# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org> # Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org> # Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com> # Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> use strict; package Bugzilla::Attachment; =head1 NAME Bugzilla::Attachment - Bugzilla attachment class. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bugzilla::Attachment; # Get the attachment with the given ID. my $attachment = new Bugzilla::Attachment($attach_id); # Get the attachments with the given IDs. my $attachments = Bugzilla::Attachment->new_from_list($attach_ids); =head1 DESCRIPTION Attachment.pm represents an attachment object. It is an implementation of L<Bugzilla::Object>, and thus provides all methods that L<Bugzilla::Object> provides. The methods that are specific to C<Bugzilla::Attachment> are listed below. =cut use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Flag; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::Field; use base qw(Bugzilla::Object); ############################### #### Initialization #### ############################### use constant DB_TABLE => 'attachments'; use constant ID_FIELD => 'attach_id'; use constant LIST_ORDER => ID_FIELD; sub DB_COLUMNS { my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; return qw( attach_id bug_id description filename isobsolete ispatch isprivate isurl mimetype modification_time submitter_id), $dbh->sql_date_format('attachments.creation_ts', '%Y.%m.%d %H:%i') . ' AS creation_ts'; } use constant REQUIRED_CREATE_FIELDS => qw( bug data description filename mimetype ); use constant UPDATE_COLUMNS => qw( description filename isobsolete ispatch isprivate mimetype modification_time ); use constant VALIDATORS => { bug => \&_check_bug, description => \&_check_description, isprivate => \&_check_is_private, isurl => \&_check_is_url, store_in_file => \&_check_store_in_file, }; use constant UPDATE_VALIDATORS => { filename => \&_check_filename, isobsolete => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean, ispatch => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean, mimetype => \&_check_content_type, }; ############################### #### Accessors ###### ############################### =pod =head2 Instance Properties =over =item C<bug_id> the ID of the bug to which the attachment is attached =back =cut sub bug_id { my $self = shift; return $self->{bug_id}; } =over =item C<bug> the bug object to which the attachment is attached =back =cut sub bug { my $self = shift; require Bugzilla::Bug; $self->{bug} ||= Bugzilla::Bug->new($self->bug_id); return $self->{bug}; } =over =item C<description> user-provided text describing the attachment =back =cut sub description { my $self = shift; return $self->{description}; } =over =item C<contenttype> the attachment's MIME media type =back =cut sub contenttype { my $self = shift; return $self->{mimetype}; } =over =item C<attacher> the user who attached the attachment =back =cut sub attacher { my $self = shift; return $self->{attacher} if exists $self->{attacher}; $self->{attacher} = new Bugzilla::User($self->{submitter_id}); return $self->{attacher}; } =over =item C<attached> the date and time on which the attacher attached the attachment =back =cut sub attached { my $self = shift; return $self->{creation_ts}; } =over =item C<modification_time> the date and time on which the attachment was last modified. =back =cut sub modification_time { my $self = shift; return $self->{modification_time}; } =over =item C<filename> the name of the file the attacher attached =back =cut sub filename { my $self = shift; return $self->{filename}; } =over =item C<ispatch> whether or not the attachment is a patch =back =cut sub ispatch { my $self = shift; return $self->{ispatch}; } =over =item C<isurl> whether or not the attachment is a URL =back =cut sub isurl { my $self = shift; return $self->{isurl}; } =over =item C<isobsolete> whether or not the attachment is obsolete =back =cut sub isobsolete { my $self = shift; return $self->{isobsolete}; } =over =item C<isprivate> whether or not the attachment is private =back =cut sub isprivate { my $self = shift; return $self->{isprivate}; } =over =item C<is_viewable> Returns 1 if the attachment has a content-type viewable in this browser. Note that we don't use $cgi->Accept()'s ability to check if a content-type matches, because this will return a value even if it's matched by the generic */* which most browsers add to the end of their Accept: headers. =back =cut sub is_viewable { my $self = shift; my $contenttype = $self->contenttype; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; # We assume we can view all text and image types. return 1 if ($contenttype =~ /^(text|image)\//); # Mozilla can view XUL. Note the trailing slash on the Gecko detection to # avoid sending XUL to Safari. return 1 if (($contenttype =~ /^application\/vnd\.mozilla\./) && ($cgi->user_agent() =~ /Gecko\//)); # If it's not one of the above types, we check the Accept: header for any # types mentioned explicitly. my $accept = join(",", $cgi->Accept()); return 1 if ($accept =~ /^(.