant OPERATOR_REVERSE => { nowords => 'anywords', nowordssubstr => 'anywordssubstr', anywords => 'nowords', anywordssubstr => 'nowordssubstr', lessthan => 'greaterthaneq', lessthaneq => 'greaterthan', greaterthan => 'lessthaneq', greaterthaneq => 'lessthan', # The following don't currently have reversals: # casesubstring, anyexact, allwords, allwordssubstr }; # For these operators, even if a field is numeric (is_numeric returns true), # we won't treat the input like a number. use constant NON_NUMERIC_OPERATORS => qw( changedafter changedbefore changedfrom changedto regexp notregexp ); use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => { # User fields 'attachments.submitter' => { _non_changed => \&_user_nonchanged, }, assigned_to => { _non_changed => \&_user_nonchanged, }, cc => { _non_changed => \&_user_nonchanged, }, commenter => { _non_changed => \&_user_nonchanged, }, reporter => { _non_changed => \&_user_nonchanged, }, 'requestees.login_name' => { _non_changed => \&_user_nonchanged, }, 'setters.login_name' => { _non_changed => \&_user_nonchanged, }, qa_contact => { _non_changed => \&_user_nonchanged, }, # General Bug Fields alias => { _non_changed => \&_alias_nonchanged, }, 'attach_data.thedata' => { _non_changed => \&_attach_data_thedata, }, # We check all attachment fields against this. 'attachments' => { _non_changed => \&_attachments, }, blocked => { _non_changed => \&_blocked_nonchanged, }, bug_group => { _non_changed => \&_bug_group_nonchanged, }, classification => { _non_changed => \&_classification_nonchanged, }, component => { _non_changed => \&_component_nonchanged, }, content => { matches => \&_content_matches, notmatches => \&_content_matches, _default => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); }, }, days_elapsed => { _default => \&_days_elapsed, }, dependson => { _non_changed => \&_dependson_nonchanged, }, keywords => { equals => \&_keywords_exact, anyexact => \&_keywords_exact, anyword => \&_keywords_exact, allwords => \&_keywords_exact, notequals => \&_multiselect_negative, notregexp => \&_multiselect_negative, notsubstring => \&_multiselect_negative, nowords => \&_multiselect_negative, nowordssubstr => \&_multiselect_negative, _non_changed => \&_keywords_nonchanged, }, 'flagtypes.name' => { _default => \&_flagtypes_name, }, longdesc => { changedby => \&_long_desc_changedby, changedbefore => \&_long_desc_changedbefore_after, changedafter => \&_long_desc_changedbefore_after, _default => \&_long_desc, }, 'longdescs.count' => { changedby => \&_long_desc_changedby, changedbefore => \&_long_desc_changedbefore_after, changedafter => \&_long_desc_changedbefore_after, changedfrom => \&_invalid_combination, changedto => \&_invalid_combination, _default => \&_long_descs_count, }, 'longdescs.isprivate' => { _default => \&_longdescs_isprivate, }, owner_idle_time => { greaterthan => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less, greaterthaneq => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less, lessthan => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less, lessthaneq => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less, _default => \&_invalid_combination, }, product => { _non_changed => \&_product_nonchanged, }, # Custom multi-select fields _multi_select => { notequals => \&_multiselect_negative, notregexp => \&_multiselect_negative, notsubstring => \&_multiselect_negative, nowords => \&_multiselect_negative, nowordssubstr => \&_multiselect_negative, allwords => \&_multiselect_multiple, allwordssubstr => \&_multiselect_multiple, anyexact => \&_multiselect_multiple, _non_changed => \&_multiselect_nonchanged, }, # Timetracking Fields percentage_complete => { _non_changed => \&_percentage_complete, }, work_time => { changedby => \&_work_time_changedby, changedbefore => \&_work_time_changedbefore_after, changedafter => \&_work_time_changedbefore_after, _default => \&_work_time, }, }; # These are fields where special action is taken depending on the # *value* passed in to the chart, sometimes. use constant SPECIAL_PARSING => { # Pronoun Fields (Ones that can accept %user%, etc.) assigned_to => \&_contact_pronoun, cc => \&_cc_pronoun, commenter => \&_commenter_pronoun, qa_contact => \&_contact_pronoun, reporter => \&_contact_pronoun, # Date Fields that accept the 1d, 1w, 1m, 1y, etc. format. creation_ts => \&_timestamp_translate, deadline => \&_timestamp_translate, delta_ts => \&_timestamp_translate, }; # Information about fields that represent "users", used by _user_nonchanged. # There are other user fields than the ones listed here, but those use # defaults in _user_nonchanged. use constant USER_FIELDS => { 'attachments.submitter' => { field => 'submitter_id', join => { table => 'attachments' }, isprivate => 1, }, cc => { field => 'who', join => { table => 'cc' }, }, commenter => { field => 'who', join => { table => 'longdescs', join => 'INNER' }, isprivate => 1, }, qa_contact => { nullable => 1, }, 'requestees.login_name' => { nullable => 1, field => 'requestee_id', join => { table => 'flags' }, }, 'setters.login_name' => { field => 'setter_id', join => { table => 'flags' }, }, }; # Backwards compatibility for times that we changed the names of fields # or URL parameters. use constant FIELD_MAP => { bugidtype => 'bug_id_type', changedin => 'days_elapsed', long_desc => 'longdesc', }; # A SELECTed expression that we use as a placeholder if somebody selects # <none> for the X, Y, or Z axis in report.cgi. use constant EMPTY_COLUMN => '-1'; # A special value that is pushed into charts during _params_to_charts to # represent that the particular chart we're dealing with should be negated. use constant NEGATE => 'NOT'; # Some fields are not sorted on themselves, but on other fields. # We need to have a list of these fields and what they map to. use constant SPECIAL_ORDER => { 'target_milestone' => { order => ['map_target_milestone.sortkey','map_target_milestone.value'], join => { table => 'milestones', from => 'target_milestone', to => 'value', extra => ['bugs.product_id = map_target_milestone.product_id'], join => 'INNER', } }, }; # Certain columns require other columns to come before them # in _select_columns, and should be put there if they're not there. use constant COLUMN_DEPENDS => { classification => ['product'], percentage_complete => ['actual_time', 'remaining_time'], }; # This describes tables that must be joined when you want to display # certain columns in the buglist. For the most part, Search.pm uses # DB::Schema to figure out what needs to be joined, but for some # fields it needs a little help. use constant COLUMN_JOINS => { actual_time => { table => '(SELECT bug_id, SUM(work_time) AS total' . ' FROM longdescs GROUP BY bug_id)', join => 'INNER', }, assigned_to => { from => 'assigned_to', to => 'userid', table => 'profiles', join => 'INNER', }, reporter => { from => 'reporter', to => 'userid', table => 'profiles', join => 'INNER', }, qa_contact => { from => 'qa_contact', to => 'userid', table => 'profiles', }, component => { from => 'component_id', to => 'id', table => 'components', join => 'INNER', }, product => { from => 'product_id', to => 'id', table => 'products', join => 'INNER', }, classification => { table => 'classifications', from => 'map_product.classification_id', to => 'id', join => 'INNER', }, 'flagtypes.name' => { as => 'map_flags', table => 'flags', extra => ['map_flags.attach_id IS NULL'], then_to => { as => 'map_flagtypes', table => 'flagtypes', from => 'map_flags.type_id', to => 'id', }, }, keywords => { table => 'keywords', then_to => { as => 'map_keyworddefs', table => 'keyworddefs', from => 'map_keywords.keywordid', to => 'id', }, }, 'longdescs.count' => { table => 'longdescs', join => 'INNER', }, }; # This constant defines the columns that can be selected in a query # and/or displayed in a bug list. Column records include the following # fields: # # 1. id: a unique identifier by which the column is referred in code; # # 2. name: The name of the column in the database (may also be an expression # that returns the value of the column); # # 3. title: The title of the column as displayed to users. # # Note: There are a few hacks in the code that deviate from these definitions. # In particular, the redundant short_desc column is removed when the # client requests "all" columns. # # This is really a constant--that is, once it's been called once, the value # will always be the same unless somebody adds a new custom field. But # we have to do a lot of work inside the subroutine to get the data, # and we don't want it to happen at compile time, so we have it as a # subroutine. sub COLUMNS { my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache; return $cache->{search_columns} if defined $cache->{search_columns}; # These are columns that don't exist in fielddefs, but are valid buglist # columns. (Also see near the bottom of this function for the definition # of short_short_desc.) my %columns = ( relevance => { title => 'Relevance' }, assigned_to_realname => { title => 'Assignee' }, reporter_realname => { title => 'Reporter' }, qa_contact_realname => { title => 'QA Contact' }, ); # Next we define columns that have special SQL instead of just something # like "bugs.bug_id". my $total_time = "(map_actual_time.total + bugs.remaining_time)"; my %special_sql = ( deadline => $dbh->sql_date_format('bugs.deadline', '%Y-%m-%d'), actual_time => 'map_actual_time.total', # "FLOOR" is in there to turn this into an integer, making searches # totally predictable. Otherwise you get floating-point numbers that # are rather hard to search reliably if you're asking for exact # numbers. percentage_complete => "(CASE WHEN $total_time = 0" . " THEN 0" . " ELSE FLOOR(100 * (map_actual_time.total / $total_time))" . " END)", 'flagtypes.name' => $dbh->sql_group_concat('DISTINCT ' . $dbh->sql_string_concat('map_flagtypes.name', 'map_flags.status')), 'keywords' => $dbh->sql_group_concat('DISTINCT map_keyworddefs.name'), 'longdescs.count' => 'COUNT(DISTINCT map_longdescs_count.comment_id)', ); # Backward-compatibility for old field names. Goes new_name => old_name. # These are here and not in translate_old_column because the rest of the # code actually still uses the old names, while the fielddefs table uses # the new names (which is not the case for the fields handled by # translate_old_column). my %old_names = ( creation_ts => 'opendate', delta_ts => 'changeddate', work_time => 'actual_time', ); # Fields that are email addresses my @email_fields = qw(assigned_to reporter qa_contact); # Other fields that are stored in the bugs table as an id, but # should be displayed using their name. my @id_fields = qw(product component classification); foreach my $col (@email_fields) { my $sql = "map_${col}.login_name"; # XXX This needs to be generated inside an accessor instead, # probably, because it should use $self->_user to determine # this, not Bugzilla->user. if (!Bugzilla->user->id) { $sql = $dbh->sql_string_until($sql, $dbh->quote('@')); } $special_sql{$col} = $sql; $columns{"${col}_realname"}->{name} = "map_${col}.realname"; } foreach my $col (@id_fields) { $special_sql{$col} = "map_${col}.name"; } # Do the actual column-getting from fielddefs, now. my @fields = @{ Bugzilla->fields({ obsolete => 0, buglist => 1 }) }; foreach my $field (@fields) { my $id = $field->name; $id = $old_names{$id} if exists $old_names{$id}; my $sql; if (exists $special_sql{$id}) { $sql = $special_sql{$id}; } elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT) { $sql = $dbh->sql_group_concat( 'DISTINCT map_' . $field->name . '.value'); } else { $sql = 'bugs.' . $field->name; } $columns{$id} = { name => $sql, title => $field->description }; } # The short_short_desc column is identical to short_desc $columns{'short_short_desc'} = $columns{'short_desc'}; Bugzilla::Hook::process('buglist_columns', { columns => \%columns }); $cache->{search_columns} = \%columns; return $cache->{search_columns}; } sub REPORT_COLUMNS { my $columns = dclone(COLUMNS); # There's no reason to support reporting on unique fields. # Also, some other fields don't make very good reporting axises, # or simply don't work with the current reporting system. my @no_report_columns = qw(bug_id alias short_short_desc opendate changeddate flagtypes.name keywords relevance); # Multi-select fields are not currently supported. my @multi_selects = @{Bugzilla->fields( { obsolete => 0, type => FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT })}; push(@no_report_columns, map { $_->name } @multi_selects); # If you're not a time-tracker, you can't use time-tracking # columns. if (!Bugzilla->user->is_timetracker) { push(@no_report_columns, TIMETRACKING_FIELDS); } foreach my $name (@no_report_columns) { delete $columns->{$name}; } return $columns; } # These are fields that never go into the GROUP BY on any DB. bug_id # is here because it *always* goes into the GROUP BY as the first item, # so it should be skipped when determining extra GROUP BY columns. use constant GROUP_BY_SKIP => EMPTY_COLUMN, qw( bug_id flagtypes.name keywords longdescs.count percentage_complete ); ############### # Constructor # ############### # Note that the params argument may be modified by Bugzilla::Search sub new { my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; my $self = { @_ }; bless($self, $class); $self->{'user'} ||= Bugzilla->user; # There are certain behaviors of the CGI "Vars" hash that we don't want. # In particular, if you put a single-value arrayref into it, later you # get back out a string, which breaks anyexact charts (because they # need arrays even for individual items, or we will re-trigger bug 67036). # # We can't just untie the hash--that would give us a hash with no values. # We have to manually copy the hash into a new one, and we have to always # do it, because there's no way to know if we were passed a tied hash # or not. my $params_in = $self->_params; my %params = map { $_ => $params_in->{$_} } keys %$params_in; $self->{params} = \%params; return $self; } #################### # Public Accessors # #################### sub sql { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{sql} if $self->{sql}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my ($joins, $having_terms, $where_terms) = $self->_charts_to_conditions(); my $select = join(', ', $self->_sql_select); my $from = $self->_sql_from($joins); my $where = $self->_sql_where($where_terms); my $group_by = $dbh->sql_group_by($self->_sql_group_by); my $having = @$having_terms ? "\nHAVING " . join(' AND ', @$having_terms) : ''; my $order_by = $self->_sql_order_by ? "\nORDER BY " . join(', ', $self->_sql_order_by) : ''; my $query = <<END; SELECT $select FROM $from WHERE $where $group_by$having$order_by END $self->{sql} = $query; return $self->{sql}; } sub search_description { my ($self, $params) = @_; my $desc = $self->{'search_description'} ||= []; if ($params) { push(@$desc, $params); } # Make sure that the description has actually been generated if # people are asking for the whole thing. else { $self->sql; } return $self->{'search_description'}; } ###################### # Internal Accessors # ###################### # Fields that are legal for boolean charts of any kind. sub _chart_fields { my ($self) = @_; if (!$self->{chart_fields}) { my $chart_fields = Bugzilla->fields({ by_name => 1 }); if (!$self->_user->is_timetracker) { foreach my $tt_field (TIMETRACKING_FIELDS) { delete $chart_fields->{$tt_field}; } } $self->{chart_fields} = $chart_fields; } return $self->{chart_fields}; } # There are various places in Search.pm that we need to know the list of # valid multi-select fields--or really, fields that are stored like # multi-selects, which includes BUG_URLS fields. sub _multi_select_fields { my ($self) = @_; $self->{multi_select_fields} ||= Bugzilla->fields({ by_name => 1, type => [FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, FIELD_TYPE_BUG_URLS]}); return $self->{multi_select_fields}; } # $self->{params} contains values that could be undef, could be a string, # or could be an arrayref. Sometimes we want that value as an array, # always. sub _param_array { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $value = $self->_params->{$name}; if (!defined $value) { return (); } if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') { return @$value; } return ($value); } sub _params { $_[0]->{params} } sub _user { return $_[0]->{user} } ############################## # Internal Accessors: SELECT # ############################## # These are the fields the user has chosen to display on the buglist, # exactly as they were passed to new(). sub _input_columns { @{ $_[0]->{'fields'} || [] } } # These are columns that are also going to be in the SELECT for one reason # or another, but weren't actually requested by the caller. sub _extra_columns { my ($self) = @_; # Everything that's going to be in the ORDER BY must also be # in the SELECT. $self->{extra_columns} ||= [ $self->_input_order_columns ]; return @{ $self->{extra_columns} }; } # For search functions to modify extra_columns. It doesn't matter if # people push the same column onto this array multiple times, because # _select_columns will call "uniq" on its final result. sub _add_extra_column { my ($self, $column) = @_; push(@{ $self->{extra_columns} }, $column); } # These are the columns that we're going to be actually SELECTing. sub _select_columns { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{select_columns} } if $self->{select_columns}; my @select_columns; foreach my $column ($self->_input_columns, $self->_extra_columns) { if (my $add_first = COLUMN_DEPENDS->{$column}) { push(@select_columns, @$add_first); } push(@select_columns, $column); } $self->{select_columns} = [uniq @select_columns]; return @{ $self->{select_columns} }; } # This takes _select_columns and translates it into the actual SQL that # will go into the SELECT clause. sub _sql_select { my ($self) = @_; my @sql_fields; foreach my $column ($self->_select_columns) { my $alias = $column; # Aliases cannot contain dots in them. We convert them to underscores. $alias =~ s/\./_/g; my $sql = ($column eq EMPTY_COLUMN) ? EMPTY_COLUMN : COLUMNS->{$column}->{name} . " AS $alias"; push(@sql_fields, $sql); } return @sql_fields; } ################################ # Internal Accessors: ORDER BY # ################################ # The "order" that was requested by the consumer, exactly as it was # requested. sub _input_order { @{ $_[0]->{'order'} || [] } } # The input order with just the column names, and no ASC or DESC. sub _input_order_columns { my ($self) = @_; return map { (split_order_term($_))[0] } $self->_input_order; } # A hashref that describes all the special stuff that has to be done # for various fields if they go into the ORDER BY clause. sub _special_order { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{special_order} if $self->{special_order}; my %special_order = %{ SPECIAL_ORDER() }; my $select_fields = Bugzilla->fields({ type => FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT }); foreach my $field (@$select_fields) { next if $field->is_abnormal; my $name = $field->name; $special_order{$name} = { order => ["map_$name.sortkey", "map_$name.value"], join => { table => $name, from => "bugs.$name", to => "value", join => 'INNER', } }; } $self->{special_order} = \%special_order; return $self->{special_order}; } sub _sql_order_by { my ($self) = @_; if (!