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<appendix id="variants" xreflabel="Bugzilla Variants and Competitors">
  <title>Bugzilla Variants and Competitors</title>

  <para>I created this section to answer questions about Bugzilla competitors
  and variants, then found a wonderful site which covers an awful lot of what
  I wanted to discuss. Rather than quote it in its entirety, I'll simply
  refer you here: 
  <ulink url="http://linas.org/linux/pm.html"/>.

  <section id="variant-redhat">
    <title>Red Hat Bugzilla</title>

    <para>Red Hat's old fork of Bugzilla which was based on version 2.8 is now
    obsolete. The newest version in use is based on version 2.17.1 and is in
    the process of being integrated into the main Bugzilla source tree. The
    back-end is modified to work with PostgreSQL instead of MySQL and they have
    custom templates to get their desired look and feel, but other than that it
    is Bugzilla 2.17.1. Dave Lawrence of Red Hat put forth a great deal of
    effort to make sure that the changes he made could be integrated back into
    the main tree. 
    <ulink url="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98304">Bug 98304</ulink>
    exists to track this integration.

    <para>URL: <ulink url="http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/"/>

    <para>This section last updated 24 Dec 2002</para>

  <section id="variant-fenris">
    <title>Loki Bugzilla (Fenris)</title>

    <para>Fenris was a fork from Bugzilla made by Loki Games; when
    Loki went into receivership, it died. While Loki's other code lives on,
    its custodians recommend Bugzilla for future bug-tracker deployments.

    <para>This section last updated 27 Jul 2002</para>

  <section id="variant-issuezilla">

    <para>Issuezilla was another fork from Bugzilla, made by collab.net and
    hosted at tigris.org. It is also dead; the primary focus of bug-tracking 
    at tigris.org is their Java-based bug-tracker, 
    <xref linkend="variant-scarab"/>.</para>

    <para>This section last updated 27 Jul 2002</para>

  <section id="variant-scarab">

    <para>Scarab is a new open source bug-tracking system built using Java
    Servlet technology. It is currently at version 1.0 beta 13.</para>

    <para>URL: <ulink url="http://scarab.tigris.org/"/>

    <para>This section last updated 18 Jan 2003</para>

  <section id="variant-perforce">
    <title>Perforce SCM</title>

    <para>Although Perforce isn't really a bug tracker, it can be used as
    such through the <quote>jobs</quote>

    <para>URL: <ulink url="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/technotes/note052.html"/>

    <para>This section last updated 27 Jul 2002</para>

  <section id="variant-sourceforge">

    <para>SourceForge is a way of coordinating geographically
    distributed free software and open source projects over the Internet.
    It has a built-in bug tracker, but it's not highly thought of.</para>

    <para>URL: <ulink url="http://www.sourceforge.net"/>

    <para>This section last updated 27 Jul 2002</para>

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