# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Dave Miller <davem00@aol.com> # Gayathri Swaminath <gayathrik00@aol.com> # Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai@wxs.nl> # Dave Lawrence <dkl@redhat.com> # Tomas Kopal <Tomas.Kopal@altap.cz> # Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org> # Lance Larsh <lance.larsh@oracle.com> =head1 NAME Bugzilla::DB::Pg - Bugzilla database compatibility layer for PostgreSQL =head1 DESCRIPTION This module overrides methods of the Bugzilla::DB module with PostgreSQL specific implementation. It is instantiated by the Bugzilla::DB module and should never be used directly. For interface details see L<Bugzilla::DB> and L<DBI>. =cut package Bugzilla::DB::Pg; use strict; use Bugzilla::Error; use DBD::Pg; # This module extends the DB interface via inheritance use base qw(Bugzilla::DB); use constant BLOB_TYPE => { pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA }; use constant REQUIRED_VERSION => '7.03.0000'; use constant PROGRAM_NAME => 'PostgreSQL'; use constant MODULE_NAME => 'Pg'; use constant DBD_VERSION => '1.31'; sub new { my ($class, $user, $pass, $host, $dbname, $port) = @_; # The default database name for PostgreSQL. We have # to connect to SOME database, even if we have # no $dbname parameter. $dbname ||= 'template1'; # construct the DSN from the parameters we got my $dsn = "DBI:Pg:host=$host;dbname=$dbname"; $dsn .= ";port=$port" if $port; my $self = $class->db_new($dsn, $user, $pass); # all class local variables stored in DBI derived class needs to have # a prefix 'private_'. See DBI documentation. $self->{private_bz_tables_locked} = ""; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } # if last_insert_id is supported on PostgreSQL by lowest DBI/DBD version # supported by Bugzilla, this implementation can be removed. sub bz_last_key { my ($self, $table, $column) = @_; my $seq = $table . "_" . $column . "_seq"; my ($last_insert_id) = $self->selectrow_array("SELECT CURRVAL('$seq')"); return $last_insert_id; } sub sql_regexp { my ($self, $expr, $pattern) = @_; return "$expr ~* $pattern"; } sub sql_not_regexp { my ($self, $expr, $pattern) = @_; return "$expr !~* $pattern" } sub sql_limit { my ($self, $limit, $offset) = @_; if (defined($offset)) { return "LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"; } else { return "LIMIT $limit"; } } sub sql_from_days { my ($self, $days) = @_; return "TO_TIMESTAMP(${days}::int, 'J')::date"; } sub sql_to_days { my ($self, $date) = @_; return "TO_CHAR(${date}::date, 'J')::int"; } sub sql_date_format { my ($self, $date, $format) = @_; $format = "%Y.%m.%d %H:%i:%s" if !$format; $format =~ s/\%Y/YYYY/g; $format =~ s/\%y/YY/g; $format =~ s/\%m/MM/g; $format =~ s/\%d/DD/g; $format =~ s/\%a/Dy/g; $format =~ s/\%H/HH24/g; $format =~ s/\%i/MI/g; $format =~ s/\%s/SS/g; return "TO_CHAR($date, " . $self->quote($format) . ")"; } sub sql_interval { my ($self, $interval, $units) = @_; return "$interval * INTERVAL '1 $units'"; } sub sql_string_concat { my ($self, @params) = @_; # Postgres 7.3 does not support concatenating of different types, so we # need to cast both parameters to text. Version 7.4 seems to handle this # properly, so when we stop support 7.3, this can be removed. return '(CAST(' . join(' AS text) || CAST(', @params) . ' AS text))'; } sub bz_lock_tables { my ($self, @tables) = @_; my $list = join(', ', @tables); # Check first if there was no lock before if ($self->{private_bz_tables_locked}) { ThrowCodeError("already_locked", { current => $self->{private_bz_tables_locked}, new => $list }); } else { my %read_tables; my %write_tables; foreach my $table (@tables) { $table =~ /^([\d\w]+)([\s]+AS[\s]+[\d\w]+)?[\s]+(WRITE|READ)$/i; my $table_name = $1; if ($3 =~ /READ/i) { if (!exists $read_tables{$table_name}) { $read_tables{$table_name} = undef; } } else { if (!exists $write_tables{$table_name}) { $write_tables{$table_name} = undef; } } } # Begin Transaction $self->bz_start_transaction(); Bugzilla->dbh->do('LOCK TABLE ' . join(', ', keys %read_tables) . ' IN ROW SHARE MODE') if keys %read_tables; Bugzilla->dbh->do('LOCK TABLE ' . join(', ', keys %write_tables) . ' IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE') if keys %write_tables; $self->{private_bz_tables_locked} = $list; } } sub bz_unlock_tables { my ($self, $abort) = @_; # Check first if there was previous matching lock if (!$self->{private_bz_tables_locked}) { # Abort is allowed even without previous lock for error handling return if $abort; ThrowCodeError("no_matching_lock"); } else { $self->{private_bz_tables_locked} = ""; # End transaction, tables will be unlocked automatically if ($abort) { $self->bz_rollback_transaction(); } else { $self->bz_commit_transaction(); } } } ##################################################################### # Custom Database Setup ##################################################################### sub bz_setup_database { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::bz_setup_database(@_); # PostgreSQL doesn't like having *any* index on the thetext # field, because it can't have index data longer than 2770 # characters on that field. $self->bz_drop_index('longdescs', 'longdescs_thetext_idx'); # PostgreSQL also wants an index for calling LOWER on # login_name, which we do with sql_istrcmp all over the place. $self->bz_add_index('profiles', 'profiles_login_name_lower_idx', {FIELDS => ['LOWER(login_name)'], TYPE => 'UNIQUE'}); } ##################################################################### # Custom Schema Information Functions ##################################################################### # Pg includes the PostgreSQL system tables in table_list_real, so # we need to remove those. sub bz_table_list_real { my $self = shift; my @full_table_list = $self->SUPER::bz_table_list_real(@_); # All PostgreSQL system tables start with "pg_" or "sql_" my @table_list = grep(!/(^pg_)|(^sql_)/, @full_table_list); return @table_list; } 1;