$self->{sql_order_by}) { my @order_by = map { $self->_translate_order_by_column($_) } $self->_input_order; $self->{sql_order_by} = \@order_by; } return @{ $self->{sql_order_by} }; } sub _translate_order_by_column { my ($self, $order_by_item) = @_; my ($field, $direction) = split_order_term($order_by_item); $direction = '' if lc($direction) eq 'asc'; my $special_order = $self->_special_order->{$field}->{order}; # Standard fields have underscores in their SELECT alias instead # of a period (because aliases can't have periods). $field =~ s/\./_/g; my @items = $special_order ? @$special_order : $field; if (lc($direction) eq 'desc') { @items = map { "$_ DESC" } @items; } return @items; } ############################ # Internal Accessors: FROM # ############################ sub _column_join { my ($self, $field) = @_; my $join_info = COLUMN_JOINS->{$field}; if ($join_info) { # Don't allow callers to modify the constant. $join_info = dclone($join_info); } else { if ($self->_multi_select_fields->{$field}) { $join_info = { table => "bug_$field" }; } } if ($join_info and !$join_info->{as}) { $join_info = dclone($join_info); $join_info->{as} = "map_$field"; } return $join_info ? $join_info : (); } # Sometimes we join the same table more than once. In this case, we # want to AND all the various critiera that were used in both joins. sub _combine_joins { my ($self, $joins) = @_; my @result; while(my $join = shift @$joins) { my $name = $join->{as}; my ($others_like_me, $the_rest) = part { $_->{as} eq $name ? 0 : 1 } @$joins; if ($others_like_me) { my $from = $join->{from}; my $to = $join->{to}; # Sanity check to make sure that we have the same from and to # for all the same-named joins. if ($from) { all { $_->{from} eq $from } @$others_like_me or die "Not all same-named joins have identical 'from': " . Dumper($join, $others_like_me); } if ($to) { all { $_->{to} eq $to } @$others_like_me or die "Not all same-named joins have identical 'to': " . Dumper($join, $others_like_me); } # We don't need to call uniq here--translate_join will do that # for us. my @conditions = map { @{ $_->{extra} || [] } } ($join, @$others_like_me); $join->{extra} = \@conditions; $joins = $the_rest; } push(@result, $join); } return @result; } # Takes all the "then_to" items and just puts them as the next item in # the array. Right now this only does one level of "then_to", but we # could re-write this to handle then_to recursively if we need more levels. sub _extract_then_to { my ($self, $joins) = @_; my @result; foreach my $join (@$joins) { push(@result, $join); if (my $then_to = $join->{then_to}) { push(@result, $then_to); } } return @result; } # JOIN statements for the SELECT and ORDER BY columns. This should not be # called until the moment it is needed, because _select_columns might be # modified by the charts. sub _select_order_joins { my ($self) = @_; my @joins; foreach my $field ($self->_select_columns) { my @column_join = $self->_column_join($field); push(@joins, @column_join); } foreach my $field ($self->_input_order_columns) { my $join_info = $self->_special_order->{$field}->{join}; if ($join_info) { # Don't let callers modify SPECIAL_ORDER. $join_info = dclone($join_info); if (!$join_info->{as}) { $join_info->{as} = "map_$field"; } push(@joins, $join_info); } } return @joins; } # These are the joins that are *always* in the FROM clause. sub _standard_joins { my ($self) = @_; my $user = $self->_user; my @joins; my $security_join = { table => 'bug_group_map', as => 'security_map', }; push(@joins, $security_join); if ($user->id) { $security_join->{extra} = ["NOT (" . $user->groups_in_sql('security_map.group_id') . ")"]; my $security_cc_join = { table => 'cc', as => 'security_cc', extra => ['security_cc.who = ' . $user->id], }; push(@joins, $security_cc_join); } return @joins; } sub _sql_from { my ($self, $joins_input) = @_; my @joins = ($self->_standard_joins, $self->_select_order_joins, @$joins_input); @joins = $self->_extract_then_to(\@joins); @joins = $self->_combine_joins(\@joins); my @join_sql = map { $self->_translate_join($_) } @joins; return "bugs\n" . join("\n", @join_sql); } # This takes a join data structure and turns it into actual JOIN SQL. sub _translate_join { my ($self, $join_info) = @_; die "join with no table: " . Dumper($join_info) if !$join_info->{table}; die "join with no 'as': " . Dumper($join_info) if !$join_info->{as}; my $from_table = "bugs"; my $from = $join_info->{from} || "bug_id"; if ($from =~ /^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/) { ($from_table, $from) = ($1, $2); } my $table = $join_info->{table}; my $name = $join_info->{as}; my $to = $join_info->{to} || "bug_id"; my $join = $join_info->{join} || 'LEFT'; my @extra = @{ $join_info->{extra} || [] }; $name =~ s/\./_/g; # If a term contains ORs, we need to put parens around the condition. # This is a pretty weak test, but it's actually OK to put parens # around too many things. @extra = map { $_ =~ /\bOR\b/i ? "($_)" : $_ } @extra; my $extra_condition = join(' AND ', uniq @extra); if ($extra_condition) { $extra_condition = " AND $extra_condition"; } my @join_sql = "$join JOIN $table AS $name" . " ON $from_table.$from = $name.$to$extra_condition"; return @join_sql; } ############################# # Internal Accessors: WHERE # ############################# # Note: There's also quite a bit of stuff that affects the WHERE clause # in the "Internal Accessors: Boolean Charts" section. # The terms that are always in the WHERE clause. These implement bug # group security. sub _standard_where { my ($self) = @_; # If replication lags badly between the shadow db and the main DB, # it's possible for bugs to show up in searches before their group # controls are properly set. To prevent this, when initially creating # bugs we set their creation_ts to NULL, and don't give them a creation_ts # until their group controls are set. So if a bug has a NULL creation_ts, # it shouldn't show up in searches at all. my @where = ('bugs.creation_ts IS NOT NULL'); my $security_term = 'security_map.group_id IS NULL'; my $user = $self->_user; if ($user->id) { my $userid = $user->id; $security_term .= <<END; OR (bugs.reporter_accessible = 1 AND bugs.reporter = $userid) OR (bugs.cclist_accessible = 1 AND security_cc.who IS NOT NULL) OR bugs.assigned_to = $userid END if (Bugzilla->params->{'useqacontact'}) { $security_term.= " OR bugs.qa_contact = $userid"; } $security_term = "($security_term)"; } push(@where, $security_term); return @where; } sub _sql_where { my ($self, $where_terms) = @_; # The newline and this particular spacing makes the resulting # SQL a bit more readable for debugging. return join("\n AND ", $self->_standard_where, @$where_terms); } ################################ # Internal Accessors: GROUP BY # ################################ # And these are the fields that we have to do GROUP BY for in DBs # that are more strict about putting everything into GROUP BY. sub _sql_group_by { my ($self) = @_; # Strict DBs require every element from the SELECT to be in the GROUP BY, # unless that element is being used in an aggregate function. my @extra_group_by; foreach my $column ($self->_select_columns) { next if $self->_skip_group_by->{$column}; my $sql = COLUMNS->{$column}->{name}; push(@extra_group_by, $sql); } # And all items from ORDER BY must be in the GROUP BY. The above loop # doesn't catch items that were put into the ORDER BY from SPECIAL_ORDER. foreach my $column ($self->_input_order_columns) { my $special_order = $self->_special_order->{$column}->{order}; next if !$special_order; push(@extra_group_by, @$special_order); } @extra_group_by = uniq @extra_group_by; # bug_id is the only field we actually group by. return ('bugs.bug_id', join(',', @extra_group_by)); } # A helper for _sql_group_by. sub _skip_group_by { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{skip_group_by} if $self->{skip_group_by}; my @skip_list = GROUP_BY_SKIP; push(@skip_list, keys %{ $self->_multi_select_fields }); my %skip_hash = map { $_ => 1 } @skip_list; $self->{skip_group_by} = \%skip_hash; return $self->{skip_group_by}; } ############################################## # Internal Accessors: Special Params Parsing # ############################################## # Backwards compatibility for old field names. sub _convert_old_params { my ($self) = @_; my $params = $self->_params; # bugidtype has different values in modern Search.pm. if (defined $params->{'bugidtype'}) { my $value = $params->{'bugidtype'}; $params->{'bugidtype'} = $value eq 'exclude' ? 'nowords' : 'anyexact'; } foreach my $old_name (keys %{ FIELD_MAP() }) { if (defined $params->{$old_name}) { my $new_name = FIELD_MAP->{$old_name}; $params->{$new_name} = delete $params->{$old_name}; } } } sub _convert_special_params_to_chart_params { my ($self) = @_; my $params = $self->_params; my @special_charts = $self->_special_charts(); # First we delete any sign of "Chart #-1" from the input parameters, # because we want to guarantee the user didn't hide something there. my @badcharts = grep { /^(field|type|value)-1-/ } keys %$params; foreach my $field (@badcharts) { delete $params->{$field}; } # now we take our special chart and stuff it into the form hash my $chart = -1; my $and = 0; foreach my $or_array (@special_charts) { my $or = 0; while (@$or_array) { my $identifier = "$chart-$and-$or"; $params->{"field$identifier"} = shift @$or_array; $params->{"type$identifier"} = shift @$or_array; $params->{"value$identifier"} = shift @$or_array; $or++; } $and++; } } # This parses all the standard search parameters except for the boolean # charts. sub _special_charts { my ($self) = @_; $self->_convert_old_params(); $self->_special_parse_bug_status(); $self->_special_parse_resolution(); my @charts = $self->_parse_basic_fields(); push(@charts, $self->_special_parse_email()); push(@charts, $self->_special_parse_chfield()); push(@charts, $self->_special_parse_deadline()); return @charts; } sub _parse_basic_fields { my ($self) = @_; my $params = $self->_params; my $chart_fields = $self->_chart_fields; my @charts; foreach my $field_name (keys %$chart_fields) { # CGI params shouldn't have periods in them, so we only accept # period-separated fields with underscores where the periods go. my $param_name = $field_name; $param_name =~ s/\./_/g; my @values = $self->_param_array($param_name); next if !