Commit 7e3d23d1 authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Modify hasType interface

parent 4fee43b6
......@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
// when gauge, hide legend // TODO: fix
if ($$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE)) {
if ($$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE)) {
config[__legend_show] = false;
......@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@
$$.tooltip.html(config[__tooltip_contents].call($$, $$ (d) {
return $$[addName](d.values[config[__tooltip_init_x]]);
}), $$[getXAxisTickFormat](), $$[getYFormat]($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)), $$.color));
}), $$[getXAxisTickFormat](), $$[getYFormat]($$[hasArcType]()), $$.color));
$$"top", config[__tooltip_init_position].top)
.style("left", config[__tooltip_init_position].left)
.style("display", "block");
......@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
var legendHeight = $$[getLegendHeight](), legendWidth = $$[getLegendWidth](),
legendHeightForBottom = $$[isLegendRight] || $$[isLegendInset] ? 0 : legendHeight,
hasArc = $$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets),
hasArc = $$[hasArcType](),
xAxisHeight = config[__axis_rotated] || hasArc ? 0 : $$[getHorizontalAxisHeight]('x'),
subchartHeight = config[__subchart_show] && !hasArc ? (config[__subchart_size_height] + xAxisHeight) : 0;
......@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@
var areaIndices = $$[getShapeIndices]($$.isAreaType), barIndices = $$[getShapeIndices]($$.isBarType), lineIndices = $$[getShapeIndices]($$.isLineType), maxDataCountTarget, tickOffset;
var rectX, rectW;
var withY, withSubchart, withTransition, withTransitionForExit, withTransitionForAxis, withTransform, withUpdateXDomain, withUpdateOrgXDomain, withLegend;
var hideAxis = $$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets);
var hideAxis = $$[hasArcType]();
var drawArea, drawBar, drawLine, xForText, yForText;
var duration, durationForExit, durationForAxis, waitForDraw;
var targetsToShow = $$[filterTargetsToShow]($$.data.targets), tickValues, i, intervalForCulling;
......@@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@
var index = d.index, selectedData, newData;
if ($$[dragging]) { return; } // do nothing if dragging
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) { return; }
if ($$[hasArcType]()) { return; }
selectedData = $$ (t) {
return $$[addName]($$[getValueOnIndex](t.values, index));
......@@ -1696,7 +1696,7 @@
.on('mouseout', function (d) {
var index = d.index;
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) { return; }
if ($$[hasArcType]()) { return; }
// Undo expanded shapes
......@@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@
eventRect = $$'.' + CLASS[eventRect] + '-' + index);
if ($$[dragging]) { return; } // do nothing when dragging
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) { return; }
if ($$[hasArcType]()) { return; }
// Show tooltip
selectedData = $$[filterTargetsToShow]($$.data.targets).map(function (t) {
......@@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@
.on('click', function (d) {
var index = d.index;
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) { return; }
if ($$[hasArcType]()) { return; }
if ($$[cancelClick]) {
$$[cancelClick] = false;
......@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
.attr('height', $$.height)
.attr(CSS_CLASS, CLASS[eventRect])
.on('mouseout', function () {
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) { return; }
if ($$[hasArcType]()) { return; }
......@@ -2115,7 +2115,7 @@
leftAxis = $$'.' + leftAxisClass).node(),
svgRect = leftAxis ? leftAxis.getBoundingClientRect() : {right: 0},
chartRect = $$.selectChart.node().getBoundingClientRect(),
hasArc = $$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets),
hasArc = $$[hasArcType](),
svgLeft = svgRect.right - chartRect.left - (hasArc ? 0 : $$[getCurrentPaddingLeft]());
return svgLeft > 0 ? svgLeft : 0;
......@@ -2150,7 +2150,7 @@
return $$.config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.height : $$.width;
maxDataCount = $$[getMaxDataCount]();
ratio = ($$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_BAR) ? (maxDataCount - ($$[isCategorized] ? 0.25 : 1)) / maxDataCount : 1);
ratio = ($$[hasType](TYPE_BAR) ? (maxDataCount - ($$[isCategorized] ? 0.25 : 1)) / maxDataCount : 1);
w = maxDataCount > 1 ? (base * ratio) / (maxDataCount - 1) : base;
return w < 1 ? 1 : w;
......@@ -2163,7 +2163,7 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn[showTooltip] = function (selectedData, mouse) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
var tWidth, tHeight, svgLeft, tooltipLeft, tooltipRight, tooltipTop, chartRight;
var forArc = $$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets),
var forArc = $$[hasArcType](),
dataToShow = selectedData.filter(function (d) { return d && isValue(d.value); });
if (dataToShow.length === 0 || !config[__tooltip_show]) {
......@@ -2218,7 +2218,7 @@
var $$ = this, dataToShow = selectedData.filter(function (d) { return d && isValue(d.value); });
if (! config[__tooltip_show]) { return; }