*,)?\Q$contenttype\E(,.*)?$/); return 0; } =over =item C<data> the content of the attachment =back =cut sub data { my $self = shift; return $self->{data} if exists $self->{data}; # First try to get the attachment data from the database. ($self->{data}) = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT thedata FROM attach_data WHERE id = ?", undef, $self->id); # If there's no attachment data in the database, the attachment is stored # in a local file, so retrieve it from there. if (length($self->{data}) == 0) { if (open(AH, $self->_get_local_filename())) { local $/; binmode AH; $self->{data} = <AH>; close(AH); } } return $self->{data}; } =over =item C<datasize> the length (in characters) of the attachment content =back =cut # datasize is a property of the data itself, and it's unclear whether we should # expose it at all, since you can easily derive it from the data itself: in TT, # attachment.data.size; in Perl, length($attachment->{data}). But perhaps # it makes sense for performance reasons, since accessing the data forces it # to get retrieved from the database/filesystem and loaded into memory, # while datasize avoids loading the attachment into memory, calling SQL's # LENGTH() function or stat()ing the file instead. I've left it in for now. sub datasize { my $self = shift; return $self->{datasize} if exists $self->{datasize}; # If we have already retrieved the data, return its size. return length($self->{data}) if exists $self->{data}; $self->{datasize} = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT LENGTH(thedata) FROM attach_data WHERE id = ?", undef, $self->id) || 0; # If there's no attachment data in the database, either the attachment # is stored in a local file, and so retrieve its size from the file, # or the attachment has been deleted. unless ($self->{datasize}) { if (open(AH, $self->_get_local_filename())) { binmode AH; $self->{datasize} = (stat(AH))[7]; close(AH); } } return $self->{datasize}; } sub _get_local_filename { my $self = shift; my $hash = ($self->id % 100) + 100; $hash =~ s/.*(\d\d)$/group.$1/; return bz_locations()->{'attachdir'} . "/$hash/attachment." . $self->id; } =over =item C<flags> flags that have been set on the attachment =back =cut sub flags { my $self = shift; return $self->{flags} if exists $self->{flags}; $self->{flags} = Bugzilla::Flag->match({ 'attach_id' => $self->id }); return $self->{flags}; } =over =item C<flag_types> Return all flag types available for this attachment as well as flags already set, grouped by flag type. =back =cut sub flag_types { my $self = shift; return $self->{flag_types} if exists $self->{flag_types}; my $vars = { target_type => 'attachment', product_id => $self->bug->product_id, component_id => $self->bug->component_id, attach_id => $self->id }; $self->{flag_types} = Bugzilla::Flag::_flag_types($vars); return $self->{flag_types}; } ############################### #### Validators ###### ############################### sub set_content_type { $_[0]->set('mimetype', $_[1]); } sub set_description { $_[0]->set('description', $_[1]); } sub set_filename { $_[0]->set('filename', $_[1]); } sub set_is_obsolete { $_[0]->set('isobsolete', $_[1]); } sub set_is_patch { $_[0]->set('ispatch', $_[1]); } sub set_is_private { $_[0]->set('isprivate', $_[1]); } sub _check_bug { my ($invocant, $bug) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->user; $bug = ref $invocant ? $invocant->bug : $bug; ($user->can_see_bug($bug->id) && $user->can_edit_product($bug->product_id)) || ThrowUserError("illegal_attachment_edit_bug", { bug_id => $bug->id }); return $bug; } sub _check_content_type { my ($invocant, $content_type) = @_; $content_type = 'text/plain' if (ref $invocant && ($invocant->isurl || $invocant->ispatch)); my $legal_types = join('|', LEGAL_CONTENT_TYPES); if ($content_type !~ /^($legal_types)\/.