try: # Using Psyco makes it about 25% faster, but there's a bug in psyco in # handling of eval causing it to use unlimited memory with the magic # file enabled. # import psyco # psyco.full() # from psyco.classes import * pass except: pass import re import base64 import cStringIO import specialuu import array import email.Utils import zlib import magic # Comment out if you don't want magic detection magicf = magic.MagicFile() # Open our output file outfile = open("gnats2bz_data.sql", "w") # List of GNATS fields fieldnames = ("Number", "Category", "Synopsis", "Confidential", "Severity", "Priority", "Responsible", "State", "Quarter", "Keywords", "Date-Required", "Class", "Submitter-Id", "Arrival-Date", "Closed-Date", "Last-Modified", "Originator", "Release", "Organization", "Environment", "Description", "How-To-Repeat", "Fix", "Release-Note", "Audit-Trail", "Unformatted") # Dictionary telling us which GNATS fields are multiline multilinefields = {"Organization":1, "Environment":1, "Description":1, "How-To-Repeat":1, "Fix":1, "Release-Note":1, "Audit-Trail":1, "Unformatted":1} # Mapping of GCC release to version. Our version string is updated every # so we need to funnel all release's with 3.4 in the string to be version # 3.4 for bug tracking purposes # The key is a regex to match, the value is the version it corresponds # with releasetovermap = {r"3\.4":"3.4", r"3\.3":"3.3", r"3\.2\.2":"3.2.2", r"3\.2\.1":"3.2.1", r"3\.2":"3.2", r"3\.1\.2":"3.1.2", r"3\.1\.1":"3.1.1", r"3\.1":"3.1", r"3\.0\.4":"3.0.4", r"3\.0\.3":"3.0.3", r"3\.0\.2":"3.0.2", r"3\.0\.1":"3.0.1", r"3\.0":"3.0", r"2\.95\.4":"2.95.4", r"2\.95\.3":"2.95.3", r"2\.95\.2":"2.95.2", r"2\.95\.1":"2.95.1", r"2\.95":"2.95", r"2\.97":"2.97", r"2\.96.*[rR][eE][dD].*[hH][aA][tT]":"2.96 (redhat)", r"2\.96":"2.96"} # These map the field name to the field id bugzilla assigns. We need # the id when doing bug activity. fieldids = {"State":8, "Responsible":15} # These are the keywords we use in gcc bug tracking. They are transformed # into bugzilla keywords. The format here is <keyword>-><bugzilla keyword id> keywordids = {"wrong-code":1, "ice-on-legal-code":2, "ice-on-illegal-code":3, "rejects-legal":4, "accepts-illegal":5, "pessimizes-code":6} # Map from GNATS states to Bugzilla states. Duplicates and reopened bugs # are handled when parsing the audit trail, so no need for them here. state_lookup = {"":"NEW", "open":"ASSIGNED", "analyzed":"ASSIGNED", "feedback":"WAITING", "closed":"CLOSED", "suspended":"SUSPENDED"} # Table of versions that exist in the bugs, built up as we go along versions_table = {} # Delimiter gnatsweb uses for attachments attachment_delimiter = "----gnatsweb-attachment----\n" # Here starts the various regular expressions we use # Matches an entire GNATS single line field gnatfieldre = re.compile(r"""^([>\w\-]+)\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$""") # Matches the name of a GNATS field fieldnamere = re.compile(r"""^>(.*)$""") # Matches the useless part of an envelope uselessre = re.compile(r"""^(\S*?):\s*""", re.MULTILINE) # Matches the filename in a content disposition dispositionre = re.compile("(\\S+);\\s*filename=\"([^\"]+)\"") # Matches the last changed date in the entire text of a bug # If you have other editable fields that get audit trail entries, modify this # The field names are explicitly listed in order to speed up matching lastdatere = re.compile(r"""^(?:(?:State|Responsible|Priority|Severity)-Changed-When: )(.+?)$""", re.MULTILINE) # Matches the From line of an email or the first line of an audit trail entry # We use this re to find the begin lines of all the audit trail entries # The field names are explicitly listed in order to speed up matching fromtore=re.compile(r"""^(?:(?:State|Responsible|Priority|Severity)-Changed-From-To: |From: )""", re.MULTILINE) # These re's match the various parts of an audit trail entry changedfromtore=re.compile(r"""^(\w+?)-Changed-From-To: (.+?)$""", re.MULTILINE) changedbyre=re.compile(r"""^\w+?-Changed-By: (.+?)$""", re.MULTILINE) changedwhenre=re.compile(r"""^\w+?