aptU - update package and all it requires

Usage: aptU [-v] [-l] [package(s)]

  -v  verbose
  -l  print list of required packages

dmake [-t] [-p] - make with distcc using (distributed build)
 -p  run in plain mode (without pump)
 -t  run test compiler via ssh for build hosts

emkimage - run make in mkimage-profiles
Usage: emkimage [-b p7] <target>

estrlist developed for string list operations. See also cut, join, paste...
Usage: bin/estrlist <command> [args]
  strip_spaces [args]               - remove spaces between words
  filter_strip_spaces               - remove spaces from words from standart input
  reg_remove  <PATTERN> [word list] - remove words containing a match to the given PATTERN (grep notation)
  reg_wordremove  <PATTERN> [word list] - remove words containing a match to the given PATTERN (grep -w notation)
  exclude <list1> [list2]           - print list2 words contains also in list1
  reg_exclude <PATTERN> [word list] - print only words not matched with PATTERN
  reg_wordexclude <PATTERN> [word list] - print only words not matched with PATTERN
  has <PATTERN> string              - check the string for a match to the regular expression given in PATTERN (grep notation)
  match <PATTERN> string            - check the string for a match to the regular expression given in PATTERN (egrep notation)
  union [word list]                 - sort and remove duplicates
  uniq [word list]                  - alias for union
  list [word list]                  - just list words line by line
  count [word list]                 - print word count

$ bin/estrlist reg_remove "1." "11 12 21 22"
21 22
$ bin/estrlist reg_wordremove "1." "11 12 21 22"
21 22
$ bin/estrlist exclude "1 3" "1 2 3 4"
2 4
$ bin/estrlist reg_exclude "22 1." "11 12 21 22"
$ bin/estrlist reg_wordexclude "wo.* er" "work were more else"
were more else
$ bin/estrlist union "1 2 2 3 3" ""
1 2 3
$ bin/estrlist count "1 2 3 4 10" ""
$ bin/estrlist has "ex" "exactly"
$ bin/estrlist has "exo" "exactly"
$ bin/estrlist match "M[0-9]+" "M250"
$ bin/estrlist match "M[0-9]+" "MI"

gacl - acl control for gear repo in git.eter

Usage: gacl [GIRAR] [-b REPONAME] [package] command [params]

    GIRAR        git.alt or git.eter
    -b REPONAME  binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on) (sisyphus by default)

    add USER  add new user to ACL list for package
    del USER  del user from ACL list for package
    show      show current ACL list

    gacl package add newuser
    gacl package del newuser
    gacl -b p6 package show

Examples for git project from current dir:
    gacl add newuser
    gacl -b p6 show

gammit - make commit with description from last changelog entry in spec
Use: gammit

grpmbph - multi repo rpmbsh analogue (build packages in hasher)
Usage: grpmbph [GIRAR] package1... package2...

grpmbs - multi repo rpmbs analogue (build packages via girar)
Run in dir contains subdirs
Usage: grpmbs [GIRAR] [-a|-u] [-f] package1... package2...

    -a  build all packages in one task
    -u  build packages separately (one package per task)
    -f  force set tags (see rpmbs)

grpmbsh - multi repo rpmbsh analogue (build packages in hasher)
Usage: grpmbsh [GIRAR] package1... package2...

jmake - make with ccache using and parallel build enabled

loginhsh - install package in hasher / take shell
Usage:  [-t -i -h -r -c -b -i] [package name] [package file bin.rpm] ...

   -i           initialize hasher
   -b REPONAME  binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on)
   -c           cleanup hasher
   -q           quiet mode (don't run anything)
   -r           run command
   -o           log in as root user
   -v           verbose
   -x           allow run X program (set DISPLAY and install xauth)
   -t           use test hasher dir (different to usual build dir)

Extra options:
   -a           auto test mode for post myhsh build checking
   -d           print hasher dir
   -M??         binary repository name (obsoleted)


myhsh - build package via hasher
Usage:  [-i -c -l] src.rpm...

   -i  install built packages in test hasher
   -c  build without stuff (without previous built packages)
   -l  lazy cleanup (before build, not after)

rpmbb (Build Binary) - build binary rpm from spec or from git
Usage: rpmbb [-c -p -i -r -R] [spec]

   -i  skip build stage, but do install files and package it
   -p  packaging only stage
   -r  find build requires (run buildrequires)
   -R  find build requires during install (run buildrequires with -bi)

Ext. options:
   -c  start from compile stage
   -d  build with dmake

rpmbph (BackPort and Hasher) - backports spec and rebuild it
Usage:  [-r -u -U -n -i -m -v -q] [-M70] [-b REPONAME] spec...
Usage: rpmbph [GIRAR] -b p7 for backport to ALT Linux p7 and so on

   -u           sign and upload after build
   -n           do not build in hasher
   -i           install built packages in test hasher
   -b REPONAME  binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on)

Ext. options:
   -v           more verbose
   -q           quiet

 $ rpmbph -b p6 -n -u  - backport to p6 and ask to build it

rpmbs (Build Source) - run git repo build or make src.rpm from spec
Usage:  [GIRAR] [-s|-t|-u|-a|-A|-c] [-o -z -n -p --nodeps] [-k [TARGETDIR]] [spec or src.rpm]...

