Commit eeeef3ea authored by Denis Krjuchkov's avatar Denis Krjuchkov

fs/AllocatedPath: use PathTraits::BuildFS

parent 96413b16
......@@ -37,12 +37,6 @@ inline AllocatedPath::AllocatedPath(Donate, pointer _value)
AllocatedPath::~AllocatedPath() {}
AllocatedPath::Build(const_pointer a, const_pointer b)
return AllocatedPath(Donate(), g_build_filename(a, b, nullptr));
AllocatedPath::FromUTF8(const char *path_utf8)
return AllocatedPath(Donate(), ::PathFromUTF8(path_utf8));
......@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ class AllocatedPath {
AllocatedPath(string &&_value):value(_value) {}
static AllocatedPath Build(const_pointer a, size_t a_size,
const_pointer b, size_t b_size) {
return AllocatedPath(PathTraits::BuildFS(a, a_size, b, b_size));
* Copy a #AllocatedPath object.
......@@ -88,22 +92,28 @@ public:
* Join two path components with the path separator.
gcc_pure gcc_nonnull_all
static AllocatedPath Build(const_pointer a, const_pointer b);
static AllocatedPath Build(const_pointer a, const_pointer b) {
return Build(a, PathTraits::GetLengthFS(a),
b, PathTraits::GetLengthFS(b));
gcc_pure gcc_nonnull_all
static AllocatedPath Build(const_pointer a, const AllocatedPath &b) {
return Build(a, b.c_str());
return Build(a, PathTraits::GetLengthFS(a),
b.value.c_str(), b.value.size());
gcc_pure gcc_nonnull_all
static AllocatedPath Build(const AllocatedPath &a, const_pointer b) {
return Build(a.c_str(), b);
return Build(a.value.c_str(), a.value.size(),
b, PathTraits::GetLengthFS(b));
static AllocatedPath Build(const AllocatedPath &a,
const AllocatedPath &b) {
return Build(a.c_str(), b.c_str());
return Build(a.value.c_str(), a.value.size(),
b.value.c_str(), b.value.size());
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