Commit 1edb4dde authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Fix conflict

parents 4977298a 5c0c8ecc
......@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
var c3 = { version: "0.4.9" };
var c3_chart_fn, c3_chart_internal_fn;
var c3_chart_fn,
function API(owner) {
this.owner = owner;
......@@ -59,12 +61,15 @@
c3.chart = {
fn: Chart.prototype,
internal: {
fn: ChartInternal.prototype
fn: ChartInternal.prototype,
axis: {
fn: Axis.prototype
c3_chart_fn = c3.chart.fn;
c3_chart_internal_fn = c3.chart.internal.fn;
c3_chart_internal_axis_fn = c3.chart.internal.axis.fn;
c3_chart_internal_fn.init = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
......@@ -173,7 +178,7 @@
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
var defs, main, binding = true;
$$._axis = new _Axis($$);
$$.axis = new Axis($$);
if ($$.initPie) { $$.initPie(); }
if ($$.initBrush) { $$.initBrush(); }
......@@ -292,7 +297,7 @@
if (config.axis_x_extent) { $$.brush.extent($$.getDefaultExtent()); }
// Add Axis
// Set targets
......@@ -482,7 +487,7 @@
durationForExit = withTransitionForExit ? duration : 0;
durationForAxis = withTransitionForAxis ? duration : 0;
transitions = transitions || $$._axis.generateTransitions(durationForAxis);
transitions = transitions || $$.axis.generateTransitions(durationForAxis);
// update legend and transform each g
if (withLegend && config.legend_show) {
......@@ -501,7 +506,7 @@
if (targetsToShow.length) {
$$.updateXDomain(targetsToShow, withUpdateXDomain, withUpdateOrgXDomain, withTrimXDomain);
if (!config.axis_x_tick_values) {
tickValues = $$._axis.updateXAxisTickValues(targetsToShow);
tickValues = $$.axis.updateXAxisTickValues(targetsToShow);
} else {
......@@ -516,17 +521,17 @@
$$.y2.domain($$.getYDomain(targetsToShow, 'y2', xDomainForZoom));
if (!config.axis_y_tick_values && config.axis_y_tick_count) {
$$.yAxis.tickValues($$._axis.generateTickValues($$.y.domain(), config.axis_y_tick_count));
$$.yAxis.tickValues($$.axis.generateTickValues($$.y.domain(), config.axis_y_tick_count));
if (!config.axis_y2_tick_values && config.axis_y2_tick_count) {
$$.y2Axis.tickValues($$._axis.generateTickValues($$.y2.domain(), config.axis_y2_tick_count));
$$.y2Axis.tickValues($$.axis.generateTickValues($$.y2.domain(), config.axis_y2_tick_count));
// axes
$$._axis.redraw(transitions, hideAxis);
$$.axis.redraw(transitions, hideAxis);
// Update axis label
// show/hide if manual culling needed
if ((withUpdateXDomain || withUpdateXAxis) && targetsToShow.length) {
......@@ -637,7 +642,7 @@
if (duration) {
if (duration && $$.isTabVisible()) { // Only use transition if tab visible. See #938.
// transition should be derived from one transition
d3.transition().duration(duration).each(function () {
var transitionsToWait = [];
......@@ -707,7 +712,7 @@
// MEMO: called in updateLegend in redraw if withLegend
if (!(options.withLegend && config.legend_show)) {
transitions = $$._axis.generateTransitions(options.withTransitionForAxis ? config.transition_duration : 0);
transitions = $$.axis.generateTransitions(options.withTransitionForAxis ? config.transition_duration : 0);
// Update scales
......@@ -978,6 +983,21 @@
return parsedDate;
c3_chart_internal_fn.isTabVisible = function () {
var hidden;
if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { // Opera 12.10 and Firefox 18 and later support
hidden = "hidden";
} else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "mozHidden";
} else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "msHidden";
} else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "webkitHidden";
return document[hidden] ? false : true;
c3_chart_internal_fn.getDefaultConfig = function () {
var config = {
bindto: '#chart',
......@@ -1255,10 +1275,10 @@
return scale;
c3_chart_internal_fn.getYScale = function (id) {
return this._axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? this.y2 : this.y;
return this.axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? this.y2 : this.y;
c3_chart_internal_fn.getSubYScale = function (id) {
return this._axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? this.subY2 : this.subY;
return this.axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? this.subY2 : this.subY;
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateScales = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
......@@ -1280,15 +1300,15 @@
$$.subY = $$.getY($$.subYMin, $$.subYMax, forInit ? config.axis_y_default : $$.subY.domain());
$$.subY2 = $$.getY($$.subYMin, $$.subYMax, forInit ? config.axis_y2_default : $$.subY2.domain());
// update axes
$$.xAxisTickFormat = $$._axis.getXAxisTickFormat();
$$.xAxisTickValues = $$._axis.getXAxisTickValues();
$$.yAxisTickValues = $$._axis.getYAxisTickValues();
$$.y2AxisTickValues = $$._axis.getY2AxisTickValues();
$$.xAxisTickFormat = $$.axis.getXAxisTickFormat();
$$.xAxisTickValues = $$.axis.getXAxisTickValues();
$$.yAxisTickValues = $$.axis.getYAxisTickValues();
$$.y2AxisTickValues = $$.axis.getY2AxisTickValues();
$$.xAxis = $$._axis.getXAxis($$.x, $$.xOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues, config.axis_x_tick_outer);
$$.subXAxis = $$._axis.getXAxis($$.subX, $$.subXOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues, config.axis_x_tick_outer);
$$.yAxis = $$._axis.getYAxis($$.y, $$.yOrient, config.axis_y_tick_format, $$.yAxisTickValues, config.axis_y_tick_outer);
$$.y2Axis = $$._axis.getYAxis($$.y2, $$.y2Orient, config.axis_y2_tick_format, $$.y2AxisTickValues, config.axis_y2_tick_outer);
$$.xAxis = $$.axis.getXAxis($$.x, $$.xOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues, config.axis_x_tick_outer);
$$.subXAxis = $$.axis.getXAxis($$.subX, $$.subXOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues, config.axis_x_tick_outer);
$$.yAxis = $$.axis.getYAxis($$.y, $$.yOrient, config.axis_y_tick_format, $$.yAxisTickValues, config.axis_y_tick_outer);
$$.y2Axis = $$.axis.getYAxis($$.y2, $$.y2Orient, config.axis_y2_tick_format, $$.y2AxisTickValues, config.axis_y2_tick_outer);
// Set initialized scales to brush and zoom
if (!forInit) {
......@@ -1321,7 +1341,7 @@
id = idsInGroup[k];
if (! ys[id]) { continue; }
ys[id].forEach(function (v, i) {
if ($$._axis.getId(id) === $$._axis.getId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasNegativeValue && +v > 0)) {
if ($$.axis.getId(id) === $$.axis.getId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasNegativeValue && +v > 0)) {
ys[baseId][i] += +v;
......@@ -1352,7 +1372,7 @@
id = idsInGroup[k];
if (! ys[id]) { continue; }
ys[id].forEach(function (v, i) {
if ($$._axis.getId(id) === $$._axis.getId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasPositiveValue && +v < 0)) {
if ($$.axis.getId(id) === $$.axis.getId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasPositiveValue && +v < 0)) {
ys[baseId][i] += +v;
......@@ -1363,7 +1383,7 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.getYDomain = function (targets, axisId, xDomain) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
targetsByAxisId = targets.filter(function (t) { return $$._axis.getId( === axisId; }),
targetsByAxisId = targets.filter(function (t) { return $$.axis.getId( === axisId; }),
yTargets = xDomain ? $$.filterByXDomain(targetsByAxisId, xDomain) : targetsByAxisId,
yMin = axisId === 'y2' ? config.axis_y2_min : config.axis_y_min,
yMax = axisId === 'y2' ? config.axis_y2_max : config.axis_y_max,
......@@ -1424,16 +1444,16 @@
padding_bottom += domainLength * (ratio[0] / (1 - ratio[0] - ratio[1]));
} else if (showVerticalDataLabel) {
lengths = $$.getDataLabelLength(yDomainMin, yDomainMax, 'height');
padding_top += this._axis.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(lengths[1], domainLength);
padding_bottom += this._axis.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(lengths[0], domainLength);
padding_top += $$.axis.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(lengths[1], domainLength);
padding_bottom += $$.axis.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(lengths[0], domainLength);
if (axisId === 'y' && notEmpty(config.axis_y_padding)) {
padding_top = $$._axis.getPadding(config.axis_y_padding, 'top', padding_top, domainLength);
padding_bottom = $$._axis.getPadding(config.axis_y_padding, 'bottom', padding_bottom, domainLength);
