Commit 7d9316a5 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

song_save: don't call tag_free(NULL)

When a song was in the database twice (which shouldn't happen), and the first song had no tag items, MPD calledd tag_free(NULL). Add a check to that source location, and an assertion to tag_free().
parent fd09a3cf
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ insertSongIntoList(struct songvec *sv, struct song *newsong)
} else { /* prevent dupes, just update the existing song info */
if (existing->mtime != newsong->mtime) {
if (existing->tag != NULL)
if (newsong->tag)
......@@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ void tag_free(struct tag *tag)
int i;
assert(tag != NULL);
for (i = tag->num_items; --i >= 0; )
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