Commit 7d2b2e37 authored by Avuton Olrich's avatar Avuton Olrich Move FIFO to Audio Output Plugins (nonstreaming), add subheader.

parent c3ecb5aa
......@@ -868,6 +868,15 @@ fi
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_ALSA, test x$enable_alsa = xyes)
dnl ----------------------------------- FIFO ----------------------------------
if test x$enable_fifo = xyes; then
[enable_fifo=yes;AC_DEFINE([HAVE_FIFO], 1,
[Define to enable support for writing audio to a FIFO])],
[enable_fifo=no;AC_MSG_WARN([mkfifo not found -- disabling support for writing audio to a FIFO])])
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_FIFO, test x$enable_fifo = xyes)
......@@ -972,14 +981,7 @@ fi
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_OPENAL, test x$enable_openal = xyes)
if test x$enable_fifo = xyes; then
[enable_fifo=yes;AC_DEFINE([HAVE_FIFO], 1,
[Define to enable support for writing audio to a FIFO])],
[enable_fifo=no;AC_MSG_WARN([mkfifo not found -- disabling support for writing audio to a FIFO])])
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_FIFO, test x$enable_fifo = xyes)
if test x$enable_mvp = xyes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MVP,1,[Define to enable Hauppauge Media MVP support])
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