--------------------------- aptU - update package and all it requires Usage: aptU [-v] [-l] [package(s)] Параметры: -v verbose -l print list of required packages --------------------------- dmake [-t] [-p] - make with distcc using (distributed build) -p run in plain mode (without pump) -t run test compiler via ssh for build hosts --------------------------- emkimage - run make in mkimage-profiles Usage: emkimage [-b p7] <target> --------------------------- estrlist developed for string list operations. See also cut, join, paste... Usage: bin/estrlist <command> [args] Commands: strip_spaces [args] - remove spaces between words filter_strip_spaces - remove spaces from words from standart input reg_remove <PATTERN> [word list] - remove words containing a match to the given PATTERN (grep notation) reg_wordremove <PATTERN> [word list] - remove words containing a match to the given PATTERN (grep -w notation) exclude <list1> [list2] - print list2 words contains also in list1 reg_exclude <PATTERN> [word list] - print only words not matched with PATTERN reg_wordexclude <PATTERN> [word list] - print only words not matched with PATTERN has <PATTERN> string - check the string for a match to the regular expression given in PATTERN (grep notation) match <PATTERN> string - check the string for a match to the regular expression given in PATTERN (egrep notation) union [word list] - sort and remove duplicates uniq [word list] - alias for union list [word list] - just list words line by line count [word list] - print word count Examples: $ bin/estrlist reg_remove "1." "11 12 21 22" 21 22 $ bin/estrlist reg_wordremove "1." "11 12 21 22" 21 22 $ bin/estrlist exclude "1 3" "1 2 3 4" 2 4 $ bin/estrlist reg_exclude "22 1." "11 12 21 22" 21 $ bin/estrlist reg_wordexclude "wo.* er" "work were more else" were more else $ bin/estrlist union "1 2 2 3 3" "" 1 2 3 $ bin/estrlist count "1 2 3 4 10" "" 5 $ bin/estrlist has "ex" "exactly" TRUE $ bin/estrlist has "exo" "exactly" FALSE $ bin/estrlist match "M[0-9]+" "M250" TRUE $ bin/estrlist match "M[0-9]+" "MI" FALSE --------------------------- gacl - acl control for gear repo in git.eter Usage: gacl [GIRAR] [-b REPONAME] [package] command [params] Параметры: GIRAR git.alt or git.eter -b REPONAME binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on) (sisyphus by default) Commands: add USER add new user to ACL list for package del USER del user from ACL list for package show show current ACL list Examples: gacl package add newuser gacl package del newuser gacl -b p6 package show Examples for git project from current dir: gacl add newuser gacl -b p6 show --------------------------- gammit - make commit with description from last changelog entry in spec Use: gammit --------------------------- grpmbph - multi repo rpmbsh analogue (build packages in hasher) Usage: grpmbph [GIRAR] package1... package2... --------------------------- grpmbs - multi repo rpmbs analogue (build packages via girar) Run in dir contains subdirs Usage: grpmbs [GIRAR] [-a|-u] [-f] package1... package2... Параметры: -a build all packages in one task -u build packages separately (one package per task) -f force set tags (see rpmbs) --------------------------- grpmbsh - multi repo rpmbsh analogue (build packages in hasher) Usage: grpmbsh [GIRAR] package1... package2... --------------------------- jmake - make with ccache using and parallel build enabled --------------------------- loginhsh - install package in hasher / take shell Usage: [-t -i -h -r -c -b -i] [package name] [package file bin.rpm] ... Параметры: -i initialize hasher -b REPONAME binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on) -c cleanup hasher -q quiet mode (don't run anything) -r run command -o log in as root user -v verbose -x allow run X program (set DISPLAY and install xauth) -t use test hasher dir (different to usual build dir) Extra options: -a auto test mode for post myhsh build checking -d print hasher dir -M?? binary repository name (obsoleted) --------------------------- --------------------------- myhsh - build package via hasher Usage: [-i -c -l] src.rpm... Параметры: -i install built packages in test hasher -c build without stuff (without previous built packages) -l lazy cleanup (before build, not after) --------------------------- rpmbb (Build Binary) - build binary rpm from spec or from git Usage: rpmbb [-c -p -i -r -R] [spec] Параметры: -i skip build stage, but do install files and package it -p packaging only stage -r find build requires (run buildrequires) -R find build requires during install (run buildrequires with -bi) Ext. options: -c start from compile stage -d build with dmake --------------------------- rpmbph (BackPort and Hasher) - backports spec and rebuild it Usage: [-r -u -U -n -i -m -v -q] [-M70] [-b REPONAME] spec... Usage: rpmbph [GIRAR] -b p7 for backport to ALT Linux p7 and so on Параметры: -u sign and upload after build -n do not build in hasher -i install built packages in test hasher -b REPONAME binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on) Ext. options: -v more