// Hide when scatter plot exists
if ($$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_SCATTER) || $$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) { return; }
if ($$[hasType](TYPE_SCATTER) || $$[hasArcType]()) { return; }
var focusEl = $$.main.selectAll('line.' + CLASS[xgridFocus]);
.style(CSS_VISIBILITY, "visible")
......@@ -3755,9 +3755,9 @@
var hasType = 'hasType';
c3_chart_internal_fn[hasType] = function (targets, type) {
c3_chart_internal_fn[hasType] = function (type, targets) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, has = false;
targets.forEach(function (t) {
(targets || $$.data.targets).forEach(function (t) {
if (config[__data_types][] === type) { has = true; }
if (!( in config[__data_types]) && type === 'line') { has = true; }
......@@ -3765,7 +3765,7 @@
var hasArcType = 'hasArcType';
c3_chart_internal_fn[hasArcType] = function (targets) {
return this[hasType](targets, TYPE_PIE) || this[hasType](targets, TYPE_DONUT) || this[hasType](targets, TYPE_GAUGE);
return this[hasType](TYPE_PIE, targets) || this[hasType](TYPE_DONUT, targets) || this[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE, targets);
var isLineType = 'isLineType';
......@@ -4087,7 +4087,7 @@
domainLength, padding, padding_top, padding_bottom,
center = axisId === 'y2' ? config[__axis_y2_center] : config[__axis_y_center],
yDomainAbs, lengths, diff, ratio, isAllPositive, isAllNegative,
isZeroBased = ($$[hasType](yTargets, TYPE_BAR) && config[__bar_zerobased]) || ($$[hasType](yTargets, TYPE_AREA) && config[__area_zerobased]),
isZeroBased = ($$[hasType](TYPE_BAR, yTargets) && config[__bar_zerobased]) || ($$[hasType](TYPE_AREA, yTargets) && config[__area_zerobased]),
showHorizontalDataLabel = $$[hasDataLabel]() && config[__axis_rotated],
showVerticalDataLabel = $$[hasDataLabel]() && !config[__axis_rotated];
if (yTargets.length === 0) { // use current domain if target of axisId is none
......@@ -4161,7 +4161,7 @@
maxDataCount, padding, paddingLeft, paddingRight;
if ($$[isCategorized]) {
padding = 0;
} else if ($$[hasType](targets, TYPE_BAR)) {
} else if ($$[hasType](TYPE_BAR, targets)) {
maxDataCount = $$[getMaxDataCount]();
padding = maxDataCount > 1 ? (diff / (maxDataCount - 1)) / 2 : 0.5;
} else {
......@@ -4614,7 +4614,7 @@
$$.radiusExpanded = Math.min($$.arcWidth, $$.arcHeight) / 2;
$$.radius = $$.radiusExpanded * 0.95;
$$.innerRadiusRatio = w ? ($$.radius - w) / $$.radius : 0.6;
$$.innerRadius = $$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_DONUT) || $$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE) ? $$.radius * $$.innerRadiusRatio : 0;
$$.innerRadius = $$[hasType](TYPE_DONUT) || $$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE) ? $$.radius * $$.innerRadiusRatio : 0;
var updateArc = 'updateArc', svgArc = 'svgArc', svgArcExpanded = 'svgArcExpanded', svgArcExpandedSub = 'svgArcExpandedSub';
......@@ -4685,7 +4685,7 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn[transformForArcLabel] = function (d) {
var $$ = this,
updated = $$[updateAngle](d), c, x, y, h, ratio, translate = "";
if (updated && !$$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE)) {
if (updated && !$$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE)) {
c = this.svgArc.centroid(updated);
x = isNaN(c[0]) ? 0 : c[0];
y = isNaN(c[1]) ? 0 : c[1];
......@@ -4700,7 +4700,7 @@
var getArcRatio = 'getArcRatio';
c3_chart_internal_fn[getArcRatio] = function (d) {
var $$ = this,
whole = $$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE) ? Math.PI : (Math.PI * 2);
whole = $$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE) ? Math.PI : (Math.PI * 2);
return d ? (d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / whole : null;
......@@ -4722,7 +4722,7 @@
updated = $$[updateAngle](d);
value = updated ? updated.value : null;
ratio = $$[getArcRatio](updated);
if (! $$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE) && ! $$[meetsArcLabelThreshold](ratio)) { return ""; }
if (! $$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE) && ! $$[meetsArcLabelThreshold](ratio)) { return ""; }
format = $$[getArcLabelFormat]();
return format ? format(value, ratio) : $$[defaultArcValueFormat](value, ratio);
......@@ -4770,9 +4770,9 @@
var shouldShowArcLabel = 'shouldShowArcLabel';
c3_chart_internal_fn[shouldShowArcLabel] = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, shouldShow = true;
if ($$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_DONUT)) {
if ($$[hasType](TYPE_DONUT)) {
shouldShow = config[__donut_label_show];
} else if ($$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_PIE)) {
} else if ($$[hasType](TYPE_PIE)) {
shouldShow = config[__pie_label_show];
// when gauge, always true
......@@ -4782,7 +4782,7 @@
var meetsArcLabelThreshold = 'meetsArcLabelThreshold';
c3_chart_internal_fn[meetsArcLabelThreshold] = function (ratio) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
threshold = $$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_DONUT) ? config[__donut_label_threshold] : config[__pie_label_threshold];
threshold = $$[hasType](TYPE_DONUT) ? config[__donut_label_threshold] : config[__pie_label_threshold];
