#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org>
#                 Gregor Fischer <fischer@suse.de>
#                 Klaas Freitag  <freitag@suse.de>
#                 Seth Landsman  <seth@dworkin.net>
#                 Ludovic Dubost <ludovic@pobox.com>
# Bugzilla: Create a new bug via email
# The email needs to be feeded to this program on STDIN. 
# This is usually done by having an entry like this in your 
# .procmailrc:
#     BUGZILLA_HOME=/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/bugzilla
#     :0 c
#     |(cd $BUGZILLA_HOME/contrib; ./bug_email.pl)
# Installation note:
# You need to work with bug_email.pl the MIME::Parser installed.
# $Id: bug_email.pl,v 1.35 2006/05/29 17:24:54 lpsolit%gmail.com Exp $

# 02/12/2000 (SML)
# - updates to work with most recent database changes to the bugs database
# - updated so that it works out of bugzilla/contrib
# - initial checkin into the mozilla CVS tree (yay)

# 02/13/2000 (SML)
# - email transformation code.  
#   EMAIL_TRANSFORM_NONE does exact email matches
#   EMAIL_TRANSFORM_NAME_ONLY matches on the username 
#   EMAIL_TRANSFORM_BASE_DOMAIN matches on the username and checks the domain of
#    to see that the one in the database is a subset of the one in the sender address
#    this is probably prone to false positives and probably needs more work.

# 03/07/2000 (SML)
#    any email submitted bug will be entered with a product of PENDING, if no other product is
#    specified in the email.

# 10/21/2003 (Ludovic)
# - added $DEFAULT_VERSION, similar to product and component above
# - added command line switches to override version, product, and component, so separate
#   email addresses can be used for different product/component/version combinations.
#   Example for procmail:
#    # Feed mail to stdin of bug_email.pl
#    :0 Ec
#    * !^Subject: .*[Bug .*]
#    RESULT=|(cd $BUGZILLA_HOME/contrib && ./bug_email.pl -p='Tier_3_Operations' -c='General' )

# Next round of revisions :
# - querying a bug over email
# - appending a bug over email
# - keywords over email
# - use the globals.pl parameters functionality to edit and save this script's parameters
# - integrate some setup in the checksetup.pl script
# - gpg signatures for security

use strict;
use MIME::Parser;

    chdir '..';        # this script lives in contrib
    push @INC, "contrib/.";
    push @INC, ".";

require "globals.pl";
use Bugzilla;
use BugzillaEmail;
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT $datadir);

use lib ".";
use lib "../";
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::BugMail;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Product;
use Bugzilla::Component;

my @mailerrors = ();       # Buffer for Errors in the mail
my @mailwarnings = ();     # Buffer for Warnings found in the mail
my $critical_err = 0; # Counter for critical errors - must be zero for success
my %Control;
my $Header = "";
my @RequiredLabels = ();
my @AllowedLabels = ();
my $Body = "";
my @attachments = ();

my $product_valid = 0;
my $test = 0;
my $restricted = 0;
my $SenderShort;
my $Message_ID;

my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;

# change to use default product / component functionality
my $DEFAULT_VERSION = "unspecified";

# storeAttachments
# in this sub, attachments found in the dump-sub will be written to 
# the database. The info, which attachments need saving is stored
# in the global @attachments-list.
# The sub returns the number of stored attachments.
sub storeAttachments( $$ )
    my ($bugid, $submitter_id ) = @_;
    my $maxsize = 0;
    my $data;
    my $listref  = \@attachments;
    my $att_count = 0;
    my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
    $submitter_id ||= 0;

    my $timestamp = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");
    my $sth_attach = $dbh->prepare(q{
            INSERT INTO attachments (bug_id, creation_ts, description, 
                                     mimetype, ispatch, filename, submitter_id) 
            VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?, ?) });

    my $sth_data = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO attach_data (id, thedata)
                                   VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), ?)});
    foreach my $pairref ( @$listref ) {
        my ($decoded_file, $mime, $on_disk, $description) = @$pairref;

        # Size check - mysql has a maximum space for the data ?
        $maxsize = 1047552;  # should be queried by a system( "mysqld --help" );,
        # but this seems not to be supported by all current mysql-versions

