This package is a set of helper utils for rpm building process.

See info in Russian at

See QuickHelp.txt also.

This package is tested with follow Linux distributions:
 - ALT Linux 2.3/2.4/3.0/4.0/4.1/Sisyphus
 - ASP Linux 10/11/12
 - Scientific/4.1
 - Fedora Core 5/6/7/8/9/10
 - OpenSuSe 10/10.1/11
 - Mandriva 2005/2006/2007/2008/2009
 - MOPSLinux 5.0/6.0/6.1
 - Slackware 10.2/11
 - Debian 3.1 (Sarge) / 4.0 / 5.0
 - Ubuntu 6.06/7.04/7.10/8.04/8.10
 - RedHat 9 / MCBC 3.0

Replacement rules (for rpmbph):

pkgrepl.rpm - base rules, use always
pkgrepl.pclinux - rules only for PC Linux
pkgrepl.pclinux.2007 - rules only for PC Linux 2007


rpmbb [-c] [-i] [-p] name.spec - build package
	-r do build req

rpmbsh [-r] [-m] [-s] [-u/-U] [-i] name.spec - build package in hasher [and (-s) sign its src.rpm]

rpmbs [-s] [-r] [-u/-U] name.spec - make src.rpm [and (-s) sign package]
	-d delete uploaded package from incoming

rpmbph [-M30] [-r] [-u/-U] name.spec - backport spec and build package for previous/foreign distro

rpmgs name.spec - download main source file for spec (works with any types)
	-f force

rpmgp name  - download src.rpm for package 'name' or download source package 'name'
	-c name | name.spec | package*rpm - check if the package is published in Sisyphus
	-b name.spec - install need packages for build (via apt-get)
	-n download only
	-a check in all known rpm based system

rpmurl [-c -f] name.spec - open Url from spec in browser

rpmbugs [-qf ] name.spec | name - open buglist for package in browser
	-t console output
	-n create new bug

rpmcs name.spec - cleanup spec (foreign specs adoption helper)

loginhsh [-M30] [-t -i] - log in to shell in hasher

myhsh [-u -i] package.src.rpm - rebuild package(s) in hasher

rpmrb spec new_version - get source for new version, rebuild it and upload
rpmrb spec .2 change only minor version
rpmrb spec 2.6 change only major version

Common options:
-r - remote build
-m - send result of remote build by e-mail
-s - sign package and prepare to publish
-u/-U - upload signed package to Incoming/Backports(Updates)
-i - install after build

you have to prepare correct ~/.rpmmacros file, GPG signature in ~/.gnupg,
SSH private key in ~/.ssh/id_dsa,
hostname 'devel' in ~/.ssh/config as alias for (typical for joined at ALT Linux)

Please send any questions at

Vitaly Lipatov, 04 Dec 2008