# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is The Bugzilla Migration Tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lambda Research # Corporation. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright # (C) 2009 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org> package Bugzilla::Migrate::Gnats; use strict; use base qw(Bugzilla::Migrate); use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(indicate_progress); use Bugzilla::Util qw(format_time trim generate_random_password); use Email::Address; use Email::MIME; use File::Basename; use IO::File; use List::MoreUtils qw(firstidx); use List::Util qw(first); use constant REQUIRED_MODULES => [ { package => 'Email-Simple-FromHandle', module => 'Email::Simple::FromHandle', # This version added seekable handles. version => 0.050, }, ]; use constant FIELD_MAP => { 'Number' => 'bug_id', 'Category' => 'product', 'Synopsis' => 'short_desc', 'Responsible' => 'assigned_to', 'State' => 'bug_status', 'Class' => 'cf_type', 'Classification' => '', 'Originator' => 'reporter', 'Arrival-Date' => 'creation_ts', 'Last-Modified' => 'delta_ts', 'Release' => 'version', 'Severity' => 'bug_severity', 'Description' => 'comment', }; use constant VALUE_MAP => { bug_severity => { 'serious' => 'major', 'cosmetic' => 'trivial', 'new-feature' => 'enhancement', 'non-critical' => 'normal', }, bug_status => { 'open' => 'CONFIRMED', 'analyzed' => 'IN_PROGRESS', 'suspended' => 'RESOLVED', 'feedback' => 'RESOLVED', 'released' => 'VERIFIED', }, bug_status_resolution => { 'feedback' => 'FIXED', 'released' => 'FIXED', 'closed' => 'FIXED', 'suspended' => 'LATER', }, priority => { 'medium' => 'Normal', }, }; use constant GNATS_CONFIG_VARS => ( { name => 'gnats_path', default => '/var/lib/gnats', desc => <<END, # The path to the directory that contains the GNATS database. END }, { name => 'default_email_domain', default => 'example.com', desc => <<'END', # Some GNATS users do not have full email addresses, but Bugzilla requires # every user to have an email address. What domain should be appended to # usernames that don't have emails, to make them into email addresses? # (For example, if you leave this at the default, "unknown" would become # "unknown@example.com".) END }, { name => 'component_name', default => 'General', desc => <<'END', # GNATS has only "Category" to classify bugs. However, Bugzilla has a # multi-level system of Products that contain Components. When importing # GNATS categories, they become a Product with one Component. What should # the name of that Component be? END }, { name => 'version_regex', default => '', desc => <<'END', # In GNATS, the "version" field can contain almost anything. However, in # Bugzilla, it's a drop-down, so you don't want too many choices in there. # If you specify a regular expression here, versions will be tested against # this regular expression, and if they match, the first match (the first set # of parentheses in the regular expression, also called "$1") will be used # as the version value for the bug instead of the full version value specified # in GNATS. END }, { name => 'default_originator', default => 'gnats-admin', desc => <<'END', # Sometimes, a PR has no valid Originator, so we fall back to the From # header of the email. If the From header also isn't a valid username # (is just a name with spaces in it--we can't convert that to an email # address) then this username (which can either be a GNATS username or an # email address) will be considered to be the Originator of the PR. END } ); sub CONFIG_VARS { my $self = shift; my @vars = (GNATS_CONFIG_VARS, $self->SUPER::CONFIG_VARS); my $field_map = first { $_->{name} eq 'translate_fields' } @vars; $field_map->{default} = FIELD_MAP; my $value_map = first { $_->{name} eq 'translate_values' } @vars; $value_map->{default} = VALUE_MAP; return @vars; } # Directories