        # Read data file binary
        if( $on_disk ) {
            if( open( FILE, "$decoded_file" )) {
                binmode FILE;
                read FILE, $data, $maxsize;
                close FILE;
                $att_count ++;
            } else { 
                print "Error while reading attachment $decoded_file!\n";
            # print "unlinking $datadir/mimedump-tmp/$decoded_file";
            # unlink "$datadir/mimedump-tmp/$decoded_file";
        } else {
            # data is in the scalar 
            $data = $decoded_file;
        my @values = ($bugid, $timestamp, $description, $mime, $decoded_file, $submitter_id);

        unless ($test) {

    return( $att_count );

# Beautification
sub horLine( )
    return( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); 

# Check if $Name is in $GroupName

sub CheckPermissions {
    my ($GroupName, $Name) = @_;
    return findUser($Name);

# Check if component is valid for product.
sub CheckVersion {
    my $Product = shift;
    my $Version = shift;
    my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
    my $version_value = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{SELECT value 
                                                  FROM versions 
                                            INNER JOIN products 
                                                    ON versions.product_id = products.id 
                                                 WHERE products.name= ? 
                                                   AND value= ?}, undef, $Product, $Version);
    return $version_value || "";

# Reply to a mail.
sub Reply( $$$$ ) {
    my ($Sender, $MessageID, $Subject, $Text) = @_;
    die "Cannot find sender-email-address" unless defined( $Sender );
    if( $test ) {
        open( MAIL, '>>', "$datadir/bug_email_test.log" );
    else {
        open( MAIL, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t" );

    print MAIL "To: $Sender\n";
    print MAIL "From: Bugzilla Mailinterface<yourmail\@here.com>\n";
    print MAIL "Subject: $Subject\n";
    print MAIL "In-Reply-To: $MessageID\n" if ( defined( $MessageID ));
    print MAIL "\n";
    print MAIL "$Text";
    close( MAIL );


# getEnumList
# Queries the Database for the table description and figures the
# enum-settings out - usefull for checking fields for enums like
# prios 
sub getEnumList( $ )
    my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
    my ($fieldname) = @_;
    my $result = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq{SELECT value FROM $fieldname});


# CheckPriority
# Checks, if the priority setting is one of the enums defined
# in the data base
# Uses the global var. $Control{ 'priority' }
sub CheckPriority
    my $prio = $Control{'priority'};
    my $all_prios = getEnumList( "priority" );

    if( $prio eq "" || (lsearch( $all_prios, $prio ) == -1)  ) {
        # OK, Prio was not defined - create Answer
        my $Text = "You sent wrong priority-setting, valid values are:" .
            join( "\n\t", @$all_prios ) . "\n\n";
        $Text .= "*  The priority is set to the default value ". 
            Param('defaultpriority') . "\n";

        BugMailError( 0, $Text );

        # set default value from param-file
        $Control{'priority'} = Param( 'defaultpriority' );
    } else {
        # Nothing to do

# CheckSeverity
# checks the bug_severity
sub CheckSeverity
    my $sever = ($Control{'bug_severity'} ||= "" );
    my $all_sever = getEnumList( "bug_severity" );

    if( (lsearch($all_sever, $sever) == -1) || $sever eq "" ) {
        # OK, Prio was not defined - create Answer
        my $Text = "You sent wrong bug_severity-setting, valid values are:" .
            join( "\n\t", @$all_sever ) . "\n\n";
        $Text .= "*  The bug_severity is set to the default value 'normal' \n";

        BugMailError( 0, $Text );

        # set default value from param-file
        $Control{'bug_severity'} = "normal";

# CheckArea
# checks the area-field
sub CheckArea
    my $area = ($Control{'area'} ||= "" );
    my $all = getEnumList( "area" );

    if( (lsearch($all, $area) == -1) || $area eq "" ) {
        # OK, Area was not defined - create Answer
        my $Text = "You sent wrong area-setting, valid values are:" .
            join( "\n\t", @$all ) . "\n\n";
        $Text .= "*  The area is set to the default value 'BUILD' \n";

