Commit 75166f3f authored by Kyle Campbell's avatar Kyle Campbell

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 45ebb095 533ce17e
"name": "c3",
"main": "c3.min.js",
"version": "0.1.29",
"version": "0.1.30",
"homepage": "",
"authors": [
"Masayuki Tanaka <>"
......@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@
.c3-legend-item {
font-size: 12px;
.c3-legend-item-hidden {
opacity: 0.1;
/*-- Tooltip --*/
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
'use strict';
var c3 = {
version: "0.1.29"
version: "0.1.30"
var CLASS = {
......@@ -113,7 +113,9 @@
__zoom_privileged = getConfig(['zoom', 'privileged'], false);
var __onenter = getConfig(['onenter'], function () {}),
__onleave = getConfig(['onleave'], function () {});
__onleave = getConfig(['onleave'], function () {}),
__onresize = getConfig(['onresize'], function () {}),
__onresized = getConfig(['onresized'], function () {});
var __transition_duration = getConfig(['transition', 'duration'], 350);
......@@ -163,13 +165,15 @@
// axis
var __axis_rotated = getConfig(['axis', 'rotated'], false),
__axis_x_type = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'type'], 'indexed'),
__axis_x_localtime = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'localtime'], false),
__axis_x_categories = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'categories'], []),
__axis_x_tick_centered = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'centered'], false),
__axis_x_tick_format = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'format']),
__axis_x_tick_culling = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'culling'], {}),
__axis_x_tick_culling_max = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'culling', 'max'], __axis_x_type === 'categorized' ? Infinity : 10),
__axis_x_tick_culling_max = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'culling', 'max'], 10),
__axis_x_tick_count = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'count']),
__axis_x_tick_fit = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'fit'], false),
__axis_x_tick_values = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'values'], []),
__axis_x_max = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'max']),
__axis_x_min = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'min']),
__axis_x_default = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'default']),
......@@ -211,6 +215,8 @@
__point_focus_expand_r = getConfig(['point', 'focus', 'expand', 'r'], __point_focus_expand_enabled ? 4 : __point_r),
__point_select_r = getConfig(['point', 'focus', 'select', 'r'], 8);
var __line_connect_null = getConfig(['line', 'connect_null'], false);
// bar
var __bar_width = getConfig(['bar', 'width']),
__bar_width_ratio = getConfig(['bar', 'width', 'ratio'], 0.6);
......@@ -269,8 +275,8 @@
clipIdForXAxis = clipId + '-xaxis',
clipIdForYAxis = clipId + '-yaxis',
clipPath = getClipPath(clipId),
clipPathForXAxis = getClipPath(clipPathForXAxis),
clipPathForYAxis = getClipPath(clipPathForYAxis);
clipPathForXAxis = getClipPath(clipIdForXAxis),
clipPathForYAxis = getClipPath(clipIdForYAxis);
var isTimeSeries = (__axis_x_type === 'timeseries'),
isCategorized = (__axis_x_type === 'categorized'),
......@@ -281,16 +287,17 @@
var defaultColorPattern = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf'], //same as d3.scale.category10()
color = generateColor(__data_colors, notEmpty(__color_pattern) ? __color_pattern : defaultColorPattern, __data_color);
var defaultTimeFormat = (function () {
var xTimeFormat = __axis_x_localtime ? d3.time.format : d3.time.format.utc,
defaultTimeFormat = (function () {
var formats = [
[d3.time.format("%Y/%-m/%-d"), function () { return true; }],
[d3.time.format("%-m/%-d"), function (d) { return d.getMonth(); }],
[d3.time.format("%-m/%-d"), function (d) { return d.getDate() !== 1; }],
[d3.time.format("%-m/%-d"), function (d) { return d.getDay() && d.getDate() !== 1; }],
[d3.time.format("%I %p"), function (d) { return d.getHours(); }],
[d3.time.format("%I:%M"), function (d) { return d.getMinutes(); }],
[d3.time.format(":%S"), function (d) { return d.getSeconds(); }],
[d3.time.format(".%L"), function (d) { return d.getMilliseconds(); }]
[xTimeFormat("%Y/%-m/%-d"), function () { return true; }],
[xTimeFormat("%-m/%-d"), function (d) { return d.getMonth(); }],
[xTimeFormat("%-m/%-d"), function (d) { return d.getDate() !== 1; }],
[xTimeFormat("%-m/%-d"), function (d) { return d.getDay() && d.getDate() !== 1; }],
[xTimeFormat("%I %p"), function (d) { return d.getHours(); }],
[xTimeFormat("%I:%M"), function (d) { return d.getMinutes(); }],
[xTimeFormat(":%S"), function (d) { return d.getSeconds(); }],
[xTimeFormat(".%L"), function (d) { return d.getMilliseconds(); }]
return function (date) {
var i = formats.length - 1, f = formats[i];
......@@ -615,6 +622,9 @@
if (isCategorized) {
if (isEmpty(__axis_x_tick_culling)) {
__axis_x_tick_culling = false;
} else {