that aren't projects, or that we shouldn't be parsing use constant SKIP_DIRECTORIES => qw( gnats-adm gnats-queue pending ); use constant NON_COMMENT_FIELDS => qw( Audit-Trail Closed-Date Confidential Unformatted attachments ); # Certain fields can contain things that look like fields in them, # because they might contain quoted emails. To avoid mis-parsing, # we list out here the exact order of fields at the end of a PR # and wait for the next field to consider that we actually have # a field to parse. use constant END_FIELD_ORDER => qw( Description How-To-Repeat Fix Release-Note Audit-Trail Unformatted ); use constant CUSTOM_FIELDS => { cf_type => { type => FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT, description => 'Type', }, }; use constant FIELD_REGEX => qr/^>(\S+):\s*(.*)$/; # Used for bugs that have no Synopsis. use constant NO_SUBJECT => "(no subject)"; # This is the divider that GNATS uses between attachments in its database # files. It's missign two hyphens at the beginning because MIME Emails use # -- to start boundaries. use constant GNATS_BOUNDARY => '----gnatsweb-attachment----'; use constant LONG_VERSION_LENGTH => 32; ######### # Hooks # ######### sub before_insert { my $self = shift; # gnats_id isn't a valid User::create field, and we don't need it # anymore now. delete $_->{gnats_id} foreach @{ $self->users }; # Grab a version out of a bug for each product, so that there is a # valid "version" argument for Bugzilla::Product->create. foreach my $product (@{ $self->products }) { my $bug = first { $_->{product} eq $product->{name} and $_->{version} } @{ $self->bugs }; if (defined $bug) { $product->{version} = $bug->{version}; } else { $product->{version} = 'unspecified'; } } } ######### # Users # ######### sub _read_users { my $self = shift; my $path = $self->config('gnats_path'); my $file = "$path/gnats-adm/responsible"; $self->debug("Reading users from $file"); my $default_domain = $self->config('default_email_domain'); open(my $users_fh, '<', $file) || die "$file: $!"; my @users; foreach my $line (<$users_fh>) { $line = trim($line); next if $line =~ /^#/; my ($id, $name, $email) = split(':', $line, 3); $email ||= "$id\@$default_domain"; # We can't call our own translate_value, because that depends on # the existence of user_map, which doesn't exist until after # this method. However, we still want to translate any users found. $email = $self->SUPER::translate_value('user', $email); push(@users, { realname => $name, login_name => $email, gnats_id => $id }); } close($users_fh); return \@users; } sub user_map { my $self = shift; $self->{user_map} ||= { map { $_->{gnats_id} => $_->{login_name} } @{ $self->users } }; return $self->{user_map}; } sub add_user { my ($self, $id, $email) = @_; return if defined $self->user_map->{$id}; $self->user_map->{$id} = $email; push(@{ $self->users }, { login_name => $email, gnats_id => $id }); } sub user_to_email { my ($self, $value) = @_; if (defined $self->user_map->{$value}) { $value = $self->user_map->{$value}; } elsif ($value !~ /@/) { my $domain = $self->config('default_email_domain'); $value = "$value\@$domain"; } return $value; } ############ # Products # ############ sub _read_products { my $self = shift; my $path = $self->config('gnats_path'); my $file = "$path/gnats-adm/categories"; $self->debug("Reading categories from $file"); open(my $categories_fh, '<', $file) || die "$file: $!"; my @products; foreach my $line (<$categories_fh>) { $line = trim($line); next if $line =~ /^#/; my ($name, $description, $assigned_to, $cc) = split(':', $line, 4); my %product = ( name => $name, description => $description ); my @initial_cc = split(',', $cc); @initial_cc = @{ $self->translate_value('user', \@initial_cc) }; $assigned_to = $self->translate_value('user', $assigned_to); my %component = ( name => $self->config('component_name'), description => $description, initialowner => $assigned_to, initial_cc => \@initial_cc ); $product{components} = [\%component]; push(@products, \%product); } close($categories_fh); return \@products; } ################ # Reading Bugs # ################ sub _read_bugs { my $self = shift; my $path = $self->config('gnats_path'); my @directories = glob("$path/*"); my @bugs; foreach my $directory (@directories) { next if !