Commit 5bcf415a authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

jack: use jack_port_name() instead of g_malloc()+sprintf()

libjack's jack_port_name() function returns the effective port name, we don't need to do it manually.
parent 67cf2ee6
......@@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ static int
mpd_jack_connect(struct jack_data *jd, struct audio_format *audio_format)
const char **jports;
char *port_name;
jd->audio_format = audio_format;
......@@ -267,27 +266,18 @@ mpd_jack_connect(struct jack_data *jd, struct audio_format *audio_format)
if ( jd->output_ports[1] ) {
const char *name = mpd_jack_name(jd);
port_name = g_malloc(sizeof(port_name[0]) * (7 + strlen(name)));
sprintf(port_name, "%s:left", name);
if ( (jack_connect(jd->client, port_name,
if ( (jack_connect(jd->client, jack_port_name(jd->ports[0]),
jd->output_ports[0])) != 0 ) {
g_warning("%s is not a valid Jack Client / Port",
return -1;
sprintf(port_name, "%s:right", name);
if ( (jack_connect(jd->client, port_name,
if ( (jack_connect(jd->client, jack_port_name(jd->ports[0]),
jd->output_ports[1])) != 0 ) {
g_warning("%s is not a valid Jack Client / Port",
return -1;
return 1;
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