-Changed-When: (.+?)$""", re.MULTILINE) changedwhyre=re.compile(r"""^\w+?-Changed-Why:\s*(.*?)$""", re.MULTILINE) # This re matches audit trail text saying that the current bug is a duplicate of another duplicatere=re.compile(r"""(?:")?Dup(?:licate)?(?:d)?(?:")? of .*?(\d+)""", re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) # Get the text of a From: line fromre=re.compile(r"""^From: (.*?)$""", re.MULTILINE) # Get the text of a Date: Line datere=re.compile(r"""^Date: (.*?)$""", re.MULTILINE) # Map of the responsible file to email addresses responsible_map = {} # List of records in the responsible file responsible_list = [] # List of records in the categories file categories_list = [] # List of pr's in the index pr_list = [] # Map usernames to user ids usermapping = {} # Start with this user id userid_base = 2 # Name of gnats user gnats_username = "" # Name of unassigned user unassigned_username = "" gnats_db_dir = "." product = "gcc" productdesc = "GNU Compiler Connection" milestoneurl = "http://gcc/" defaultmilestone = "3.4" def write_non_bug_tables(): """ Write out the non-bug related tables, such as products, profiles, etc.""" # Set all non-unconfirmed bugs's everconfirmed flag print >>outfile, "update bugs set everconfirmed=1 where bug_status != 'UNCONFIRMED';" # Set all bugs assigned to the unassigned user to NEW print >>outfile, "update bugs set bug_status='NEW',assigned_to='NULL' where bug_status='ASSIGNED' AND assigned_to=3;" # Insert the products print >>outfile, "\ninsert into products (" print >>outfile, " product, description, milestoneurl, disallownew," print >>outfile, " defaultmilestone, votestoconfirm) values (" print >>outfile, " '%s', '%s', '%s', 0, '%s', 1);" % (product, productdesc, milestoneurl, defaultmilestone) # Insert the components for category in categories_list: component = SqlQuote(category[0]) productstr = SqlQuote(product) description = SqlQuote(category[1]) initialowner = SqlQuote("3") print >>outfile, "\ninsert into components ("; print >>outfile, " value, program, initialowner, initialqacontact," print >>outfile, " description) values (" print >>outfile, " %s, %s, %s, '', %s);" % (component, productstr, initialowner, description) # Insert the versions for productstr, version_list in versions_table.items(): productstr = SqlQuote(productstr) for version in version_list: version = SqlQuote(version) print >>outfile, "\ninsert into versions (value, program) " print >>outfile, " values (%s, %s);" % (version, productstr) # Insert the users for username, userid in usermapping.items(): realname = map_username_to_realname(username) username = SqlQuote(username) realname = SqlQuote(realname) print >>outfile, "\ninsert into profiles (" print >>outfile, " userid, login_name, password, cryptpassword, realname, groupset" print >>outfile, ") values (" print >>outfile, "%s,%s,'password',encrypt('password'), %s, 0);" % (userid, username, realname) print >>outfile, "update profiles set groupset=1 << 32 where login_name like '%\';" def unixdate2datetime(unixdate): """ Convert a unix date to a datetime value """ year, month, day, hour, min, sec, x, x, x, x = email.Utils.parsedate_tz(unixdate) return "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (year,month,day,hour,min,sec) def unixdate2timestamp(unixdate): """ Convert a unix date to a timestamp value """ year, month, day, hour, min, sec, x, x, x, x = email.Utils.parsedate_tz(unixdate) return "%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d" % (year,month,day,hour,min,sec) def SqlQuote(str): """ Perform SQL quoting on a string """ return "'%s'" % str.replace("'", """''""").replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\0","\\0") def convert_gccver_to_ver(gccver): """ Given a gcc version, convert it to a Bugzilla version. """ for k in releasetovermap.keys(): if".*%s.*" % k, gccver) is not None: return releasetovermap[k] result =""".*(\d\.\d) \d+ \(experimental\).