Commit 70bfe18f authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmcs: don't add packager field

parent 4fa17716
......@@ -502,11 +502,11 @@ do
test -n "$VERSION" && set_version $i $VERSION
# Add packager
if ! grep "^Packager" $i ; then
rhas "$OWNERMAIL" "packager" && fatal "Packager $OWNERMAIL is not defined correctly in ~/.rpmmacros"
cat $i | awk 'BEGIN{desk=0}{if(/^Source/&&desk==0){printf("%s\n\n", text);desk++};print}' text="$PACKAGT" >$i.tmp && mv -f $i.tmp $i
#if ! grep "^Packager" $i ; then
# rhas "$OWNERMAIL" "packager" && fatal "Packager $OWNERMAIL is not defined correctly in ~/.rpmmacros"
# cat $i | awk 'BEGIN{desk=0}{if(/^Source/&&desk==0){printf("%s\n\n", text);desk++};print}' text="$PACKAGT" >$i.tmp && mv -f $i.tmp $i
echog "DONE"
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