-d $directory; my $name = basename($directory); next if grep($_ eq $name, SKIP_DIRECTORIES); push(@bugs, @{ $self->_parse_project($directory) }); } @bugs = sort { $a->{Number} <=> $b->{Number} } @bugs; return \@bugs; } sub _parse_project { my ($self, $directory) = @_; my @files = glob("$directory/*"); $self->debug("Reading Project: $directory"); # Sometimes other files get into gnats directories. @files = grep { basename($_) =~ /^\d+$/ } @files; my @bugs; my $count = 1; my $total = scalar @files; print basename($directory) . ":\n"; foreach my $file (@files) { push(@bugs, $self->_parse_bug_file($file)); if (!$self->verbose) { indicate_progress({ current => $count++, every => 5, total => $total }); } } return \@bugs; } sub _parse_bug_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; $self->debug("Reading $file"); open(my $fh, "<", $file) || die "$file: $!"; my $email = Email::Simple::FromHandle->new($fh); my $fields = $self->_get_gnats_field_data($email); # We parse attachments here instead of during translate_bug, # because otherwise we'd be taking up huge amounts of memory storing # all the raw attachment data in memory. $fields->{attachments} = $self->_parse_attachments($fields); close($fh); return $fields; } sub _get_gnats_field_data { my ($self, $email) = @_; my ($current_field, @value_lines, %fields); $email->reset_handle(); my $handle = $email->handle; foreach my $line (<$handle>) { # If this line starts a field name if ($line =~ FIELD_REGEX) { my ($new_field, $rest_of_line) = ($1, $2); # If this is one of the last few PR fields, then make sure # that we're getting our fields in the right order. my $new_field_valid = 1; my $search_for = $current_field || ''; my $current_field_pos = firstidx { $_ eq $search_for } END_FIELD_ORDER; if ($current_field_pos > -1) { my $new_field_pos = firstidx { $_ eq $new_field } END_FIELD_ORDER; # We accept any field, as long as it's later than this one. $new_field_valid = $new_field_pos > $current_field_pos ? 1 : 0; } if ($new_field_valid) { if ($current_field) { $fields{$current_field} = _handle_lines(\@value_lines); @value_lines = (); } $current_field = $new_field; $line = $rest_of_line; } } push(@value_lines, $line) if defined $line; } $fields{$current_field} = _handle_lines(\@value_lines); $fields{cc} = [$email->header('Cc')] if $email->header('Cc'); # If the Originator is invalid and we don't have a translation for it, # use the From header instead. my $originator = $self->translate_value('reporter', $fields{Originator}, { check_only => 1 }); if ($originator !~ Bugzilla->params->{emailregexp}) { # We use the raw header sometimes, because it looks like "From: user" # which Email::Address won't parse but we can still use. my $address = $email->header('From'); my ($parsed) = Email::Address->parse($address); if ($parsed) { $address = $parsed->address; } if ($address) { $self->debug( "PR $fields{Number} had an Originator that was not a valid" . " user ($fields{Originator}). Using From ($address)" . " instead.\n"); my $address_email = $self->translate_value('reporter', $address, { check_only => 1 }); if ($address_email !~ Bugzilla->params->{emailregexp}) { $self->debug(" From was also invalid, using default_originator.