/* * Copyright 2003-2016 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 François 'mmu_man' Revol * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "HaikuOutputPlugin.hxx" #include "../OutputAPI.hxx" #include "../Wrapper.hxx" #include "mixer/MixerList.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include <AppFileInfo.h> #include <Application.h> #include <Bitmap.h> #include <IconUtils.h> #include <MediaDefs.h> #include <MediaRoster.h> #include <Notification.h> #include <OS.h> #include <Resources.h> #include <StringList.h> #include <SoundPlayer.h> #include <string.h> #define UTF8_PLAY "\xE2\x96\xB6" class HaikuOutput { friend struct AudioOutputWrapper<HaikuOutput>; friend int haiku_output_get_volume(HaikuOutput &haiku); friend bool haiku_output_set_volume(HaikuOutput &haiku, unsigned volume); AudioOutput base; size_t write_size; media_raw_audio_format format; BSoundPlayer* sound_player; sem_id new_buffer; sem_id buffer_done; uint8* buffer; size_t buffer_size; size_t buffer_filled; unsigned buffer_delay; public: HaikuOutput(const ConfigBlock &block) :base(haiku_output_plugin, block), /* XXX: by default we should let the MediaKit propose the buffer size */ write_size(block.GetBlockValue("write_size", 4096u)) {} ~HaikuOutput(); static HaikuOutput *Create(const ConfigBlock &block); void Open(AudioFormat &audio_format); void Close(); size_t Play(const void *chunk, size_t size); void Cancel(); size_t Delay(); void FillBuffer(void* _buffer, size_t size, gcc_unused const media_raw_audio_format& _format); void SendTag(const Tag &tag); }; static constexpr Domain haiku_output_domain("haiku_output"); static void initialize_application() { // required to send the notification with a bitmap // TODO: actually Run() it and handle B_QUIT_REQUESTED // TODO: use some locking? if (be_app == NULL) { FormatDebug(haiku_output_domain, "creating be_app\n"); new BApplication("application/x-vnd.MusicPD"); } } static void finalize_application() { // TODO: use some locking? delete be_app; be_app = NULL; FormatDebug(haiku_output_domain, "deleting be_app\n"); } static bool haiku_test_default_device(void) { BSoundPlayer testPlayer; return testPlayer.InitCheck() == B_OK; } inline HaikuOutput * HaikuOutput::Create(const ConfigBlock &block) { initialize_application(); return new HaikuOutput(block); } void HaikuOutput::Close() { sound_player->SetHasData(false); delete_sem(new_buffer); delete_sem(buffer_done); sound_player->Stop(); delete sound_player; sound_player = nullptr; } HaikuOutput::~HaikuOutput() { delete_sem(new_buffer); delete_sem(buffer_done); finalize_application(); } static void fill_buffer(void* cookie, void* buffer, size_t size, const media_raw_audio_format& format) { HaikuOutput *ad = (HaikuOutput *)cookie; ad->FillBuffer(buffer, size, format); } void HaikuOutput::FillBuffer(void* _buffer, size_t size, gcc_unused const media_raw_audio_format& _format) { buffer = (uint8*)_buffer; buffer_size = size; buffer_filled = 0; bigtime_t start = system_time(); release_sem(new_buffer); acquire_sem(buffer_done); bigtime_t w = system_time() - start; if (w > 5000LL) { FormatDebug(haiku_output_domain, "haiku:fill_buffer waited %Ldus\n", w); } if (buffer_filled < buffer_size) { memset(buffer + buffer_filled, 0, buffer_size - buffer_filled); FormatDebug(haiku_output_domain, "haiku:fill_buffer filled %d size %d clearing remainder\n", (int)buffer_filled, (int)buffer_size); } } inline void HaikuOutput::Open(AudioFormat &audio_format) { status_t err; format = media_multi_audio_format::wildcard; switch (audio_format.format) { case SampleFormat::S8: format.format = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_CHAR; break; case SampleFormat::S16: format.format = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_SHORT; break; case SampleFormat::S32: format.format = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_INT; break; case SampleFormat::FLOAT: format.format = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_FLOAT; break; default: /* fall back to float */ audio_format.format = SampleFormat::FLOAT; format.format = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_FLOAT; break; } format.frame_rate = audio_format.sample_rate; format.byte_order = B_MEDIA_HOST_ENDIAN; format.channel_count = audio_format.channels; buffer_size = 0; if (write_size) format.buffer_size = write_size; else format.buffer_size = BMediaRoster::Roster()->AudioBufferSizeFor( format.channel_count, format.format, format.frame_rate, B_UNKNOWN_BUS) * 2; FormatDebug(haiku_output_domain, "using haiku driver ad: bs: %d ws: %d " "channels %d rate %f fmt %08lx bs %d\n", (int)buffer_size, (int)write_size, (int)format.channel_count, format.frame_rate, format.format, (int)format.buffer_size); sound_player = new BSoundPlayer(&format, "MPD Output", fill_buffer, NULL, this); err = sound_player->InitCheck(); if (err != B_OK) { delete sound_player; sound_player = NULL; throw MakeErrno(err, "BSoundPlayer::InitCheck() failed"); } // calculate the allowable delay for the