+$/) { ThrowUserError("invalid_content_type", { contenttype => $content_type }); } trick_taint($content_type); return $content_type; } sub _check_data { my ($invocant, $params) = @_; my $data; if ($params->{isurl}) { $data = $params->{data}; ($data && $data =~ m#^(http|https|ftp)://\S+#) || ThrowUserError('attachment_illegal_url', { url => $data }); $params->{mimetype} = 'text/plain'; $params->{ispatch} = 0; $params->{store_in_file} = 0; } else { if ($params->{store_in_file} || !ref $params->{data}) { # If it's a filehandle, just store it, not the content of the file # itself as the file may be quite large. If it's not a filehandle, # it already contains the content of the file. $data = $params->{data}; # We don't compress BMP images stored locally, nor do we check # their size. No need to go further. return $data if $params->{store_in_file}; } else { # The file will be stored in the DB. We need the content of the file. local $/; my $fh = $params->{data}; $data = <$fh>; } $data || ThrowUserError('zero_length_file'); # This should go away, see bug 480986. # Windows screenshots are usually uncompressed BMP files which # makes for a quick way to eat up disk space. Let's compress them. # We do this before we check the size since the uncompressed version # could easily be greater than maxattachmentsize. if (Bugzilla->params->{'convert_uncompressed_images'} && $params->{mimetype} eq 'image/bmp') { require Image::Magick; my $img = Image::Magick->new(magick=>'bmp'); $img->BlobToImage($data); $img->set(magick=>'png'); my $imgdata = $img->ImageToBlob(); $data = $imgdata; $params->{mimetype} = 'image/png'; # $hr_vars->{'convertedbmp'} = 1; } # Make sure the attachment does not exceed the maximum permitted size. my $max_size = Bugzilla->params->{'maxattachmentsize'} * 1024; # Convert from K my $len = length($data); if ($len > $max_size) { my $vars = { filesize => sprintf("%.0f", $len/1024) }; if ($params->{ispatch}) { ThrowUserError('patch_too_large', $vars); } else { ThrowUserError('file_too_large', $vars); } } } return $data; } sub _check_description { my ($invocant, $description) = @_; $description = trim($description); $description || ThrowUserError('missing_attachment_description'); return $description; } sub _check_filename { my ($invocant, $filename, $is_url) = @_; $is_url = $invocant->isurl if ref $invocant; # No file is attached, so it has no name. return '' if $is_url; $filename = trim($filename); $filename || ThrowUserError('file_not_specified'); # Remove path info (if any) from the file name. The browser should do this # for us, but some are buggy. This may not work on Mac file names and could # mess up file names with slashes in them, but them's the breaks. We only # use this as a hint to users downloading attachments anyway, so it's not # a big deal if it munges incorrectly occasionally. $filename =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//; # Truncate the filename to 100 characters, counting from the end of the # string to make sure we keep the filename extension. $filename = substr($filename, -100, 100); trick_taint($filename); return $filename; } sub _check_is_private { my ($invocant, $is_private) = @_; $is_private = $is_private ? 1 : 0; if (((!ref $invocant && $is_private) || (ref $invocant && $invocant->isprivate != $is_private)) && !Bugzilla->user->is_insider) { ThrowUserError('user_not_insider'); } return $is_private; } sub _check_is_url { my ($invocant, $is_url) = @_; if ($is_url && !Bugzilla->params->{'allow_attach_url'}) { ThrowCodeError('attachment_url_disabled'); } return $is_url ? 1 : 0; } sub _check_store_in_file { my ($invocant, $store_in_file) = @_; if ($store_in_file && !Bugzilla->params->{'maxlocalattachment'}) { ThrowCodeError('attachment_local_storage_disabled'); } return $store_in_file ? 1 : 0; } =pod =head2 Class Methods =over =item C<get_attachments_by_bug($bug_id)> Description: retrieves and returns the attachments the currently logged in user can view for the given bug. Params: C<$bug_id> - integer - the ID of the bug for which to retrieve and return attachments. Returns: a reference to an array of attachment objects. =cut sub get_attachments_by_bug { my ($class, $bug_id, $vars) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # By default, private attachments are not accessible, unless the user # is in the insider group or submitted the attachment. my $and_restriction = ''; my @values = ($bug_id); unless ($user->is_insider) { $and_restriction = 'AND (isprivate = 0 OR submitter_id = ?)'; push(@values, $user->id); } my $attach_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT attach_id FROM attachments WHERE bug_id = ? $and_restriction", undef, @values); my $attachments = Bugzilla::Attachment->new_from_list($attach_ids); # To avoid $attachment->flags to run SQL queries itself for each # attachment listed here, we collect all the data at once and # populate $attachment->{flags} ourselves. if ($vars->{preload}) { $_->{flags} = [] foreach @$attachments; my %att = map { $_->id => $_ } @$attachments; my $flags = Bugzilla::Flag->match({ bug_id => $bug_id, target_type => 'attachment' }); # Exclude flags for private attachments you cannot see. @$flags = grep {exists $att{$_->attach_id}} @$flags; push(@{$att{$_->attach_id}->{flags}}, $_) foreach @$flags; $attachments = [sort {$a->id <=> $b->id} values %att]; } return $attachments; } =pod =item C<validate_can_edit($attachment, $product_id)> Description: validates if the user is allowed to view and edit the attachment. Only the submitter or someone with editbugs privs can edit it. Only the submitter and users in the insider group can view private attachments. Params: $attachment - the attachment object being edited. $product_id - the product ID the attachment belongs to. Returns: 1 on success. Else an error is thrown. =cut sub validate_can_edit { my ($attachment, $product_id) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->user; # The submitter can edit their attachments. return 1 if ($attachment->attacher->id == $user->id || ((!$attachment->isprivate || $user->is_insider) && $user->in_group('editbugs', $product_id))); # If we come here, then this attachment cannot be edited by the user. ThrowUserError('illegal_attachment_edit', { attach_id => $attachment->id }); } =item C<validate_obsolete($bug)> Description: validates if attachments the user wants to mark as obsolete really belong to the given bug and are not already obsolete. Moreover, a user cannot mark an attachment as obsolete if he cannot view it (due to restrictions on it). Params: $bug - The bug object obsolete attachments should belong to. Returns: 1 on success. Else an error is thrown. =cut sub validate_obsolete { my ($class, $bug, $list) = @_; # Make sure the attachment id is valid and the user has permissions to view # the bug to which it is attached. Make sure also that the user can view # the attachment itself. my @obsolete_attachments; foreach my $attachid (@$list) { my $vars = {}; $vars->{'attach_id'} = $attachid; detaint_natural($attachid) || ThrowCodeError('invalid_attach_id_to_obsolete', $vars); # Make sure the attachment exists in the database. my $attachment = new Bugzilla::Attachment($attachid) || ThrowUserError('invalid_attach_id', $vars); # Check that the user can view and edit this attachment. $attachment->validate_can_edit($bug->product_id); $vars->{'description'} = $attachment->description; if ($attachment->bug_id != $bug->bug_id) { $vars->{'my_bug_id'} = $bug->bug_id; $vars->{'attach_bug_id'} = $attachment->bug_id; ThrowCodeError('mismatched_bug_ids_on_obsolete', $vars); } if ($attachment->isobsolete) { ThrowCodeError('attachment_already_obsolete', $vars); } push(@obsolete_attachments, $attachment); } return @obsolete_attachments; } ############################### #### Constructors ##### ############################### =pod =item C<create> Description: inserts an attachment into the given bug. Params: takes a hashref with the following keys: C<bug> - Bugzilla::Bug object - the bug for which to insert the attachment. C<data> - Either a filehandle pointing to the content of the attachment, or the content of the attachment itself. C<description> - string - describe what the attachment is about. C<filename> - string - the name of the attachment (used by the browser when downloading it). If the attachment is a URL, this parameter has no effect. C<mimetype> - string - a valid MIME type. C<creation_ts> - string (optional) - timestamp of the insert as returned by SELECT NOW(). C<ispatch> - boolean (optional, default false) - true if the attachment is a patch. C<isprivate> - boolean (optional, default false) - true if the attachment is private. C<isurl> - boolean (optional, default false) - true if the attachment is a URL pointing to some external ressource. C<store_in_file> - boolean (optional, default false) - true if the attachment must be stored in data/attachments/ instead of in the DB. Returns: The new attachment object. =cut sub create { my $class = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $class->check_required_create_fields(@_); my $params = $class->run_create_validators(@_); # Extract everything which is not a valid column name. my $bug = delete $params->{bug}; $params->{bug_id} = $bug->id; my $fh = delete $params->{data}; my $store_in_file = delete $params->{store_in_file}; my $attachment = $class->insert_create_data($params); my $attachid = $attachment->id; # We only use $data here in this INSERT with a placeholder, # so it's safe. my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO attach_data (id, thedata) VALUES ($attachid, ?)"); my $data = $store_in_file ? "" : $fh; trick_taint($data); $sth->bind_param(1, $data, $dbh->BLOB_TYPE); $sth->execute(); # If the file is to be stored locally, stream the file from the web server # to the local file without reading it into a local variable. if ($store_in_file) { my $limit = Bugzilla->params->{"maxlocalattachment"} * 1048576; # If $fh is not a filehandle, we already know its size. ThrowUserError("local_file_too_large") if (!ref($fh) && length($fh) > $limit); my $attachdir = bz_locations()->{'attachdir'}; my $hash = ($attachid % 100) + 100; $hash =~ s/.