# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. ################## #Bugzilla Test 10# ## dependencies ## use strict; use lib qw(. lib t); use Support::Files; use Test::More qw(no_plan); my %mods; my %deps; use constant MODULE_REGEX => qr/ (?:(?:^\s*use) | (?:^require) )\s+ ['"]? ([\w:\.\\]+) /x; use constant BASE_REGEX => qr/^use base qw\(([^\)]+)/; # Extract all Perl modules. foreach my $file (@Support::Files::testitems) { if ($file =~ /^(.*)\.pm$/) { my $module = $1; $module =~ s#/#::#g; $mods{$module} = $file; } } foreach my $module (keys %mods) { my $reading = 1; my @use; open(SOURCE, $mods{$module}); while (my $line = <SOURCE>) { last if ($line =~ /^__END__/); if ($line =~ /^=cut/) { $reading = 1; next; } next unless $reading; if ($line =~ /^=(head|over|item|back|pod|begin|end|for)/) { $reading = 0; next; } if ($line =~ /^package\s+([^;]);/) { $module = $1; } elsif ($line =~ BASE_REGEX or $line =~ MODULE_REGEX) { my $used_string = $1; # "use base" can have multiple modules my @used_array = split(/\s+/, $used_string); foreach my $used (@used_array) { next if $used !~ /^Bugzilla/; $used =~ s#/#::#g; $used =~ s#\.pm$##; $used =~ s#\$module#[^:]+#; $used =~ s#\${[^}]+}#[^:]+#; $used =~ s#[" ]##g; push(@use, grep(/^\Q$used\E$/, keys %mods)); } } } close (SOURCE); foreach my $u (@use) { if (!grep {$_ eq $u} @{$deps{$module}}) { push(@{$deps{$module}}, $u); } } } sub creates_loop { my ($module, $used_module) = @_; my @list = ($used_module); my %seen; while (my $next = shift @list) { if ($module eq $next) { ok(0, "Dependency on $used_module from $module causes loop. --ERROR"); return; } if (!$seen{$next}) { push(@list, @{$deps{$next}}) if defined $deps{$next}; } $seen{$next} = 1; } ok(1, "No dependency loop between $module and $used_module"); } foreach my $module (keys %deps) { foreach my $used_module (@{$deps{$module}}) { creates_loop($module, $used_module); } } exit 0;