# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::Voting; use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Bugzilla::Extension); use Bugzilla::Bug; use Bugzilla::BugMail; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Field; use Bugzilla::Mailer; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Util qw(detaint_natural); use Bugzilla::Token; use List::Util qw(min sum); use constant VERSION => BUGZILLA_VERSION; use constant DEFAULT_VOTES_PER_BUG => 1; # These came from Bugzilla itself, so they maintain the old numbers # they had before. use constant CMT_POPULAR_VOTES => 3; use constant REL_VOTER => 4; ################ # Installation # ################ BEGIN { *Bugzilla::Bug::votes = \&votes; } sub votes { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; return $self->{votes} if exists $self->{votes}; $self->{votes} = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT votes FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = ?', undef, $self->id); return $self->{votes}; } sub db_schema_abstract_schema { my ($self, $args) = @_; $args->{'schema'}->{'votes'} = { FIELDS => [ who => { TYPE => 'INT3', NOTNULL => 1, REFERENCES => {TABLE => 'profiles', COLUMN => 'userid', DELETE => 'CASCADE'} }, bug_id => { TYPE => 'INT3', NOTNULL => 1, REFERENCES => {TABLE => 'bugs', COLUMN => 'bug_id', DELETE => 'CASCADE'} }, vote_count => {TYPE => 'INT2', NOTNULL => 1}, ], INDEXES => [votes_who_idx => ['who'], votes_bug_id_idx => ['bug_id'],], }; } sub install_update_db { my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; # Note that before Bugzilla 4.0, voting was a built-in part of Bugzilla, # so updates to the columns for old versions of Bugzilla happen in # Bugzilla::Install::DB, and can't safely be moved to this extension. my $field = new Bugzilla::Field({name => 'votes'}); if (!$field) { Bugzilla::Field->create( {name => 'votes', description => 'Votes', buglist => 1}); } $dbh->bz_add_column('products', 'votesperuser', {TYPE => 'INT2', NOTNULL => 1, DEFAULT => 0}); $dbh->bz_add_column('products', 'maxvotesperbug', {TYPE => 'INT2', NOTNULL => 1, DEFAULT => DEFAULT_VOTES_PER_BUG}); $dbh->bz_add_column('products', 'votestoconfirm', {TYPE => 'INT2', NOTNULL => 1, DEFAULT => 0}); $dbh->bz_add_column('bugs', 'votes', {TYPE => 'INT3', NOTNULL => 1, DEFAULT => 0}); $dbh->bz_add_index('bugs', 'bugs_votes_idx', ['votes']); # maxvotesperbug used to default to 10,000, which isn't very sensible. my $per_bug = $dbh->bz_column_info('products', 'maxvotesperbug'); if ($per_bug->{DEFAULT} != DEFAULT_VOTES_PER_BUG) { $dbh->bz_alter_column('products', 'maxvotesperbug', {TYPE => 'INT2', NOTNULL => 1, DEFAULT => DEFAULT_VOTES_PER_BUG}); } } ########### # Objects # ########### sub object_columns { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($class, $columns) = @$args{qw(class columns)}; if ($class->isa('Bugzilla::Bug')) { push(@$columns, 'votes'); } elsif ($class->isa('Bugzilla::Product')) { push(@$columns, qw(votesperuser maxvotesperbug votestoconfirm)); } } sub bug_fields { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $fields = $args->{fields}; push(@$fields, 'votes'); } sub object_update_columns { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($object, $columns) = @$args{qw(object columns)}; if ($object->isa('Bugzilla::Product')) { push(@$columns, qw(votesperuser maxvotesperbug votestoconfirm)); } } sub object_validators { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($class, $validators) = @$args{qw(class validators)}; if ($class->isa('Bugzilla::Product')) { $validators->{'votesperuser'} = \&_check_votesperuser; $validators->{'maxvotesperbug'} = \&_check_maxvotesperbug; $validators->{'votestoconfirm'} = \&_check_votestoconfirm; } } sub object_before_create { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($class, $params) = @$args{qw(class params)}; if ($class->isa('Bugzilla::Bug')) { # Don't ever allow people to directly specify "votes" into the bugs # table. delete $params->{votes}; } elsif ($class->isa('Bugzilla::Product')) { my $input = Bugzilla->input_params; $params->{votesperuser} = $input->{'votesperuser'}; $params->{maxvotesperbug} = $input->{'maxvotesperbug'}; $params->{votestoconfirm} = $input->{'votestoconfirm'}; } } sub