\n"); $address = $self->config('default_originator'); } $fields{Originator} = $address; } } $self->debug(\%fields, 3); return \%fields; } sub _handle_lines { my ($lines) = @_; my $value = join('', @$lines); $value =~ s/\s+$//; return $value; } #################### # Translating Bugs # #################### sub translate_bug { my ($self, $fields) = @_; my ($bug, $other_fields) = $self->SUPER::translate_bug($fields); $bug->{attachments} = delete $other_fields->{attachments}; if (defined $other_fields->{_add_to_comment}) { $bug->{comment} .= delete $other_fields->{_add_to_comment}; } my ($changes, $extra_comment) = $self->_parse_audit_trail($bug, $other_fields->{'Audit-Trail'}); my @comments; foreach my $change (@$changes) { if (exists $change->{comment}) { push(@comments, { thetext => $change->{comment}, who => $change->{who}, bug_when => $change->{bug_when} }); delete $change->{comment}; } } $bug->{history} = $changes; if (trim($extra_comment)) { push(@comments, { thetext => $extra_comment, who => $bug->{reporter}, bug_when => $bug->{delta_ts} || $bug->{creation_ts} }); } $bug->{comments} = \@comments; $bug->{component} = $self->config('component_name'); if (!$bug->{short_desc}) { $bug->{short_desc} = NO_SUBJECT; } foreach my $attachment (@{ $bug->{attachments} || [] }) { $attachment->{submitter} = $bug->{reporter}; $attachment->{creation_ts} = $bug->{creation_ts}; } $self->debug($bug, 3); return $bug; } sub _parse_audit_trail { my ($self, $bug, $audit_trail) = @_; return [] if !trim($audit_trail); $self->debug(" Parsing audit trail...", 2); if ($audit_trail !~ /^\S+-Changed-\S+:/ms) { # This is just a comment from the bug's creator. $self->debug(" Audit trail is just a comment.", 2); return ([], $audit_trail); } my (@changes, %current_data, $current_column, $on_why); my $extra_comment = ''; my $current_field; my @all_lines = split("\n", $audit_trail); foreach my $line (@all_lines) { # GNATS history looks like: # Status-Changed-From-To: open->closed # Status-Changed-By: jack # Status-Changed-When: Mon May 12 14:46:59 2003 # Status-Changed-Why: # This is some comment here about the change. if ($line =~ /^(\S+)-Changed-(\S+):(.*)/) { my ($field, $column, $value) = ($1, $2, $3); my $bz_field = $self->translate_field($field); # If it's not a field we're importing, we don't care about # its history. next if !$bz_field; # GNATS doesn't track values for description changes, # unfortunately, and that's the only information we'd be able to # use in Bugzilla for the audit trail on that field. next if $bz_field eq 'comment'; $current_field = $bz_field if !$current_field; if ($bz_field ne $current_field) { $self->_store_audit_change( \@changes, $current_field, \%current_data); %current_data = (); $current_field = $bz_field; } $value = trim($value); $self->debug(" $bz_field $column: $value", 3); if ($column eq 'From-To') { my ($from, $to) = split('->', $value, 2); # Sometimes there's just a - instead of a -> between the values. if (!defined($to)) { ($from, $to) = split('-', $value, 2); } $current_data{added} = $to; $current_data{removed} = $from; } elsif ($column eq 'By') { my $email = $self->translate_value('user', $value); # Sometimes we hit users in the audit trail that we haven't # seen anywhere else. $current_data{who} = $email; } elsif ($column eq 'When') { $current_data{bug_when} = $self->parse_date($value); } if ($column eq 'Why') { $value = '' if !defined $value; $current_data{comment} = $value; $on_why = 1; } else { $on_why = 0; } } elsif ($on_why) { # "Why" lines are indented four characters. $line =~ s/^\s{4}//; $current_data{comment} .= "$line\n"; } else { $self->debug( "Extra Audit-Trail line on $bug->{product} $bug->{bug_id}:" . " $line\n", 2); $extra_comment .