/* * Copyright 2003-2021 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "FingerprintCommands.hxx" #include "Request.hxx" #include "LocateUri.hxx" #include "lib/chromaprint/DecoderClient.hxx" #include "decoder/DecoderAPI.hxx" #include "decoder/DecoderList.hxx" #include "storage/StorageInterface.hxx" #include "client/Client.hxx" #include "client/Response.hxx" #include "client/ThreadBackgroundCommand.hxx" #include "input/InputStream.hxx" #include "input/LocalOpen.hxx" #include "input/Handler.hxx" #include "thread/Mutex.hxx" #include "thread/Cond.hxx" #include "system/Error.hxx" #include "util/MimeType.hxx" #include "util/UriExtract.hxx" #include <fmt/format.h> class GetChromaprintCommand final : public ThreadBackgroundCommand, ChromaprintDecoderClient, InputStreamHandler { Mutex mutex; Cond cond; const std::string uri; const AllocatedPath path; bool cancel = false; public: GetChromaprintCommand(Client &_client, std::string &&_uri, AllocatedPath &&_path) noexcept :ThreadBackgroundCommand(_client), uri(std::move(_uri)), path(std::move(_path)) { } protected: void Run() override; void SendResponse(Response &r) noexcept override { r.Fmt(FMT_STRING("chromaprint: {}\n"), GetFingerprint()); } void CancelThread() noexcept override { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex); cancel = true; cond.notify_one(); } private: void DecodeStream(InputStream &is, const DecoderPlugin &plugin); bool DecodeStream(InputStream &is, std::string_view suffix, const DecoderPlugin &plugin); void DecodeStream(InputStream &is); bool DecodeContainer(std::string_view suffix, const DecoderPlugin &plugin); bool DecodeContainer(std::string_view suffix); bool DecodeFile(std::string_view suffix, InputStream &is, const DecoderPlugin &plugin); void DecodeFile(); /* virtual methods from class DecoderClient */ InputStreamPtr OpenUri(const char *uri) override; size_t Read(InputStream &is, void *buffer, size_t length) noexcept override; /* virtual methods from class InputStreamHandler */ void OnInputStreamReady() noexcept override { cond.notify_one(); } void OnInputStreamAvailable() noexcept override { cond.notify_one(); } }; inline void GetChromaprintCommand::DecodeStream(InputStream &input_stream, const DecoderPlugin &plugin) { assert(plugin.stream_decode != nullptr); assert(input_stream.IsReady()); if (cancel) throw StopDecoder(); /* rewind the stream, so each plugin gets a fresh start */ try { input_stream.LockRewind(); } catch (...) { } plugin.StreamDecode(*this, input_stream); } gcc_pure static bool decoder_check_plugin_mime(const DecoderPlugin &plugin, const InputStream &is) noexcept { assert(plugin.stream_decode != nullptr); const char *mime_type = is.GetMimeType(); return mime_type != nullptr && plugin.SupportsMimeType(GetMimeTypeBase(mime_type)); } gcc_pure static bool decoder_check_plugin_suffix(const DecoderPlugin &plugin, std::string_view suffix) noexcept { assert(plugin.stream_decode != nullptr); return !suffix.empty() && plugin.SupportsSuffix(suffix); } gcc_pure static bool decoder_check_plugin(const DecoderPlugin &plugin, const InputStream &is, std::string_view suffix) noexcept { return plugin.stream_decode != nullptr && (decoder_check_plugin_mime(plugin, is) || decoder_check_plugin_suffix(plugin, suffix)); } inline bool GetChromaprintCommand::DecodeStream(InputStream &is, std::string_view suffix, const DecoderPlugin &plugin) { if (!decoder_check_plugin(plugin, is, suffix)) return false; ChromaprintDecoderClient::Reset(); DecodeStream(is, plugin); return true; } inline void GetChromaprintCommand::DecodeStream(InputStream &is) { const auto suffix = uri_get_suffix(uri); decoder_plugins_try([this, &is, suffix](const DecoderPlugin &plugin){ return