@values; my $default_op = $param_name eq 'content' ? 'matches' : 'anyexact'; my $operator = $params->{"${param_name}_type"} || $default_op; # Fields that are displayed as multi-selects are passed as arrays, # so that they can properly search values that contain commas. # However, other fields are sent as strings, so that they are properly # split on commas if required. my $field = $chart_fields->{$field_name}; my $pass_value; if ($field->is_select or $field->name eq 'version' or $field->name eq 'target_milestone') { $pass_value = \@values; } else { $pass_value = join(',', @values); } push(@charts, [$field_name, $operator, $pass_value]); } return @charts; } sub _special_parse_bug_status { my ($self) = @_; my $params = $self->_params; return if !defined $params->{'bug_status'}; # We want to allow the bug_status_type parameter to work normally, # meaning that this special code should only be activated if we are # doing the normal "anyexact" search on bug_status. return if (defined $params->{'bug_status_type'} and $params->{'bug_status_type'} ne 'anyexact'); my @bug_status = $self->_param_array('bug_status'); # Also include inactive bug statuses, as you can query them. my $legal_statuses = $self->_chart_fields->{'bug_status'}->legal_values; # If the status contains __open__ or __closed__, translate those # into their equivalent lists of open and closed statuses. if (grep { $_ eq '__open__' } @bug_status) { my @open = grep { $_->is_open } @$legal_statuses; @open = map { $_->name } @open; push(@bug_status, @open); } if (grep { $_ eq '__closed__' } @bug_status) { my @closed = grep { not $_->is_open } @$legal_statuses; @closed = map { $_->name } @closed; push(@bug_status, @closed); } @bug_status = uniq @bug_status; my $all = grep { $_ eq "__all__" } @bug_status; # This will also handle removing __open__ and __closed__ for us # (__all__ too, which is why we check for it above, first). @bug_status = _valid_values(\@bug_status, $legal_statuses); # If the user has selected every status, change to selecting none. # This is functionally equivalent, but quite a lot faster. if ($all or scalar(@bug_status) == scalar(@$legal_statuses)) { delete $params->{'bug_status'}; } else { $params->{'bug_status'} = \@bug_status; } } sub _special_parse_chfield { my ($self) = @_; my $params = $self->_params; my $date_from = trim(lc($params->{'chfieldfrom'} || '')); my $date_to = trim(lc($params->{'chfieldto'} || '')); $date_from = '' if $date_from eq 'now'; $date_to = '' if $date_to eq 'now'; my @fields = $self->_param_array('chfield'); my $value_to = $params->{'chfieldvalue'}; $value_to = '' if !defined $value_to; @fields = map { $_ eq '[Bug creation]' ? 'creation_ts' : $_ } @fields; my @charts; # It is always safe and useful to push delta_ts into the charts # if there is a "from" date specified. It doesn't conflict with # searching [Bug creation], because a bug's delta_ts is set to # its creation_ts when it is created. So this just gives the # database an additional index to possibly choose, on a table that # is smaller than bugs_activity. if ($date_from ne '') { push(@charts, ['delta_ts', 'greaterthaneq', $date_from]); } # It's not normally safe to do it for "to" dates, though--"chfieldto" means # "a field that changed before this date", and delta_ts could be either # later or earlier than that, if we're searching for the time that a field # changed. However, chfieldto all by itself, without any chfieldvalue or # chfield, means "just search delta_ts", and so we still want that to # work. if ($date_to ne '' and !@fields and $value_to eq '') { push(@charts, ['delta_ts', 'lessthaneq', $date_to]); } # Basically, we construct the chart like: # # (added_for_field1 = value OR added_for_field2 = value) # AND (date_field1_changed >= date_from OR date_field2_changed >= date_from) # AND (date_field1_changed <= date_to OR date_field2_changed <= date_to) # # Theoretically, all we *really* would need to do is look for the field id # in the bugs_activity table, because we've already limited the search # by delta_ts above, but there's no chart to do that, so we check the # change date of the fields. if ($value_to ne '') { my @value_chart; foreach my $field (@fields) { push(@value_chart, $field, 'changedto', $value_to); } push(@charts, \@value_chart) if @value_chart; } if ($date_from ne '') { my @date_from_chart; foreach my $field (@fields) { push(@date_from_chart, $field, 'changedafter', $date_from); } push(@charts, \@date_from_chart) if @date_from_chart; } if ($date_to ne '') { my @date_to_chart; foreach my $field (@fields) { push(@date_to_chart, $field, 'changedbefore', $date_to); } push(@charts, \@date_to_chart) if @date_to_chart; } return @charts; } sub _special_parse_deadline { my ($self) = @_; return if !$self->_user->is_timetracker; my $params = $self->_params; my @charts; if (my $from = $params->{'deadlinefrom'}) { push(@charts, ['deadline', 'greaterthaneq', $from]); } if (my $to = $params->{'deadlineto'}) { push(@charts, ['deadline', 'lessthaneq', $to]); } return @charts; } sub _special_parse_email { my ($self) = @_; my $params = $self->_params; my @email_params = grep { $_ =~ /^email\d+$/ } keys %$params; my @charts; foreach my $param (@email_params) { $param =~ /(\d+)$/; my $id = $1; my $email = trim($params->{"email$id"}); next if !$email; my $type = $params->{"emailtype$id"} || 'anyexact'; $type = "anyexact" if $type eq "exact"; my @or_charts; foreach my $field (qw(assigned_to reporter cc qa_contact)) { if ($params->{"email$field$id"}) { push(@or_charts, $field, $type, $email); } } if ($params->{"emaillongdesc$id"}) { push(@or_charts, "commenter", $type, $email); } push(@charts, \@or_charts); } return @charts; } sub _special_parse_resolution { my ($self) = @_; my $params = $self->_params; return if !defined $params->{'resolution'}; my @resolution = $self->_param_array('resolution'); my $legal_resolutions = $self->_chart_fields->{resolution}->legal_values; @resolution = _valid_values(\@resolution, $legal_resolutions, '---'); if (scalar(@resolution) == scalar(@$legal_resolutions)) { delete $params->{'resolution'}; } } sub _valid_values { my ($input, $valid, $extra_value) = @_; my @result; foreach my $item (@$input) { $item = trim($item); if (defined $extra_value and $item eq $extra_value) { push(@result, $item); } elsif (grep { $_->name eq $item } @$valid) { push(@result, $item); } } return @result; } ###################################### # Internal Accessors: Boolean Charts # ###################################### sub _charts_to_conditions { my ($self) = @_; my @charts = $self->_params_to_charts(); my (@joins, @having, @where_terms); foreach my $chart (@charts) { my @and_terms; my $negate; foreach my $and_item (@$chart) { if (!ref $and_item and $and_item eq NEGATE) { $negate = 1; next; } my @or_terms; foreach my $or_item (@$and_item) { if ($or_item->{term} ne '') { push(@or_terms, $or_item->{term}); } push(@joins, @{ $or_item->{joins} }); push(@having, @{ $or_item->{having} }); } if (@or_terms) { # If a term contains ANDs, we need to put parens around the # condition. This is a pretty weak test, but it's actually OK # to put parens around too many things. @or_terms = map { $_ =~ /\bAND\b/i ? "($_)" : $_ } @or_terms; my $or_sql = join(' OR ', @or_terms); push(@and_terms, $or_sql); } } # And here we need to paren terms that contain ORs. @and_terms = map { $_ =~ /\bOR\b/i ? "($_)" : $_ } @and_terms; my $and_sql = join(' AND ', @and_terms); if ($negate and $and_sql ne '') { $and_sql = "NOT ($and_sql)"; } push(@where_terms, $and_sql) if $and_sql ne ''; } return (\@joins, \@having, \@where_terms); } sub _params_to_charts { my ($self) = @_; my $params = $self->_params; $self->_convert_special_params_to_chart_params(); my @param_list = keys %$params; my @all_field_params = grep { /^field-?\d+/ } @param_list; my @chart_ids = map { /^field(-?\d+)/; $1 } @all_field_params; @chart_ids = sort { $a <=> $b } uniq @chart_ids; my $sequence = 0; my @charts; foreach my $chart_id (@chart_ids) { my @all_and = grep { /^field$chart_id-\d+/ } @param_list; my @and_ids = map { /^field$chart_id-(\d+)/; $1 } @all_and; @and_ids = sort { $a <=> $b } uniq @and_ids; my @and_charts; foreach my $and_id (@and_ids) { my @all_or = grep { /^field$chart_id-$and_id-\d+/ } @param_list; my @or_ids = map { /^field$chart_id-$and_id-(\d+)/; $1 } @all_or; @or_ids = sort { $a <=> $b } uniq @or_ids; my @or_charts; foreach my $or_id (@or_ids) { my $info = $self->_handle_chart($chart_id, $and_id, $or_id); # $info will be undefined if _handle_chart returned early, # meaning that the field, value, or operator were empty. push(@or_charts, $info) if defined $info; } if ($params->{"negate$chart_id"}) { push(@and_charts, NEGATE); } push(@and_charts, \@or_charts); } push(@charts, \@and_charts); } return @charts; } sub _handle_chart { my ($self, $chart_id, $and_id, $or_id) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $params = $self->_params; my $sql_chart_id = $chart_id; if ($chart_id < 0) { $sql_chart_id = "default_" . abs($chart_id); } my $identifier = "$chart_id-$and_id-$or_id"; my $field = $params->{"field$identifier"}; my $operator = $params->{"type$identifier"}; my $value = $params->{"value$identifier"}; return if (!defined $field or !defined $operator or !defined $value); my $string_value; if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { # Trim input and ignore blank values. @$value = map { trim($_) } @$value; @$value = grep { defined $_ and $_ ne '' } @$value; return if !