<html> <head> <title>Help on searching by email address.</title> </head> <body> <h1>Help on searching by email address.</h1> This used to be simpler, but not very powerful. Now it's really powerful and useful, but it may not be obvious how to use it... <p> To search for bugs associated with an email address: <ul> <li> Type a portion of an email address into the text field. <li> Select which fields of the bug you expect that address to be in the bugs you're looking for. </ul> <p> You can look for up to two different email addresses; if you specify both, then only bugs which match both will show up. This is useful to find bugs that were, for example, created by Ralph and assigned to Fred. <p> You can also use the drop down menus to specify whether you want to match addresses by doing a substring match, by using regular expressions, or by exactly matching a fully specified email address. </body> </html>