padding_top = $$.axis.getPadding(config.axis_y_padding, 'top', padding_top, domainLength);
padding_bottom = $$.axis.getPadding(config.axis_y_padding, 'bottom', padding_bottom, domainLength);
if (axisId === 'y2' && notEmpty(config.axis_y2_padding)) {
padding_top = $$._axis.getPadding(config.axis_y2_padding, 'top', padding_top, domainLength);
padding_bottom = $$._axis.getPadding(config.axis_y2_padding, 'bottom', padding_bottom, domainLength);
padding_top = $$.axis.getPadding(config.axis_y2_padding, 'top', padding_top, domainLength);
padding_bottom = $$.axis.getPadding(config.axis_y2_padding, 'bottom', padding_bottom, domainLength);
// Bar/Area chart should be 0-based if all positive|negative
if (isZeroBased) {
......@@ -2564,7 +2584,7 @@
} else if (config.axis_rotated) {
return !config.axis_x_show ? 1 : Math.max(ceil10($$.getAxisWidthByAxisId('x', withoutRecompute)), 40);
} else if (!config.axis_y_show || config.axis_y_inner) { // && !config.axis_rotated
return $$._axis.getYAxisLabelPosition().isOuter ? 30 : 1;
return $$.axis.getYAxisLabelPosition().isOuter ? 30 : 1;
} else {
return ceil10($$.getAxisWidthByAxisId('y', withoutRecompute));
......@@ -2577,7 +2597,7 @@
} else if (config.axis_rotated) {
return defaultPadding + legendWidthOnRight;
} else if (!config.axis_y2_show || config.axis_y2_inner) { // && !config.axis_rotated
return 2 + legendWidthOnRight + ($$._axis.getY2AxisLabelPosition().isOuter ? 20 : 0);
return 2 + legendWidthOnRight + ($$.axis.getY2AxisLabelPosition().isOuter ? 20 : 0);
} else {
return ceil10($$.getAxisWidthByAxisId('y2')) + legendWidthOnRight;
......@@ -2617,8 +2637,8 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.getAxisWidthByAxisId = function (id, withoutRecompute) {
var $$ = this, position = $$._axis.getLabelPositionById(id);
return $$._axis.getMaxTickWidth(id, withoutRecompute) + (position.isInner ? 20 : 40);
var $$ = this, position = $$.axis.getLabelPositionById(id);
return $$.axis.getMaxTickWidth(id, withoutRecompute) + (position.isInner ? 20 : 40);
c3_chart_internal_fn.getHorizontalAxisHeight = function (axisId) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, h = 30;
......@@ -2628,9 +2648,9 @@
if (axisId === 'y2' && !config.axis_y2_show) { return $$.rotated_padding_top; }
// Calculate x axis height when tick rotated
if (axisId === 'x' && !config.axis_rotated && config.axis_x_tick_rotate) {
h = $$._axis.getMaxTickWidth(axisId) * Math.cos(Math.PI * (90 - config.axis_x_tick_rotate) / 180);
h = $$.axis.getMaxTickWidth(axisId) * Math.cos(Math.PI * (90 - config.axis_x_tick_rotate) / 180);
return h + ($$._axis.getLabelPositionById(axisId).isInner ? 0 : 10) + (axisId === 'y2' ? -10 : 0);
return h + ($$.axis.getLabelPositionById(axisId).isInner ? 0 : 10) + (axisId === 'y2' ? -10 : 0);
c3_chart_internal_fn.getEventRectWidth = function () {
......@@ -3669,7 +3689,7 @@
$$.tooltip.html($$, $$ (d) {
return $$.addName(d.values[config.tooltip_init_x]);
}), $$._axis.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat($$.hasArcType()), $$.color));
}), $$.axis.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat($$.hasArcType()), $$.color));
.style("left", config.tooltip_init_position.left)
.style("display", "block");
......@@ -3746,7 +3766,7 @@
if (dataToShow.length === 0 || !config.tooltip_show) {
$$.tooltip.html($$, selectedData, $$._axis.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat(forArc), $$.color)).style("display", "block");
$$.tooltip.html($$, selectedData, $$.axis.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat(forArc), $$.color)).style("display", "block");
// Get tooltip dimensions
tWidth = $$'offsetWidth');
......@@ -4095,13 +4115,13 @@
$$.legendHasRendered = true;
function _Axis(owner) {
function Axis(owner) {, owner);
inherit(API, _Axis);
inherit(API, Axis);
_Axis.prototype.init = function init() {
Axis.prototype.init = function init() {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config, main = $$.main;
$$.axes.x = main.append("g")
......@@ -4112,8 +4132,7 @@
.attr("class", CLASS.axisXLabel)
.attr("transform", config.axis_rotated ? "rotate(-90)" : "")
.style("text-anchor", _textAnchorForXAxisLabel.bind(this));
.style("text-anchor", this.textAnchorForXAxisLabel.bind(this));
$$.axes.y = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.axis + ' ' + CLASS.axisY)
.attr("clip-path", config.axis_y_inner ? "" : $$.clipPathForYAxis)
......@@ -4122,7 +4141,7 @@
.attr("class", CLASS.axisYLabel)
.attr("transform", config.axis_rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)")
.style("text-anchor", _textAnchorForYAxisLabel.bind(this));
.style("text-anchor", this.textAnchorForYAxisLabel.bind(this));
$$.axes.y2 = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.axis + ' ' + CLASS.axisY2)
......@@ -4132,9 +4151,9 @@
.attr("class", CLASS.axisY2Label)
.attr("transform", config.axis_rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)")
.style("text-anchor", _textAnchorForY2AxisLabel.bind(this));
.style("text-anchor", this.textAnchorForY2AxisLabel.bind(this));
_Axis.prototype.getXAxis = function getXAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues, withOuterTick, withoutTransition) {
Axis.prototype.getXAxis = function getXAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues, withOuterTick, withoutTransition) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
axisParams = {
isCategory: $$.isCategorized(),
......@@ -4168,7 +4187,7 @@
return axis;
_Axis.prototype.updateXAxisTickValues = function updateXAxisTickValues(targets, axis) {
Axis.prototype.updateXAxisTickValues = function updateXAxisTickValues(targets, axis) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config, tickValues;
if (config.axis_x_tick_fit || config.axis_x_tick_count) {
tickValues = this.generateTickValues($$.mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targets), config.axis_x_tick_count, $$.isTimeSeries());
......@@ -4181,7 +4200,7 @@
return tickValues;
_Axis.prototype.getYAxis = function getYAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues, withOuterTick) {
Axis.prototype.getYAxis = function getYAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues, withOuterTick) {
var axisParams = {withOuterTick: withOuterTick},
$$ = this.owner,
d3 = $$.d3,
......@@ -4194,11 +4213,11 @@
return axis;
_Axis.prototype.getId = function getId(id) {
Axis.prototype.getId = function getId(id) {
var config = this.owner.config;
return id in config.data_axes ? config.data_axes[id] : 'y';
_Axis.prototype.getXAxisTickFormat = function getXAxisTickFormat() {
Axis.prototype.getXAxisTickFormat = function getXAxisTickFormat() {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
format = $$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.defaultAxisTimeFormat : $$.isCategorized() ? $$.categoryName : function (v) { return v < 0 ? v.toFixed(0) : v; };
if (config.axis_x_tick_format) {
......@@ -4212,18 +4231,36 @@
return isFunction(format) ? function (v) { return$$, v); } : format;
_Axis.prototype.getXAxisTickValues = function getXAxisTickValues() {
return _getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_x_tick_values, this.owner.xAxis);
Axis.prototype.getTickValues = function getTickValues(tickValues, axis) {
return tickValues ? tickValues : axis ? axis.tickValues() : undefined;
Axis.prototype.getXAxisTickValues = function getXAxisTickValues() {
return this.getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_x_tick_values, this.owner.xAxis);
Axis.prototype.getYAxisTickValues = function getYAxisTickValues() {
return this.getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_y_tick_values, this.owner.yAxis);
Axis.prototype.getY2AxisTickValues = function getY2AxisTickValues() {
return this.getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_y2_tick_values, this.owner.y2Axis);
_Axis.prototype.getYAxisTickValues = function getYAxisTickValues() {
return _getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_y_tick_values, this.owner.yAxis);
Axis.prototype.getLabelOptionByAxisId = function getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config, option;
if (axisId === 'y') {
option = config.axis_y_label;
} else if (axisId === 'y2') {
option = config.axis_y2_label;
} else if (axisId === 'x') {
option = config.axis_x_label;
return option;
_Axis.prototype.getY2AxisTickValues = function getY2AxisTickValues() {