@$value; $string_value = join(',', @$value); } else { return if $value eq ''; $string_value = $value; } $self->_chart_fields->{$field} or ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", { field => $field }); trick_taint($field); # This is the field as you'd reference it in a SQL statement. my $full_field = $field =~ /\./ ? $field : "bugs.$field"; # "value" and "quoted" are for search functions that always operate # on a scalar string and never care if they were passed multiple # parameters. If the user does pass multiple parameters, they will # become a space-separated string for those search functions. # # all_values is for search functions that do operate # on multiple values, like anyexact. my %search_args = ( chart_id => $sql_chart_id, sequence => $or_id, field => $field, full_field => $full_field, operator => $operator, value => $string_value, all_values => $value, joins => [], having => [], ); $search_args{quoted} = $self->_quote_unless_numeric(\%search_args); # This should add a "term" selement to %search_args. $self->do_search_function(\%search_args); # All the things here that don't get pulled out of # %search_args are their original values before # do_search_function modified them. $self->search_description({ field => $field, type => $operator, value => $string_value, term => $search_args{term}, }); return \%search_args; } ################################## # do_search_function And Helpers # ################################## # This takes information about the current boolean chart and translates # it into SQL, using the constants at the top of this file. sub do_search_function { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($field, $operator) = @$args{qw(field operator)}; my $actual_field = FIELD_MAP->{$field} || $field; $args->{field} = $actual_field; if (my $parse_func = SPECIAL_PARSING->{$actual_field}) { $self->$parse_func($args); # Some parsing functions set $term, though most do not. # For the ones that set $term, we don't need to do any further # parsing. return if $args->{term}; } my $operator_field_override = $self->_get_operator_field_override(); my $override = $operator_field_override->{$actual_field}; if (!$override) { # Multi-select fields get special handling. if ($self->_multi_select_fields->{$actual_field}) { $override = $operator_field_override->{_multi_select}; } # And so do attachment fields, if they don't have a specific # individual override. elsif ($actual_field =~ /^attachments\./) { $override = $operator_field_override->{attachments}; } } if ($override) { my $search_func = $self->_pick_override_function($override, $operator); $self->$search_func($args) if $search_func; } # Some search functions set $term, and some don't. For the ones that # don't (or for fields that don't have overrides) we now call the # direct operator function from OPERATORS. if (!defined $args->{term}) { $self->_do_operator_function($args); } if (!defined $args->{term}) { # This field and this type don't work together. Generally, # this should never be reached, because it should be handled # explicitly by OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE. ThrowUserError("search_field_operator_invalid", { field => $field, operator => $operator }); } } # A helper for various search functions that need to run operator # functions directly. sub _do_operator_function { my ($self, $func_args) = @_; my $operator = $func_args->{operator}; my $operator_func = OPERATORS->{$operator}; $self->$operator_func($func_args); } sub _reverse_operator { my ($self, $operator) = @_; my $reverse = OPERATOR_REVERSE->{$operator}; return $reverse if $reverse; if ($operator =~ s/^not//) { return $operator; } return "not$operator"; } sub _pick_override_function { my ($self, $override, $operator) = @_; my $search_func = $override->{$operator}; if (!$search_func) { # If we don't find an override for one specific operator, # then there are some special override types: # _non_changed: For any operator that doesn't have the word # "changed" in it # _default: Overrides all operators that aren't explicitly specified. if ($override->{_non_changed} and $operator !~ /changed/) { $search_func = $override->{_non_changed}; } elsif ($override->{_default}) { $search_func = $override->{_default}; } } return $search_func; } sub _get_operator_field_override { my $self = shift; my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache; return $cache->{operator_field_override} if defined $cache->{operator_field_override}; my %operator_field_override = %{ OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE() }; Bugzilla::Hook::process('search_operator_field_override', { search => $self, operators => \%operator_field_override }); $cache->{operator_field_override} = \%operator_field_override; return $cache->{operator_field_override}; } ########################### # Search Function Helpers # ########################### # When we're doing a numeric search against a numeric column, we want to # just put a number into the SQL instead of a string. On most DBs, this # is just a performance optimization, but on SQLite it actually changes # the behavior of some searches. sub _quote_unless_numeric { my ($self, $args, $value) = @_; if (!defined $value) { $value = $args->{value}; } my ($field, $operator) = @$args{qw(field operator)}; my $numeric_operator = !grep { $_ eq $operator } NON_NUMERIC_OPERATORS; my $numeric_field = $self->_chart_fields->{$field}->is_numeric; my $numeric_value = ($value =~ NUMBER_REGEX) ? 1 : 0; my $is_numeric = $numeric_operator && $numeric_field && $numeric_value; if ($is_numeric) { my $quoted = $value; trick_taint($quoted); return $quoted; } return Bugzilla->dbh->quote($value); } sub build_subselect { my ($outer, $inner, $table, $cond) = @_; return "$outer IN (SELECT $inner FROM $table WHERE $cond)"; } # Used by anyexact to get the list of input values. This allows us to # support values with commas inside of them in the standard charts, and # still accept string values for the boolean charts (and split them on # commas). sub _all_values { my ($self, $args, $split_on) = @_; $split_on ||= qr/[\s,]+/; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $all_values = $args->{all_values}; my @array; if (ref $all_values eq 'ARRAY') { @array = @$all_values; } else { @array = split($split_on, $all_values); @array = map { trim($_) } @array; @array = grep { defined $_ and $_ ne '' } @array; } if ($args->{field} eq 'resolution') { @array = map { $_ eq '---' ? '' : $_ } @array; } return @array; } # Support for "any/all/nowordssubstr" comparison type ("words as substrings") sub _substring_terms { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # We don't have to (or want to) use _all_values, because we'd just # split each term on spaces and commas anyway. my @words = split(/[\s,]+/, $args->{value}); @words = grep { defined $_ and $_ ne '' } @words; @words = map { $dbh->quote($_) } @words; my @terms = map { $dbh->sql_iposition($_, $args->{full_field}) . " > 0" } @words; return @terms; } sub _word_terms { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @values = split(/[\s,]+/, $args->{value}); @values = grep { defined $_ and $_ ne '' } @values; my @substring_terms = $self->_substring_terms($args); my @terms; my $start = $dbh->WORD_START; my $end = $dbh->WORD_END; foreach my $word (@values) { my $regex = $start . quotemeta($word) . $end; my $quoted = $dbh->quote($regex); # We don't have to check the regexp, because we escaped it, so we're # sure it's valid. my $regex_term = $dbh->sql_regexp($args->{full_field}, $quoted, 'no check'); # Regular expressions are slow--substring searches are faster. # If we're searching for a word, we're also certain that the # substring will appear in the value. So we limit first by # substring and then by a regex that will match just words. my $substring_term = shift @substring_terms; push(@terms, "$substring_term AND $regex_term"); } return @terms; } ##################################### # "Special Parsing" Functions: Date # ##################################### sub _timestamp_translate { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $value = $args->{value}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; return if $value !~ /^[\+\-]?\d+[hdwmy]$/i; $args->{value} = SqlifyDate($value); $args->{quoted} = $dbh->quote($args->{value}); } sub SqlifyDate { my ($str) = @_; $str = "" if !defined $str; if ($str eq "") { my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year, $wday) = localtime(time()); return sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00", $year+1900, $month+1, $mday); } if ($str =~ /^(-|\+)?