*""", gccver) if result is not None: return return "unknown" def load_index(fname): """ Load in the GNATS index file """ global pr_list ifp = open(fname) for record in ifp.xreadlines(): fields = record.split("|") pr_list.append(fields[0]) ifp.close() def load_categories(fname): """ Load in the GNATS categories file """ global categories_list cfp = open(fname) for record in cfp.xreadlines(): if"^#", record) is not None: continue categories_list.append(record.split(":")) cfp.close() def map_username_to_realname(username): """ Given a username, find the real name """ name = username name = re.sub("@.*", "", name) for responsible_record in responsible_list: if responsible_record[0] == name: return responsible_record[1] if len(responsible_record) > 2: if responsible_record[2] == username: return responsible_record[1] return "" def get_userid(responsible): """ Given an email address, get the user id """ global responsible_map global usermapping global userid_base if responsible is None: return -1 responsible = responsible.lower() responsible = re.sub("", "", responsible) if responsible_map.has_key(responsible): responsible = responsible_map[responsible] if usermapping.has_key(responsible): return usermapping[responsible] else: usermapping[responsible] = userid_base userid_base += 1 return usermapping[responsible] def load_responsible(fname): """ Load in the GNATS responsible file """ global responsible_map global responsible_list rfp = open(fname) for record in rfp.xreadlines(): if"^#", record) is not None: continue split_record = record.split(":") responsible_map[split_record[0]] = split_record[2].rstrip() responsible_list.append(record.split(":")) rfp.close() def split_csl(list): """ Split a comma seperated list """ newlist = re.split(r"""\s*,\s*""", list) return newlist def fix_email_addrs(addrs): """ Perform various fixups and cleaning on an e-mail address """ addrs = split_csl(addrs) trimmed_addrs = [] for addr in addrs: addr = re.sub(r"""\(.*\)""","",addr) addr = re.sub(r""".*<(.*)>.*""","\\1",addr) addr = addr.rstrip() addr = addr.lstrip() trimmed_addrs.append(addr) addrs = ", ".join(trimmed_addrs) return addrs class Bugzillabug(object): """ Class representing a bugzilla bug """ def __init__(self, gbug): """ Initialize a bugzilla bug from a GNATS bug. """ self.bug_id = gbug.bug_id self.long_descs = [] self.bug_ccs = [get_userid("")] self.bug_activity = [] self.attachments = gbug.attachments self.gnatsfields = gbug.fields self.need_unformatted = gbug.has_unformatted_attach == 0 self.need_unformatted &= gbug.fields.has_key("Unformatted") self.translate_pr() self.update_versions() if self.fields.has_key("Audit-Trail"): self.parse_audit_trail() self.write_bug() def parse_fromto(type, string): """ Parses the from and to parts of a changed-from-to line """ fromstr = "" tostr = "" # Some slightly messed up changed lines have unassigned-new, # instead of unassigned->new. So we make the > optional. result ="""(.*)-(?:>?)(.*)""", string) # Only know how to handle parsing of State and Responsible # changed-from-to right now if type == "State": fromstr = state_lookup[] tostr = state_lookup[] elif type == "Responsible": if != "": fromstr = if != "": tostr = if responsible_map.has_key(fromstr): fromstr = responsible_map[fromstr] if responsible_map.has_key(tostr): tostr = responsible_map[tostr] return (fromstr, tostr) parse_fromto = staticmethod(parse_fromto) def parse_audit_trail(self): """ Parse a GNATS audit trail """ trail = self.fields["Audit-Trail"] # Begin to split the audit trail into pieces result = fromtore.finditer(trail) starts = [] ends = [] pieces = [] # Make a list of the pieces for x in result: pieces.append (x) # Find the start and end of each piece if len(pieces) > 0: for x in xrange(len(pieces)-1): starts.append(pieces[x].start()) ends.append(pieces[x+1].start()) starts.append(pieces[-1].start()) ends.append(len(trail)) pieces = [] # Now make the list of actual text of the pieces for x in xrange(len(starts)): pieces.append(trail[starts[x]:ends[x]]) # And parse the actual pieces for piece in pieces: result = # See what things we actually have inside this entry, and # handle them approriately if result is