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Commit 5f253e66 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

python/build/ add AnyToolchain for type hints

parent 4669f7e2
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import os.path, subprocess, sys
from typing import Collection, Iterable, Optional
from build.makeproject import MakeProject
from .toolchain import AnyToolchain
class AutotoolsProject(MakeProject):
def __init__(self, url: str, md5: str, installed: str,
......@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ class AutotoolsProject(MakeProject):
self.libs = libs
self.subdirs = subdirs
def configure(self, toolchain) -> str:
def configure(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> str:
src = self.unpack(toolchain)
if self.autogen:
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
......@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ class AutotoolsProject(MakeProject):
return build
def _build(self, toolchain) -> None:
def _build(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> None:
build = self.configure(toolchain)
if self.subdirs is not None:
for subdir in self.subdirs:
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from typing import Optional, TextIO
from import Mapping
from build.project import Project
from .toolchain import AnyToolchain
def __write_cmake_compiler(f: TextIO, language: str, compiler: str) -> None:
s = compiler.split(' ', 1)
......@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ def __write_cmake_compiler(f: TextIO, language: str, compiler: str) -> None:
compiler = s[1]
print(f'set(CMAKE_{language}_COMPILER {compiler})', file=f)
def __write_cmake_toolchain_file(f: TextIO, toolchain) -> None:
def __write_cmake_toolchain_file(f: TextIO, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> None:
if '-darwin' in toolchain.actual_arch:
cmake_system_name = 'Darwin'
elif toolchain.is_windows:
......@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY)
def configure(toolchain, src: str, build: str, args: list[str]=[], env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]=None) -> None:
def configure(toolchain: AnyToolchain, src: str, build: str, args: list[str]=[], env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]=None) -> None:
cross_args = []
if toolchain.is_windows:
......@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ class CmakeProject(Project):
self.windows_configure_args = windows_configure_args
self.env = env
def configure(self, toolchain) -> str:
def configure(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> str:
src = self.unpack(toolchain)
build = self.make_build_path(toolchain)
configure_args = self.configure_args
......@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ class CmakeProject(Project):
configure(toolchain, src, build, configure_args, self.env)
return build
def _build(self, toolchain) -> None:
def _build(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> None:
build = self.configure(toolchain)
subprocess.check_call(['ninja', '-v', 'install'],
cwd=build, env=toolchain.env)
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import subprocess, multiprocessing
from typing import Optional
from build.project import Project
from .toolchain import AnyToolchain
class MakeProject(Project):
def __init__(self, url: str, md5: str, installed: str,
......@@ -18,17 +19,17 @@ class MakeProject(Project):
# default to 12, if multiprocessing.cpu_count() is not implemented
return 12
def get_make_args(self, toolchain) -> list[str]:
def get_make_args(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> list[str]:
return ['--quiet', '-j' + str(self.get_simultaneous_jobs())]
def get_make_install_args(self, toolchain) -> list[str]:
def get_make_install_args(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> list[str]:
return ['--quiet', self.install_target]
def make(self, toolchain, wd: str, args: list[str]) -> None:
def make(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain, wd: str, args: list[str]) -> None:
subprocess.check_call(['make'] + args,
cwd=wd, env=toolchain.env)
def build_make(self, toolchain, wd: str, install: bool=True) -> None:
def build_make(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain, wd: str, install: bool=True) -> None:
self.make(toolchain, wd, self.get_make_args(toolchain))
if install:
self.make(toolchain, wd, self.get_make_install_args(toolchain))
......@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import platform
from typing import Optional
from build.project import Project
from .toolchain import AnyToolchain
def make_cross_file(toolchain) -> str:
def make_cross_file(toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> str:
if toolchain.is_windows:
system = 'windows'
windres = "windres = '%s'" % toolchain.windres
......@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ endian = '{endian}'
return path
def configure(toolchain, src: str, build: str, args: list[str]=[]) -> None:
def configure(toolchain: AnyToolchain, src: str, build: str, args: list[str]=[]) -> None:
cross_file = make_cross_file(toolchain)
configure = [
'meson', 'setup',
......@@ -110,13 +111,13 @@ class MesonProject(Project):
Project.__init__(self, url, md5, installed, **kwargs)
self.configure_args = configure_args
def configure(self, toolchain) -> str:
def configure(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> str:
src = self.unpack(toolchain)
build = self.make_build_path(toolchain)
configure(toolchain, src, build, self.configure_args)
return build
def _build(self, toolchain) -> None:
def _build(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> None:
build = self.configure(toolchain)
subprocess.check_call(['ninja', '-v', 'install'],
cwd=build, env=toolchain.env)
......@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ import subprocess
from typing import Optional
from build.makeproject import MakeProject
from .toolchain import AnyToolchain
class OpenSSLProject(MakeProject):
def __init__(self, url: str, md5: str, installed: str,
MakeProject.__init__(self, url, md5, installed, install_target='install_dev', **kwargs)
def get_make_args(self, toolchain) -> list[str]:
def get_make_args(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> list[str]:
return MakeProject.get_make_args(self, toolchain) + [
'CC=' +,
'CFLAGS=' + toolchain.cflags,
......@@ -18,13 +19,13 @@ class OpenSSLProject(MakeProject):
def get_make_install_args(self, toolchain) -> list[str]:
def get_make_install_args(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> list[str]:
# OpenSSL's Makefile runs "ranlib" during installation
return MakeProject.get_make_install_args(self, toolchain) + [
'RANLIB=' + toolchain.ranlib,
def _build(self, toolchain) -> None:
def _build(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> None:
src = self.unpack(toolchain, out_of_tree=False)
# OpenSSL has a weird target architecture scheme with lots of
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from typing import cast, BinaryIO, Optional
from import download_and_verify
from build.tar import untar
from build.quilt import push_all
from .toolchain import AnyToolchain
class Project:
def __init__(self, url: str, md5: str, installed: str,
......@@ -41,10 +42,10 @@ class Project:
self.edits = edits
self.use_cxx = use_cxx
def download(self, toolchain) -> str:
def download(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> str:
return download_and_verify(self.url, self.md5, toolchain.tarball_path)
def is_installed(self, toolchain) -> bool:
def is_installed(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> bool:
tarball =
installed = os.path.join(toolchain.install_prefix, self.installed)
tarball_mtime = os.path.getmtime(tarball)
......@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ class Project:
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
def unpack(self, toolchain, out_of_tree: bool=True) -> str:
def unpack(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain, out_of_tree: bool=True) -> str:
if out_of_tree:
parent_path = toolchain.src_path
......@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ class Project:
return path
def make_build_path(self, toolchain, lazy: bool=False) -> str:
def make_build_path(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain, lazy: bool=False) -> str:
path = os.path.join(toolchain.build_path, self.base)
if lazy and os.path.isdir(path):
return path
......@@ -85,5 +86,5 @@ class Project:
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
return path
def build(self, toolchain) -> None:
def build(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> None:
import subprocess
from typing import Union
def run_quilt(toolchain, cwd: str, patches_path: str, *args: str) -> None:
from .toolchain import AnyToolchain
def run_quilt(toolchain: AnyToolchain, cwd: str, patches_path: str, *args: str) -> None:
env = dict(toolchain.env)
env['QUILT_PATCHES'] = patches_path
subprocess.check_call(['quilt'] + list(args), cwd=cwd, env=env)
def push_all(toolchain, src_path: str, patches_path: str) -> None:
def push_all(toolchain: AnyToolchain, src_path: str, patches_path: str) -> None:
run_quilt(toolchain, src_path, patches_path, 'push', '-a')
import os.path
import shutil
from typing import Union
android_abis = {
'armeabi-v7a': {
......@@ -172,3 +173,5 @@ class MingwToolchain:
self.pkg_config = shutil.copy(os.path.join(top_path, 'build', ''),
os.path.join(bin_dir, 'pkg-config'))
self.env['PKG_CONFIG'] = self.pkg_config
AnyToolchain = Union[AndroidNdkToolchain, MingwToolchain]
......@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ import subprocess
from typing import Optional
from build.makeproject import MakeProject
from .toolchain import AnyToolchain
class ZlibProject(MakeProject):
def __init__(self, url: str, md5: str, installed: str,
MakeProject.__init__(self, url, md5, installed, **kwargs)
def get_make_args(self, toolchain) -> list[str]:
def get_make_args(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> list[str]:
return MakeProject.get_make_args(self, toolchain) + [
'CC=' + + ' ' + toolchain.cppflags + ' ' + toolchain.cflags,
'CPP=' + + ' -E ' + toolchain.cppflags,
......@@ -19,13 +20,13 @@ class ZlibProject(MakeProject):
def get_make_install_args(self, toolchain) -> list[str]:
def get_make_install_args(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> list[str]:
return [
'RANLIB=' + toolchain.ranlib,
def _build(self, toolchain) -> None:
def _build(self, toolchain: AnyToolchain) -> None:
src = self.unpack(toolchain, out_of_tree=False)
subprocess.check_call(['./configure', '--prefix=' + toolchain.install_prefix, '--static'],
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