return ratio >= threshold;
......@@ -4790,9 +4790,9 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn[getArcLabelFormat] = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
format = config[__pie_label_format];
if ($$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE)) {
if ($$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE)) {
format = config[__gauge_label_format];
} else if ($$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_DONUT)) {
} else if ($$[hasType](TYPE_DONUT)) {
format = config[__donut_label_format];
return format;
......@@ -4801,7 +4801,7 @@
var getArcTitle = 'getArcTitle';
c3_chart_internal_fn[getArcTitle] = function () {
var $$ = this;
return $$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_DONUT) ? $$.config[__donut_title] : "";
return $$[hasType](TYPE_DONUT) ? $$.config[__donut_title] : "";
var descByStartAngle = 'descByStartAngle';
......@@ -4820,7 +4820,7 @@
.attr(CSS_CLASS, generateCall($$[classArcs], $$));
.attr("dy", $$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE) ? "-0.35em" : ".35em")
.attr("dy", $$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE) ? "-0.35em" : ".35em")
.style(CSS_OPACITY, 0)
.style(CSS_TEXT_ANCHOR, "middle")
.style(CSS_POINTER_EVENTS, "none");
......@@ -4935,7 +4935,7 @@
.style(CSS_OPACITY, function (d) { return $$[isTargetToShow]( && $$[isArcType]( ? 1 : 0; });'.' + CLASS[chartArcsTitle])
.style(CSS_OPACITY, $$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_DONUT) || $$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE) ? 1 : 0);
.style(CSS_OPACITY, $$[hasType](TYPE_DONUT) || $$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE) ? 1 : 0);
......@@ -4944,7 +4944,7 @@
var initGauge = 'initGauge';
c3_chart_internal_fn[initGauge] = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, arcs;
if ($$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE)) {
if ($$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE)) {
.attr(CSS_CLASS, CLASS[chartArcsBackground])
.attr("d", function () {
......@@ -5413,7 +5413,7 @@
var transformTo = 'transformTo';
c3_chart_internal_fn[transformTo] = function (targetIds, type, optionsForRedraw) {
var $$ = this,
withTransitionForAxis = !$$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets),
withTransitionForAxis = !$$[hasArcType](),
options = optionsForRedraw || {withTransitionForAxis: withTransitionForAxis};
options.withTransitionForTransform = false;
$$[transiting] = false;
......@@ -5694,8 +5694,8 @@
var getYFormat = 'getYFormat';
c3_chart_internal_fn[getYFormat] = function (forArc) {
var $$ = this,
formatForY = forArc && !$$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE) ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.yFormat,
formatForY2 = forArc && !$$[hasType]($$.data.targets, TYPE_GAUGE) ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.y2Format;
formatForY = forArc && !$$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE) ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.yFormat,
formatForY2 = forArc && !$$[hasType](TYPE_GAUGE) ? $$.defaultArcValueFormat : $$.y2Format;
return function (v, ratio, id) {
var format = $$[getAxisId](id) === 'y2' ? formatForY2 : formatForY;
return$$, v, ratio);
......@@ -5746,7 +5746,7 @@
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, main = $$.main, d3 = $$.d3;
var sx, sy, mx, my, minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) { return; }
if ($$[hasArcType]()) { return; }
if (! config[__data_selection_enabled]) { return; } // do nothing if not selectable
if (config[__zoom_enabled] && ! $$.zoom.altDomain) { return; } // skip if zoomable because of conflict drag dehavior
if (!config[__data_selection_multiple]) { return; } // skip when single selection because drag is used for multiple selection
......@@ -5803,7 +5803,7 @@
var dragstart = 'dragstart';
c3_chart_internal_fn[dragstart] = function (mouse) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) { return; }
if ($$[hasArcType]()) { return; }
if (! config[__data_selection_enabled]) { return; } // do nothing if not selectable
$$[dragStart] = mouse;
$$'.' + CLASS[chart]).append('rect')
......@@ -5816,7 +5816,7 @@
var dragend = 'dragend';
c3_chart_internal_fn[dragend] = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) { return; }
if ($$[hasArcType]()) { return; }
if (! config[__data_selection_enabled]) { return; } // do nothing if not selectable
$$'.' + CLASS[dragarea])
......@@ -5847,7 +5847,7 @@
focus(candidatesForNoneArc.classed(CLASS[focused], true));
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) {
if ($$[hasArcType]()) {
$$[expandArc](targetId, true);
$$[toggleFocusLegend](targetId, true);
......@@ -5864,7 +5864,7 @@
defocus(candidatesForNoneArc.classed(CLASS[focused], false));
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) {
if ($$[hasArcType]()) {
$$[toggleFocusLegend](targetId, false);
......@@ -5880,7 +5880,7 @@
revert(candidatesForNoneArc.classed(CLASS[focused], false));
if ($$[hasArcType]($$.data.targets)) {
if ($$[hasArcType]()) {
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