not None: type = changedfromto = # If the bug was reopened, mark it as such if changedfromto.find("closed->analyzed") != -1: if self.fields["bug_status"] == "'NEW'": self.fields["bug_status"] = "'REOPENED'" if type == "State" or type == "Responsible": oldstate, newstate = self.parse_fromto (type, changedfromto) result = if result is not None: changedby = result = if result is not None: changedwhen = changedwhen = unixdate2datetime(changedwhen) changedwhen = SqlQuote(changedwhen) result = changedwhy = piece[result.start(1):] #changedwhy = changedwhy.lstrip() changedwhy = changedwhy.rstrip() changedby = get_userid(changedby) # Put us on the cc list if we aren't there already if changedby != self.fields["userid"] \ and changedby not in self.bug_ccs: self.bug_ccs.append(changedby) # If it's a duplicate, mark it as such result = if result is not None: newtext = "*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of %s ***" % newtext = SqlQuote(newtext) self.long_descs.append((self.bug_id, changedby, changedwhen, newtext)) self.fields["bug_status"] = "'RESOLVED'" self.fields["resolution"] = "'DUPLICATE'" self.fields["userid"] = changedby else: newtext = "%s-Changed-From-To: %s\n%s-Changed-Why: %s\n" % (type, changedfromto, type, changedwhy) newtext = SqlQuote(newtext) self.long_descs.append((self.bug_id, changedby, changedwhen, newtext)) if type == "State" or type == "Responsible": newstate = SqlQuote("%s" % newstate) oldstate = SqlQuote("%s" % oldstate) fieldid = fieldids[type] self.bug_activity.append((newstate, oldstate, fieldid, changedby, changedwhen)) else: # It's an email result = if result is None: continue fromstr = fromstr = fix_email_addrs(fromstr) fromstr = get_userid(fromstr) result = if result is None: continue datestr = datestr = SqlQuote(unixdate2timestamp(datestr)) if fromstr != self.fields["userid"] \ and fromstr not in self.bug_ccs: self.bug_ccs.append(fromstr) self.long_descs.append((self.bug_id, fromstr, datestr, SqlQuote(piece))) def write_bug(self): """ Output a bug to the data file """ fields = self.fields print >>outfile, "\ninsert into bugs(" print >>outfile, " bug_id, assigned_to, bug_severity, priority, bug_status, creation_ts, delta_ts," print >>outfile, " short_desc," print >>outfile, " reporter, version," print >>outfile, " product, component, resolution, target_milestone, qa_contact," print >>outfile, " gccbuild, gcctarget, gcchost, keywords" print >>outfile, " ) values (" print >>outfile, "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s," % (self.bug_id, fields["userid"], fields["bug_severity"], fields["priority"], fields["bug_status"], fields["creation_ts"], fields["delta_ts"]) print >>outfile, "%s," % (fields["short_desc"]) print >>outfile, "%s, %s," % (fields["reporter"], fields["version"]) print >>outfile, "%s, %s, %s, %s, 0," %(fields["product"], fields["component"], fields["resolution"], fields["target_milestone"]) print >>outfile, "%s, %s, %s, %s" % (fields["gccbuild"], fields["gcctarget"], fields["gcchost"], fields["keywords"]) print >>outfile, ");" if self.fields["keywords"] != 0: print >>outfile, "\ninsert into keywords (bug_id, keywordid) values (" print >>outfile, " %s, %s);" % (self.bug_id, fields["keywordid"]) for id, who, when, text in self.long_descs: print >>outfile, "\ninsert into longdescs (" print >>outfile, " bug_id, who, bug_when, thetext) values(" print >>outfile, " %s, %s, %s, %s);" % (id, who, when, text) for name, data, who in self.attachments: print >>outfile, "\ninsert into attachments (" print >>outfile, " bug_id, filename, description, mimetype, ispatch, submitter_id, thedata) values (" ftype = None # It's *magic*! if name.endswith(".ii") == 1: ftype = "text/x-c++" elif name.endswith(".i") == 1: ftype = "text/x-c" else: ftype = magicf.detect(cStringIO.StringIO(data)) if ftype is None: ftype = "application/octet-stream" print >>outfile, "%s,%s,%s, %s,0, %s,%s);" %(self.bug_id, SqlQuote(name), SqlQuote(name), SqlQuote (ftype), who, SqlQuote(zlib.compress(data))) for newstate, oldstate, fieldid, changedby, changedwhen in