return _getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_y2_tick_values, this.owner.y2Axis);
Axis.prototype.getLabelText = function getLabelText(axisId) {
var option = this.getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId);
return isString(option) ? option : option ? option.text : null;
_Axis.prototype.setLabelText = function setLabelText(axisId, text) {
Axis.prototype.setLabelText = function setLabelText(axisId, text) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
option =, axisId);
option = this.getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId);
if (isString(option)) {
if (axisId === 'y') {
config.axis_y_label = text;
......@@ -4236,17 +4273,136 @@
option.text = text;
_Axis.prototype.getYAxisLabelPosition = function getYAxisLabelPosition() {
return, 'y', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top');
Axis.prototype.getLabelPosition = function getLabelPosition(axisId, defaultPosition) {
var option = this.getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId),
position = (option && typeof option === 'object' && option.position) ? option.position : defaultPosition;
return {
isInner: position.indexOf('inner') >= 0,
isOuter: position.indexOf('outer') >= 0,
isLeft: position.indexOf('left') >= 0,
isCenter: position.indexOf('center') >= 0,
isRight: position.indexOf('right') >= 0,
isTop: position.indexOf('top') >= 0,
isMiddle: position.indexOf('middle') >= 0,
isBottom: position.indexOf('bottom') >= 0
_Axis.prototype.getY2AxisLabelPosition = function getY2AxisLabelPosition() {
return, 'y2', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top');
Axis.prototype.getXAxisLabelPosition = function getXAxisLabelPosition() {
return this.getLabelPosition('x', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-top' : 'inner-right');
_Axis.prototype.getLabelPositionById = function getLabelPositionById(id) {
return id === 'y2' ? this.getY2AxisLabelPosition() : id === 'y' ? this.getYAxisLabelPosition() :;
Axis.prototype.getYAxisLabelPosition = function getYAxisLabelPosition() {
return this.getLabelPosition('y', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top');
_Axis.prototype.getMaxTickWidth = function getMaxTickWidth(id, withoutRecompute) {
Axis.prototype.getY2AxisLabelPosition = function getY2AxisLabelPosition() {
return this.getLabelPosition('y2', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top');
Axis.prototype.getLabelPositionById = function getLabelPositionById(id) {
return id === 'y2' ? this.getY2AxisLabelPosition() : id === 'y' ? this.getYAxisLabelPosition() : this.getXAxisLabelPosition();
Axis.prototype.textForXAxisLabel = function textForXAxisLabel() {
return this.getLabelText('x');
Axis.prototype.textForYAxisLabel = function textForYAxisLabel() {
return this.getLabelText('y');
Axis.prototype.textForY2AxisLabel = function textForY2AxisLabel() {
return this.getLabelText('y2');
Axis.prototype.xForAxisLabel = function xForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
var $$ = this.owner;
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? 0 : position.isCenter ? $$.width / 2 : $$.width;
} else {
return position.isBottom ? -$$.height : position.isMiddle ? -$$.height / 2 : 0;
Axis.prototype.dxForAxisLabel = function dxForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? "0.5em" : position.isRight ? "-0.5em" : "0";
} else {
return position.isTop ? "-0.5em" : position.isBottom ? "0.5em" : "0";
Axis.prototype.textAnchorForAxisLabel = function textAnchorForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? 'start' : position.isCenter ? 'middle' : 'end';
} else {
return position.isBottom ? 'start' : position.isMiddle ? 'middle' : 'end';
Axis.prototype.xForXAxisLabel = function xForXAxisLabel() {
return this.xForAxisLabel(!this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getXAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.xForYAxisLabel = function xForYAxisLabel() {
return this.xForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.xForY2AxisLabel = function xForY2AxisLabel() {
return this.xForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.dxForXAxisLabel = function dxForXAxisLabel() {
return this.dxForAxisLabel(!this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getXAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.dxForYAxisLabel = function dxForYAxisLabel() {
return this.dxForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.dxForY2AxisLabel = function dxForY2AxisLabel() {
return this.dxForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.dyForXAxisLabel = function dyForXAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
position = this.getXAxisLabelPosition();
if (config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -25 - this.getMaxTickWidth('x');
} else {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : config.axis_x_height ? config.axis_x_height - 10 : "3em";
Axis.prototype.dyForYAxisLabel = function dyForYAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner,
position = this.getYAxisLabelPosition();
if ($$.config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : "3em";
} else {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -10 - ($$.config.axis_y_inner ? 0 : (this.getMaxTickWidth('y') + 10));
Axis.prototype.dyForY2AxisLabel = function dyForY2AxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner,
position = this.getY2AxisLabelPosition();
if ($$.config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : "-2.2em";
} else {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : 15 + ($$.config.axis_y2_inner ? 0 : (this.getMaxTickWidth('y2') + 15));
Axis.prototype.textAnchorForXAxisLabel = function textAnchorForXAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return this.textAnchorForAxisLabel(!$$.config.axis_rotated, this.getXAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.textAnchorForYAxisLabel = function textAnchorForYAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return this.textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.textAnchorForY2AxisLabel = function textAnchorForY2AxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return this.textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.xForRotatedTickText = function xForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 8 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (r / 180));
Axis.prototype.yForRotatedTickText = function yForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 11.5 - 2.5 * (r / 15) * (r > 0 ? 1 : -1);
Axis.prototype.rotateTickText = function rotateTickText(axis, transition, rotate) {
axis.selectAll('.tick text')
.style("text-anchor", rotate > 0 ? "start" : "end");
transition.selectAll('.tick text')
.attr("y", this.yForRotatedTickText(rotate))
.attr("transform", "rotate(" + rotate + ")")
.attr('dx', this.xForRotatedTickText(rotate));
Axis.prototype.getMaxTickWidth = function getMaxTickWidth(id, withoutRecompute) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
maxWidth = 0, targetsToShow, scale, axis, body, svg;
if (withoutRecompute && $$.currentMaxTickWidths[id]) {
......@@ -4283,29 +4439,28 @@
return $$.currentMaxTickWidths[id];
_Axis.prototype.updateLabels = function updateLabels(withTransition) {
Axis.prototype.updateLabels = function updateLabels(withTransition) {
var $$ = this.owner;
var axisXLabel = $$'.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .' + CLASS.axisXLabel),
axisYLabel = $$'.' + CLASS.axisY + ' .' + CLASS.axisYLabel),
axisY2Label = $$'.' + CLASS.axisY2 + ' .' + CLASS.axisY2Label);
(withTransition ? axisXLabel.transition() : axisXLabel)
.attr("x", _xForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", _dxForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", _dyForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("x", this.xForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", this.dxForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", this.dyForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
(withTransition ? axisYLabel.transition() : axisYLabel)
.attr("x", _xForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", _dxForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", _dyForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("x", this.xForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", this.dxForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", this.dyForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
