Commit 5aed78e1 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

ginit: filter project name before use

parent 78db5e89
......@@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ PROJECTNAME=$(get_gear_name)
# FIXME: если не нашли, стоит взять название каталога за основу
[ -n "$PROJECTNAME" ] || fatal "Can't detect project name. Run inside git repo."
echo "Create remote $PROJECTNAME repo in $GIRARHOST:"
docmd ssh $GIRARHOST git-init-db "$PROJECTNAME.git"
RPNAME=$(echo $PROJECTNAME | filter_gear_name)
echo "Create remote $RPNAME repo in $GIRARHOST:"
docmd ssh $GIRARHOST git-init-db "$RPNAME.git"
echo "Create $GIRARHOST remote repo alias:"
docmd git remote add $GIRARHOST $GIRARHOST:packages/$PROJECTNAME.git
docmd git remote add $GIRARHOST $GIRARHOST:packages/$RPNAME.git
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