self.bug_activity: print >>outfile, "\ninsert into bugs_activity (" print >>outfile, " bug_id, who, bug_when, fieldid, added, removed) values (" print >>outfile, " %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" % (self.bug_id, changedby, changedwhen, fieldid, newstate, oldstate) for cc in self.bug_ccs: print >>outfile, "\ninsert into cc(bug_id, who) values (%s, %s);" %(self.bug_id, cc) def update_versions(self): """ Update the versions table to account for the version on this bug """ global versions_table if self.fields.has_key("Release") == 0 \ or self.fields.has_key("Category") == 0: return curr_product = "gcc" curr_version = self.fields["Release"] if curr_version == "": return curr_version = convert_gccver_to_ver (curr_version) if versions_table.has_key(curr_product) == 0: versions_table[curr_product] = [] for version in versions_table[curr_product]: if version == curr_version: return versions_table[curr_product].append(curr_version) def translate_pr(self): """ Transform a GNATS PR into a Bugzilla bug """ self.fields = self.gnatsfields if (self.fields.has_key("Organization") == 0) \ or self.fields["Organization"].find("GCC"): self.fields["Originator"] = "" self.fields["Organization"] = "" self.fields["Organization"].lstrip() if (self.fields.has_key("Release") == 0) \ or self.fields["Release"] == "" \ or self.fields["Release"].find("unknown-1.0") != -1: self.fields["Release"]="unknown" if self.fields.has_key("Responsible"): result ="""\w+""", self.fields["Responsible"]) self.fields["Responsible"] = "%s%s" % (, "") self.fields["gcchost"] = "" self.fields["gcctarget"] = "" self.fields["gccbuild"] = "" if self.fields.has_key("Environment"): result ="^host: (.+?)$", self.fields["Environment"], re.MULTILINE) if result is not None: self.fields["gcchost"] = result ="^target: (.+?)$", self.fields["Environment"], re.MULTILINE) if result is not None: self.fields["gcctarget"] = result ="^build: (.+?)$", self.fields["Environment"], re.MULTILINE) if result is not None: self.fields["gccbuild"] = self.fields["userid"] = get_userid(self.fields["Responsible"]) self.fields["bug_severity"] = "normal" if self.fields["Class"] == "change-request": self.fields["bug_severity"] = "enhancement" elif self.fields.has_key("Severity"): if self.fields["Severity"] == "critical": self.fields["bug_severity"] = "critical" elif self.fields["Severity"] == "serious": self.fields["bug_severity"] = "major" elif self.fields.has_key("Synopsis"): if"crash|assert", self.fields["Synopsis"]): self.fields["bug_severity"] = "critical" elif"wrong|error", self.fields["Synopsis"]): self.fields["bug_severity"] = "major" self.fields["bug_severity"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["bug_severity"]) self.fields["keywords"] = 0 if keywordids.has_key(self.fields["Class"]): self.fields["keywords"] = self.fields["Class"] self.fields["keywordid"] = keywordids[self.fields["Class"]] self.fields["keywords"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["keywords"]) self.fields["priority"] = "P1" if self.fields.has_key("Severity") and self.fields.has_key("Priority"): severity = self.fields["Severity"] priority = self.fields["Priority"] if severity == "critical": if priority == "high": self.fields["priority"] = "P1" else: self.fields["priority"] = "P2" elif severity == "serious": if priority == "low": self.fields["priority"] = "P4" else: self.fields["priority"] = "P3" else: if priority == "high": self.fields["priority"] = "P4" else: self.fields["priority"] = "P5" self.fields["priority"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["priority"]) state = self.fields["State"] if (state == "open" or state == "analyzed") and self.fields["userid"] != 3: self.fields["bug_status"] = "ASSIGNED" self.fields["resolution"] = "" elif state == "feedback": self.fields["bug_status"] = "WAITING" self.fields["resolution"] = "" elif state == "closed": self.fields["bug_status"] = "CLOSED" if self.fields.has_key("Class"): theclass = self.fields["Class"] if theclass.find("duplicate") != -1: self.fields["resolution"]="DUPLICATE" elif