(withTransition ? axisY2Label.transition() : axisY2Label)
.attr("x", _xForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", _dxForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", _dyForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("x", this.xForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", this.dxForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", this.dyForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
_Axis.prototype.getPadding = function getPadding(padding, key, defaultValue, domainLength) {
Axis.prototype.getPadding = function getPadding(padding, key, defaultValue, domainLength) {
if (!isValue(padding[key])) {
return defaultValue;
......@@ -4315,13 +4470,12 @@
// assume padding is pixels if unit is not specified
return this.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(padding[key], domainLength);
_Axis.prototype.convertPixelsToAxisPadding = function convertPixelsToAxisPadding(pixels, domainLength) {
Axis.prototype.convertPixelsToAxisPadding = function convertPixelsToAxisPadding(pixels, domainLength) {
var $$ = this.owner,
length = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : $$.height;
return domainLength * (pixels / length);
_Axis.prototype.generateTickValues = function generateTickValues(values, tickCount, forTimeSeries) {
Axis.prototype.generateTickValues = function generateTickValues(values, tickCount, forTimeSeries) {
var tickValues = values, targetCount, start, end, count, interval, i, tickValue;
if (tickCount) {
targetCount = isFunction(tickCount) ? tickCount() : tickCount;
......@@ -4347,7 +4501,7 @@
if (!forTimeSeries) { tickValues = tickValues.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); }
return tickValues;
_Axis.prototype.generateTransitions = function generateTransitions(duration) {
Axis.prototype.generateTransitions = function generateTransitions(duration) {
var $$ = this.owner, axes = $$.axes;
return {
axisX: duration ? axes.x.transition().duration(duration) : axes.x,
......@@ -4356,7 +4510,7 @@
axisSubX: duration ? axes.subx.transition().duration(duration) : axes.subx
_Axis.prototype.redraw = function redraw(transitions, isHidden) {
Axis.prototype.redraw = function redraw(transitions, isHidden) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config;
$$"opacity", isHidden ? 0 : 1);
$$"opacity", isHidden ? 0 : 1);
......@@ -4368,174 +4522,10 @@$$.subXAxis);
// rotate tick text if needed
if (!config.axis_rotated && config.axis_x_tick_rotate) {
_rotateTickText($$.axes.x, transitions.axisX, config.axis_x_tick_rotate);
_rotateTickText($$.axes.subx, transitions.axisSubX, config.axis_x_tick_rotate);
function _getTickValues(tickValues, axis) {
return tickValues ? tickValues : axis ? axis.tickValues() : undefined;
function _getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config, option;
if (axisId === 'y') {
option = config.axis_y_label;
} else if (axisId === 'y2') {
option = config.axis_y2_label;
} else if (axisId === 'x') {
option = config.axis_x_label;
return option;
this.rotateTickText($$.axes.x, transitions.axisX, config.axis_x_tick_rotate);
this.rotateTickText($$.axes.subx, transitions.axisSubX, config.axis_x_tick_rotate);
function _getLabelText(axisId) {
var option =, axisId);
return isString(option) ? option : option ? option.text : null;
function _getLabelPosition(axisId, defaultPosition) {
var option =, axisId),
position = (option && typeof option === 'object' && option.position) ? option.position : defaultPosition;
return {
isInner: position.indexOf('inner') >= 0,
isOuter: position.indexOf('outer') >= 0,
isLeft: position.indexOf('left') >= 0,
isCenter: position.indexOf('center') >= 0,
isRight: position.indexOf('right') >= 0,
isTop: position.indexOf('top') >= 0,
isMiddle: position.indexOf('middle') >= 0,
isBottom: position.indexOf('bottom') >= 0
function _getXAxisLabelPosition() {
return, 'x', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-top' : 'inner-right');
function _textForXAxisLabel() {
return, 'x');
function _textForYAxisLabel() {
return, 'y');
function _textForY2AxisLabel() {
return, 'y2');
function _xForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
var $$ = this.owner;
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? 0 : position.isCenter ? $$.width / 2 : $$.width;
} else {
return position.isBottom ? -$$.height : position.isMiddle ? -$$.height / 2 : 0;
function _dxForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? "0.5em" : position.isRight ? "-0.5em" : "0";
} else {
return position.isTop ? "-0.5em" : position.isBottom ? "0.5em" : "0";
function _textAnchorForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? 'start' : position.isCenter ? 'middle' : 'end';
} else {
return position.isBottom ? 'start' : position.isMiddle ? 'middle' : 'end';
function _xForXAxisLabel() {
return, !this.owner.config.axis_rotated,;
function _xForYAxisLabel() {
return, this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
function _xForY2AxisLabel() {
return, this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
function _dxForXAxisLabel() {
return _dxForAxisLabel(!this.owner.config.axis_rotated,;
function _dxForYAxisLabel() {
return _dxForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
function _dxForY2AxisLabel() {
return _dxForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
function _dyForXAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
position =;
if (config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -25 - this.getMaxTickWidth('x');
} else {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : config.axis_x_height ? config.axis_x_height - 10 : "3em";
function _dyForYAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner,
position = this.getYAxisLabelPosition();
if ($$.config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : "3em";
} else {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -10 - ($$.config.axis_y_inner ? 0 : (this.getMaxTickWidth('y') + 10));
function _dyForY2AxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner,
position = this.getY2AxisLabelPosition();
if ($$.config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : "-2.2em";
} else {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : 15 + ($$.config.axis_y2_inner ? 0 : (this.getMaxTickWidth('y2') + 15));
function _textAnchorForXAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return _textAnchorForAxisLabel(!$$.config.axis_rotated,;
function _textAnchorForYAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return _textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
function _textAnchorForY2AxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return _textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
function _xForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 8 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (r / 180));
function _yForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 11.5 - 2.5 * (r / 15) * (r > 0 ? 1 : -1);
function _rotateTickText(axis, transition, rotate) {
axis.selectAll('.tick text')
.style("text-anchor", rotate > 0 ? "start" : "end");
transition.selectAll('.tick text')
.attr("y", _yForRotatedTickText(rotate))
.attr("transform", "rotate(" + rotate + ")")
.attr('dx', _xForRotatedTickText(rotate));
c3_chart_internal_fn.getClipPath = function (id) {
var isIE9 = window.navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie 9.") >= 0;
......@@ -5552,7 +5542,7 @@
formatForY = forArc && !$$.hasType('gauge') ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.yFormat,
formatForY2 = forArc && !$$.hasType('gauge') ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.y2Format;
return function (v, ratio, id) {
var format = $$._axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? formatForY2 : formatForY;
var format = $$.axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? formatForY2 : formatForY;
return$$, v, ratio);
......@@ -6532,9 +6522,9 @@
var $$ = this.internal;
if (arguments.length) {
Object.keys(labels).forEach(function (axisId) {
$$._axis.setLabelText(axisId, labels[axisId]);
$$.axis.setLabelText(axisId, labels[axisId]);
// TODO: return some values?