object_end_of_set_all { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($object) = $args->{object}; if ($object->isa('Bugzilla::Product')) { my $input = Bugzilla->input_params; $object->set('votesperuser', $input->{'votesperuser'}); $object->set('maxvotesperbug', $input->{'maxvotesperbug'}); $object->set('votestoconfirm', $input->{'votestoconfirm'}); } } sub object_end_of_update { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($object, $changes) = @$args{qw(object changes)}; if ( $object->isa('Bugzilla::Product') and ($changes->{maxvotesperbug} or $changes->{votesperuser} or $changes->{votestoconfirm}) ) { _modify_bug_votes($object, $changes); } } sub bug_end_of_update { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($bug, $changes) = @$args{qw(bug changes)}; if ($changes->{'product'}) { my @msgs; # If some votes have been removed, RemoveVotes() returns # a list of messages to send to voters. @msgs = _remove_votes($bug->id, 0, 'votes_bug_moved'); _confirm_if_vote_confirmed($bug); foreach my $msg (@msgs) { MessageToMTA($msg); } } } ############# # Templates # ############# sub template_before_create { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $config = $args->{config}; my $constants = $config->{CONSTANTS}; $constants->{REL_VOTER} = REL_VOTER; $constants->{CMT_POPULAR_VOTES} = CMT_POPULAR_VOTES; $constants->{DEFAULT_VOTES_PER_BUG} = DEFAULT_VOTES_PER_BUG; } sub template_before_process { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($vars, $file) = @$args{qw(vars file)}; if ($file eq 'admin/users/confirm-delete.html.tmpl') { my $who = $vars->{otheruser}; my $votes = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM votes WHERE who = ?', undef, $who->id); if ($votes) { $vars->{other_safe} = 1; $vars->{votes} = $votes; } } } ########### # Bugmail # ########### sub bugmail_recipients { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($bug, $recipients) = @$args{qw(bug recipients)}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $voters = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT who FROM votes WHERE bug_id = ?", undef, $bug->id); $recipients->{$_}->{+REL_VOTER} = 1 foreach (@$voters); } sub bugmail_relationships { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $relationships = $args->{relationships}; $relationships->{+REL_VOTER} = 'Voter'; } ############### # Sanitycheck # ############### sub sanitycheck_check { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $status = $args->{status}; # Vote Cache $status->('voting_count_start'); my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my %cached_counts = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT bug_id, votes FROM bugs', {Columns => [1, 2]})}; my %real_counts = @{ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( 'SELECT bug_id, SUM(vote_count) FROM votes ' . $dbh->sql_group_by('bug_id'), {Columns => [1, 2]}) }; my $needs_rebuild; foreach my $id (keys %cached_counts) { my $cached_count = $cached_counts{$id}; my $real_count = $real_counts{$id} || 0; if ($cached_count < 0) { $status->('voting_count_alert', {id => $id}, 'alert'); } elsif ($cached_count != $real_count) { $status->('voting_cache_alert', {id => $id}, 'alert'); $needs_rebuild = 1; } } $status->('voting_cache_rebuild_fix') if $needs_rebuild; } sub sanitycheck_repair { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $status = $args->{status}; my $input = Bugzilla->input_params; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; return if !