/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2013 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "PlayerControl.hxx" #include "Idle.hxx" #include "Song.hxx" #include "DecoderControl.hxx" #include <cmath> #include <assert.h> PlayerControl::PlayerControl(unsigned _buffer_chunks, unsigned _buffered_before_play) :buffer_chunks(_buffer_chunks), buffered_before_play(_buffered_before_play), command(PlayerCommand::NONE), state(PlayerState::STOP), error_type(PlayerError::NONE), tagged_song(nullptr), next_song(nullptr), total_play_time(0), border_pause(false) { } PlayerControl::~PlayerControl() { if (next_song != nullptr) next_song->Free(); if (tagged_song != nullptr) tagged_song->Free(); } void PlayerControl::Play(Song *song) { assert(song != nullptr); Lock(); if (state != PlayerState::STOP) SynchronousCommand(PlayerCommand::STOP); assert(next_song == nullptr); EnqueueSongLocked(song); assert(next_song == nullptr); Unlock(); } void PlayerControl::Cancel() { LockSynchronousCommand(PlayerCommand::CANCEL); assert(next_song == nullptr); } void PlayerControl::Stop() { LockSynchronousCommand(PlayerCommand::CLOSE_AUDIO); assert(next_song == nullptr); idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); } void PlayerControl::UpdateAudio() { LockSynchronousCommand(PlayerCommand::UPDATE_AUDIO); } void PlayerControl::Kill() { assert(thread.IsDefined()); LockSynchronousCommand(PlayerCommand::EXIT); thread.Join(); idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); } void PlayerControl::PauseLocked() { if (state != PlayerState::STOP) { SynchronousCommand(PlayerCommand::PAUSE); idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); } } void PlayerControl::Pause() { Lock(); PauseLocked(); Unlock(); } void PlayerControl::SetPause(bool pause_flag) { Lock(); switch (state) { case PlayerState::STOP: break; case PlayerState::PLAY: if (pause_flag) PauseLocked(); break; case PlayerState::PAUSE: if (!pause_flag) PauseLocked(); break; } Unlock(); } void PlayerControl::SetBorderPause(bool _border_pause) { Lock(); border_pause = _border_pause; Unlock(); } player_status PlayerControl::GetStatus() { player_status status; Lock(); SynchronousCommand(PlayerCommand::REFRESH); status.state = state; if (state != PlayerState::STOP) { status.bit_rate = bit_rate; status.audio_format = audio_format; status.total_time = total_time; status.elapsed_time = elapsed_time; } Unlock(); return status; } void PlayerControl::SetError(PlayerError type, Error &&_error) { assert(type != PlayerError::NONE); assert(_error.IsDefined()); error_type = type; error = std::move(_error); } void PlayerControl::ClearError() { Lock(); if (error_type != PlayerError::NONE) { error_type = PlayerError::NONE; error.Clear(); } Unlock(); } void PlayerControl::LockSetTaggedSong(const Song &song) { Lock(); if (tagged_song != nullptr) tagged_song->Free(); tagged_song = song.DupDetached(); Unlock(); } void PlayerControl::ClearTaggedSong() { if (tagged_song != nullptr) { tagged_song->Free(); tagged_song = nullptr; } } void PlayerControl::EnqueueSong(Song *song) { assert(song != nullptr); Lock(); EnqueueSongLocked(song); Unlock(); } bool PlayerControl::Seek(Song *song, float seek_time) { assert(song != nullptr); Lock(); if (next_song != nullptr) next_song->Free(); next_song = song; seek_where = seek_time; SynchronousCommand(PlayerCommand::SEEK); Unlock(); assert(next_song == nullptr); idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); return true; } void PlayerControl::SetCrossFade(float _cross_fade_seconds) { if (_cross_fade_seconds < 0) _cross_fade_seconds = 0; cross_fade.duration = _cross_fade_seconds; idle_add(IDLE_OPTIONS); } void PlayerControl::SetMixRampDb(float _mixramp_db) { cross_fade.mixramp_db = _mixramp_db; idle_add(IDLE_OPTIONS); } void PlayerControl::SetMixRampDelay(float _mixramp_delay_seconds) { cross_fade.mixramp_delay = _mixramp_delay_seconds; idle_add(IDLE_OPTIONS); }