(\d+)([hHdDwWmMyY])$/) { # relative date my ($sign, $amount, $unit, $date) = ($1, $2, lc $3, time); my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year, $wday) = localtime($date); if ($sign && $sign eq '+') { $amount = -$amount; } if ($unit eq 'w') { # convert weeks to days $amount = 7*$amount + $wday; $unit = 'd'; } if ($unit eq 'd') { $date -= $sec + 60*$min + 3600*$hour + 24*3600*$amount; return time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $date); } elsif ($unit eq 'y') { return sprintf("%4d-01-01 00:00:00", $year+1900-$amount); } elsif ($unit eq 'm') { $month -= $amount; while ($month<0) { $year--; $month += 12; } return sprintf("%4d-%02d-01 00:00:00", $year+1900, $month+1); } elsif ($unit eq 'h') { # Special case 0h for 'beginning of this hour' if ($amount == 0) { $date -= $sec + 60*$min; } else { $date -= 3600*$amount; } return time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $date); } return undef; # should not happen due to regexp at top } my $date = str2time($str); if (!defined($date)) { ThrowUserError("illegal_date", { date => $str }); } return time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $date); } ###################################### # "Special Parsing" Functions: Users # ###################################### sub pronoun { my ($noun, $user) = (@_); if ($noun eq "%user%") { if ($user->id) { return $user->id; } else { ThrowUserError('login_required_for_pronoun'); } } if ($noun eq "%reporter%") { return "bugs.reporter"; } if ($noun eq "%assignee%") { return "bugs.assigned_to"; } if ($noun eq "%qacontact%") { return "COALESCE(bugs.qa_contact,0)"; } return 0; } sub _contact_pronoun { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $value = $args->{value}; my $user = $self->_user; if ($value =~ /^\%group/) { $self->_contact_exact_group($args); } elsif ($value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) { $args->{value} = pronoun($1, $user); $args->{quoted} = $args->{value}; $args->{value_is_id} = 1; } } sub _contact_exact_group { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($value, $operator, $field, $chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(value operator field chart_id joins)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $user = $self->_user; $value =~ /\%group\.([^%]+)%/; my $group = Bugzilla::Group->check($1); $group->check_members_are_visible(); $user->in_group($group) || ThrowUserError('invalid_group_name', {name => $group->name}); my $group_ids = Bugzilla::Group->flatten_group_membership($group->id); my $table = "user_group_map_$chart_id"; my $join = { table => 'user_group_map', as => $table, from => $field, to => 'user_id', extra => [$dbh->sql_in("$table.group_id", $group_ids), "$table.isbless = 0"], }; push(@$joins, $join); if ($operator =~ /^not/) { $args->{term} = "$table.group_id IS NULL"; } else { $args->{term} = "$table.group_id IS NOT NULL"; } } sub _cc_pronoun { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($full_field, $value) = @$args{qw(full_field value)}; my $user = $self->_user; if ($value =~ /\%group/) { return $self->_cc_exact_group($args); } elsif ($value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) { $args->{value} = pronoun($1, $user); $args->{quoted} = $args->{value}; $args->{value_is_id} = 1; } } sub _cc_exact_group { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $sequence, $joins, $operator, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id sequence joins operator value)}; my $user = $self->_user; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $value =~ m/%group\.([^%]+)%/; my $group = Bugzilla::Group->check($1); $group->check_members_are_visible(); $user->in_group($group) || ThrowUserError('invalid_group_name', {name => $group->name}); my $all_groups = Bugzilla::Group->flatten_group_membership($group->id); # This is for the email1, email2, email3 fields from query.cgi. if ($chart_id eq "") { $chart_id = "CC$$sequence"; $args->{sequence}++; } my $cc_table = "cc_$chart_id"; push(@$joins, { table => 'cc', as => $cc_table }); my $group_table = "user_group_map_$chart_id"; my $group_join = { table => 'user_group_map', as => $group_table, from => "$cc_table.who", to => 'user_id', extra => [$dbh->sql_in("$group_table.group_id", $all_groups), "$group_table.isbless = 0"], }; push(@$joins, $group_join); if ($operator =~ /^not/) { $args->{term} = "$group_table.group_id IS NULL"; } else { $args->{term} = "$group_table.group_id IS NOT NULL"; } } # XXX This should probably be merged with cc_pronoun. sub _commenter_pronoun { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $value = $args->{value}; my $user = $self->_user; if ($value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) { $args->{value} = pronoun($1, $user); $args->{quoted} = $args->{value}; $args->{value_is_id} = 1; } } ##################################################################### # Search Functions ##################################################################### sub _invalid_combination { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($field, $operator) = @$args{qw(field operator)}; ThrowUserError('search_field_operator_invalid', { field => $field, operator => $operator }); } # For all the "user" fields--assigned_to, reporter, qa_contact, # cc, commenter, requestee, etc. sub _user_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($field, $operator, $chart_id, $sequence, $joins) = @$args{qw(field operator chart_id sequence joins)}; my $is_in_other_table; if (my $join = USER_FIELDS->{$field}->{join}) { $is_in_other_table = 1; my $as = "${field}_$chart_id"; # Needed for setters.login_name and requestees.login_name. # Otherwise when we try to join "profiles" below, we'd get # something like "setters.login_name.login_name" in the "from". $as =~ s/\./_/g; # This helps implement the email1, email2, etc. parameters. if ($chart_id =~ /default/) { $as .= "_$sequence"; } my $isprivate = USER_FIELDS->{$field}->{isprivate}; my $extra = ($isprivate and !$self->_user->is_insider) ? ["$as.isprivate = 0"] : []; # We want to copy $join so as not to modify USER_FIELDS. push(@$joins, { %$join, as => $as, extra => $extra }); my $search_field = USER_FIELDS->{$field}->{field}; $args->{full_field} = "$as.$search_field"; } my $is_nullable = USER_FIELDS->{$field}->{nullable}; my $null_alternate = "''"; # When using a pronoun, we use the userid, and we don't have to # join the profiles table. if ($args->{value_is_id}) { $null_alternate = 0; } else { my $as = "name_${field}_$chart_id"; # For fields with periods in their name. $as =~ s/\./_/; my $join = { table => 'profiles', as => $as, from => $args->{full_field}, to => 'userid', join => (!$is_in_other_table and !$is_nullable) ? 'INNER' : undef, }; push(@$joins, $join); $args->{full_field} = "$as.login_name"; } # We COALESCE fields that can be NULL, to make "not"-style operators # continue to work properly. For example, "qa_contact is not equal to bob" # should also show bugs where the qa_contact is NULL. With COALESCE, # it does. if ($is_nullable) { $args->{full_field} = "COALESCE($args->{full_field}, $null_alternate)"; } # For fields whose values are stored in other tables, negation (NOT) # only works properly if we put the condition into the JOIN instead # of the WHERE. if ($is_in_other_table) { # Using the last join works properly whether we're searching based # on userid or login_name. my $last_join = $joins->[-1]; # For negative operators, the system we're using here # only works properly if we reverse the operator and check IS NULL # in the WHERE. my $is_negative = $operator =~ /^no/ ? 1 : 0; if ($is_negative) { $args->{operator} = $self->_reverse_operator($operator); } $self->_do_operator_function($args); push(@{ $last_join->{extra} }, $args->{term}); # For login_name searches, we only want a single join. # So we create a subselect table out of our two joins. This makes # negation (NOT) work properly for values that are in other # tables. if ($last_join->{table} eq 'profiles') { pop @$joins; $last_join->{join} = 'INNER'; my ($join_sql) = $self->_translate_join($last_join); my $first_join = $joins->[-1]; my $as = $first_join->{as}; my $table = $first_join->{table}; my $columns = "bug_id"; $columns .= ",isprivate" if @{ $first_join->{extra} }; my $new_table = "SELECT $columns FROM $table AS $as $join_sql"; $first_join->{table} = "($new_table)"; # We always want to LEFT JOIN the generated table. delete $first_join->{join}; # To support OR charts, we need multiple tables. my $new_as = $first_join->{as} . "_$sequence"; $_ =~ s/\Q$as\E/$new_as/ foreach @{ $first_join->{extra} }; $first_join->{as} = $new_as; $last_join = $first_join; } # If we're joining the first table (we're using a pronoun and # searching by user id) then we need to check $other_table->{field}. my $check_field = $last_join->{as} . '.bug_id'; if ($is_negative) { $args->{term} = "$check_field IS NULL"; } else { $args->{term} = "$check_field IS NOT NULL"; } } } # XXX This duplicates having Commenter as a search field. sub _long_desc_changedby { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins value)}; my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id"; push(@$joins, { table => 'longdescs', as => $table }); my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR); $args->{term} = "$table.who = $user_id"; } sub _long_desc_changedbefore_after { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $operator, $value, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id operator value joins)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<=' : '>='; my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id"; my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value)); my $join = { table => 'longdescs', as => $table, extra => ["$table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date"], }; push(@$joins, $join); $args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL"; } sub _content_matches { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $fields, $operator, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins fields operator value)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # "content" is an alias for columns containing text for which we # can search a full-text index and retrieve results by relevance, # currently just bug comments (and summaries to some degree). # There's only one way to search a full-text index, so we only # accept the "matches" operator, which is specific to full-text # index searches. # Add the fulltext table to the query so we can search on it. my $table = "bugs_fulltext_$chart_id"; my $comments_col = "comments"; $comments_col = "comments_noprivate" unless $self->_user->is_insider; push(@$joins, { table => 'bugs_fulltext', as => $table }); # Create search terms to add to the SELECT and WHERE clauses. my ($term1, $rterm1) = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.