        BugMailError( 0, $Text );

        # set default value from param-file
        $Control{'area'} = "BUILD";

# CheckPlatform
# checks the given Platform and corrects it
sub CheckPlatform
    my $platform = ($Control{'rep_platform'} ||= "" );
    my $all = getEnumList( "rep_platform" );

    if( (lsearch($all, $platform) == -1) ||  $platform eq "" ) {
        # OK, Prio was not defined - create Answer
        my $Text = "You sent wrong platform-setting, valid values are:" .
            join( "\n\t", @$all ) . "\n\n";
        $Text .= "*  The rep_platform is set to the default value 'All' \n";

        BugMailError( 0, $Text );

        # set default value from param-file
        $Control{'rep_platform'} = "All";

# CheckSystem
# checks the given Op-Sys and corrects it
sub CheckSystem
    my $sys = ($Control{'op_sys'} ||= "" );
    my $all = getEnumList( "op_sys" );

    if(  (lsearch( $all, $sys ) == -1) || $sys eq "" ) {
        # OK, Prio was not defined - create Answer
        my $Text = "You sent wrong OS-setting, valid values are:" .
            join( "\n\t", @$all ) . "\n\n";
        $Text .= "*  The op_sys is set to the default value 'Linux' \n";

        BugMailError( 0, $Text );

        # set default value from param-file
        $Control{'op_sys'} = "Linux";

# Error Handler for Errors in the mail
# This function can be called multiple within processing one mail and
# stores the errors found in the Mail. Errors are for example empty
# required tags, missing required tags and so on.
# The benefit is, that the mail users get a reply, where all mail errors
# are reported. The reply mail includes all messages what was wrong and
# the second mail the user sends can be ok, cause all his faults where
# reported.
# BugMailError takes two arguments: The first one is a flag, how heavy
# the error is:
# 0 - It's an error, but Bugzilla can process the bug. The user should
#     handle that as a warning.
# 1 - It's a real bug. Bugzilla can't store the bug. The mail has to be
#     resent.
# 2 - Permission error: The user does not have the permission to send
#     a bug.
# The second argument is a Text which describes the bug.
# #
sub BugMailError($ $ )
    my ( $errflag, $text ) = @_;

    # On permission error, don't sent all other Errors back -> just quit !
    if( $errflag == 2 ) {            # Permission-Error
        Reply( $SenderShort, $Message_ID, "Bugzilla Error", "Permission denied.\n\n" .
               "You do not have the permissions to create a new bug. Sorry.\n" );

    # Warnings - store for the reply mail
    if( $errflag == 0 ) {
        push( @mailwarnings, $text );

    # Critical Error
    if( $errflag == 1 ) {
        $critical_err += 1;
        push( @mailerrors, $text );

# getWarningText()
# getWarningText() returns a reply-ready Textline of all the
# Warnings in the Mail
sub getWarningText()
    my $anz = @mailwarnings;

    my $ret = <<END
The Bugzilla Mail Interface found warnings (JFYI):


    # Handshake if no warnings at all
    return( "\n\n Your mail was processed without Warnings !\n" ) if( $anz == 0 );

    # build a text
    $ret .= join( "\n     ", @mailwarnings );
    return( horLine() . $ret );

sub getErrorText()
    my $anz = @mailerrors;

    my $ret = <<END

**************************  ERROR  **************************
Your request to the Bugzilla mail interface could not be met
due to errors in the mail. We will find it !

    return( "\n\n Your mail was processed without errors !\n") if( $anz == 0 );
    # build a text
    $ret .= join( "\n     ", @mailerrors );
    return( $ret );

# generateTemplate
# This functiuon generates a mail-Template with the 
sub generateTemplate()
    my $w;
    my $ret;

    # Required Labels
    $ret =<<EOF

You may want to use this template to resend your mail. Please fill in the missing

_____ snip _______________________________________________________________________

    foreach ( @RequiredLabels ) {
        $w = "";
        $w = $Control{$_} if defined( $Control{ $_ } );
        $ret .= sprintf( "    \@%-15s:  %s\n", $_, $w );