theclass.find("mistaken") != -1: self.fields["resolution"]="INVALID" else: self.fields["resolution"]="FIXED" else: self.fields["resolution"]="FIXED" elif state == "suspended": self.fields["bug_status"] = "SUSPENDED" self.fields["resolution"] = "" elif state == "analyzed" and self.fields["userid"] == 3: self.fields["bug_status"] = "NEW" self.fields["resolution"] = "" else: self.fields["bug_status"] = "UNCONFIRMED" self.fields["resolution"] = "" self.fields["bug_status"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["bug_status"]) self.fields["resolution"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["resolution"]) self.fields["creation_ts"] = "" if self.fields.has_key("Arrival-Date") and self.fields["Arrival-Date"] != "": self.fields["creation_ts"] = unixdate2datetime(self.fields["Arrival-Date"]) self.fields["creation_ts"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["creation_ts"]) self.fields["delta_ts"] = "" if self.fields.has_key("Audit-Trail"): result = lastdatere.findall(self.fields["Audit-Trail"]) result.reverse() if len(result) > 0: self.fields["delta_ts"] = unixdate2timestamp(result[0]) if self.fields["delta_ts"] == "": if self.fields.has_key("Arrival-Date") and self.fields["Arrival-Date"] != "": self.fields["delta_ts"] = unixdate2timestamp(self.fields["Arrival-Date"]) self.fields["delta_ts"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["delta_ts"]) self.fields["short_desc"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["Synopsis"]) if self.fields.has_key("Reply-To") and self.fields["Reply-To"] != "": self.fields["reporter"] = get_userid(self.fields["Reply-To"]) elif self.fields.has_key("Mail-Header"): result ="""From .*?([\w.]+@[\w.]+)""", self.fields["Mail-Header"]) if result: self.fields["reporter"] = get_userid( else: self.fields["reporter"] = get_userid(gnats_username) else: self.fields["reporter"] = get_userid(gnats_username) long_desc = self.fields["Description"] long_desc2 = "" for field in ["Release", "Environment", "How-To-Repeat"]: if self.fields.has_key(field) and self.fields[field] != "": long_desc += ("\n\n%s:\n" % field) + self.fields[field] if self.fields.has_key("Fix") and self.fields["Fix"] != "": long_desc2 = "Fix:\n" + self.fields["Fix"] if self.need_unformatted == 1 and self.fields["Unformatted"] != "": long_desc += "\n\nUnformatted:\n" + self.fields["Unformatted"] if long_desc != "": self.long_descs.append((self.bug_id, self.fields["reporter"], self.fields["creation_ts"], SqlQuote(long_desc))) if long_desc2 != "": self.long_descs.append((self.bug_id, self.fields["reporter"], self.fields["creation_ts"], SqlQuote(long_desc2))) for field in ["gcchost", "gccbuild", "gcctarget"]: self.fields[field] = SqlQuote(self.fields[field]) self.fields["version"] = "" if self.fields["Release"] != "": self.fields["version"] = convert_gccver_to_ver (self.fields["Release"]) self.fields["version"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["version"]) self.fields["product"] = SqlQuote("gcc") self.fields["component"] = "invalid" if self.fields.has_key("Category"): self.fields["component"] = self.fields["Category"] self.fields["component"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["component"]) self.fields["target_milestone"] = "---" if self.fields["version"].find("3.4") != -1: self.fields["target_milestone"] = "3.4" self.fields["target_milestone"] = SqlQuote(self.fields["target_milestone"]) if self.fields["userid"] == 2: self.fields["userid"] = "\'NULL\'" class GNATSbug(object): """ Represents a single GNATS PR """ def __init__(self, filename): self.attachments = [] self.has_unformatted_attach = 0 fp = open (filename) self.fields = self.parse_pr(fp.xreadlines()) self.bug_id = int(self.fields["Number"]) if self.fields.has_key("Unformatted"): self.find_gnatsweb_attachments() if self.fields.has_key("How-To-Repeat"): self.find_regular_attachments("How-To-Repeat") if self.fields.has_key("Fix"): self.find_regular_attachments("Fix") def get_attacher(fields): if fields.has_key("Reply-To") and fields["Reply-To"] != "": return get_userid(fields["Reply-To"]) else: result = None if fields.has_key("Mail-Header"): result ="""From .