verbose -q quiet Examples: $ rpmbph -b p6 -n -u - backport to p6 and ask to build it --------------------------- rpmbs (Build Source) - run git repo build or make src.rpm from spec Usage: [GIRAR] [-s|-t|-u|-a|-A|-c] [-o -z -n -p --nodeps] [-k [TARGETDIR]] [spec or src.rpm]... Параметры: -u sign and run gear build task after build -a TASK | -A sign package(s)/repo, push/upload it and add to (shared) task TASK -p POCKET build package in POCKET (supported on git.etersoft.ru only) -b REPONAME binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on) Ext. options: -c only sign package(s) with checking -f force operation (overwrite tag) -s sign package(s) (and move it to dir ETERDESTSRPM if defined) -t set tag with sign -n do not check with sisyphus_check before upload -o create nosrc.rpm package -z create src.rpm with compatible gzip compression (obsoleted) --------------------------- rpmbsh (Build Source in the Hasher) - build [from] source; use hasher Usage: [-r -s -u -m -i -c] [-f] [spec or src.rpm]... Параметры: -u sign and run gear build task after build -i install built packages in test hasher (via loginhsh -t) -f force tag set (see rpmbs --help) Ext. options: -c build without stuff (without previous built packages) -s sign (and move to dir ETERDESTSRPM if defined) after build -t make temporary commit before build (rpmbb like behavior) -l lazy cleanup (clean before build, not after) --------------------------- rpmbugs - открывает баги в браузере rpmbugs [-t] [spec] | bug number | package name | -qf command_name | /path/to/file Параметры: -t list in text console --------------------------- rpmcs (Cleanup Spec) - cleanup spec (like cleanup_spec command) Usage: rpmcs [--skip-reqs] [specfile] spec file can be autodetected from git repo specfile - spec file (copy will be saved as specfile~) --skip-reqs do not replace requires --------------------------- rpmgp (Get Package) - various package download operations Usage: rpmgp [GIRAR/remote alias] [options] [-b p7] [system] pkgname pkgname - installed package name or src.rpm system - name of system (ALT Linux by default if -a missed) Параметры: -a search pkgname in all known repositories -b REPONAME binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on) -c check if this package exists in the ALT Linux repository -d download all matched packages -g clone last built package repo -gp clone last built package repo via public access -gm remote clone repo to USER/packages and clone it locally -m migrate to gear from spec/srpm Ext. options: -i install packages needed for build (use epm) -l list packages needed for build (in local pkg system notation) (experimental) -r refresh package list (download it again) -p force use public access to the git repo -s list all known remote repositories --------------------------- rpmgs (Get Source) - get sources by spec / repository Usage: [-a -f ] [spec] [new_version] You can run 'rpmgs 1.2' for set new version 1.2 and download it Параметры: -a get all source (not only Source|Source0) -f force download (remove source file before download) --------------------------- rpmlog - update version/release and changelog Usage: rpmlog [-q] [-r|-s|-v] [-l|-t] [-e [changelog entry]] [SPEC] [fromTAG] [toTAG] Параметры: -v increment version -r increment release -s increment subrelease -l add changelog from git log (since last release tag or TAG) -e increment and add (empty) changelog entry Ext. options: -t test run (without change files and repo) -q quiet mode (do not ask anything) Example: $ rpmlog -v -l - typical build new version $ rpmlog -r -l HEAD~2 - build new version with last two commit message as changelog $ rpmlog -r -e - prepare new version build with empty changelog entry $ rpmlog -r -e 'new build' - prepare new version build with changelog entry 'new build' --------------------------- rpmpub - Etersoft specific script for publish gear repo to target ftp dir as src.rpm Usage: rpmpub [-f] [-r PROJECTVERSION ] [SPEC] [TARGETDIR] Параметры: -f force set tag -s skip set tag -r PROJECTVERSION set other project version (PROJECTVERSION/sources) TARGETDIR copy signed src.rpm package to TARGETDIR (f.i., /tmp/some_version/sources) By default used path from Source: spec field. Also you can set default target dir in ETERDESTSRPM variable. --------------------------- rpmrb (Re Build) - update spec to vermajor.verminor version, build %rel release Usage: rpmrb [spec] [vermajor][.verminor] [rel] Example: $ rpmrb [name.spec] 22.6 alt2 $ rpmrb 1.2.3 --------------------------- rpmreqs [package(s) file(s)] - print out package requires --------------------------- rpmunmets - tests unmets in build packages Usage: [-M70] [-s] Параметры: -s - get all unmets -M70 - test for distro ALT Linux M70 --------------------------- rpmurl - open package Url in the default browser Usage: [-c -f -p -s] [spec] Параметры: -p open package page on http://packages.altlinux.org -c check if package URL is accessible -t just print URL -s open package source dir in the default browser (for spec / git repo only Ext. options: -f print failed URL only