    $ret .= "\n";
    # Allowed Labels
    foreach( @AllowedLabels ) {
        next if( /reporter/    );  # Reporter is not a valid label
        next if( /assigned_to/ );  # Assigned to is just a number 
        if( defined( $Control{ $_ } ) && lsearch( \@RequiredLabels, $_ ) == -1 ) {
            $ret .=  sprintf( "    \@%-15s:  %s\n", $_,  $Control{ $_ } );

    if( $Body eq "" ) {
    $ret .= <<END
   < the bug-description follows here >

_____ snip _______________________________________________________________________

    ; } else {
        $ret .= "\n" . $Body;
    return( $ret );

# dump_entity ENTITY, NAME
# Recursive routine for parsing a mime coded mail.
# One mail may contain more than one mime blocks, which need to be
# handled. Therefore, this function is called recursively.
# It gets the for bugzilla important information from the mailbody and 
# stores them into the global attachment-list @attachments. The attachment-list
# is needed in storeAttachments.
sub dump_entity {
    my ($entity, $name) = @_;
    defined($name) or $name = "'anonymous'";
    my $IO;

    # Output the body:
    my @parts = $entity->parts;
    if (@parts) {                     # multipart...
        my $i;
        foreach $i (0 .. $#parts) {       # dump each part...
            dump_entity($parts[$i], ("$name, part ".(1+$i)));
    } else {                            # single part...        

        # Get MIME type, and display accordingly...
        my $msg_part = $entity->head->get( 'Content-Disposition' );
        $msg_part ||= ""; 

        my ($type, $subtype) = split('/', $entity->head->mime_type);
        my $body = $entity->bodyhandle;
        my ($data, $on_disk );

        if(  $msg_part =~ /^attachment/ ) {
            # Attached File
            my $des = $entity->head->get('Content-Description');
            $des ||= $entity->head->recommended_filename;
            $des ||= "unnamed attachment";

            if( defined( $body->path )) { # Data is on disk
                $on_disk = 1;
                $data = $body->path;
            } else {                      # Data is in core
                $on_disk = 0;
                $data = $body->as_string;
            push ( @attachments, [ $data, $entity->head->mime_type, $on_disk, $des ] );
        } else {
            # Real Message
            if ($type =~ /^(text|message)$/) {     # text: display it...
                if ($IO = $body->open("r")) {
                    $Body .=  $_ while (defined($_ = $IO->getline));
                } else {       # d'oh!
                    print "$0: couldn't find/open '$name': $!";
            } else { print "Oooops - no Body !\n"; }

# sub extractControls
# This sub parses the message Body and filters the control-keys. 
# Attention: Global hash Controls affected
sub extractControls( $ )
    my ($body) = @_;
    my $backbody = "";

    my @lbody = split( /\n/, $body );
    # In restricted mode, all lines before the first keyword
    # are skipped.
    if( $restricted ) {
        while( $lbody[0] =~ /^\s*\@.*/ ){ shift( @lbody );} 
    # Filtering for keys
    foreach( @lbody ) {
        if( /^\s*\@description/ ) {
            $backbody .= $_;
        } elsif( /^\s*\@(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*|\s*:\s*|\s+)(.*?)\s*$/ ) {
            $Control{lc($1)} = $2;
        } else {
            $backbody .= "$_" . "\n";

    # that's it.
    return( $backbody );

# Main starts here
# Commandline switches:
# -t: test mode - no DB-Inserts
foreach( @ARGV ) {
    $restricted = 1 if ( /-r/ );
    $test = 1 if ( /-t/ );

    if ( /-p=['"]?(.+)['"]?/ )
      $DEFAULT_PRODUCT = $1;

    if ( /-c=['"]?(.+)["']?/ )

    if ( /-v=['"]?(.+)["']?/ )
      $DEFAULT_VERSION = $1;


# Parsing a mime-message
if( -t STDIN ) {
print STDERR <<END
 Bugzilla Mail Interface

 This scripts reads a mail message through stdin and parses the message,
 for to insert a bug to bugzilla.

