# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # Contributor(s): Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org> package Bugzilla::Auth::Verify; use strict; use fields qw(); use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Util; use constant user_can_create_account => 1; use constant extern_id_used => 0; sub new { my ($class, $login_type) = @_; my $self = fields::new($class); return $self; } sub can_change_password { return $_[0]->can('change_password'); } sub create_or_update_user { my ($self, $params) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $extern_id = $params->{extern_id}; my $username = $params->{bz_username} || $params->{username}; my $password = $params->{password} || '*'; my $real_name = $params->{realname} || ''; my $user_id = $params->{user_id}; # A passed-in user_id always overrides anything else, for determining # what account we should return. if (!$user_id) { my $username_user_id = login_to_id($username || ''); my $extern_user_id; if ($extern_id) { trick_taint($extern_id); $extern_user_id = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE extern_id = ?', undef, $extern_id); } # If we have both a valid extern_id and a valid username, and they are # not the same id, then we have a conflict. if ($username_user_id && $extern_user_id && $username_user_id ne $extern_user_id) { my $extern_name = Bugzilla::User->new($extern_user_id)->login; return { failure => AUTH_ERROR, error => "extern_id_conflict", details => {extern_id => $extern_id, extern_user => $extern_name, username => $username} }; } # If we have a valid username, but no valid id, # then we have to create the user. This happens when we're # passed only a username, and that username doesn't exist already. if ($username && !$username_user_id && !$extern_user_id) { validate_email_syntax($username) || return { failure => AUTH_ERROR, error => 'auth_invalid_email', details => {addr => $username} }; # Usually we'd call validate_password, but external authentication # systems might follow different standards than ours. So in this # place here, we call trick_taint without checks. trick_taint($password); # XXX Theoretically this could fail with an error, but the fix for # that is too involved to be done right now. my $user = Bugzilla::User->create({ login_name => $username, cryptpassword => $password, realname => $real_name}); $username_user_id = $user->id; } # If we have a valid username id and an extern_id, but no valid # extern_user_id, then we have to set the user's extern_id. if ($extern_id && $username_user_id && !$extern_user_id) { $dbh->do('UPDATE profiles SET extern_id = ? WHERE userid = ?', undef, $extern_id, $username_user_id); } # Finally, at this point, one of these will give us a valid user id. $user_id = $extern_user_id || $username_user_id; } # If we still don't have a valid user_id, then we weren't passed # enough information in $params, and we should die right here. ThrowCodeError('bad_arg', {argument => 'params', function => 'Bugzilla::Auth::Verify::create_or_update_user'}) unless $user_id; my $user = new Bugzilla::User($user_id); # Now that we have a valid User, we need to see if any data has to be # updated. if ($username && lc($user->login) ne lc($username)) { validate_email_syntax($username) || return { failure => AUTH_ERROR, error => 'auth_invalid_email', details => {addr => $username} }; $user->set_login($username); } if ($real_name && $user->name ne $real_name) { # $real_name is more than likely tainted, but we only use it # in a placeholder and we never use it after this. trick_taint($real_name); $user->set_name($real_name); } $user->update(); return { user => $user }; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bugzilla::Auth::Verify - An object that verifies usernames and passwords. =head1 DESCRIPTION Bugzilla::Auth::Verify provides the "Verifier" part of the Bugzilla login process. (For details, see the "STRUCTURE" section of L<Bugzilla::Auth>.) It is mostly an abstract class, requiring subclasses to implement most methods. Note that callers outside of the C<Bugzilla::Auth> package should never create this object directly. Just create a C<Bugzilla::Auth> object and call C<login> on it. =head1 VERIFICATION METHODS These are the methods that have to do with the actual verification. Subclasses MUST implement these methods. =over 4 =item C<check_credentials($login_data)> Description: Checks whether or not a username is valid. Params: $login_data - A C<$login_data> hashref, as described in L<Bugzilla::Auth>. This C<$login_data> hashref MUST contain C<username>, and SHOULD also contain C<password>. Returns: A C<$login_data> hashref with C<bz_username> set. This method may also set C<realname>. It must avoid changing anything that is already set. =back =head1 MODIFICATION METHODS These are methods that change data in the actual authentication backend. These methods are optional, they do not have to be implemented by subclasses. =over 4 =item C<create_or_update_user($login_data)> Description: Automatically creates a user account in the database if it doesn't already exist, or updates the account data if C<$login_data> contains newer information. Params: $login_data - A C<$login_data> hashref, as described in L<Bugzilla::Auth>. This C<$login_data> hashref MUST contain either C<user_id>, C<bz_username>, or C<username>. If both C<username> and C<bz_username> are specified, C<bz_username> is used as the login name of the user to create in the database. It MAY also contain C<extern_id>, in which case it still MUST contain C<bz_username> or C<username>. It MAY contain C<password> and C<realname>. Returns: A hashref with one element, C<user>, which is a L<Bugzilla::User> object. May also return a login error as described in L<Bugzilla::Auth>. Note: This method is not abstract, it is actually implemented and creates accounts in the Bugzilla database. Subclasses should probably all call the C<Bugzilla::Auth::Verify> version of this function at the end of their own C<create_or_update_user>. =item C<change_password($user, $password)> Description: Modifies the user's password in the authentication backend. Params: $user - A L<Bugzilla::User> object representing the user whose password we want to change. $password - The user's new password. Returns: Nothing. =back =head1 INFO METHODS These are methods that describe the capabilities of this object. These are all no-parameter methods that return either C<true> or C<false>. =over 4 =item C<user_can_create_account> Whether or not users can manually create accounts in this type of account source. Defaults to C<true>. =item C<extern_id_used> Whether or not this verifier method uses the extern_id field. If used, users with editusers permission will be be allowed to edit the extern_id for all users. The default value is C<false>. =back