/* * Copyright 2003-2017 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "CurlInputPlugin.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Easy.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Global.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Init.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Request.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Handler.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Slist.hxx" #include "../AsyncInputStream.hxx" #include "../IcyInputStream.hxx" #include "../InputPlugin.hxx" #include "config/ConfigGlobal.hxx" #include "config/Block.hxx" #include "tag/Builder.hxx" #include "event/Call.hxx" #include "event/Loop.hxx" #include "thread/Cond.hxx" #include "util/ASCII.hxx" #include "util/StringUtil.hxx" #include "util/NumberParser.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include "PluginUnavailable.hxx" #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <curl/curl.h> #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM < 0x071200 #error libcurl is too old #endif /** * Do not buffer more than this number of bytes. It should be a * reasonable limit that doesn't make low-end machines suffer too * much, but doesn't cause stuttering on high-latency lines. */ static const size_t CURL_MAX_BUFFERED = 512 * 1024; /** * Resume the stream at this number of bytes after it has been paused. */ static const size_t CURL_RESUME_AT = 384 * 1024; struct CurlInputStream final : public AsyncInputStream, CurlResponseHandler { /* some buffers which were passed to libcurl, which we have too free */ CurlSlist request_headers; CurlRequest *request = nullptr; /** parser for icy-metadata */ IcyInputStream *icy; CurlInputStream(EventLoop &event_loop, const char *_url, Mutex &_mutex, Cond &_cond) :AsyncInputStream(event_loop, _url, _mutex, _cond, CURL_MAX_BUFFERED, CURL_RESUME_AT), icy(new IcyInputStream(this)) { } ~CurlInputStream(); CurlInputStream(const CurlInputStream &) = delete; CurlInputStream &operator=(const CurlInputStream &) = delete; static InputStream *Open(const char *url, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond); /** * Create and initialize a new #CurlRequest instance. After * this, you may add more request headers and set options. To * actually start the request, call StartRequest(). */ void InitEasy(); /** * Start the request after having called InitEasy(). After * this, you must not set any CURL options. */ void StartRequest(); /** * Frees the current "libcurl easy" handle, and everything * associated with it. * * Runs in the I/O thread. */ void FreeEasy(); /** * Frees the current "libcurl easy" handle, and everything associated * with it. * * The mutex must not be locked. */ void FreeEasyIndirect(); /** * The DoSeek() implementation invoked in the IOThread. */ void SeekInternal(offset_type new_offset); /* virtual methods from CurlResponseHandler */ void OnHeaders(unsigned status, std::multimap<std::string, std::string> &&headers) override; void OnData(ConstBuffer<void> data) override; void OnEnd() override; void OnError(std::exception_ptr e) noexcept override; /* virtual methods from AsyncInputStream */ virtual void DoResume() override; virtual void DoSeek(offset_type new_offset) override; }; /** libcurl should accept "ICY 200 OK" */ static struct curl_slist *http_200_aliases; /** HTTP proxy settings */ static const char *proxy, *proxy_user, *proxy_password; static unsigned proxy_port; static bool verify_peer, verify_host; static CurlInit *curl_init; static constexpr Domain curl_domain("curl"); void CurlInputStream::DoResume() { assert(GetEventLoop().IsInside()); mutex.unlock(); request->Resume(); mutex.lock(); } void CurlInputStream::FreeEasy() { assert(GetEventLoop().IsInside()); if (request == nullptr) return; delete request; request = nullptr; request_headers.Clear(); } void CurlInputStream::FreeEasyIndirect() { BlockingCall(GetEventLoop(), [this](){ FreeEasy(); (*curl_init)->InvalidateSockets(); }); } void CurlInputStream::OnHeaders(unsigned status, std::multimap<std::string, std::string> &&headers) { assert(GetEventLoop().IsInside()); assert(!postponed_exception); if (status < 200 || status >= 300) throw FormatRuntimeError("got HTTP status %ld", status); const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(mutex); if (IsSeekPending()) { /* don't update metadata while seeking */ SeekDone(); return; } if (!icy->IsEnabled() && headers.find("accept-ranges") != headers.end()) /* a stream with icy-metadata is not seekable */ seekable = true; auto i = headers.find("content-length"); if (i != headers.end()) size = offset + ParseUint64(i->second.c_str()); i = headers.find("content-type"); if (i != headers.end()) SetMimeType(std::move(i->second)); i = headers.find("icy-name"); if (i == headers.end()) { i = headers.find("ice-name"); if (i == headers.end()) i = headers.find("x-audiocast-name"); } if (i != headers.end()) { TagBuilder tag_builder; tag_builder.AddItem(TAG_NAME, i->second.c_str()); SetTag(tag_builder.CommitNew()); } if (!icy->IsEnabled()) { i = headers.find("icy-metaint"); if (i != headers.end()) { size_t icy_metaint = ParseUint64(i->second.c_str()); #ifndef _WIN32 /* Windows doesn't know "%z" */ FormatDebug(curl_domain, "icy-metaint=%zu", icy_metaint); #endif if (icy_metaint > 0) { icy->Enable(icy_metaint); /* a stream with icy-metadata is not seekable */ seekable = false; } } } SetReady(); } void CurlInputStream::OnData(ConstBuffer<void> data) { assert(data.size > 0); const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(mutex); if (IsSeekPending()) SeekDone(); if (data.size > GetBufferSpace()) { AsyncInputStream::Pause(); throw CurlRequest::Pause(); } AppendToBuffer(data.data, data.size); } void CurlInputStream::OnEnd() { cond.broadcast(); AsyncInputStream::SetClosed(); } void CurlInputStream::OnError(std::exception_ptr e) noexcept { postponed_exception = std::move(e); if (IsSeekPending()) SeekDone(); else if (!IsReady()) SetReady(); else cond.broadcast(); AsyncInputStream::SetClosed(); } /* * InputPlugin methods * */ static void input_curl_init(EventLoop &event_loop, const ConfigBlock &block) { try { curl_init = new CurlInit(event_loop); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { LogError(e); throw PluginUnavailable(e.what()); } const auto version_info = curl_version_info(CURLVERSION_FIRST); if (version_info != nullptr) { FormatDebug(curl_domain, "version %s", version_info->version); if (version_info->features & CURL_VERSION_SSL) FormatDebug(curl_domain, "with %s", version_info->ssl_version); } http_200_aliases = curl_slist_append(http_200_aliases, "ICY 200 OK"); proxy = block.GetBlockValue("proxy"); proxy_port = block.GetBlockValue("proxy_port", 0u); proxy_user = block.GetBlockValue("proxy_user"); proxy_password = block.GetBlockValue("proxy_password"); if (proxy == nullptr) { /* deprecated proxy configuration */ proxy = config_get_string(ConfigOption::HTTP_PROXY_HOST); proxy_port = config_get_positive(ConfigOption::HTTP_PROXY_PORT, 0); proxy_user = config_get_string(ConfigOption::HTTP_PROXY_USER); proxy_password = config_get_string(ConfigOption::HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD, ""); } verify_peer = block.GetBlockValue("verify_peer", true); verify_host = block.GetBlockValue("verify_host", true); } static void input_curl_finish(void) { delete curl_init; curl_slist_free_all(http_200_aliases); http_200_aliases = nullptr; } CurlInputStream::~CurlInputStream() { FreeEasyIndirect(); } void CurlInputStream::InitEasy() { request = new CurlRequest(**curl_init, GetURI(), *this); request->SetOption(CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES, http_200_aliases); request->SetOption(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1l); request->SetOption(CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5l); request->SetOption(CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1l); if (proxy != nullptr) request->SetOption(CURLOPT_PROXY, proxy); if (proxy_port > 0) request->SetOption(CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, (long)proxy_port); if (proxy_user != nullptr && proxy_password != nullptr) { char proxy_auth_str[1024]; snprintf(proxy_auth_str, sizeof(proxy_auth_str), "%s:%s", proxy_user, proxy_password); request->SetOption(CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, proxy_auth_str); } request->SetOption(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, verify_peer ? 1l : 0l); request->SetOption(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, verify_host ? 2l : 0l); request_headers.Clear(); request_headers.Append("Icy-Metadata: 1"); } void CurlInputStream::StartRequest() { request->SetOption(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, request_headers.Get()); request->Start(); } void CurlInputStream::SeekInternal(offset_type new_offset) { /* close the old connection and open a new one */ FreeEasy(); offset = new_offset; if (offset == size) { /* seek to EOF: simulate empty result; avoid triggering a "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable" response */ SeekDone(); return; } InitEasy(); /* send the "Range" header */ if (offset > 0) { char range[32]; #ifdef _WIN32 // TODO: what can we use on Windows to format 64 bit? sprintf(range, "%lu-", (long)offset); #else sprintf(range, "%llu-", (unsigned long long)offset); #endif request->SetOption(CURLOPT_RANGE, range); } StartRequest(); } void CurlInputStream::DoSeek(offset_type new_offset) { assert(IsReady()); const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); BlockingCall(GetEventLoop(), [this, new_offset](){ SeekInternal(new_offset); }); } inline InputStream * CurlInputStream::Open(const char *url, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond) { CurlInputStream *c = new CurlInputStream((*curl_init)->GetEventLoop(), url, mutex, cond); try { BlockingCall(c->GetEventLoop(), [c](){ c->InitEasy(); c->StartRequest(); }); } catch (...) { delete c; throw; } return c->icy; } static InputStream * input_curl_open(const char *url, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond) { if (strncmp(url, "http://", 7) != 0 && strncmp(url, "https://", 8) != 0) return nullptr; return CurlInputStream::Open(url, mutex, cond); } const struct InputPlugin input_plugin_curl = { "curl", input_curl_init, input_curl_finish, input_curl_open, };