#!/bin/sh # 2005-2009 (c) Etersoft www.etersoft.ru # Author: Vitaly Lipatov <lav@etersoft.ru> # Public domain # # CS -- cleanup spec (like cleanup_spec command) # ���������: # - �������� ����-����� # load common functions, compatible with local and installed script . `dirname $0`/../share/eterbuild/functions/common load_mod rpm repl spec dummy_spec() { grep "^Name" $1 grep "^Version" $1 grep "^Release" $1 grep "^Packager" $1 cat <<EOF Summary: dummy License: dummy Group: dummy %description EOF } # Get replacement rule for some package in $1 to ALT toalt_pkgrepl() { local i WARULES="s/^ //g s/ \$//g s/ |/|/g s/| /|/g" for i in $PKGREPLBASE/pkgrepl.fedora $PKGREPLBASE/pkgrepl.* ; do #echo $i - $1 REPLRULE=`grep -v "^#" "$i" 2>/dev/null | grep -- "$1\$" | sed -e "$WARULES" | sed -e "s/^\(.*\)|\(.*\)\$/\2|\1/g" | head -n1` # For broken rule echo $REPLRULE | grep "^|" >/dev/null && REPLRULE="" echo $REPLRULE | grep "|\$" >/dev/null && REPLRULE="" if [ -n "$REPLRULE" ] ; then REPLRULE1=`echo $REPLRULE | cut -d"|" -f1 | sed -e "s|\+|\\\\\+|g"` REPLRULE2=`echo $REPLRULE | cut -d"|" -f2 | sed -e "s|\+|\\\\\+|g"` return 0 else REPLRULE1= REPLRULE2= fi done return 1 } parse_cmd_pre "$@" if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then echog "rpmcs spec - cleanup spec (like cleanup_spec command), adapted to ALT" exit 0 fi for i in $LISTNAMES do if [ -z ${i/*rpm/} ] ; then fatal "'$i' is not not spec file" fi # Make backup copy cp -f $i ${i}~ # Unneeded on ALT subst "s|^Prefix:.*$||" $i subst "s|^BuildRoot:.*$||i" $i # Add packager if ! grep "^Packager" $i ; then PACKAGT="Packager: $($RPMBUILD --eval %packager $i)" cat $i | awk 'BEGIN{desk=0}{if(/^Source/&&desk==0){printf("%s\n\n", text);desk++};print}' text="$PACKAGT" >$i.tmp && mv -f $i.tmp $i fi # If non alt release, set initial alt release if get_release $i | grep -v "^alt" >/dev/null ; then set_release $i "alt1" fi # If it was PLD spec if grep "^%define date" $i ; then # with dummy spec we can't have any parsing problems if false ; then dummy_spec $i >$i.dummy subst "s|^%changelog.*|`stamp_spec $i.dummy`|" $i rm -f $i.dummy subst "s|^%define date.*|%changelog|" $i subst "s|* %{date} PLD Team\(.*\)|- initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus (spec from PLD Team)|" $i else echo "PLD spec..." awk '{if ( ! /^%define date/){print}else{exit}}' $i > $i.tmp && mv -f $i.tmp $i add_changelog $i -e "- initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus (spec from PLD)" fi fi echog "cleanup_spec for $i..." cleanup_spec $i # convert from PLD's cases subst "s|%if %{with \(.*\)}|%if_with \1|g" $i subst "s|%if %{without \(.*\)}|%if_without \1|g" $i # replaces with and without too subst "s|^%bcond_with|%def_with|g" $i #subst "s|%{?with_\(.*\):|%{subst_with echog "fix name and release..." build_rpms_name "$i" # For case if name was macros test -n "$BASENAME" && set_var $i Name $BASENAME # For case if version was macros # set_version is major define safe test -n "$VERSION" && set_version $i $VERSION echog -n "fix obsoleted constructions..." subst "s|Source0:|Source:|" $i subst "s|Patch0:|Patch:|" $i SPECDIR=`dirname $i` if ! is_gear $SPECDIR && [ -n "$RENAME_SOURCE_TARBALL" ] ; then # Use tar.bz2 for tarball if not git case. subst "s|\(Source:.