# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

package Bugzilla::BugUrl;

use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

use parent qw(Bugzilla::Object);

use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Hook;

use URI;
use URI::QueryParam;

####    Initialization     ####

use constant DB_TABLE   => 'bug_see_also';
use constant NAME_FIELD => 'value';
use constant LIST_ORDER => 'id';

# See Also is tracked in bugs_activity.
use constant AUDIT_CREATES => 0;
use constant AUDIT_UPDATES => 0;
use constant AUDIT_REMOVES => 0;

use constant DB_COLUMNS => qw(

# This must be strings with the names of the validations,
# instead of coderefs, because subclasses override these
# validators with their own.
use constant VALIDATORS => {
  value  => '_check_value',
  bug_id => '_check_bug_id',
  class  => \&_check_class,

# This is the order we go through all of subclasses and
# pick the first one that should handle the url. New
# subclasses should be added at the end of the list.
use constant SUB_CLASSES => qw(

####      Accessors      ######

sub class  { return $_[0]->{class} }
sub bug_id { return $_[0]->{bug_id} }

####        Methods        ####

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $param = shift;

  if (ref $param) {
    my $bug_id = $param->{bug_id};
    my $name   = $param->{name} || $param->{value};
    if (!defined $bug_id) {
      ThrowCodeError('bad_arg', {argument => 'bug_id', function => "${class}::new"});
    if (!defined $name) {
      ThrowCodeError('bad_arg', {argument => 'name', function => "${class}::new"});

    my $condition = 'bug_id = ? AND value = ?';
    my @values    = ($bug_id, $name);
    $param = {condition => $condition, values => \@values};

  unshift @_, $param;
  return $class->SUPER::new(@_);

sub _do_list_select {
  my $class   = shift;
  my $objects = $class->SUPER::_do_list_select(@_);

  foreach my $object (@$objects) {
    eval "use " . $object->class;

    # If the class cannot be loaded, then we build a generic object.
    bless $object, ($@ ? 'Bugzilla::BugUrl' : $object->class);

  return $objects;

# This is an abstract method. It must be overridden
# in every subclass.
sub should_handle {
  my ($class, $input) = @_;
  ThrowCodeError('unknown_method', {method => "${class}::should_handle"});

sub class_for {
  my ($class, $value) = @_;

  my @sub_classes = $class->SUB_CLASSES;
  Bugzilla::Hook::process("bug_url_sub_classes", {sub_classes => \@sub_classes});

  my $uri = URI->new($value);
  foreach my $subclass (@sub_classes) {
    eval "use $subclass";
    die $@ if $@;
    return wantarray ? ($subclass, $uri) : $subclass
      if $subclass->should_handle($uri);

  ThrowUserError('bug_url_invalid', {url => $value});

sub _check_class {
  my ($class, $subclass) = @_;
  eval "use $subclass";
  die $@ if $@;
  return $subclass;

sub _check_bug_id {
  my ($class, $bug_id) = @_;

  my $bug;
  if (blessed $bug_id) {

    # We got a bug object passed in, use it
    $bug = $bug_id;
  else {
    # We got a bug id passed in, check it and get the bug object
    $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check({id => $bug_id});

  return $bug->id;

sub _check_value {
  my ($class, $uri) = @_;

  my $value = $uri->as_string;

  if (!$value) {
      {function => 'add_see_also', param => '$value'});

  # We assume that the URL is an HTTP URL if there is no (something)://
  # in front.
  if (!$uri->scheme) {

    # This works better than setting $uri->scheme('http'), because
    # that creates URLs like "http:domain.com" and doesn't properly
    # differentiate the path from the domain.
    $uri = new URI("http://$value");
  elsif ($uri->scheme ne 'http' && $uri->scheme ne 'https') {
    ThrowUserError('bug_url_invalid', {url => $value, reason => 'http'});

  # This stops the following edge cases from being accepted:
  # * show_bug.cgi?id=1
  # * /show_bug.cgi?id=1
  # * http:///show_bug.cgi?id=1
  if (!$uri->authority or $uri->path !~ m{/}) {
    ThrowUserError('bug_url_invalid', {url => $value, reason => 'path_only'});

  if (length($uri->path) > MAX_BUG_URL_LENGTH) {
    ThrowUserError('bug_url_too_long', {url => $uri->path});

  return $uri;


=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>


=item should_handle

=item class_for

=item class

=item bug_id