axis.tickOffset = function () {
var base = __axis_rotated ? height : width;
......@@ -641,7 +651,7 @@
if (typeof __axis_x_tick_format === 'function') {
format = __axis_x_tick_format;
} else if (isTimeSeries) {
format = function (date) { return d3.time.format(__axis_x_tick_format)(date); };
format = function (date) { return xTimeFormat(__axis_x_tick_format)(date); };
return format;
......@@ -785,7 +795,7 @@
function getMaxTickWidth(id) {
var maxWidth = 0, axisClass = id === 'x' ? CLASS.axisX : id === 'y' ? CLASS.axisY : CLASS.axisY2;
d3.selectAll('.' + axisClass + ' .tick text').each(function () {
var box = this.getBBox();
var box = this.getBoundingClientRect();
if (maxWidth < box.width) { maxWidth = box.width; }
return maxWidth < 20 ? 20 : maxWidth;
......@@ -824,10 +834,6 @@
return ticks;
function shouldShowTickText(ticks, i) {
var length = ticks.length - 1;
return length <= tickTextNum || i % Math.ceil(length / tickTextNum) === 0;
function category(i) {
return i < categories.length ? categories[i] : i;
......@@ -870,7 +876,7 @@
lineUpdate.attr("x1", tickX).attr("x2", tickX).attr("y2", tickMajorSize);
textUpdate.attr("x", 0).attr("y", Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding);
text.attr("dy", ".71em").style("text-anchor", "middle");
text.text(function (i) { return shouldShowTickText(ticks, i) ? formattedCategory(i) : ""; });
pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + range[0] + "," + tickEndSize + "V0H" + range[1] + "V" + tickEndSize);
......@@ -895,7 +901,7 @@
lineUpdate.attr("x2", -tickMajorSize).attr("y2", 0);
textUpdate.attr("x", -(Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding)).attr("y", tickOffset);
text.attr("dy", ".32em").style("text-anchor", "end");
text.text(function (i) { return shouldShowTickText(ticks, i) ? formattedCategory(i) : ""; });
pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + -tickEndSize + "," + range[0] + "H0V" + range[1] + "H" + -tickEndSize);
......@@ -1216,8 +1222,13 @@
var xDomain = [getXDomainMin(targets), getXDomainMax(targets)],
firstX = xDomain[0], lastX = xDomain[1],
padding = getXDomainPadding(targets, xDomain),
min = isTimeSeries ? new Date(firstX.getTime() - padding) : firstX - padding,
min = 0, max = 0;
if (firstX || firstX === 0) {
min = isTimeSeries ? new Date(firstX.getTime() - padding) : firstX - padding;
if (lastX || lastX === 0) {
max = isTimeSeries ? new Date(lastX.getTime() + padding) : lastX + padding;
return [min, max];
function diffDomain(d) {
......@@ -1520,6 +1531,7 @@
if (!isTimeSeries) { tickValues = tickValues.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); }
return tickValues;
function addHiddenTargetIds(targetIds) {
......@@ -1628,7 +1640,7 @@
.data([min, max])
.text(function (d) { return d; })
.each(function (d, i) { var box = this.getBBox(); widths[i] = box.width * paddingCoef; })
.each(function (d, i) { widths[i] = this.getBoundingClientRect().width * paddingCoef; })
return widths;
......@@ -1999,13 +2011,11 @@
function parseDate(date) {
var parsedDate;
if (!date) { throw Error(date + " can not be parsed as d3.time with format " + __data_x_format + ". Maybe 'x' of this data is not defined. See data.x or data.xs option."); }
try {
parsedDate = __data_x_format ? d3.time.format(__data_x_format).parse(date) : new Date(date);
} catch (e) {
parsedDate = undefined;
window.console.error("Failed to parse x '" + date + "' to Date with format " + __data_x_format);
if (!parsedDate) { window.console.error("Failed to parse x '" + date + "' to Date with format " + __data_x_format); }
return parsedDate;
......@@ -2017,8 +2027,9 @@
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(cx - mouse[0], 2) + Math.pow(cy - mouse[1], 2)) < _r;
function isWithinBar(_this) {
var mouse = d3.mouse(_this), box = _this.getBBox();
var x = box.x, y = box.y, w = box.width, h = box.height, offset = 2;
var mouse = d3.mouse(_this), box = _this.getBoundingClientRect(),
seg0 = _this.pathSegList.getItem(0), seg1 = _this.pathSegList.getItem(1);
var x = seg0.x, y = Math.min(seg0.y, seg1.y), w = box.width, h = box.height, offset = 2;
var sx = x - offset, ex = x + w + offset, sy = y + h + offset, ey = y - offset;
return sx < mouse[0] && mouse[0] < ex && ey < mouse[1] && mouse[1] < sy;
......@@ -2134,14 +2145,15 @@
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(__axis_rotated ? function (d) { return getYScale(; } : xx)
.y(__axis_rotated ? xx : function (d) { return getYScale(; });
if (!__line_connect_null) { line = line.defined(function (d) { return d.value != null; }); }
return function (d) {
var data = filterRemoveNull(d.values), x0, y0;
var data = __line_connect_null ? filterRemoveNull(d.values) : d.values, x0, y0;
if (isLineType(d)) {
isSplineType(d) ? line.interpolate("cardinal") : line.interpolate("linear");
return __data_regions[] ? lineWithRegions(data, x, getYScale(, __data_regions[]) : line(data);
} else {
x0 = x(data[0].x);
y0 = getYScale([0].value);