*(\d\d)$/group.$1/; mkdir "$attachdir/$hash", 0770; chmod 0770, "$attachdir/$hash"; open(AH, ">$attachdir/$hash/attachment.$attachid"); binmode AH; if (ref $fh) { my $sizecount = 0; while (<$fh>) { print AH $_; $sizecount += length($_); if ($sizecount > $limit) { close AH; close $fh; unlink "$attachdir/$hash/attachment.$attachid"; ThrowUserError("local_file_too_large"); } } close $fh; } else { print AH $fh; } close AH; } # Return the new attachment object. return $attachment; } sub run_create_validators { my $class = shift; my $params = $class->SUPER::run_create_validators(@_); $params->{data} = $class->_check_data($params); # We couldn't call these checkers earlier as _check_data() could alter values. $params->{ispatch} = $params->{ispatch} ? 1 : 0; $params->{filename} = $class->_check_filename($params->{filename}, $params->{isurl}); $params->{mimetype} = $class->_check_content_type($params->{mimetype}); $params->{creation_ts} ||= Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()'); $params->{modification_time} = $params->{creation_ts}; $params->{submitter_id} = Bugzilla->user->id || ThrowCodeError('invalid_user'); return $params; } sub update { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $bug = $self->bug; my $timestamp = shift || $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()'); $self->{modification_time} = $timestamp; my ($changes, $old_self) = $self->SUPER::update(@_); # Ignore this change. delete $changes->{modification_time}; # Record changes in the activity table. my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO bugs_activity (bug_id, attach_id, who, bug_when, fieldid, removed, added) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'); foreach my $field (keys %$changes) { my $change = $changes->{$field}; my $fieldid = get_field_id("attachments.$field"); $sth->execute($bug->id, $self->id, $user->id, $timestamp, $fieldid, $change->[0], $change->[1]); } if (scalar(keys %$changes)) { $dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?', undef, $timestamp, $bug->id); } return $changes; } =pod =item C<remove_from_db()> Description: removes an attachment from the DB. Params: none Returns: nothing =back =cut sub remove_from_db { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; $dbh->bz_start_transaction(); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM flags WHERE attach_id = ?', undef, $self->id); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM attach_data WHERE id = ?', undef, $self->id); $dbh->do('UPDATE attachments SET mimetype = ?, ispatch = ?, isurl = ?, isobsolete = ? WHERE attach_id = ?', undef, ('text/plain', 0, 0, 1, $self->id)); $dbh->bz_commit_transaction(); } ############################### #### Helpers ##### ############################### # Extract the content type from the attachment form. sub get_content_type { my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; return 'text/plain' if ($cgi->param('ispatch') || $cgi->param('attachurl')); my $content_type; if (!defined $cgi->param('contenttypemethod')) { ThrowUserError("missing_content_type_method"); } elsif ($cgi->param('contenttypemethod') eq 'autodetect') { defined $cgi->upload('data') || ThrowUserError('file_not_specified'); # The user asked us to auto-detect the content type, so use the type # specified in the HTTP request headers. $content_type = $cgi->uploadInfo($cgi->param('data'))->{'Content-Type'}; $content_type || ThrowUserError("missing_content_type"); # Set the ispatch flag to 1 if the content type # is text/x-diff or text/x-patch if ($content_type =~ m{text/x-(?:diff|patch)}) { $cgi->param('ispatch', 1); $content_type = 'text/plain'; } } elsif ($cgi->param('contenttypemethod') eq 'list') { # The user selected a content type from the list, so use their # selection. $content_type = $cgi->param('contenttypeselection'); } elsif ($cgi->param('contenttypemethod') eq 'manual') { # The user entered a content type manually, so use their entry. $content_type = $cgi->param('contenttypeentry'); } else { ThrowCodeError("illegal_content_type_method", { contenttypemethod => $cgi->param('contenttypemethod') }); } return $content_type; } 1;