$comments_col", $value, 1); my ($term2, $rterm2) = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.short_desc", $value, 2); $rterm1 = $term1 if !$rterm1; $rterm2 = $term2 if !$rterm2; # The term to use in the WHERE clause. my $term = "$term1 > 0 OR $term2 > 0"; if ($operator =~ /not/i) { $term = "NOT($term)"; } $args->{term} = $term; # In order to sort by relevance (in case the user requests it), # we SELECT the relevance value so we can add it to the ORDER BY # clause. Every time a new fulltext chart isadded, this adds more # terms to the relevance sql. # # We build the relevance SQL by modifying the COLUMNS list directly, # which is kind of a hack but works. my $current = COLUMNS->{'relevance'}->{name}; $current = $current ? "$current + " : ''; # For NOT searches, we just add 0 to the relevance. my $select_term = $operator =~ /not/ ? 0 : "($current$rterm1 + $rterm2)"; COLUMNS->{'relevance'}->{name} = $select_term; } sub _join_longdescs { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)}; my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id"; my $extra = $self->_user->is_insider ? [] : ["$table.isprivate = 0"]; my $join = { table => 'longdescs', as => $table, extra => $extra, }; # We only want to do an INNER JOIN if we're not checking isprivate. # Otherwise we'd exclude all bugs with only private comments from # the search entirely. $join->{join} = 'INNER' if $self->_user->is_insider; push(@$joins, $join); return $table; } sub _long_desc { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $table = $self->_join_longdescs($args); $args->{full_field} = "$table.thetext"; } sub _long_descs_count { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)}; my $table = "longdescs_count_$chart_id"; my $extra = $self->_user->is_insider ? "" : "WHERE isprivate = 0"; my $join = { table => "(SELECT bug_id, COUNT(*) AS num" . " FROM longdescs $extra GROUP BY bug_id)", as => $table, }; push(@$joins, $join); $args->{full_field} = "${table}.num"; } sub _longdescs_isprivate { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $table = $self->_join_longdescs($args); $args->{full_field} = "$table.isprivate"; } sub _work_time_changedby { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins value)}; my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id"; push(@$joins, { table => 'longdescs', as => $table }); my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR); $args->{term} = "$table.who = $user_id AND $table.work_time != 0"; } sub _work_time_changedbefore_after { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $operator, $value, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id operator value joins)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id"; my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<=' : '>='; my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value)); my $join = { table => 'longdescs', as => $table, extra => ["$table.work_time != 0", "$table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date"], }; push(@$joins, $join); $args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL"; } sub _work_time { my ($self, $args) = @_; $self->_add_extra_column('actual_time'); $args->{full_field} = COLUMNS->{actual_time}->{name}; } sub _percentage_complete { my ($self, $args) = @_; $args->{full_field} = COLUMNS->{percentage_complete}->{name}; # We need actual_time in _select_columns, otherwise we can't use # it in the expression for searching percentage_complete. $self->_add_extra_column('actual_time'); } sub _bug_group_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $field) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field)}; my $map_table = "bug_group_map_$chart_id"; push(@$joins, { table => 'bug_group_map', as => $map_table }); my $groups_table = "groups_$chart_id"; my $full_field = "$groups_table.name"; $args->{full_field} = $full_field; $self->_do_operator_function($args); my $term = $args->{term}; my $groups_join = { table => 'groups', as => $groups_table, from => "$map_table.group_id", to => 'id', extra => [$term], }; push(@$joins, $groups_join); $args->{term} = "$full_field IS NOT NULL"; } sub _attach_data_thedata { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)}; my $attach_table = "attachments_$chart_id"; my $data_table = "attachdata_$chart_id"; my $extra = $self->_user->is_insider ? [] : ["$attach_table.isprivate = 0"]; my $attachments_join = { table => 'attachments', as => $attach_table, extra => $extra, }; my $data_join = { table => 'attach_data', as => $data_table, from => "$attach_table.attach_id", to => "id", }; push(@$joins, $attachments_join, $data_join); $args->{full_field} = "$data_table.thedata"; } sub _attachments { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $field) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $table = "attachments_$chart_id"; my $extra = $self->_user->is_insider ? [] : ["$table.isprivate = 0"]; my $join = { table => 'attachments', as => $table, extra => $extra, }; push(@$joins, $join); $field =~ /^attachments\.(.+)$/; my $attach_field = $1; $args->{full_field} = "$table.$attach_field"; } sub _join_flag_tables { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($joins, $chart_id) = @$args{qw(joins chart_id)}; my $attach_table = "attachments_$chart_id"; my $flags_table = "flags_$chart_id"; my $extra = $self->_user->is_insider ? [] : ["$attach_table.isprivate = 0"]; my $attachments_join = { table => 'attachments', as => $attach_table, extra => $extra, }; # We join both the bugs and the attachments table in separately, # and then the join code will later combine the terms. my $flags_join = { table => 'flags', as => $flags_table, extra => ["($flags_table.attach_id = $attach_table.attach_id " . " OR $flags_table.attach_id IS NULL)"], }; push(@$joins, $attachments_join, $flags_join); } sub _flagtypes_name { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $operator, $joins, $field, $having) = @$args{qw(chart_id operator joins field having)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # Matches bugs by flag name/status. # Note that--for the purposes of querying--a flag comprises # its name plus its status (i.e. a flag named "review" # with a status of "+" can be found by searching for "review+"). # Don't do anything if this condition is about changes to flags, # as the generic change condition processors can handle those. return if $operator =~ /^changed/; # Add the flags and flagtypes tables to the query. We do # a left join here so bugs without any flags still match # negative conditions (f.e. "flag isn't review+"). $self->_join_flag_tables($args); my $flags = "flags_$chart_id"; my $flagtypes = "flagtypes_$chart_id"; my $flagtypes_join = { table => 'flagtypes', as => $flagtypes, from => "$flags.type_id", to => 'id', }; push(@$joins, $flagtypes_join); my $full_field = $dbh->sql_string_concat("$flagtypes.name", "$flags.status"); $args->{full_field} = $full_field; $self->_do_operator_function($args); my $term = $args->{term}; # If this is a negative condition (f.e. flag isn't "review+"), # we only want bugs where all flags match the condition, not # those where any flag matches, which needs special magic. # Instead of adding the condition to the WHERE clause, we select # the number of flags matching the condition and the total number # of flags on each bug, then compare them in a HAVING clause. # If the numbers are the same, all flags match the condition, # so this bug should be included. if ($operator =~ /^not/) { push(@$having, "SUM(CASE WHEN $full_field IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = " . "SUM(CASE WHEN $term THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"); $args->{term} = ''; } } sub _days_elapsed { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $args->{full_field} = "(" . $dbh->sql_to_days('NOW()') . " - " . $dbh->sql_to_days('bugs.delta_ts') . ")"; } sub _component_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; $args->{full_field} = "components.name"; $self->_do_operator_function($args); my $term = $args->{term}; $args->{term} = build_subselect("bugs.component_id", "components.id", "components", $args->{term}); } sub _product_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; # Generate the restriction condition $args->{full_field} = "products.name"; $self->_do_operator_function($args); my $term = $args->{term}; $args->{term} = build_subselect("bugs.product_id", "products.id", "products", $term); } sub _classification_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $joins = $args->{joins}; # This joins the right tables for us. $self->_add_extra_column('product'); # Generate the restriction condition $args->{full_field} = "classifications.name"; $self->_do_operator_function($args); my $term = $args->{term}; $args->{term} = build_subselect("map_product.classification_id", "classifications.id", "classifications", $term); } sub _keywords_exact { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $value, $operator) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins value operator)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @keyword_ids; foreach my $word (split(/[\s,]+/, $value)) { next if $word eq ''; my $keyword = Bugzilla::Keyword->check($word); push(@keyword_ids, $keyword->id); } # XXX We probably should instead throw an error here if there were # just commas in the field. if (!