x0 = data[0] ? x(data[0].x) : 0;
y0 = data[0] ? getYScale([0].value) : 0;
return __axis_rotated ? "M " + y0 + " " + x0 : "M " + x0 + " " + y0;
......@@ -2212,7 +2224,7 @@
function getYForText(points, d, textElement) {
var box = textElement.getBBox();
var box = textElement.getBoundingClientRect();
if (__axis_rotated) {
return (points[0][0] + points[2][0] + box.height * 0.6) / 2;
} else {
......@@ -2646,9 +2658,11 @@
window.onresize = generateResize();
if (window.onresize.add) {
window.onresize.add(function () {
updateAndRedraw({withLegend: true, withTransition: false, withTransitionForTransform: false});
......@@ -2995,7 +3009,7 @@
// update axis tick values according to options, except for scatter plot
if (! hasScatterType(targetsToShow)) { // TODO: fix this
tickValues = generateTickValues(mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targetsToShow)).sort();
tickValues = __axis_x_tick_values ? __axis_x_tick_values : generateTickValues(mapTargetsToUniqueXs(targetsToShow));
......@@ -3016,17 +3030,23 @@'.' + CLASS.axisY2).style("opacity", hideAxis ? 0 : 1).transition().duration(durationForAxis).call(yAxis2);
// show/hide if manual culling needed
if (withUpdateXDomain && __axis_x_tick_culling && tickValues) {
for (i = 1; i < tickValues.length; i++) {
if (tickValues.length / i < __axis_x_tick_culling_max) {
intervalForCulling = i;
if (withUpdateXDomain) {
if (__axis_x_tick_culling && tickValues) {
for (i = 1; i < tickValues.length; i++) {
if (tickValues.length / i < __axis_x_tick_culling_max) {
intervalForCulling = i;
d3.selectAll('.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .tick text').each(function (e) {
var index = tickValues.indexOf(e);
if (index >= 0) {'display', index % intervalForCulling ? 'none' : 'block');
} else {
d3.selectAll('.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .tick text').style('display', 'block');
d3.selectAll('.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .tick').sort(function (e1, e2) { return e1 - e2; });
d3.selectAll('.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .tick text').each(function (e, i) {'display', i % intervalForCulling ? 'none' : 'block');
// setup drawer - MEMO: these must be called after axis updated
......@@ -3671,14 +3691,16 @@
/*-- Draw Legend --*/
function opacityForLegend(id) {
return ? 0.5 : 1;
var item =;'opacity', null); // MEMO: remove to get opacity by css
return item.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden) ?'opacity') : 1;
function toggleFocusLegend(id, focus) {
var legendItem = legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem),
var items = legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem).filter(function () { return !; }),
isTarget = function (d) { return (!id || d === id); },
notTarget = function (d) { return !isTarget(d); };
legendItem.filter(notTarget).transition().duration(100).style('opacity', focus ? 0.3 : opacityForLegend);
legendItem.filter(isTarget).transition().duration(100).style('opacity', focus ? opacityForLegend : 0.3);
items.filter(notTarget).transition().duration(100).style('opacity', focus ? 0.3 : opacityForLegend);
items.filter(isTarget).transition().duration(100).style('opacity', focus ? opacityForLegend : 0.3);
function focusLegend(id) {
toggleFocusLegend(id, true);
......@@ -3719,7 +3741,7 @@
withTransformAll = isDefined(options.withTransformAll) ? options.withTransformAll : true;
function updatePositions(textElement, id, reset) {
var box = textElement.getBBox(),
var box = textElement.getBoundingClientRect(),
itemWidth = Math.ceil((box.width + paddingRight) / 10) * 10,
itemHeight = Math.ceil((box.height + paddingTop) / 10) * 10,
itemLength = isLegendRight ? itemHeight : itemWidth,
......@@ -3942,9 +3964,7 @@
} else {
.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden, false)
.style('opacity', 1);
.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden, false);
redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withTransitionForHorizontalAxis: false});
......@@ -3963,9 +3983,7 @@
} else {
.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden, true)
.style('opacity', 0.5);
.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden, true);
redraw({withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withTransitionForHorizontalAxis: false});
......@@ -4265,7 +4283,19 @@
/*-- Load data and init chart with defined functions --*/
if ('url' in {
d3.csv(, function (error, data) { init(data); });
d3.xhr(, function (error, data) {
// TODO: other mine/type
var rows = d3.csv.parseRows(data.response), d;
if (rows.length === 1) {
d = [{}];
rows[0].forEach(function (id) {
d[0][id] = null;
} else {
d = d3.csv.parse(data.response);
else if ('rows' in {
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
"name": "c3",
"version": "0.1.29",
"version": "0.1.30",
"description": "D3-based reusable chart library",
"main": "c3.js",
"scripts": {
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