*?([\w.]+\@[\w.]+)""", fields["Mail-Header"]) if result is not None: reporter = get_userid( else: reporter = get_userid(gnats_username) get_attacher = staticmethod(get_attacher) def find_regular_attachments(self, which): fields = self.fields while"^begin [0-7]{3}", fields[which], re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE): outfp = cStringIO.StringIO() infp = cStringIO.StringIO(fields[which]) filename, start, end = specialuu.decode(infp, outfp, quiet=0) fields[which]=fields[which].replace(fields[which][start:end], "See attachments for %s\n" % filename) self.attachments.append((filename, outfp.getvalue(), self.get_attacher(fields))) def decode_gnatsweb_attachment(self, attachment): result = re.split(r"""\n\n""", attachment, 1) if len(result) == 1: return -1 envelope, body = result envelope = uselessre.split(envelope) envelope.pop(0) # Turn the list of key, value into a dict of key => value attachinfo = dict([(envelope[i], envelope[i+1]) for i in xrange(0,len(envelope),2)]) for x in attachinfo.keys(): attachinfo[x] = attachinfo[x].rstrip() if (attachinfo.has_key("Content-Type") == 0) or \ (attachinfo.has_key("Content-Disposition") == 0): raise ValueError, "Unable to parse file attachment" result =["Content-Disposition"]) filename = filename = re.sub(".*/","", filename) filename = re.sub(".*\\\\","", filename) attachinfo["filename"]=filename result ="""(\S+);.*""", attachinfo["Content-Type"]) if result is not None: attachinfo["Content-Type"] = if attachinfo.has_key("Content-Transfer-Encoding"): if attachinfo["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] == "base64": attachinfo["data"] = base64.decodestring(body) else: attachinfo["data"]=body return (attachinfo["filename"], attachinfo["data"], self.get_attacher(self.fields)) def find_gnatsweb_attachments(self): fields = self.fields attachments = re.split(attachment_delimiter, fields["Unformatted"]) fields["Unformatted"] = attachments.pop(0) for attachment in attachments: result = self.decode_gnatsweb_attachment (attachment) if result != -1: self.attachments.append(result) self.has_unformatted_attach = 1 def parse_pr(lines): #fields = {"envelope":[]} fields = {"envelope":array.array("c")} hdrmulti = "envelope" for line in lines: line = line.rstrip('\n') line += '\n' result = if result is None: if hdrmulti != "": if fields.has_key(hdrmulti): #fields[hdrmulti].append(line) fields[hdrmulti].fromstring(line) else: #fields[hdrmulti] = [line] fields[hdrmulti] = array.array("c", line) continue hdr, arg = result.groups() ghdr = "*not valid*" result = if result != None: ghdr = result.groups()[0] if ghdr in fieldnames: if multilinefields.has_key(ghdr): hdrmulti = ghdr #fields[ghdr] = [""] fields[ghdr] = array.array("c") else: hdrmulti = "" #fields[ghdr] = [arg] fields[ghdr] = array.array("c", arg) elif hdrmulti != "": #fields[hdrmulti].append(line) fields[hdrmulti].fromstring(line) if hdrmulti == "envelope" and \ (hdr == "Reply-To" or hdr == "From" \ or hdr == "X-GNATS-Notify"): arg = fix_email_addrs(arg) #fields[hdr] = [arg] fields[hdr] = array.array("c", arg) if fields.has_key("Reply-To") and len(fields["Reply-To"]) > 0: fields["Reply-To"] = fields["Reply-To"] else: fields["Reply-To"] = fields["From"] if fields.has_key("From"): del fields["From"] if fields.has_key("X-GNATS-Notify") == 0: fields["X-GNATS-Notify"] = array.array("c") #fields["X-GNATS-Notify"] = "" for x in fields.keys(): fields[x] = fields[x].tostring() #fields[x] = "".join(fields[x]) for x in fields.keys(): if multilinefields.has_key(x): fields[x] = fields[x].rstrip() return fields parse_pr = staticmethod(parse_pr) load_index("%s/gnats-adm/index" % gnats_db_dir) load_categories("%s/gnats-adm/categories" % gnats_db_dir) load_responsible("%s/gnats-adm/responsible" % gnats_db_dir) get_userid(gnats_username) get_userid(unassigned_username) for x in pr_list: print "Processing %s..." % x a = GNATSbug ("%s/%s" % (gnats_db_dir, x)) b = Bugzillabug(a) write_non_bug_tables() outfile.close()