......@@ -6714,7 +6704,8 @@
return newScale;
function textFormatted(v) {
return tickFormat ? tickFormat(v) : v;
var formatted = tickFormat ? tickFormat(v) : v;
return typeof formatted !== 'undefined' ? formatted : '';
function getSizeFor1Char(tick) {
if (tickTextCharSize) {
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ c3_chart_fn.axis.labels = function (labels) {
var $$ = this.internal;
if (arguments.length) {
Object.keys(labels).forEach(function (axisId) {
$$._axis.setLabelText(axisId, labels[axisId]);
$$.axis.setLabelText(axisId, labels[axisId]);
// TODO: return some values?
function _Axis(owner) {
function Axis(owner) {, owner);
inherit(API, _Axis);
inherit(API, Axis);
_Axis.prototype.init = function init() {
Axis.prototype.init = function init() {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config, main = $$.main;
$$.axes.x = main.append("g")
......@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ _Axis.prototype.init = function init() {
.attr("class", CLASS.axisXLabel)
.attr("transform", config.axis_rotated ? "rotate(-90)" : "")
.style("text-anchor", _textAnchorForXAxisLabel.bind(this));
.style("text-anchor", this.textAnchorForXAxisLabel.bind(this));
$$.axes.y = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.axis + ' ' + CLASS.axisY)
.attr("clip-path", config.axis_y_inner ? "" : $$.clipPathForYAxis)
......@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ _Axis.prototype.init = function init() {
.attr("class", CLASS.axisYLabel)
.attr("transform", config.axis_rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)")
.style("text-anchor", _textAnchorForYAxisLabel.bind(this));
.style("text-anchor", this.textAnchorForYAxisLabel.bind(this));
$$.axes.y2 = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.axis + ' ' + CLASS.axisY2)
......@@ -35,9 +34,9 @@ _Axis.prototype.init = function init() {
.attr("class", CLASS.axisY2Label)
.attr("transform", config.axis_rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)")
.style("text-anchor", _textAnchorForY2AxisLabel.bind(this));
.style("text-anchor", this.textAnchorForY2AxisLabel.bind(this));
_Axis.prototype.getXAxis = function getXAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues, withOuterTick, withoutTransition) {
Axis.prototype.getXAxis = function getXAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues, withOuterTick, withoutTransition) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
axisParams = {
isCategory: $$.isCategorized(),
......@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ _Axis.prototype.getXAxis = function getXAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValu
return axis;
_Axis.prototype.updateXAxisTickValues = function updateXAxisTickValues(targets, axis) {
Axis.prototype.updateXAxisTickValues = function updateXAxisTickValues(targets, axis) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config, tickValues;
if (config.axis_x_tick_fit || config.axis_x_tick_count) {
tickValues = this.generateTickValues($$.mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targets), config.axis_x_tick_count, $$.isTimeSeries());
......@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ _Axis.prototype.updateXAxisTickValues = function updateXAxisTickValues(targets,
return tickValues;
_Axis.prototype.getYAxis = function getYAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues, withOuterTick) {
Axis.prototype.getYAxis = function getYAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues, withOuterTick) {
var axisParams = {withOuterTick: withOuterTick},
$$ = this.owner,
d3 = $$.d3,
......@@ -97,11 +96,11 @@ _Axis.prototype.getYAxis = function getYAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValu
return axis;
_Axis.prototype.getId = function getId(id) {
Axis.prototype.getId = function getId(id) {
var config = this.owner.config;
return id in config.data_axes ? config.data_axes[id] : 'y';
_Axis.prototype.getXAxisTickFormat = function getXAxisTickFormat() {
Axis.prototype.getXAxisTickFormat = function getXAxisTickFormat() {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
format = $$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.defaultAxisTimeFormat : $$.isCategorized() ? $$.categoryName : function (v) { return v < 0 ? v.toFixed(0) : v; };
if (config.axis_x_tick_format) {
......@@ -115,18 +114,36 @@ _Axis.prototype.getXAxisTickFormat = function getXAxisTickFormat() {
return isFunction(format) ? function (v) { return$$, v); } : format;
_Axis.prototype.getXAxisTickValues = function getXAxisTickValues() {
return _getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_x_tick_values, this.owner.xAxis);
Axis.prototype.getTickValues = function getTickValues(tickValues, axis) {
return tickValues ? tickValues : axis ? axis.tickValues() : undefined;
Axis.prototype.getXAxisTickValues = function getXAxisTickValues() {
return this.getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_x_tick_values, this.owner.xAxis);
Axis.prototype.getYAxisTickValues = function getYAxisTickValues() {
return this.getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_y_tick_values, this.owner.yAxis);
_Axis.prototype.getYAxisTickValues = function getYAxisTickValues() {
return _getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_y_tick_values, this.owner.yAxis);
Axis.prototype.getY2AxisTickValues = function getY2AxisTickValues() {
return this.getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_y2_tick_values, this.owner.y2Axis);
Axis.prototype.getLabelOptionByAxisId = function getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config, option;
if (axisId === 'y') {
option = config.axis_y_label;
} else if (axisId === 'y2') {
option = config.axis_y2_label;
} else if (axisId === 'x') {
option = config.axis_x_label;
return option;
_Axis.prototype.getY2AxisTickValues = function getY2AxisTickValues() {
return _getTickValues(this.owner.config.axis_y2_tick_values, this.owner.y2Axis);
Axis.prototype.getLabelText = function getLabelText(axisId) {
var option = this.getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId);
return isString(option) ? option : option ? option.text : null;
_Axis.prototype.setLabelText = function setLabelText(axisId, text) {
Axis.prototype.setLabelText = function setLabelText(axisId, text) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
option =, axisId);
option = this.getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId);
if (isString(option)) {
if (axisId === 'y') {
config.axis_y_label = text;
......@@ -139,17 +156,136 @@ _Axis.prototype.setLabelText = function setLabelText(axisId, text) {
option.text = text;
_Axis.prototype.getYAxisLabelPosition = function getYAxisLabelPosition() {
return, 'y', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top');
Axis.prototype.getLabelPosition = function getLabelPosition(axisId, defaultPosition) {
var option = this.getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId),
position = (option && typeof option === 'object' && option.position) ? option.position : defaultPosition;
return {
isInner: position.indexOf('inner') >= 0,
isOuter: position.indexOf('outer') >= 0,
isLeft: position.indexOf('left') >= 0,
isCenter: position.indexOf('center') >= 0,
isRight: position.indexOf('right') >= 0,
isTop: position.indexOf('top') >= 0,
isMiddle: position.indexOf('middle') >= 0,
isBottom: position.indexOf('bottom') >= 0
Axis.prototype.getXAxisLabelPosition = function getXAxisLabelPosition() {
return this.getLabelPosition('x', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-top' : 'inner-right');
_Axis.prototype.getY2AxisLabelPosition = function getY2AxisLabelPosition() {
return, 'y2', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top');
Axis.prototype.getYAxisLabelPosition = function getYAxisLabelPosition() {
return this.getLabelPosition('y', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top');
_Axis.prototype.getLabelPositionById = function getLabelPositionById(id) {
return id === 'y2' ? this.getY2AxisLabelPosition() : id === 'y' ? this.getYAxisLabelPosition() :;
Axis.prototype.getY2AxisLabelPosition = function getY2AxisLabelPosition() {
return this.getLabelPosition('y2', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-right' : 'inner-top');
_Axis.prototype.getMaxTickWidth = function getMaxTickWidth(id, withoutRecompute) {
Axis.prototype.getLabelPositionById = function getLabelPositionById(id) {
return id === 'y2' ? this.getY2AxisLabelPosition() : id === 'y' ? this.getYAxisLabelPosition() : this.getXAxisLabelPosition();