 -t: Testmode - No insert to the DB, but logfile
 -r: restricted mode - all lines before the keys in the mail are skipped


# Create a new MIME parser:
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;

# Create and set the output directory:
# FIXME: There should be a $BUGZILLA_HOME variable (SML)
(-d "$datadir/mimedump-tmp") or mkdir "$datadir/mimedump-tmp",0755 or die "mkdir: $!";
(-w "$datadir/mimedump-tmp") or die "can't write to directory";

# Read the MIME message:
my $entity = $parser->read(\*STDIN) or die "couldn't parse MIME stream";
$entity->remove_sig(10);          # Removes the signature in the last 10 lines

# Getting values from parsed mail
my $Sender = $entity->get( 'From' );
$Sender ||=  $entity->get( 'Reply-To' );
$Message_ID = $entity->get( 'Message-Id' );

die (" *** Can't find Sender-address in sent mail ! ***\n" ) unless defined( $Sender );
chomp( $Sender );
chomp( $Message_ID );

$SenderShort = $Sender;
$SenderShort =~ s/^.*?([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+?\@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+).*$/$1/;

$SenderShort = findUser($SenderShort);

if (!defined($SenderShort)) {
  $SenderShort = $Sender;
  $SenderShort =~ s/^.*?([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+?\@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+).*$/$1/;

my $Subject = "";
$Subject = $entity->get( 'Subject' );
chomp( $Subject );

# Get all the attachments
# print $Body;
$Body = extractControls( $Body );  # fills the Control-Hash

if( $test ) {
    foreach (keys %Control ) {
        print "$_ => $Control{$_}\n";

$Control{'short_desc'} ||= $Subject;
#  * Mailparsing finishes here *

# Now a lot of Checks of the given Labels start.
# Check Control-Labels
# not: reporter !
@AllowedLabels = ("product", "version", "rep_platform",
                  "bug_severity", "priority", "op_sys", "assigned_to",
                  "bug_status", "bug_file_loc", "short_desc", "component",
                  "status_whiteboard", "target_milestone", "groupset",
#my @AllowedLabels = qw{Summary priority platform assign};
foreach (keys %Control) {
    if ( lsearch( \@AllowedLabels, $_) < 0 ) {
        BugMailError( 0, "You sent a unknown label: " . $_ );

push( @AllowedLabels, "reporter" );
$Control{'reporter'} = $SenderShort;

# Check required Labels - not all labels are required, because they could be generated
# from the given information
# Just send a warning- the error-Flag will be set later
@RequiredLabels = qw{product version component short_desc};
foreach my $Label (@RequiredLabels) {
    if ( ! defined $Control{$Label} ) {
        BugMailError( 0, "You were missing a required label: \@$Label\n" );

    if( $Control{$Label} =~ /^\s*$/  ) {
        BugMailError( 0, "One of your required labels is empty: $Label" );

if ( $Body =~ /^\s*$/s ) {
    BugMailError( 1, "You sent a completely empty body !" );

# umask 0;

# Check Permissions ...
if (! CheckPermissions("CreateBugs", $SenderShort ) ) {
    BugMailError( 2, "Permission denied.\n\n"  .
                  "You do not have the permissions to create a new bug. Sorry.\n" );

# Set QA
if (Param("useqacontact")) {
    if (defined($Control{'qa_contact'}) 
        && $Control{'qa_contact'} !~ /^\s*$/ ) {
        $Control{'qa_contact'} = DBname_to_id($Control{'qa_contact'});
    } else {
        $Control{'qa_contact'} = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{
                                    SELECT initialqacontact 
                                      FROM components 
                                INNER JOIN products 
                                        ON components.product_id = products.id 
                                     WHERE products.name = ? 
                                       AND components.name = ?}, 
                                       undef, $Control{'product'}, $Control{'component'});

# Set Assigned - assigned_to depends on the product, cause initialowner 
#                depends on the product !
#                => first check product !
# Product
my $product;
my $all_products;
# set to the default product.  If the default product is empty, this has no effect
my $Product = $DEFAULT_PRODUCT;
if (defined($Control{ 'product'})) {
    $product = new Bugzilla::Product({'name' => $Control{'product'}});
    $Product = $product ? $product->name : "";

if ( $Product eq "" ) {
    my $Text = "You didn't send a value for the required key \@product !\n\n";