$input->{rebuild_vote_cache}; $status->('voting_cache_rebuild_start'); $dbh->bz_start_transaction(); $dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET votes = 0'); my $sth = $dbh->prepare( 'SELECT bug_id, SUM(vote_count) FROM votes ' . $dbh->sql_group_by('bug_id')); $sth->execute(); my $sth_update = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE bugs SET votes = ? WHERE bug_id = ?'); while (my ($id, $count) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $sth_update->execute($count, $id); } $dbh->bz_commit_transaction(); $status->('voting_cache_rebuild_end'); } ############## # Validators # ############## sub _check_votesperuser { return _check_votes(0, @_); } sub _check_maxvotesperbug { return _check_votes(DEFAULT_VOTES_PER_BUG, @_); } sub _check_votestoconfirm { return _check_votes(0, @_); } # This subroutine is only used internally by other _check_votes_* validators. sub _check_votes { my ($default, $invocant, $votes, $field) = @_; detaint_natural($votes) if defined $votes; # On product creation, if the number of votes is not a valid integer, # we silently fall back to the given default value. # If the product already exists and the change is illegal, we complain. if (!defined $votes) { if (ref $invocant) { ThrowUserError('voting_product_illegal_votes', {field => $field, votes => $_[2]}); } else { $votes = $default; } } return $votes; } ######### # Pages # ######### sub page_before_template { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $page = $args->{page_id}; my $vars = $args->{vars}; if ($page =~ m{^voting/bug\.}) { _page_bug($vars); } elsif ($page =~ m{^voting/user\.}) { _page_user($vars); } } sub _page_bug { my ($vars) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $input = Bugzilla->input_params; my $bug_id = $input->{bug_id}; my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check($bug_id); $vars->{'bug'} = $bug; $vars->{'users'} = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'SELECT profiles.login_name, profiles.userid AS id, votes.vote_count FROM votes INNER JOIN profiles ON profiles.userid = votes.who WHERE votes.bug_id = ?', {Slice => {}}, $bug->id ); } sub _page_user { my ($vars) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $input = Bugzilla->input_params; my $action = $input->{action}; if ($action and $action eq 'vote') { _update_votes($vars); } # If a bug_id is given, and we're editing, we'll add it to the votes list. my $bug_id = $input->{bug_id}; my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check({id => $bug_id, cache => 1}) if $bug_id; my $who_id = $input->{user_id} || $user->id; # Logged-out users must specify a user_id. Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED) if !$who_id; my $who = Bugzilla::User->check({id => $who_id}); my $canedit = $user->id == $who->id; $dbh->bz_start_transaction(); if ($canedit && $bug) { # Make sure there is an entry for this bug # in the vote table, just so that things display right. my $has_votes = $dbh->selectrow_array( 'SELECT vote_count FROM votes WHERE bug_id = ? AND who = ?', undef, ($bug->id, $who->id) ); if (!$has_votes) { $dbh->do( 'INSERT INTO votes (who, bug_id, vote_count) VALUES (?, ?, 0)', undef, ($who->id, $bug->id) ); } } my (@products, @all_bug_ids); # Read the votes data for this user for each product. foreach my $product (@{$user->get_selectable_products}) { next unless ($product->{votesperuser} > 0); my $vote_list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'SELECT votes.bug_id, votes.vote_count FROM votes INNER JOIN bugs ON votes.bug_id = bugs.bug_id WHERE votes.who = ? AND bugs.product_id = ?', undef, ($who->id, $product->id) ); my %votes = map { $_->[0] => $_->[1] } @$vote_list; my @bug_ids = sort keys %votes; # Exclude bugs that the user can no longer see. @bug_ids = @{$user->visible_bugs(\@bug_ids)}; next unless scalar @bug_ids; push(@all_bug_ids, @bug_ids); my @bugs = @{Bugzilla::Bug->new_from_list(\@bug_ids)}; $_->{count} = $votes{$_->id} foreach @bugs; # We include votes from bugs that the user can no longer see. my $total = sum(values %votes) || 0; my $onevoteonly = 0; $onevoteonly = 1 if (min($product->{votesperuser}, $product->{maxvotesperbug}) == 1); push( @products, { name => $product->name, bugs => \@bugs, bug_ids => \@bug_ids, onevoteonly => $onevoteonly, total => $total, maxvotes => $product->{votesperuser}, maxperbug => $product->{maxvotesperbug} } ); } if ($canedit && $bug) { $dbh->do('DELETE FROM votes WHERE vote_count = 0 AND who = ?', undef, $who->id); } $dbh->bz_commit_transaction(); $vars->{'canedit'} = $canedit; $vars->{'voting_user'} = {"login" => $who->name}; $vars->{'products'} = \@products; $vars->{'this_bug'} = $bug; $vars->{'all_bug_ids'} = \@all_bug_ids; } sub _update_votes { my ($vars) = @_; ############################################################################ # Begin Data/Security Validation ############################################################################ my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $template = Bugzilla->template; my $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); my $input = Bugzilla->input_params; # Build a list of bug IDs for which votes have been submitted. Votes # are submitted in form fields in which the field names are the bug # IDs and the field values are the number of votes. my @buglist = grep {/^\d+$/} keys %$input; my (%bugs, %votes); # If no bugs are in the buglist, let's make sure the user gets notified # that their votes will get nuked if they continue. if (scalar(@buglist) == 0) { if (!defined $cgi->param('delete_all_votes')) { print $cgi->header(); $template->process("voting/delete-all.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); exit; } elsif ($cgi->param('delete_all_votes') == 0) { print $cgi->redirect("page.cgi?id=voting/user.html"); exit; } } else { $user->visible_bugs(\@buglist); my $bugs_obj = Bugzilla::Bug->new_from_list(\@buglist); $bugs{$_->id} = $_ foreach @$bugs_obj; } # Call check_is_visible() on each bug to make sure it is an existing bug # that the user is authorized to access, and make sure the number of votes # submitted is also an integer. foreach my $id (@buglist) { my $bug = $bugs{$id} or ThrowUserError('bug_id_does_not_exist', {bug_id => $id}); $bug->check_is_visible; $id = $bug->id; $votes{$id} = $input->{$id}; detaint_natural($votes{$id}) || ThrowUserError("voting_must_be_nonnegative"); } my $token = $cgi->param('token'); check_hash_token($token, ['vote']); ############################################################################ # End Data/Security Validation ############################################################################ my $who = $user->id; # If the user is voting for bugs, make sure they aren't overstuffing # the ballot box. if (scalar @buglist) { my (%prodcount, %products); foreach my $bug_id (keys %bugs) { my $bug = $bugs{$bug_id}; my $prod = $bug->product; $products{$prod} ||= $bug->product_obj; $prodcount{$prod} ||= 0; $prodcount{$prod} += $votes{$bug_id}; # Make sure we haven't broken the votes-per-bug limit ($votes{$bug_id} <= $products{$prod}->{maxvotesperbug}) || ThrowUserError( "voting_too_many_votes_for_bug", { max => $products{$prod}->{maxvotesperbug}, product => $prod, votes => $votes{$bug_id} } ); } # Make sure we haven't broken the votes-per-product limit foreach my $prod (keys(%prodcount)) { ($prodcount{$prod} <= $products{$prod}->{votesperuser}) || ThrowUserError( "voting_too_many_votes_for_product", { max => $products{$prod}->{votesperuser}, product => $prod, votes => $prodcount{$prod} } ); } } # Update the user's votes in the database. $dbh->bz_start_transaction(); my $old_list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'SELECT bug_id, vote_count FROM votes WHERE who = ?', undef, $who ); my %old_votes = map { $_->[0] => $_->[1] } @$old_list; my $sth_insertVotes = $dbh->prepare( 'INSERT INTO votes (who, bug_id, vote_count) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' ); my $sth_updateVotes = $dbh->prepare( 'UPDATE votes SET vote_count = ? WHERE bug_id = ? AND who = ?' ); my %affected = map { $_ => 1 } (@buglist, keys %old_votes); my @deleted_votes; foreach my $id (keys %affected) { if (!$votes{$id}) { push(@deleted_votes, $id); next; } if ($votes{$id} == ($old_votes{$id} || 0)) { delete $affected{$id}; next; } # We use 'defined' in case 0 was accidentally stored in the DB. if (defined $old_votes{$id}) { $sth_updateVotes->execute($votes{$id}, $id, $who); } else { $sth_insertVotes->execute($who, $id, $votes{$id}); } } if (@deleted_votes) { $dbh->do( 'DELETE FROM votes WHERE who = ? AND ' . $dbh->sql_in('bug_id', \@deleted_votes), undef, $who ); } # Update the cached values in the bugs table my @updated_bugs = (); my $sth_getVotes = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT SUM(vote_count) FROM votes WHERE bug_id = ?" ); $sth_updateVotes = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE bugs SET votes = ? WHERE bug_id = ?'); foreach my $id (keys %affected) { $sth_getVotes->execute($id); my $v = $sth_getVotes->fetchrow_array || 0; $sth_updateVotes->execute($v, $id); $bugs{$id}->{votes} = $v if $bugs{$id}; my $confirmed = _confirm_if_vote_confirmed($bugs{$id} || $id); push(@updated_bugs, $id) if $confirmed; } $dbh->bz_commit_transaction(); print $cgi->header() if scalar @updated_bugs; $vars->{'type'} = "votes"; $vars->{'title_tag'} = 'change_votes'; foreach my $bug_id (@updated_bugs) { $vars->{'id'} = $bug_id; $vars->{'sent_bugmail'} = Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($bug_id, {'changer' => $user}); $template->process("bug/process/results.html.tmpl", $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); # Set header_done to 1 only after the first bug. $vars->{'header_done'} = 1; } $vars->{'message'} = 'votes_recorded'; } ###################### # Helper Subroutines # ###################### sub _modify_bug_votes { my ($product, $changes) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @msgs; # 1. too many votes for a single user on a single bug. my @toomanyvotes_list; if ($product->{maxvotesperbug} < $product->{votesperuser}) { my $votes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'SELECT votes.who, votes.bug_id FROM votes INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = votes.bug_id WHERE bugs.product_id = ? AND votes.vote_count > ?', undef, ($product->id, $product->{maxvotesperbug}) ); foreach my $vote (@$votes) { my ($who, $id) = (@$vote); # If some votes are removed, _remove_votes() returns a list # of messages to send to voters. push(@msgs, _remove_votes($id, $who, 'votes_too_many_per_bug')); my $name = Bugzilla::User->new($who)->login; push(@toomanyvotes_list, {id => $id, name => $name}); } } $changes->{'_too_many_votes'} = \@toomanyvotes_list; # 2. too many total votes for a single user. # This part doesn't work in the general case because _remove_votes # doesn't enforce votesperuser (except per-bug when it's less # than maxvotesperbug). See _remove_votes(). my $votes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'SELECT votes.who, votes.vote_count FROM votes INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = votes.bug_id WHERE bugs.product_id = ?', undef, $product->id ); my %counts; foreach my $vote (@$votes) { my ($who, $count) = @$vote; if (!defined $counts{$who}) { $counts{$who} = $count; } else { $counts{$who} += $count; } } my @toomanytotalvotes_list; foreach my $who (keys(%counts)) { if ($counts{$who} > $product->{votesperuser}) { my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( 'SELECT votes.bug_id FROM votes INNER JOIN bugs ON bugs.bug_id = votes.bug_id WHERE bugs.product_id = ? AND votes.who = ?', undef, $product->id, $who ); my $name = Bugzilla::User->new($who)->login; foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_ids) { # _remove_votes returns a list of messages to send # in case some voters had too many votes. push(@msgs, _remove_votes($bug_id, $who, 'votes_too_many_per_user')); push(@toomanytotalvotes_list, {id => $bug_id, name => $name}); } } } $changes->{'_too_many_total_votes'} = \@toomanytotalvotes_list; # 3. enough votes to confirm my $bug_list = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( 'SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE product_id = ? AND bug_status = ? AND votes >= ?', undef, ($product->id, 'UNCONFIRMED', $product->{votestoconfirm}) ); my @updated_bugs; foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_list) { my $confirmed = _confirm_if_vote_confirmed($bug_id); push(@updated_bugs, $bug_id) if $confirmed; } $changes->{'_confirmed_bugs'} = \@updated_bugs; # Now that changes are done, we can send emails to voters. foreach my $msg (@msgs) { MessageToMTA($msg); } # And send out emails about changed bugs foreach my $bug_id (@updated_bugs) { my $sent_bugmail = Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($bug_id, {changer => Bugzilla->user}); $changes->{'_confirmed_bugs_sent_bugmail'}->{$bug_id} = $sent_bugmail; } } # If a bug is moved to a product which allows less votes per bug # compared to the previous product, extra votes need to be removed. sub _remove_votes { my ($id, $who, $reason) = (@_); my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $whopart = ($who) ? " AND votes.who = $who" : ""; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT profiles.login_name, " . "profiles.userid, votes.vote_count, " . "products.votesperuser, products.maxvotesperbug " . "FROM profiles " . "LEFT JOIN votes ON profiles.userid = votes.who " . "LEFT JOIN bugs ON votes.