/* * Copyright 2003-2020 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "MultipleOutputs.hxx" #include "Client.hxx" #include "Filtered.hxx" #include "Defaults.hxx" #include "MusicPipe.hxx" #include "MusicChunk.hxx" #include "filter/Factory.hxx" #include "config/Block.hxx" #include "config/Data.hxx" #include "config/Option.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "util/StringAPI.hxx" #include <cassert> #include <stdexcept> #include <string.h> MultipleOutputs::MultipleOutputs(AudioOutputClient &_client, MixerListener &_mixer_listener) noexcept :client(_client), mixer_listener(_mixer_listener) { } MultipleOutputs::~MultipleOutputs() noexcept { /* parallel destruction */ for (const auto &i : outputs) i->BeginDestroy(); } static std::unique_ptr<FilteredAudioOutput> LoadOutput(EventLoop &event_loop, const ReplayGainConfig &replay_gain_config, MixerListener &mixer_listener, const ConfigBlock &block, const AudioOutputDefaults &defaults, FilterFactory *filter_factory) try { return audio_output_new(event_loop, replay_gain_config, block, defaults, filter_factory, mixer_listener); } catch (...) { if (block.line > 0) std::throw_with_nested(FormatRuntimeError("Failed to configure output in line %i", block.line)); else throw; } static std::unique_ptr<AudioOutputControl> LoadOutputControl(EventLoop &event_loop, const ReplayGainConfig &replay_gain_config, MixerListener &mixer_listener, AudioOutputClient &client, const ConfigBlock &block, const AudioOutputDefaults &defaults, FilterFactory *filter_factory) { auto output = LoadOutput(event_loop, replay_gain_config, mixer_listener, block, defaults, filter_factory); auto control = std::make_unique<AudioOutputControl>(std::move(output), client); control->Configure(block); return control; } void MultipleOutputs::Configure(EventLoop &event_loop, const ConfigData &config, const ReplayGainConfig &replay_gain_config) { const AudioOutputDefaults defaults(config); FilterFactory filter_factory(config); for (const auto &block : config.GetBlockList(ConfigBlockOption::AUDIO_OUTPUT)) { block.SetUsed(); auto output = LoadOutputControl(event_loop, replay_gain_config, mixer_listener, client, block, defaults, &filter_factory); if (HasName(output->GetName())) throw FormatRuntimeError("output devices with identical " "names: %s", output->GetName()); outputs.emplace_back(std::move(output)); } if (outputs.empty()) { /* auto-detect device */ const ConfigBlock empty; outputs.emplace_back(LoadOutputControl(event_loop, replay_gain_config, mixer_listener, client, empty, defaults, nullptr)); } } AudioOutputControl * MultipleOutputs::FindByName(const char *name) noexcept { for (const auto &i : outputs) if (StringIsEqual(i->GetName(), name)) return i.get(); return nullptr; } void MultipleOutputs::Add(std::unique_ptr<FilteredAudioOutput> output, bool enable) noexcept { // TODO: this operation needs to be protected with a mutex outputs.emplace_back(std::make_unique<AudioOutputControl>(std::move(output), client)); outputs.back()->LockSetEnabled(enable); client.ApplyEnabled(); } void MultipleOutputs::EnableDisable() { /* parallel execution */ for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockEnableDisableAsync(); WaitAll(); } void MultipleOutputs::WaitAll() noexcept { for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockWaitForCommand(); } void MultipleOutputs::AllowPlay() noexcept { for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockAllowPlay(); } bool MultipleOutputs::Update(bool force) noexcept { bool ret = false; if (!IsOpen()) return false; for (const auto &ao : outputs) ret = ao->LockUpdate(input_audio_format, *pipe, force) || ret; return ret; } void MultipleOutputs::SetReplayGainMode(ReplayGainMode mode) noexcept { for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->SetReplayGainMode(mode); } void MultipleOutputs::Play(MusicChunkPtr chunk) { assert(pipe != nullptr); assert(chunk != nullptr); assert(chunk->CheckFormat(input_audio_format)); if (!Update(false)) /* TODO: obtain real error */ throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open audio output"); pipe->Push(std::move(chunk)); for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockPlay(); } void MultipleOutputs::Open(const AudioFormat audio_format) { bool ret = false, enabled = false; /* the audio format must be the same as existing chunks in the pipe */ assert(pipe == nullptr || pipe->CheckFormat(audio_format)); if (pipe == nullptr) pipe = std::make_unique<MusicPipe>(); else /* if the pipe hasn't been cleared, the the audio format must not have changed */ assert(pipe->IsEmpty() || audio_format == input_audio_format); input_audio_format = audio_format; EnableDisable(); Update(true); std::exception_ptr first_error; for (const auto &ao : outputs) { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(ao->mutex); if (ao->IsEnabled()) enabled = true; if (ao->IsOpen()) ret = true; else if (!first_error) first_error = ao->GetLastError(); } if (!enabled) { /* close all devices if there was an error */ Close(); throw std::runtime_error("All audio outputs are disabled"); } else if (!ret) { /* close all devices if there was an error */ Close(); if (first_error) /* we have details, so throw that */ std::rethrow_exception(first_error); else throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open audio output"); } } bool MultipleOutputs::IsChunkConsumed(const MusicChunk *chunk) const noexcept { for (const auto &ao : outputs) if (!ao->LockIsChunkConsumed(*chunk)) return false; return true; } unsigned MultipleOutputs::CheckPipe() noexcept { const MusicChunk *chunk; assert(pipe != nullptr); while ((chunk = pipe->Peek()) != nullptr) { assert(!pipe->IsEmpty()); if (!IsChunkConsumed(chunk)) /* at least one output is not finished playing this chunk */ return pipe->GetSize(); if (chunk->length > 0 && !chunk->time.IsNegative()) /* only update elapsed_time if the chunk provides a defined value */ elapsed_time = chunk->time; const bool is_tail = chunk->next == nullptr; if (is_tail) /* this is the tail of the pipe - clear the chunk reference in all outputs */ for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockClearTailChunk(*chunk); /* remove the chunk from the pipe */ const auto shifted = pipe->Shift(); assert(shifted.get() == chunk); if (is_tail) /* resume playback which has been suspended by LockClearTailChunk() */ for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockAllowPlay(); /* chunk is automatically returned to the buffer by ~MusicChunkPtr() */ } return 0; } void MultipleOutputs::Pause() noexcept { Update(false); for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockPauseAsync(); WaitAll(); } void MultipleOutputs::Drain() noexcept { for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockDrainAsync(); WaitAll(); } void MultipleOutputs::Cancel() noexcept { /* send the cancel() command to all audio outputs */ for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockCancelAsync(); WaitAll(); /* clear the music pipe and return all chunks to the buffer */ if (pipe != nullptr) pipe->Clear(); /* the audio outputs are now waiting for a signal, to synchronize the cleared music pipe */ AllowPlay(); /* invalidate elapsed_time */ elapsed_time = SignedSongTime::Negative(); } void MultipleOutputs::Close() noexcept { for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockCloseWait(); pipe.reset(); input_audio_format.Clear(); elapsed_time = SignedSongTime::Negative(); } void MultipleOutputs::Release() noexcept { for (const auto &ao : outputs) ao->LockRelease(); pipe.reset(); input_audio_format.Clear(); elapsed_time = SignedSongTime::Negative(); } void MultipleOutputs::SongBorder() noexcept { /* clear the elapsed_time pointer at the beginning of a new song */ elapsed_time = SignedSongTime::zero(); }