   -u            sign and run gear build task after build
   -a TASK | -A  sign package(s)/repo, push/upload it and add to (shared) task TASK
   -p POCKET     build package in POCKET (supported on git.etersoft.ru only)
   -b REPONAME  binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on)

Ext. options:
   -c           only sign package(s) with checking
   -f           force operation (overwrite tag)
   -s           sign package(s) (and move it to dir ETERDESTSRPM if defined)
   -t           set tag with sign
   -n           do not check with sisyphus_check before upload
   -o           create nosrc.rpm package
   -z           create src.rpm with compatible gzip compression (obsoleted)

rpmbsh (Build Source in the Hasher)  - build [from] source; use hasher
Usage:  [-r -s -u -m -i -c] [-f] [spec or src.rpm]...

   -u  sign and run gear build task after build
   -i  install built packages in test hasher (via loginhsh -t)
   -f  force tag set (see rpmbs --help)

Ext. options:
   -c  build without stuff (without previous built packages)
   -s  sign (and move to dir ETERDESTSRPM if defined) after build
   -t  make temporary commit before build (rpmbb like behavior)
   -l  lazy cleanup (clean before build, not after)

rpmbugs - открывает баги в браузере
rpmbugs [-t] [spec] | bug number | package name | -qf command_name | /path/to/file

   -t  list in text console

rpmcs (Cleanup Spec) - cleanup spec (like cleanup_spec command)
Usage: rpmcs [--skip-reqs] [specfile]
spec file can be autodetected from git repo
 specfile - spec file (copy will be saved as specfile~)
 --skip-reqs  do not replace requires

rpmgp (Get Package) - various package download operations
Usage: rpmgp [GIRAR/remote alias] [options] [-b p7] [system] pkgname
 pkgname - installed package name or src.rpm
 system  - name of system (ALT Linux by default if -a missed)

   -a   search pkgname in all known repositories
   -b REPONAME  binary repository name (4.1, p5, t6 and so on)
   -c   check if this package exists in the ALT Linux repository
   -d   download all matched packages
   -g   clone last built package repo
   -gp  clone last built package repo via public access
   -gm  remote clone repo to USER/packages and clone it locally
   -m   migrate to gear from spec/srpm

Ext. options:
   -i   install packages needed for build (use epm)
   -l   list packages needed for build (in local pkg system notation) (experimental)
   -r   refresh package list (download it again)
   -p   force use public access to the git repo
   -s   list all known remote repositories

rpmgs (Get Source) - get sources by spec / repository
Usage:  [-a -f ] [spec] [new_version]
You can run 'rpmgs 1.2' for set new version 1.2 and download it

   -a  get all source (not only Source|Source0)
   -f  force download (remove source file before download)

rpmlog - update version/release and changelog
Usage: rpmlog [-q] [-r|-s|-v] [-l|-t] [-e [changelog entry]] [SPEC] [fromTAG] [toTAG]

   -v  increment version
   -r  increment release
   -s  increment subrelease
   -l  add changelog from git log (since last release tag or TAG)
   -e  increment and add (empty) changelog entry

Ext. options:
   -t  test run (without change files and repo)
   -q  quiet mode (do not ask anything)

   $ rpmlog -v -l             - typical build new version
   $ rpmlog -r -l HEAD~2      - build new version with last two commit message as changelog
   $ rpmlog -r -e             - prepare new version build with empty changelog entry
   $ rpmlog -r -e 'new build' - prepare new version build with changelog entry 'new build'

rpmpub - Etersoft specific script for publish gear repo to target ftp dir as src.rpm
Usage: rpmpub [-f] [-r PROJECTVERSION ] [SPEC] [TARGETDIR]

   -f                 force set tag
   -s                 skip set tag
   -r PROJECTVERSION  set other project version (PROJECTVERSION/sources)
   TARGETDIR          copy signed src.rpm package to TARGETDIR (f.i., /tmp/some_version/sources)
                      By default used path from Source: spec field. 
                      Also you can set default target dir in ETERDESTSRPM variable.

rpmrb (Re Build) - update spec to vermajor.verminor version, build %rel release
Usage: rpmrb [spec] [vermajor][.verminor] [rel]
          $ rpmrb [name.spec] 22.6 alt2
          $ rpmrb 1.2.3

rpmreqs [package(s) file(s)] - print out package requires

rpmunmets - tests unmets in build packages
Usage:  [-M70] [-s]
 -s   - get all unmets
 -M70 - test for distro ALT Linux M70

rpmurl - open package Url in the default browser
Usage:  [-c -f -p -s] [spec]
   -p  open package page on http://packages.altlinux.org
   -c  check if package URL is accessible
   -t  just print URL
   -s  open package source dir in the default browser (for spec / git repo only

Ext. options:
   -f  print failed URL only