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " . "LEFT JOIN products ON products.id = bugs.product_id " . "WHERE votes.bug_id = ? " . $whopart); $sth->execute($id); my @list; while (my ($name, $userid, $oldvotes, $votesperuser, $maxvotesperbug) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push(@list, [$name, $userid, $oldvotes, $votesperuser, $maxvotesperbug]); } # @messages stores all emails which have to be sent, if any. # This array is passed to the caller which will send these emails itself. my @messages = (); if (scalar(@list)) { foreach my $ref (@list) { my ($name, $userid, $oldvotes, $votesperuser, $maxvotesperbug) = (@$ref); $maxvotesperbug = min($votesperuser, $maxvotesperbug); # If this product allows voting and the user's votes are in # the acceptable range, then don't do anything. next if $votesperuser && $oldvotes <= $maxvotesperbug; # If the user has more votes on this bug than this product # allows, then reduce the number of votes so it fits my $newvotes = $maxvotesperbug; my $removedvotes = $oldvotes - $newvotes; if ($newvotes) { $dbh->do("UPDATE votes SET vote_count = ? " . "WHERE bug_id = ? AND who = ?", undef, ($newvotes, $id, $userid)); } else { $dbh->do("DELETE FROM votes WHERE bug_id = ? AND who = ?", undef, ($id, $userid)); } # Notice that we did not make sure that the user fit within the $votesperuser # range. This is considered to be an acceptable alternative to losing votes # during product moves. Then next time the user attempts to change their votes, # they will be forced to fit within the $votesperuser limit. # Now lets send the e-mail to alert the user to the fact that their votes have # been reduced or removed. my $vars = { 'to' => $name . Bugzilla->params->{'emailsuffix'}, 'bugid' => $id, 'reason' => $reason, 'votesremoved' => $removedvotes, 'votesold' => $oldvotes, 'votesnew' => $newvotes, }; my $voter = new Bugzilla::User($userid); my $template = Bugzilla->template_inner($voter->setting('lang')); my $msg; $template->process("voting/votes-removed.txt.tmpl", $vars, \$msg); push(@messages, $msg); } my $votes = $dbh->selectrow_array( "SELECT SUM(vote_count) " . "FROM votes WHERE bug_id = ?", undef, $id) || 0; $dbh->do("UPDATE bugs SET votes = ? WHERE bug_id = ?", undef, ($votes, $id)); } # Now return the array containing emails to be sent. return @messages; } # If a user votes for a bug, or the number of votes required to # confirm a bug has been reduced, check if the bug is now confirmed. sub _confirm_if_vote_confirmed { my $id = shift; my $bug = ref $id ? $id : new Bugzilla::Bug({id => $id, cache => 1}); my $ret = 0; if ( !$bug->everconfirmed and $bug->product_obj->{votestoconfirm} and $bug->votes >= $bug->product_obj->{votestoconfirm}) { $bug->add_comment('', {type => CMT_POPULAR_VOTES}); if ($bug->bug_status eq 'UNCONFIRMED') { # Get a valid open state. my $new_status; foreach my $state (@{$bug->status->can_change_to}) { if ($state->is_open && $state->name ne 'UNCONFIRMED') { $new_status = $state->name; last; } } ThrowCodeError('voting_no_open_bug_status') unless $new_status; # We cannot call $bug->set_bug_status() here, because a user without # canconfirm privs should still be able to confirm a bug by # popular vote. We already know the new status is valid, so it's safe. $bug->{bug_status} = $new_status; $bug->{everconfirmed} = 1; delete $bug->{'status'}; # Contains the status object. } else { # If the bug is in a closed state, only set everconfirmed to 1. # Do not call $bug->_set_everconfirmed(), for the same reason as above. $bug->{everconfirmed} = 1; } $bug->update(); $ret = 1; } return $ret; } __PACKAGE__->NAME;