@keyword_ids) { $args->{term} = ''; return; } # This is an optimization for anywords and anyexact, since we already know # the keyword id from having checked it above. if ($operator eq 'anywords' or $operator eq 'anyexact') { my $table = "keywords_$chart_id"; $args->{term} = $dbh->sql_in("$table.keywordid", \@keyword_ids); push(@$joins, { table => 'keywords', as => $table }); return; } $self->_keywords_nonchanged($args); } sub _keywords_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)}; my $k_table = "keywords_$chart_id"; my $kd_table = "keyworddefs_$chart_id"; push(@$joins, { table => 'keywords', as => $k_table }); my $defs_join = { table => 'keyworddefs', as => $kd_table, from => "$k_table.keywordid", to => 'id', }; push(@$joins, $defs_join); $args->{full_field} = "$kd_table.name"; } # XXX This should be combined with blocked_nonchanged. sub _dependson_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator)}; my $table = "dependson_$chart_id"; my $full_field = "$table.$field"; $args->{full_field} = $full_field; $self->_do_operator_function($args); my $term = $args->{term}; my $dep_join = { table => 'dependencies', as => $table, to => 'blocked', extra => [$term], }; push(@$joins, $dep_join); $args->{term} = "$full_field IS NOT NULL"; } sub _blocked_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator)}; my $table = "blocked_$chart_id"; my $full_field = "$table.$field"; $args->{full_field} = $full_field; $self->_do_operator_function($args); my $term = $args->{term}; my $dep_join = { table => 'dependencies', as => $table, to => 'dependson', extra => [$term], }; push(@$joins, $dep_join); $args->{term} = "$full_field IS NOT NULL"; } sub _alias_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; $args->{full_field} = "COALESCE(bugs.alias, '')"; $self->_do_operator_function($args); } sub _owner_idle_time_greater_less { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $value, $operator) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins value operator)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $table = "idle_$chart_id"; my $quoted = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value)); my $ld_table = "comment_$table"; my $act_table = "activity_$table"; my $comments_join = { table => 'longdescs', as => $ld_table, from => 'assigned_to', to => 'who', extra => ["$ld_table.bug_when > $quoted"], }; my $activity_join = { table => 'bugs_activity', as => $act_table, from => 'assigned_to', to => 'who', extra => ["$act_table.bug_when > $quoted"] }; push(@$joins, $comments_join, $activity_join); if ($operator =~ /greater/) { $args->{term} = "$ld_table.who IS NULL AND $act_table.who IS NULL"; } else { $args->{term} = "$ld_table.who IS NOT NULL OR $act_table.who IS NOT NULL"; } } sub _multiselect_negative { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($field, $operator) = @$args{qw(field operator)}; my $table; if ($field eq 'keywords') { $table = "keywords LEFT JOIN keyworddefs" . " ON keywords.keywordid = keyworddefs.id"; $args->{full_field} = "keyworddefs.name"; } else { $table = "bug_$field"; $args->{full_field} = "$table.value"; } $args->{operator} = $self->_reverse_operator($operator); $self->_do_operator_function($args); my $term = $args->{term}; $args->{term} = "bugs.bug_id NOT IN (SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $term)"; } sub _multiselect_multiple { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $field, $operator, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id field operator value)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $table = "bug_$field"; $args->{full_field} = "$table.value"; my @terms; foreach my $word (split(/[\s,]+/, $value)) { $args->{value} = $word; $args->{quoted} = $dbh->quote($value); $self->_do_operator_function($args); my $term = $args->{term}; push(@terms, "bugs.bug_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $term)"); } if ($operator eq 'anyexact') { $args->{term} = join(" OR ", @terms); } else { $args->{term} = join(" AND ", @terms); } } sub _multiselect_nonchanged { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator)}; my $table = "${field}_$chart_id"; $args->{full_field} = "$table.value"; push(@$joins, { table => "bug_$field", as => $table }); } ############################### # Standard Operator Functions # ############################### sub _simple_operator { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($full_field, $quoted, $operator) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted operator)}; my $sql_operator = SIMPLE_OPERATORS->{$operator}; $args->{term} = "$full_field $sql_operator $quoted"; } sub _casesubstring { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $args->{term} = $dbh->sql_position($quoted, $full_field) . " > 0"; } sub _substring { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # XXX This should probably be changed to just use LIKE $args->{term} = $dbh->sql_iposition($quoted, $full_field) . " > 0"; } sub _notsubstring { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # XXX This should probably be changed to just use NOT LIKE $args->{term} = $dbh->sql_iposition($quoted, $full_field) . " = 0"; } sub _regexp { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $args->{term} = $dbh->sql_regexp($full_field, $quoted); } sub _notregexp { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $args->{term} = $dbh->sql_not_regexp($full_field, $quoted); } sub _anyexact { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($field, $full_field) = @$args{qw(field full_field)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @list = $self->_all_values($args, ','); @list = map { $self->_quote_unless_numeric($args, $_) } @list; if (@list) { $args->{term} = $dbh->sql_in($full_field, \@list); } else { $args->{term} = ''; } } sub _anywordsubstr { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($full_field, $value) = @$args{qw(full_field value)}; my @terms = $self->_substring_terms($args); $args->{term} = join("\n\tOR ", @terms); } sub _allwordssubstr { my ($self, $args) = @_; my @terms = $self->_substring_terms($args); $args->{term} = join("\n\tAND ", @terms); } sub _nowordssubstr { my ($self, $args) = @_; $self->_anywordsubstr($args); my $term = $args->{term}; $args->{term} = "NOT($term)"; } sub _anywords { my ($self, $args) = @_; my @terms = $self->_word_terms($args); # Because _word_terms uses AND, we need to parenthesize its terms # if there are more than one. @terms = map("($_)", @terms) if scalar(@terms) > 1; $args->{term} = join("\n\tOR ", @terms); } sub _allwords { my ($self, $args) = @_; my @terms = $self->_word_terms($args); $args->{term} = join("\n\tAND ", @terms); } sub _nowords { my ($self, $args) = @_; $self->_anywords($args); my $term = $args->{term}; $args->{term} = "NOT($term)"; } sub _changedbefore_changedafter { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator value)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $field_object = $self->_chart_fields->{$field} || ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", { field => $field }); # Asking when creation_ts changed is just asking when the bug was created. if ($field_object->name eq 'creation_ts') { $args->{operator} = $operator eq 'changedbefore' ? 'lessthaneq' : 'greaterthaneq'; return $self->_do_operator_function($args); } my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<=' : '>='; my $field_id = $field_object->id; # Charts on changed* fields need to be field-specific. Otherwise, # OR chart rows make no sense if they contain multiple fields. my $table = "act_${field_id}_$chart_id"; my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value)); my $join = { table => 'bugs_activity', as => $table, extra => ["$table.fieldid = $field_id", "$table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date"], }; push(@$joins, $join); $args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL"; } sub _changedfrom_changedto { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $quoted) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator quoted)}; my $column = ($operator =~ /from/) ? 'removed' : 'added'; my $field_object = $self->_chart_fields->{$field} || ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", { field => $field }); my $field_id = $field_object->id; my $table = "act_${field_id}_$chart_id"; my $join = { table => 'bugs_activity', as => $table, extra => ["$table.fieldid = $field_id", "$table.$column = $quoted"], }; push(@$joins, $join); $args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL"; } sub _changedby { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator value)}; my $field_object = $self->_chart_fields->{$field} || ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", { field => $field }); my $field_id = $field_object->id; my $table = "act_${field_id}_$chart_id"; my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR); my $join = { table => 'bugs_activity', as => $table, extra => ["$table.fieldid = $field_id", "$table.who = $user_id"], }; push(@$joins, $join); $args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL"; } ###################### # Public Subroutines # ###################### # Validate that the query type is one we can deal with sub IsValidQueryType { my ($queryType) = @_; if (grep { $_ eq $queryType } qw(specific advanced)) { return 1; } return 0; } # Splits out "asc|desc" from a sort order item. sub split_order_term { my $fragment = shift; $fragment =~ /^(.+?)(?:\s+(ASC|DESC))?$/i; my ($column_name, $direction) = (lc($1), uc($2 || '')); return wantarray ? ($column_name, $direction) : $column_name; } # Used to translate old SQL fragments from buglist.cgi's "order" argument # into our modern field IDs. sub translate_old_column { my ($column) = @_; # All old SQL fragments have a period in them somewhere. return $column if $column !~ /\./; if ($column =~ /\bAS\s+(\w+)$/i) { return $1; } # product, component, classification, assigned_to, qa_contact, reporter elsif ($column =~ /map_(\w+?)s?\.(login_)?name/i) { return $1; } # If it doesn't match the regexps above, check to see if the old # SQL fragment matches the SQL of an existing column foreach my $key (%{ COLUMNS() }) { next unless exists COLUMNS->{$key}->{name}; return $key if COLUMNS->{$key}->{name} eq $column; } return $column; } 1;