    $Text = "You sent the invalid product \"$Control{'product'}\"!\n\n"
        if( defined( $Control{ 'product'} ));

    $Text .= "Valid products are:\n\t";
    $all_products = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q{SELECT name 
                                                 FROM products 
                                                ORDER BY name});
    $Text .= join( "\n\t", @$all_products ) . "\n\n";
    $Text .= horLine();

    BugMailError( 1, $Text );
} else {
    # Fill list @all_products, which is needed in case of component-help
    @$all_products = ( $Product );
    $product_valid = 1;
$Control{'product'} = $Product;

# Check the Component:

# set to the default component.  If the default component is empty, this has no effect
my $component;
my $Component = $DEFAULT_COMPONENT;

if (defined($Control{'component'})) {
    $component = new Bugzilla::Component({'product_id' => $product->id,
                                          'name' => $Control{'component'}});
    $Component = $component ? $component->name : "";

if ( $Component eq "" ) {

    my $Text = "You did not send a value for the required key \@component!\n\n"; 

    if( defined( $Control{ 'component' } )) {
        $Text = "You sent the invalid component \"$Control{'component'}\" !\n";

    # Attention: If no product was sent, the user needs info for all components of all
    #            products -> big reply mail :)
    #            if a product was sent, only reply the components of the sent product
    my $val_components;
    my $sth_comp = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT components.name 
                                     FROM components 
                               INNER JOIN products 
                                       ON components.product_id = products.id 
                                    WHERE products.name = ?});
    foreach my $prod ( @$all_products ) {
        $Text .= "\nValid components for product `$prod' are: \n\t";

        $val_components = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth_comp, undef, $prod);

        $Text .= join( "\n\t", @$val_components ) . "\n";
    # Special: if there is a valid product, maybe it has only one component -> use it !
    my $amount_of_comps = scalar(@$val_components);
    if( $product_valid  && $amount_of_comps == 1 ) {
        $Component = @$val_components[0];
        $Text .= " * You did not send a component, but a valid product $Product.\n";
        $Text .= " * This product only has one component $Component.\n" .
                " * This component was set by bugzilla for submitting the bug.\n\n";
        BugMailError( 0, $Text ); # No blocker

    } else { # The component is really buggy :(
        $Text  .= horLine();
        BugMailError( 1, $Text );
$Control{'component'} = $Component;

# Check assigned_to
# If a value was given in the e-mail, convert it to an ID,
# otherwise, retrieve it from the database.
if ( defined($Control{'assigned_to'}) 
     && $Control{'assigned_to'} !~ /^\s*$/ ) {
    $Control{'assigned_to'} = login_to_id($Control{'assigned_to'});
} else {
    $Control{'assigned_to'} = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{
                                SELECT initialowner 
                                  FROM components
                            INNER JOIN products 
                                    ON components.product_id=products.id 
                                 WHERE products.name= ? 
                                   AND components.name= ?}, 
                                   undef, $Control{'product'}, $Control{'component'});

if ( $Control{'assigned_to'} == 0 ) {
    my $Text = "Could not resolve key \@assigned_to !\n" .
        "If you do NOT send a value for assigned_to, the bug will be assigned to\n" .
            "the qa-contact for the product and component.\n";
    $Text .= "This works only if product and component are OK. \n" 
        . horLine();

    BugMailError( 1, $Text );

$Control{'reporter'} = login_to_id($Control{'reporter'});
if ( ! $Control{'reporter'} ) {
    BugMailError( 1, "Could not resolve reporter !\n" );

### Set default values
CheckPriority( );
CheckSeverity( );
CheckPlatform( );
CheckSystem( );
# CheckArea();

### Check values ...
# Version
my $Version = "$DEFAULT_VERSION";
$Version = CheckVersion( $Control{'product'}, $Control{'version'} ) if( defined( $Control{'version'}));
if ( $Version eq "" ) {
    my $Text = "You did not send a value for the required key \@version!\n\n";

    if( defined( $Control{'version'})) {
        my $Text = "You sent the invalid version \"$Control{'version'}\"!\n";

    my $anz_versions;
    my @all_versions;
    # Assemble help text
    my $sth_versions = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT value 
                                         FROM versions
                                   INNER JOIN products 
                                           ON versions.product_id = products.id 
                                        WHERE products.name= ?});

    foreach my $prod ( @$all_products ) {
        $Text .= "Valid versions for product $prod are: \n\t";