Axis.prototype.textForXAxisLabel = function textForXAxisLabel() {
return this.getLabelText('x');
Axis.prototype.textForYAxisLabel = function textForYAxisLabel() {
return this.getLabelText('y');
Axis.prototype.textForY2AxisLabel = function textForY2AxisLabel() {
return this.getLabelText('y2');
Axis.prototype.xForAxisLabel = function xForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
var $$ = this.owner;
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? 0 : position.isCenter ? $$.width / 2 : $$.width;
} else {
return position.isBottom ? -$$.height : position.isMiddle ? -$$.height / 2 : 0;
Axis.prototype.dxForAxisLabel = function dxForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? "0.5em" : position.isRight ? "-0.5em" : "0";
} else {
return position.isTop ? "-0.5em" : position.isBottom ? "0.5em" : "0";
Axis.prototype.textAnchorForAxisLabel = function textAnchorForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? 'start' : position.isCenter ? 'middle' : 'end';
} else {
return position.isBottom ? 'start' : position.isMiddle ? 'middle' : 'end';
Axis.prototype.xForXAxisLabel = function xForXAxisLabel() {
return this.xForAxisLabel(!this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getXAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.xForYAxisLabel = function xForYAxisLabel() {
return this.xForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.xForY2AxisLabel = function xForY2AxisLabel() {
return this.xForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.dxForXAxisLabel = function dxForXAxisLabel() {
return this.dxForAxisLabel(!this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getXAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.dxForYAxisLabel = function dxForYAxisLabel() {
return this.dxForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.dxForY2AxisLabel = function dxForY2AxisLabel() {
return this.dxForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.dyForXAxisLabel = function dyForXAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
position = this.getXAxisLabelPosition();
if (config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -25 - this.getMaxTickWidth('x');
} else {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : config.axis_x_height ? config.axis_x_height - 10 : "3em";
Axis.prototype.dyForYAxisLabel = function dyForYAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner,
position = this.getYAxisLabelPosition();
if ($$.config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : "3em";
} else {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -10 - ($$.config.axis_y_inner ? 0 : (this.getMaxTickWidth('y') + 10));
Axis.prototype.dyForY2AxisLabel = function dyForY2AxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner,
position = this.getY2AxisLabelPosition();
if ($$.config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : "-2.2em";
} else {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : 15 + ($$.config.axis_y2_inner ? 0 : (this.getMaxTickWidth('y2') + 15));
Axis.prototype.textAnchorForXAxisLabel = function textAnchorForXAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return this.textAnchorForAxisLabel(!$$.config.axis_rotated, this.getXAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.textAnchorForYAxisLabel = function textAnchorForYAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return this.textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.textAnchorForY2AxisLabel = function textAnchorForY2AxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return this.textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
Axis.prototype.xForRotatedTickText = function xForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 8 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (r / 180));
Axis.prototype.yForRotatedTickText = function yForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 11.5 - 2.5 * (r / 15) * (r > 0 ? 1 : -1);
Axis.prototype.rotateTickText = function rotateTickText(axis, transition, rotate) {
axis.selectAll('.tick text')
.style("text-anchor", rotate > 0 ? "start" : "end");
transition.selectAll('.tick text')
.attr("y", this.yForRotatedTickText(rotate))
.attr("transform", "rotate(" + rotate + ")")
.attr('dx', this.xForRotatedTickText(rotate));
Axis.prototype.getMaxTickWidth = function getMaxTickWidth(id, withoutRecompute) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
maxWidth = 0, targetsToShow, scale, axis, body, svg;
if (withoutRecompute && $$.currentMaxTickWidths[id]) {
......@@ -186,29 +322,28 @@ _Axis.prototype.getMaxTickWidth = function getMaxTickWidth(id, withoutRecompute)
return $$.currentMaxTickWidths[id];
_Axis.prototype.updateLabels = function updateLabels(withTransition) {
Axis.prototype.updateLabels = function updateLabels(withTransition) {
var $$ = this.owner;
var axisXLabel = $$'.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .' + CLASS.axisXLabel),
axisYLabel = $$'.' + CLASS.axisY + ' .' + CLASS.axisYLabel),
axisY2Label = $$'.' + CLASS.axisY2 + ' .' + CLASS.axisY2Label);
(withTransition ? axisXLabel.transition() : axisXLabel)
.attr("x", _xForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", _dxForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", _dyForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("x", this.xForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", this.dxForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", this.dyForXAxisLabel.bind(this))
(withTransition ? axisYLabel.transition() : axisYLabel)
.attr("x", _xForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", _dxForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", _dyForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("x", this.xForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", this.dxForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", this.dyForYAxisLabel.bind(this))
(withTransition ? axisY2Label.transition() : axisY2Label)
.attr("x", _xForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", _dxForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", _dyForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("x", this.xForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dx", this.dxForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
.attr("dy", this.dyForY2AxisLabel.bind(this))
_Axis.prototype.getPadding = function getPadding(padding, key, defaultValue, domainLength) {
Axis.prototype.getPadding = function getPadding(padding, key, defaultValue, domainLength) {
if (!isValue(padding[key])) {
return defaultValue;
......@@ -218,13 +353,12 @@ _Axis.prototype.getPadding = function getPadding(padding, key, defaultValue, dom
// assume padding is pixels if unit is not specified
return this.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(padding[key], domainLength);
_Axis.prototype.convertPixelsToAxisPadding = function convertPixelsToAxisPadding(pixels, domainLength) {
Axis.prototype.convertPixelsToAxisPadding = function convertPixelsToAxisPadding(pixels, domainLength) {
var $$ = this.owner,
length = $$.config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : $$.height;
return domainLength * (pixels / length);
_Axis.prototype.generateTickValues = function generateTickValues(values, tickCount, forTimeSeries) {
Axis.prototype.generateTickValues = function generateTickValues(values, tickCount, forTimeSeries) {
var tickValues = values, targetCount, start, end, count, interval, i, tickValue;
if (tickCount) {
targetCount = isFunction(tickCount) ? tickCount() : tickCount;
......@@ -250,7 +384,7 @@ _Axis.prototype.generateTickValues = function generateTickValues(values, tickCou
if (!forTimeSeries) { tickValues = tickValues.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); }
return tickValues;
_Axis.prototype.generateTransitions = function generateTransitions(duration) {
Axis.prototype.generateTransitions = function generateTransitions(duration) {
var $$ = this.owner, axes = $$.axes;
return {
axisX: duration ? axes.x.transition().duration(duration) : axes.x,
......@@ -259,7 +393,7 @@ _Axis.prototype.generateTransitions = function generateTransitions(duration) {
axisSubX: duration ? axes.subx.transition().duration(duration) : axes.subx
_Axis.prototype.redraw = function redraw(transitions, isHidden) {
Axis.prototype.redraw = function redraw(transitions, isHidden) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config;
$$"opacity", isHidden ? 0 : 1);