DecodeStream(is, suffix, plugin); }); } inline bool GetChromaprintCommand::DecodeContainer(std::string_view suffix, const DecoderPlugin &plugin) { if (plugin.container_scan == nullptr || plugin.file_decode == nullptr || !plugin.SupportsSuffix(suffix)) return false; ChromaprintDecoderClient::Reset(); plugin.FileDecode(*this, path); return IsReady(); } inline bool GetChromaprintCommand::DecodeContainer(std::string_view suffix) { return decoder_plugins_try([this, suffix](const DecoderPlugin &plugin){ return DecodeContainer(suffix, plugin); }); } inline bool GetChromaprintCommand::DecodeFile(std::string_view suffix, InputStream &is, const DecoderPlugin &plugin) { if (!plugin.SupportsSuffix(suffix)) return false; { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(mutex); if (cancel) throw StopDecoder(); } ChromaprintDecoderClient::Reset(); if (plugin.file_decode != nullptr) { plugin.FileDecode(*this, path); return IsReady(); } else if (plugin.stream_decode != nullptr) { plugin.StreamDecode(*this, is); return IsReady(); } else return false; } inline void GetChromaprintCommand::DecodeFile() { const auto suffix = uri_get_suffix(uri); if (suffix.empty()) return; InputStreamPtr input_stream; try { input_stream = OpenLocalInputStream(path, mutex); } catch (const std::system_error &e) { if (IsPathNotFound(e) && /* ENOTDIR means this may be a path inside a "container" file */ DecodeContainer(suffix)) return; throw; } assert(input_stream); auto &is = *input_stream; decoder_plugins_try([this, suffix, &is](const DecoderPlugin &plugin){ return DecodeFile(suffix, is, plugin); }); } void GetChromaprintCommand::Run() try { if (!path.IsNull()) DecodeFile(); else DecodeStream(*OpenUri(uri.c_str())); ChromaprintDecoderClient::Finish(); } catch (StopDecoder) { } InputStreamPtr GetChromaprintCommand::OpenUri(const char *uri2) { if (cancel) throw StopDecoder(); auto is = InputStream::Open(uri2, mutex); is->SetHandler(this); std::unique_lock<Mutex> lock(mutex); while (true) { if (cancel) throw StopDecoder(); is->Update(); if (is->IsReady()) { is->Check(); return is; } cond.wait(lock); } } size_t GetChromaprintCommand::Read(InputStream &is, void *buffer, size_t length) noexcept { /* overriding ChromaprintDecoderClient's implementation to make it cancellable */ if (length == 0) return 0; std::unique_lock<Mutex> lock(mutex); while (true) { if (cancel) return 0; if (is.IsAvailable()) break; cond.wait(lock); } try { return is.Read(lock, buffer, length); } catch (...) { ChromaprintDecoderClient::error = std::current_exception(); return 0; } } CommandResult handle_getfingerprint(Client &client, Request args, Response &) { const char *_uri = args.front(); auto lu = LocateUri(UriPluginKind::INPUT, _uri, &client #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE , nullptr #endif ); std::string uri = lu.canonical_uri; switch (lu.type) { case LocatedUri::Type::ABSOLUTE: break; case LocatedUri::Type::PATH: break; case LocatedUri::Type::RELATIVE: #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE { const auto *storage = client.GetStorage(); if (storage == nullptr) throw ProtocolError(ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "No database"); lu.path = storage->MapFS(lu.canonical_uri); if (lu.path.IsNull()) { uri = storage->MapUTF8(lu.canonical_uri); if (!uri_has_scheme(uri.c_str())) throw ProtocolError(ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "No such song"); } } #else throw ProtocolError(ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "No database"); #endif } auto cmd = std::make_unique<GetChromaprintCommand>(client, std::move(uri), std::move(lu.path)); cmd->Start(); client.SetBackgroundCommand(std::move(cmd)); return CommandResult::BACKGROUND; }