        @all_versions = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth_versions, undef, $prod)};
        $anz_versions = @all_versions;
        $Text .= join( "\n\t", @all_versions ) . "\n" ; 


    # Check if we could use the only version
    if( $anz_versions == 1 && $product_valid ) {
        $Version = $all_versions[0];
        # Fine, there is only one version string
        $Text .= " * You did not send a version, but a valid product $Product.\n";
        $Text .= " * This product has has only the one version $Version.\n" .
            " * This version was set by bugzilla for submitting the bug.\n\n";
        $Text .= horLine();
        BugMailError( 0, $Text ); # No blocker
    } else {
        $Text .= horLine();
        BugMailError( 1, $Text );


$Control{'version'} = $Version;

# GroupsSet: Protections for Bug info. This parameter controls the visiblility of the 
# given bug. An Error in the given Buggroup is not a blocker, a default is taken.
# The GroupSet is accepted only as literals linked with whitespaces, plus-signs or kommas
my $GroupSet = "";
my %GroupArr = ();
$GroupSet = $Control{'groupset'} if( defined( $Control{ 'groupset' }));
# Fetch the default value for groupsetting
my $DefaultGroup = 'ReadInternal';

my $default_group = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{
                                    SELECT id 
                                      FROM groups 
                                     WHERE name= ?}, undef, $DefaultGroup);

if( $GroupSet eq "" ) {
    # Too bad: Groupset does not contain anything -> set to default
    $GroupArr{$DefaultGroup} = $default_group if(defined( $default_group ));
    # Give the user a hint
    my $Text = "You did not send a value for optional key \@groupset, which controls\n";
    $Text .= "the Permissions of the bug. It will be set to a default value 'Internal Bug'\n";
    $Text .= "if the group '$DefaultGroup' exists.  The QA may change that.\n";
    BugMailError( 0, $Text );
} else {
    # literal  e.g. 'ReadInternal'
    my $gserr = 0;
    my $Text = "";

    # Split literal Groupsettings either on Whitespaces, +-Signs or ,
    # Then search for every Literal in the DB - col name
    my $sth_groups = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT id, name 
                                       FROM groups 
                                      WHERE name= ?});
    foreach ( split /\s+|\s*\+\s*|\s*,\s*/, $GroupSet ) {
        my( $bval, $bname ) = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth_groups, undef, $_);
        if( defined( $bname ) && $_ eq $bname ) {
        $GroupArr{$bname} = $bval;
        } else {
            $Text .= "You sent the wrong GroupSet-String $_\n";
            $gserr = 1;

    # Give help if wrong GroupSet-String came
    if( $gserr > 0 ) {
        # There happend errors 
        $Text .= "Here are all valid literal Groupsetting-strings:\n\t";
        my $groups = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q{
                                SELECT g.name 
                                  FROM groups g
                            INNER JOIN user_group_map u 
                                    ON g.id = u.group_id 
                                 WHERE u.user_id = ? 
                                   AND g.isbuggroup = 1 } .
                     $dbh->sql_group_by('g.name'), undef, $Control{'reporter'});
        $Text .= join( "\n\t", @$groups ) . "\n";
        BugMailError( 0, $Text );
} # End of checking groupsets
delete $Control{'groupset'};

# ###################################################################################
# Checking is finished

# Check used fields
my @used_fields;

foreach my $f (@AllowedLabels) {
    if ((exists $Control{$f}) && ($Control{$f} !~ /^\s*$/ )) {
        push (@used_fields, $f);

# Creating the query for inserting the bug
# -> this should only be done, if there was no critical error before
if( $critical_err == 0 )
    my $reply = <<END
           B U G Z I L L A -  M A I L -  I N T E R F A C E 

  Your Bugzilla Mail Interface request was successfull.