$$"opacity", isHidden ? 0 : 1);
......@@ -271,171 +405,7 @@ _Axis.prototype.redraw = function redraw(transitions, isHidden) {$$.subXAxis);
// rotate tick text if needed
if (!config.axis_rotated && config.axis_x_tick_rotate) {
_rotateTickText($$.axes.x, transitions.axisX, config.axis_x_tick_rotate);
_rotateTickText($$.axes.subx, transitions.axisSubX, config.axis_x_tick_rotate);
this.rotateTickText($$.axes.x, transitions.axisX, config.axis_x_tick_rotate);
this.rotateTickText($$.axes.subx, transitions.axisSubX, config.axis_x_tick_rotate);
function _getTickValues(tickValues, axis) {
return tickValues ? tickValues : axis ? axis.tickValues() : undefined;
function _getLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId) {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config, option;
if (axisId === 'y') {
option = config.axis_y_label;
} else if (axisId === 'y2') {
option = config.axis_y2_label;
} else if (axisId === 'x') {
option = config.axis_x_label;
return option;
function _getLabelText(axisId) {
var option =, axisId);
return isString(option) ? option : option ? option.text : null;
function _getLabelPosition(axisId, defaultPosition) {
var option =, axisId),
position = (option && typeof option === 'object' && option.position) ? option.position : defaultPosition;
return {
isInner: position.indexOf('inner') >= 0,
isOuter: position.indexOf('outer') >= 0,
isLeft: position.indexOf('left') >= 0,
isCenter: position.indexOf('center') >= 0,
isRight: position.indexOf('right') >= 0,
isTop: position.indexOf('top') >= 0,
isMiddle: position.indexOf('middle') >= 0,
isBottom: position.indexOf('bottom') >= 0
function _getXAxisLabelPosition() {
return, 'x', this.owner.config.axis_rotated ? 'inner-top' : 'inner-right');
function _textForXAxisLabel() {
return, 'x');
function _textForYAxisLabel() {
return, 'y');
function _textForY2AxisLabel() {
return, 'y2');
function _xForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
var $$ = this.owner;
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? 0 : position.isCenter ? $$.width / 2 : $$.width;
} else {
return position.isBottom ? -$$.height : position.isMiddle ? -$$.height / 2 : 0;
function _dxForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? "0.5em" : position.isRight ? "-0.5em" : "0";
} else {
return position.isTop ? "-0.5em" : position.isBottom ? "0.5em" : "0";
function _textAnchorForAxisLabel(forHorizontal, position) {
if (forHorizontal) {
return position.isLeft ? 'start' : position.isCenter ? 'middle' : 'end';
} else {
return position.isBottom ? 'start' : position.isMiddle ? 'middle' : 'end';
function _xForXAxisLabel() {
return, !this.owner.config.axis_rotated,;
function _xForYAxisLabel() {
return, this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
function _xForY2AxisLabel() {
return, this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
function _dxForXAxisLabel() {
return _dxForAxisLabel(!this.owner.config.axis_rotated,;
function _dxForYAxisLabel() {
return _dxForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
function _dxForY2AxisLabel() {
return _dxForAxisLabel(this.owner.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
function _dyForXAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner, config = $$.config,
position =;
if (config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -25 - this.getMaxTickWidth('x');
} else {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : config.axis_x_height ? config.axis_x_height - 10 : "3em";
function _dyForYAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner,
position = this.getYAxisLabelPosition();
if ($$.config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : "3em";
} else {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : -10 - ($$.config.axis_y_inner ? 0 : (this.getMaxTickWidth('y') + 10));
function _dyForY2AxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner,
position = this.getY2AxisLabelPosition();
if ($$.config.axis_rotated) {
return position.isInner ? "1.2em" : "-2.2em";
} else {
return position.isInner ? "-0.5em" : 15 + ($$.config.axis_y2_inner ? 0 : (this.getMaxTickWidth('y2') + 15));
function _textAnchorForXAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return _textAnchorForAxisLabel(!$$.config.axis_rotated,;
function _textAnchorForYAxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return _textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, this.getYAxisLabelPosition());
function _textAnchorForY2AxisLabel() {
var $$ = this.owner;
return _textAnchorForAxisLabel($$.config.axis_rotated, this.getY2AxisLabelPosition());
function _xForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 8 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (r / 180));
function _yForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 11.5 - 2.5 * (r / 15) * (r > 0 ? 1 : -1);
function _rotateTickText(axis, transition, rotate) {
axis.selectAll('.tick text')
.style("text-anchor", rotate > 0 ? "start" : "end");
transition.selectAll('.tick text')
.attr("y", _yForRotatedTickText(rotate))
.attr("transform", "rotate(" + rotate + ")")
.attr('dx', _xForRotatedTickText(rotate));
......@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ function c3_axis(d3, params) {
return newScale;
function textFormatted(v) {
return tickFormat ? tickFormat(v) : v;
var formatted = tickFormat ? tickFormat(v) : v;
return typeof formatted !== 'undefined' ? formatted : '';
function getSizeFor1Char(tick) {
if (tickTextCharSize) {
var c3 = { version: "0.4.9" };
var c3_chart_fn, c3_chart_internal_fn;
var c3_chart_fn,
function API(owner) {
this.owner = owner;
......@@ -54,12 +56,15 @@ c3.generate = function (config) {
c3.chart = {
fn: Chart.prototype,
internal: {
fn: ChartInternal.prototype
fn: ChartInternal.prototype,
axis: {
fn: Axis.prototype
c3_chart_fn = c3.chart.fn;
c3_chart_internal_fn = c3.chart.internal.fn;
c3_chart_internal_axis_fn = c3.chart.internal.axis.fn;
c3_chart_internal_fn.init = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
......@@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initWithData = function (data) {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
var defs, main, binding = true;
$$._axis = new _Axis($$);
$$.axis = new Axis($$);
if ($$.initPie) { $$.initPie(); }
if ($$.initBrush) { $$.initBrush(); }
......@@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initWithData = function (data) {
if (config.axis_x_extent) { $$.brush.extent($$.getDefaultExtent()); }
// Add Axis
// Set targets
......@@ -477,7 +482,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redraw = function (options, transitions) {
durationForExit = withTransitionForExit ? duration : 0;
durationForAxis = withTransitionForAxis ? duration : 0;
transitions = transitions || $$._axis.generateTransitions(durationForAxis);
transitions = transitions || $$.axis.generateTransitions(durationForAxis);
// update legend and transform each g
if (withLegend && config.legend_show) {
......@@ -496,7 +501,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redraw = function (options, transitions) {
if (targetsToShow.length) {
$$.updateXDomain(targetsToShow, withUpdateXDomain, withUpdateOrgXDomain, withTrimXDomain);
if (!config.axis_x_tick_values) {
tickValues = $$._axis.updateXAxisTickValues(targetsToShow);
tickValues = $$.axis.updateXAxisTickValues(targetsToShow);
} else {
......@@ -511,17 +516,17 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redraw = function (options, transitions) {
$$.y2.domain($$.getYDomain(targetsToShow, 'y2', xDomainForZoom));
if (!config.axis_y_tick_values && config.axis_y_tick_count) {
$$.yAxis.tickValues($$._axis.generateTickValues($$.y.domain(), config.axis_y_tick_count));
$$.yAxis.tickValues($$.axis.generateTickValues($$.y.domain(), config.axis_y_tick_count));
if (!config.axis_y2_tick_values && config.axis_y2_tick_count) {
$$.y2Axis.tickValues($$._axis.generateTickValues($$.y2.domain(), config.axis_y2_tick_count));
$$.y2Axis.tickValues($$.axis.generateTickValues($$.y2.domain(), config.axis_y2_tick_count));
// axes
$$._axis.redraw(transitions, hideAxis);
$$.axis.redraw(transitions, hideAxis);
// Update axis label
// show/hide if manual culling needed
if ((withUpdateXDomain || withUpdateXAxis) && targetsToShow.length) {
......@@ -632,7 +637,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redraw = function (options, transitions) {
if (duration) {
if (duration && $$.isTabVisible()) { // Only use transition if tab visible. See #938.