*\).tar.gz|\1.tar.bz2|" $i subst "s|\(Source:.*\).tgz|\1.tar.bz2|" $i fi subst "s|\(%post.*-p *\)/sbin/ldconfig|\1%post_ldconfig|g" $i subst "s|\(%postun.*-p *\)/sbin/ldconfig|\1%postun_ldconfig|g" $i subst "s|\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%|%buildroot%|g" $i subst "s|\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT|%buildroot|g" $i #subst "s|%buildrootetc|%buildroot/etc|g" $i # Fix groups to ALT's subst "s|Group: *Libraries|Group: System/Libraries|g" $i # It is not recommended to use macroses for commands (__subst is unique in this) subst "s|%__install |install |g s|%__cp |cp |g s|%__rm -f |rm -f |g s|%__mv |mv |g s|%__mkdir_p|mkdir -p|g s|%__mkdir |mkdir |g s|%__make|make|g s|%__awk|gawk|g s|%__bzip2|bzip2|g s|%__cat|cat|g s|%__chgrp|chgrp|g s|%__chmod|chmod|g s|%__chown|chown|g s|%__cpio|cpio|g s|%__file|file|g s|%__gpg|gpg|g s|%__grep|grep|g s|%__gzip|gzip|g s|%__id|id|g s|%__install |install |g s|%__install_info|install-info|g s|%__ln_s|ln -s|g s|%__patch|patch|g s|%__perl |perl |g s|%__pgp|pgp|g s|%__python |python |g s|%__rm|rm|g s|%__rsh|rsh|g s|%__sed|sed|g s|%__ssh|ssh|g s|%__tar|tar|g s|%__unzip|unzip|g s|%__ar|ar|g s|%__as|as|g s|%__cc|gcc|g s|%__cpp|gcc -E|g s|%__cxx|g++|g s|%__ld|ld|g s|%__nm|nm|g s|%__objcopy|objcopy|g s|%__objdump|objdump|g s|%__ranlib|ranlib|g s|%__tar |tar |g" $i # CHECK ME: # s|%__strip|strip|g # s|%__libtoolize|libtoolize|g # s|%__aclocal|aclocal|g # s|%__autoheader|autoheader|g # s|%__automake|automake|g # s|%__autoconf|autoconf|g subst "s|%__make *install|%make_install install|g s|^make *install|%make_install install|g s|^make %{?_smp_mflags}|%make_build|g s|%make_install *install *DESTDIR=%buildroot|%makeinstall_std|g s|%make_install *DESTDIR=%buildroot *install|%makeinstall_std|g s|^make *DESTDIR=%buildroot *install|%makeinstall_std|g" $i subst "s|/etc/|%_sysconfdir/|g s|%_sysconfdir/rc.d/init.d|%_initdir/|g s|%_sysconfdir/rc.d/init.d/|%_initrddir/|g s|%_sysconfdir/init.d/|%_initrddir/|g s|%_sysconfdir/X11/fontpath.d|%_fontpathdir|g" $i subst "s|%_libdir/mono/gac|%_monogacdir|g s|%_libdir/mono|%_monodir|g" $i subst "s|%prefix/lib|%_libdir|g s|%prefix/%_lib|%_libdir|g s|/usr/%_lib|%_libdir|g s|%prefix/include|%_includedir|g s|/usr/include|%_includedir|g s|/usr/src|%_usrsrc|g s|%prefix/share|%_datadir|g" $i subst "s|Requires(post): /sbin/install-info|Requires(post): %install_info|g" $i subst "s|Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info|Requires(preun): %uninstall_info|g" $i # also clean_scrollkeeper exists #subst "s|^scrollkeeper-update|%update_scrollkeeper|g" $i # FIXME: only in rpm-build-compat #subst "s|^%_datadir/aclocal/|%_aclocaldir/|g" $i #subst "s|^%_datadir/gtk-doc/html/|%_gtkdocdir/|g" $i # TODO: not in expressions subst "s|/usr/sbin/|%_sbindir/|g s|/usr/bin/|%_bindir/|g s|/usr/lib/|%_libdir/|g s|/usr/share/|%_datadir/|g s|%_datadir/games|%_gamesdatadir|g" $i subst "s|%pear_phpdir|%pear_dir|g" $i # changes for rpm-build-pear 0.3 # FIXME: remove pear_install replacing in future subst "s|%pear_install\$|%register_pear_module|g s|%pear_uninstall|%unregister_pear_module|g s|%pear_prepare_module|%pear_build|g s|%pear_install_module|%pear_install_std|g" $i # subst normalize subst "s|^sed -i -e |%__subst |g s|^subst |%__subst |g s|perl -pi -e *|%__subst |g" $i subst "s|^python |%__python |g s|%py_sitescriptdir|%python_sitelibdir|g s|%python_version|%__python_version|g s|%python_sitelib/|%python_sitelibdir/|g s|%py_sitedir/|%python_sitelibdir/|g s|%python_sitearch|%python_sitelibdir|g s|\(%pyrequires_eq.*\)|#\1|g" $i subst "s|ruby setup.rb config|%ruby_config|g s|ruby setup.rb setup|%ruby_setup|g" $i subst "s|^%__python setup.py build|%python_build|g" $i subst "s|^%__python setup.py install --root %buildroot|%python_install|g" $i subst "s|^%__python setup.py install -O2 --root %buildroot|%python_install|g" $i subst "s|^%__python setup.py install --optimize --root %buildroot|%python_install|g" $i subst "s|%_datadir/man/|%_mandir/|g" $i subst "s|%_mandir/man\([0-9]\)|%_man\1dir|g" $i subst "s|%_libdir/pkgconfig|%_pkgconfigdir|g" $i subst "s|%_datadir/pixmaps|%_pixmapsdir|g" $i subst "s|%_datadir/applications|%_desktopdir|g" $i subst "s|%update_desktop_database|%update_desktopdb|g" $i subst "s|%clean_desktop_database|%clean_desktopdb|g" $i subst "s|%gconf_schema_install \(.*\)\.schemas|%gconf2_install \1|g" $i subst "s|%_browserpluginsdir|%browser_plugins_path|g" $i subst "s|%_iconsdir/hicolor/48x48/apps|%_icons48dir|g s|%_iconsdir/hicolor/32x32/apps|%_niconsdir|g s|%_iconsdir/hicolor/16x16/apps|%_icons16dir|g s|%_iconsdir/mini|%_miconsdir|g s|%_iconsdir/large|%_liconsdir|g s|%_datadir/icons|%_iconsdir|g" $i # remove MDK compatibility macroses subst "s|%perl_vendorlib|%perl_vendor_privlib|g s|%perl_vendorarch|%perl_vendor_archlib|g" $i subst "s|%_datadir/doc$|%_docdir|g" $i subst "s|%_datadir/doc/|%_docdir/|g" $i subst "s|%_datadir/omf|%_omfdir|g" $i subst "s|%_defaultdocdir|%_docdir|g" $i subst "s|%__autoreconf|%autoreconf|g" $i subst "s|%rpmcflags|%optflags|g" $i subst "s|^%clean$||g" $i subst "s|^%debug_package$||g" $i subst "s|^rm -rf %buildroot$||g" $i subst "s|^%defattr(-,root,root)||g" $i subst "s|^%defattr(644,root,root,755)||g" $i #subst "s|^%attr(.*)\(.*\)$|\1|g" $i subst "s|^ *%|%|g" $i echog "DONE" # TODO use perl -pe echog -n "fix requires..." ALLREPLRULES="" for n in `print_buildreq $i` ; do toalt_pkgrepl $n && ALLREPLRULES="$ALLREPLRULES s|(.*Req.*)$REPLRULE1|\1$REPLRULE2|g" && test -n "$VERBOSE" && echo "Replace '$REPLRULE1' with '$REPLRULE2'" #echo REPLRULE: $REPLRULE done #echo ALL: $ALLREPLRULES # Replace package names in source spec mv $i $i.old.cs.txt && cat $i.old.cs.txt | \ sed -r -e "$ALLREPLRULES" > $i || mv $i.old.cs.txt $i rm -f $i.old.cs.txt echog "DONE" done