= "$line\n"; } } $self->_store_audit_change(\@changes, $current_field, \%current_data); return (\@changes, $extra_comment); } sub _store_audit_change { my ($self, $changes, $old_field, $current_data) = @_; $current_data->{field} = $old_field; $current_data->{removed} = $self->translate_value($old_field, $current_data->{removed}); $current_data->{added} = $self->translate_value($old_field, $current_data->{added}); push(@$changes, { %$current_data }); } sub _parse_attachments { my ($self, $fields) = @_; my $unformatted = delete $fields->{'Unformatted'}; my $gnats_boundary = GNATS_BOUNDARY; # A sanity checker to make sure that we're parsing attachments right. my $num_attachments = 0; $num_attachments++ while ($unformatted =~ /\Q$gnats_boundary\E/g); # Sometimes there's a GNATS_BOUNDARY that is on the same line as other data. $unformatted =~ s/(\S\s*)\Q$gnats_boundary\E$/$1\n$gnats_boundary/mg; # Often the "Unformatted" section starts with stuff before # ----gnatsweb-attachment---- that isn't necessary. $unformatted =~ s/^\s*From:.+?Reply-to:[^\n]+//s; $unformatted = trim($unformatted); return [] if !$unformatted; $self->debug('Reading attachments...', 2); my $boundary = generate_random_password(48); $unformatted =~ s/\Q$gnats_boundary\E/--$boundary/g; # Sometimes the whole Unformatted section is indented by exactly # one space, and needs to be fixed. if ($unformatted =~ /--\Q$boundary\E\n /) { $unformatted =~ s/^ //mg; } $unformatted = <<END; From: nobody MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="$boundary" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --$boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit $unformatted --$boundary-- END my $email = new Email::MIME(\$unformatted); my @parts = $email->parts; # Remove the fake body. my $part1 = shift @parts; if ($part1->body) { $self->debug(" Additional Unformatted data found on " . $fields->{Category} . " bug " . $fields->{Number}); $self->debug($part1->body, 3); $fields->{_add_comment} .= "\n\nUnformatted:\n" . $part1->body; } my @attachments; foreach my $part (@parts) { $self->debug(' Parsing attachment: ' . $part->filename); my $temp_fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or die ("Can't create tempfile: $!"); $temp_fh->binmode; print $temp_fh $part->body; my $content_type = $part->content_type; $content_type =~ s/; name=.+$//; my $attachment = { filename => $part->filename, description => $part->filename, mimetype => $content_type, data => $temp_fh }; $self->debug($attachment, 3); push(@attachments, $attachment); } if (scalar(@attachments) ne $num_attachments) { warn "WARNING: Expected $num_attachments attachments but got " . scalar(@attachments) . "\n" ; $self->debug($unformatted, 3); } return \@attachments; } sub translate_value { my $self = shift; my ($field, $value, $options) = @_; my $original_value = $value; $options ||= {}; if (!ref($value) and grep($_ eq $field, $self->USER_FIELDS)) { if ($value =~ /(\S+\@\S+)/) { $value = $1; $value =~ s/^<//; $value =~ s/>$//; } else { # Sometimes names have extra stuff on the end like "(Somebody's Name)" $value =~ s/\s+\(.+\)$//; # Sometimes user fields look like "(user)" instead of just "user". $value =~ s/^\((.+)\)$/$1/; $value = trim($value); } } if ($field eq 'version' and $value ne '') { my $version_re = $self->config('version_regex'); if ($version_re and $value =~ $version_re) { $value = $1; } # In the GNATS that I tested this with, there were many extremely long # values for "version" that caused some import problems (they were # longer than the max allowed version value). So if the version value # is longer than 32 characters, pull out the first thing that looks # like a version number. elsif (length($value) > LONG_VERSION_LENGTH) { $value =~ s/^.+?\b(\d[\w\.]+)\b.+$/$1/; } } my @args = @_; $args[1] = $value; $value = $self->SUPER::translate_value(@args); return $value if ref $value; if (grep($_ eq $field, $self->USER_FIELDS)) { my $from_value = $value; $value = $self->user_to_email($value); $args[1] = $value; # If we got something new from user_to_email, do any necessary # translation of it. $value = $self->SUPER::translate_value(@args); if (!$options->{check_only}) { $self->add_user($from_value, $value); } } return $value; } 1;