    $reply .= "Your Bug-ID is ";
    my $reporter = "";

    my $tmp_reply = "These values were stored by bugzilla:\n";
    my $val;
    my @values = ();
    foreach my $field (@used_fields) {
        if( $field eq "groupset" ) {
            push (@values, $Control{$field});
        } elsif ( $field eq 'product' ) {
            push (@values, $product->id);
        } elsif ( $field eq 'component' ) {
            push (@values, $component->id);
        } else {
            push (@values, $Control{$field});
        $val = $Control{ $field };
        $val = DBID_to_name( $val ) if( $field =~ /reporter|assigned_to|qa_contact/ );
        $tmp_reply .= sprintf( "     \@%-15s = %-15s\n", $field, $val );

        if ($field eq "reporter") {
            $reporter = $val;
    # Display GroupArr
    $tmp_reply .= sprintf( "     \@%-15s = %-15s\n", 'groupset', join(',', keys %GroupArr) );
    $tmp_reply .= "      ... and your error-description !\n";

    my $comment = $Body;
    $comment =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;     # Get rid of windows-style line endings.
    $comment =~ s/\r/\n/g;       # Get rid of mac-style line endings.
    $comment = trim($comment);

    my $bug_when = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");

    my $ever_confirmed = 0;
    my $state = "UNCONFIRMED";

    my $v_confirm = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{SELECT votestoconfirm 
                                              FROM products 
                                             WHERE name = ?}, undef, $Control{'product'});
    if (!$v_confirm) {
        $ever_confirmed = 1;
        $state = "NEW";
    my $sql_placeholders = "?, " x scalar(@values);
    my $sql_used_fields = join(", ", @used_fields);
    my $query = qq{INSERT INTO bugs ($sql_used_fields, bug_status, 
                                     creation_ts, delta_ts, everconfirmed) 
                   VALUES ($sql_placeholders ?, ?, ?, ? )};

    $query =~ s/product/product_id/;
    $query =~ s/component/component_id/;

    push (@values, $state, $bug_when, $bug_when, $ever_confirmed);

    my $userid = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE } .
                                        $dbh->sql_istrcmp('login_name', '?'),
                                        undef, $reporter);

    my $id;
    if( ! $test ) {

        $dbh->do($query, undef, @values);
        $id = $dbh->bz_last_key('bugs', 'bug_id');

        $dbh->do(q{INSERT INTO longdescs 
                           SET bug_id= ?, who= ?, bug_when= ?, thetext= ?}, 
                 undef, $id, $userid, $bug_when, $comment);

        # Cool, the mail was successful
        # system("./processmail", $id, $SenderShort);
    } else {
        $id = 0xFFFFFFFF;  # TEST !
        print "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
        print "$query\n";

    # Handle GroupArr
    my $sth_groups = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO bug_group_map SET bug_id= ?, group_id= ?});
    foreach my $grp (keys %GroupArr) {
        if( ! $test) {
            $sth_groups->execute($id, $GroupArr{$grp});
        } else {
            print "INSERT INTO bug_group_map SET bug_id=$id, group_id=$GroupArr{$grp}\n";

    # handle Attachments 
    my $attaches = storeAttachments( $id, $Control{'reporter'} );
    $tmp_reply .= "\n\tYou sent $attaches attachment(s). \n" if( $attaches > 0 );

    $reply .= $id . "\n\n" . $tmp_reply . "\n" . getWarningText();
    $entity->purge();  # Removes all temp files

    # Send the 'you did it'-reply
    Reply( $SenderShort, $Message_ID,"Bugzilla success (ID $id)", $reply );

    Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($id) if( ! $test);
} else {
    # There were critical errors in the mail - the bug couldnt be inserted. !
my $errreply = <<END
          B U G Z I L L A -  M A I L -  I N T E R F A C E             

    $errreply .= getErrorText() . getWarningText() . generateTemplate();

    Reply( $SenderShort, $Message_ID, "Bugzilla Error", $errreply );

    # print getErrorText();
    # print getWarningText();
    # print generateTemplate();