buffer (ms) buffer_delay = format.buffer_size; buffer_delay /= (format.format & media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_SIZE_MASK); buffer_delay /= format.channel_count; buffer_delay *= 1000 / format.frame_rate; // half of the total buffer play time buffer_delay /= 2; FormatDebug(haiku_output_domain, "buffer delay: %d ms\n", buffer_delay); new_buffer = create_sem(0, "New buffer request"); buffer_done = create_sem(0, "Buffer done"); sound_player->SetVolume(1.0); sound_player->Start(); sound_player->SetHasData(false); } inline size_t HaikuOutput::Play(const void *chunk, size_t size) { BSoundPlayer* const soundPlayer = sound_player; const uint8 *data = (const uint8 *)chunk; if (size == 0) { soundPlayer->SetHasData(false); return 0; } if (!soundPlayer->HasData()) soundPlayer->SetHasData(true); acquire_sem(new_buffer); size_t bytesLeft = size; while (bytesLeft > 0) { if (buffer_filled == buffer_size) { // Request another buffer from BSoundPlayer release_sem(buffer_done); acquire_sem(new_buffer); } const size_t copyBytes = std::min(bytesLeft, buffer_size - buffer_filled); memcpy(buffer + buffer_filled, data, copyBytes); buffer_filled += copyBytes; data += copyBytes; bytesLeft -= copyBytes; } if (buffer_filled < buffer_size) { // Continue filling this buffer the next time this function is called release_sem(new_buffer); } else { // Buffer is full release_sem(buffer_done); //soundPlayer->SetHasData(false); } return size; } inline size_t HaikuOutput::Delay() { unsigned delay = buffer_filled ? 0 : buffer_delay; //FormatDebug(haiku_output_domain, // "delay=%d\n", delay / 2); // XXX: doesn't work //return (delay / 2) ? 1 : 0; (void)delay; return 0; } inline void HaikuOutput::SendTag(const Tag &tag) { status_t err; /* lazily initialized */ static BBitmap *icon = NULL; if (icon == NULL) { BAppFileInfo info; BResources resources; err = resources.SetToImage((const void *)&HaikuOutput::SendTag); BFile file(resources.File()); err = info.SetTo(&file); icon = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, (float)B_LARGE_ICON - 1, (float)B_LARGE_ICON - 1), B_BITMAP_NO_SERVER_LINK, B_RGBA32); err = info.GetIcon(icon, B_LARGE_ICON); if (err != B_OK) { delete icon; icon = NULL; } } BNotification notification(B_INFORMATION_NOTIFICATION); BString messageId("mpd_"); messageId << find_thread(NULL); notification.SetMessageID(messageId); notification.SetGroup("Music Player Daemon"); char timebuf[16]; unsigned seconds = 0; if (!tag.duration.IsNegative()) { seconds = tag.duration.ToS(); snprintf(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%02d:%02d:%02d", seconds / 3600, (seconds % 3600) / 60, seconds % 60); } BString artist; BString album; BString title; BString track; BString name; for (const auto &item : tag) { switch (item.type) { case TAG_ARTIST: case TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST: if (artist.Length() == 0) artist << item.value; break; case TAG_ALBUM: if (album.Length() == 0) album << item.value; break; case TAG_TITLE: if (title.Length() == 0) title << item.value; break; case TAG_TRACK: if (track.Length() == 0) track << item.value; break; case TAG_NAME: if (name.Length() == 0) name << item.value; break; case TAG_GENRE: case TAG_DATE: case TAG_PERFORMER: case TAG_COMMENT: case TAG_DISC: case TAG_COMPOSER: case TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID: case TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID: case TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID: case TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID: default: FormatDebug(haiku_output_domain, "tag item: type %d value '%s'\n", item.type, item.value); break; } } notification.SetTitle(UTF8_PLAY " Now Playing:"); BStringList content; if (name.Length()) content.Add(name); if (artist.Length()) content.Add(artist); if (album.Length()) content.Add(album); if (track.Length()) content.Add(track); if (title.Length()) content.Add(title); if (content.CountStrings() == 0) content.Add("(Unknown)"); BString full = content.Join(" " B_UTF8_BULLET " "); if (seconds > 0) full << " (" << timebuf << ")"; notification.SetContent(full); err = notification.SetIcon(icon); notification.Send(); } int haiku_output_get_volume(HaikuOutput &haiku) { BSoundPlayer* const soundPlayer = haiku.sound_player; if (soundPlayer == NULL || soundPlayer->InitCheck() != B_OK) return 0; return (int)(soundPlayer->Volume() * 100 + 0.5); } bool haiku_output_set_volume(HaikuOutput &haiku, unsigned volume) { BSoundPlayer* const soundPlayer = haiku.sound_player; if (soundPlayer == NULL || soundPlayer->InitCheck() != B_OK) return false; soundPlayer->SetVolume((float)volume / 100); return true; } typedef AudioOutputWrapper<HaikuOutput> Wrapper; const struct AudioOutputPlugin haiku_output_plugin = { "haiku", haiku_test_default_device, &Wrapper::Init, &Wrapper::Finish, nullptr, nullptr, &Wrapper::Open, &Wrapper::Close, &Wrapper::Delay, &Wrapper::SendTag, &Wrapper::Play, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &haiku_mixer_plugin, };