// transition should be derived from one transition
d3.transition().duration(duration).each(function () {
var transitionsToWait = [];
......@@ -702,7 +707,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateAndRedraw = function (options) {
// MEMO: called in updateLegend in redraw if withLegend
if (!(options.withLegend && config.legend_show)) {
transitions = $$._axis.generateTransitions(options.withTransitionForAxis ? config.transition_duration : 0);
transitions = $$.axis.generateTransitions(options.withTransitionForAxis ? config.transition_duration : 0);
// Update scales
......@@ -972,3 +977,18 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.parseDate = function (date) {
return parsedDate;
c3_chart_internal_fn.isTabVisible = function () {
var hidden;
if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { // Opera 12.10 and Firefox 18 and later support
hidden = "hidden";
} else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "mozHidden";
} else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "msHidden";
} else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "webkitHidden";
return document[hidden] ? false : true;
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getYDomainMin = function (targets) {
id = idsInGroup[k];
if (! ys[id]) { continue; }
ys[id].forEach(function (v, i) {
if ($$._axis.getId(id) === $$._axis.getId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasNegativeValue && +v > 0)) {
if ($$.axis.getId(id) === $$.axis.getId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasNegativeValue && +v > 0)) {
ys[baseId][i] += +v;
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getYDomainMax = function (targets) {
id = idsInGroup[k];
if (! ys[id]) { continue; }
ys[id].forEach(function (v, i) {
if ($$._axis.getId(id) === $$._axis.getId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasPositiveValue && +v < 0)) {
if ($$.axis.getId(id) === $$.axis.getId(baseId) && ys[baseId] && !(hasPositiveValue && +v < 0)) {
ys[baseId][i] += +v;
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getYDomainMax = function (targets) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.getYDomain = function (targets, axisId, xDomain) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
targetsByAxisId = targets.filter(function (t) { return $$._axis.getId( === axisId; }),
targetsByAxisId = targets.filter(function (t) { return $$.axis.getId( === axisId; }),
yTargets = xDomain ? $$.filterByXDomain(targetsByAxisId, xDomain) : targetsByAxisId,
yMin = axisId === 'y2' ? config.axis_y2_min : config.axis_y_min,
yMax = axisId === 'y2' ? config.axis_y2_max : config.axis_y_max,
......@@ -123,16 +123,16 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getYDomain = function (targets, axisId, xDomain) {
padding_bottom += domainLength * (ratio[0] / (1 - ratio[0] - ratio[1]));
} else if (showVerticalDataLabel) {
lengths = $$.getDataLabelLength(yDomainMin, yDomainMax, 'height');
padding_top += this._axis.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(lengths[1], domainLength);
padding_bottom += this._axis.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(lengths[0], domainLength);
padding_top += $$.axis.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(lengths[1], domainLength);
padding_bottom += $$.axis.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(lengths[0], domainLength);
if (axisId === 'y' && notEmpty(config.axis_y_padding)) {
padding_top = $$._axis.getPadding(config.axis_y_padding, 'top', padding_top, domainLength);
padding_bottom = $$._axis.getPadding(config.axis_y_padding, 'bottom', padding_bottom, domainLength);
padding_top = $$.axis.getPadding(config.axis_y_padding, 'top', padding_top, domainLength);
padding_bottom = $$.axis.getPadding(config.axis_y_padding, 'bottom', padding_bottom, domainLength);
if (axisId === 'y2' && notEmpty(config.axis_y2_padding)) {
padding_top = $$._axis.getPadding(config.axis_y2_padding, 'top', padding_top, domainLength);
padding_bottom = $$._axis.getPadding(config.axis_y2_padding, 'bottom', padding_bottom, domainLength);
padding_top = $$.axis.getPadding(config.axis_y2_padding, 'top', padding_top, domainLength);
padding_bottom = $$.axis.getPadding(config.axis_y2_padding, 'bottom', padding_bottom, domainLength);
// Bar/Area chart should be 0-based if all positive|negative
if (isZeroBased) {
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getYFormat = function (forArc) {
formatForY = forArc && !$$.hasType('gauge') ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.yFormat,
formatForY2 = forArc && !$$.hasType('gauge') ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.y2Format;
return function (v, ratio, id) {
var format = $$._axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? formatForY2 : formatForY;
var format = $$.axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? formatForY2 : formatForY;
return$$, v, ratio);
......@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getY = function (min, max, domain) {
return scale;
c3_chart_internal_fn.getYScale = function (id) {
return this._axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? this.y2 : this.y;
return this.axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? this.y2 : this.y;
c3_chart_internal_fn.getSubYScale = function (id) {
return this._axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? this.subY2 : this.subY;
return this.axis.getId(id) === 'y2' ? this.subY2 : this.subY;
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateScales = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
......@@ -69,15 +69,15 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateScales = function () {
$$.subY = $$.getY($$.subYMin, $$.subYMax, forInit ? config.axis_y_default : $$.subY.domain());
$$.subY2 = $$.getY($$.subYMin, $$.subYMax, forInit ? config.axis_y2_default : $$.subY2.domain());
// update axes
$$.xAxisTickFormat = $$._axis.getXAxisTickFormat();
$$.xAxisTickValues = $$._axis.getXAxisTickValues();
$$.yAxisTickValues = $$._axis.getYAxisTickValues();
$$.y2AxisTickValues = $$._axis.getY2AxisTickValues();
$$.xAxisTickFormat = $$.axis.getXAxisTickFormat();
$$.xAxisTickValues = $$.axis.getXAxisTickValues();
$$.yAxisTickValues = $$.axis.getYAxisTickValues();
$$.y2AxisTickValues = $$.axis.getY2AxisTickValues();
$$.xAxis = $$._axis.getXAxis($$.x, $$.xOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues, config.axis_x_tick_outer);
$$.subXAxis = $$._axis.getXAxis($$.subX, $$.subXOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues, config.axis_x_tick_outer);
$$.yAxis = $$._axis.getYAxis($$.y, $$.yOrient, config.axis_y_tick_format, $$.yAxisTickValues, config.axis_y_tick_outer);
$$.y2Axis = $$._axis.getYAxis($$.y2, $$.y2Orient, config.axis_y2_tick_format, $$.y2AxisTickValues, config.axis_y2_tick_outer);
$$.xAxis = $$.axis.getXAxis($$.x, $$.xOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues, config.axis_x_tick_outer);
$$.subXAxis = $$.axis.getXAxis($$.subX, $$.subXOrient, $$.xAxisTickFormat, $$.xAxisTickValues, config.axis_x_tick_outer);
$$.yAxis = $$.axis.getYAxis($$.y, $$.yOrient, config.axis_y_tick_format, $$.yAxisTickValues, config.axis_y_tick_outer);
$$.y2Axis = $$.axis.getYAxis($$.y2, $$.y2Orient, config.axis_y2_tick_format, $$.y2AxisTickValues, config.axis_y2_tick_outer);
// Set initialized scales to brush and zoom
if (!forInit) {
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getCurrentPaddingLeft = function (withoutRecompute) {
} else if (config.axis_rotated) {
return !config.axis_x_show ? 1 : Math.max(ceil10($$.getAxisWidthByAxisId('x', withoutRecompute)), 40);
} else if (!config.axis_y_show || config.axis_y_inner) { // && !config.axis_rotated
return $$._axis.getYAxisLabelPosition().isOuter ? 30 : 1;
return $$.axis.getYAxisLabelPosition().isOuter ? 30 : 1;
} else {
return ceil10($$.getAxisWidthByAxisId('y', withoutRecompute));
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getCurrentPaddingRight = function () {
} else if (config.axis_rotated) {
return defaultPadding + legendWidthOnRight;
} else if (!config.axis_y2_show || config.axis_y2_inner) { // && !config.axis_rotated
return 2 + legendWidthOnRight + ($$._axis.getY2AxisLabelPosition().isOuter ? 20 : 0);
return 2 + legendWidthOnRight + ($$.axis.getY2AxisLabelPosition().isOuter ? 20 : 0);
} else {
return ceil10($$.getAxisWidthByAxisId('y2')) + legendWidthOnRight;
......@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getSvgLeft = function (withoutRecompute) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.getAxisWidthByAxisId = function (id, withoutRecompute) {
var $$ = this, position = $$._axis.getLabelPositionById(id);
return $$._axis.getMaxTickWidth(id, withoutRecompute) + (position.isInner ? 20 : 40);
var $$ = this, position = $$.axis.getLabelPositionById(id);
return $$.axis.getMaxTickWidth(id, withoutRecompute) + (position.isInner ? 20 : 40);
c3_chart_internal_fn.getHorizontalAxisHeight = function (axisId) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, h = 30;
......@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getHorizontalAxisHeight = function (axisId) {
if (axisId === 'y2' && !config.axis_y2_show) { return $$.rotated_padding_top; }
// Calculate x axis height when tick rotated
if (axisId === 'x' && !config.axis_rotated && config.axis_x_tick_rotate) {
h = $$._axis.getMaxTickWidth(axisId) * Math.cos(Math.PI * (90 - config.axis_x_tick_rotate) / 180);
h = $$.axis.getMaxTickWidth(axisId) * Math.cos(Math.PI * (90 - config.axis_x_tick_rotate) / 180);
return h + ($$._axis.getLabelPositionById(axisId).isInner ? 0 : 10) + (axisId === 'y2' ? -10 : 0);
return h + ($$.axis.getLabelPositionById(axisId).isInner ? 0 : 10) + (axisId === 'y2' ? -10 : 0);
c3_chart_internal_fn.getEventRectWidth = function () {
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initTooltip = function () {
$$.tooltip.html($$, $$ (d) {
return $$.addName(d.values[config.tooltip_init_x]);
}), $$._axis.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat($$.hasArcType()), $$.color));
}), $$.axis.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat($$.hasArcType()), $$.color));
.style("left", config.tooltip_init_position.left)
.style("display", "block");
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.showTooltip = function (selectedData, element) {
if (dataToShow.length === 0 || !config.tooltip_show) {
$$.tooltip.html($$, selectedData, $$._axis.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat(forArc), $$.color)).style("display", "block");
$$.tooltip.html($$, selectedData, $$.axis.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat(forArc), $$.color)).style("display", "block");
// Get tooltip dimensions
tWidth = $$'offsetWidth');
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