/* * Copyright 2003-2017 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "PlayerCommands.hxx" #include "Request.hxx" #include "CommandError.hxx" #include "queue/Playlist.hxx" #include "PlaylistPrint.hxx" #include "client/Client.hxx" #include "client/Response.hxx" #include "mixer/Volume.hxx" #include "Partition.hxx" #include "Instance.hxx" #include "Idle.hxx" #include "AudioFormat.hxx" #include "util/StringBuffer.hxx" #include "util/ScopeExit.hxx" #include "util/Exception.hxx" #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE #include "db/update/Service.hxx" #endif #define COMMAND_STATUS_STATE "state" #define COMMAND_STATUS_REPEAT "repeat" #define COMMAND_STATUS_SINGLE "single" #define COMMAND_STATUS_CONSUME "consume" #define COMMAND_STATUS_RANDOM "random" #define COMMAND_STATUS_PLAYLIST "playlist" #define COMMAND_STATUS_PLAYLIST_LENGTH "playlistlength" #define COMMAND_STATUS_SONG "song" #define COMMAND_STATUS_SONGID "songid" #define COMMAND_STATUS_NEXTSONG "nextsong" #define COMMAND_STATUS_NEXTSONGID "nextsongid" #define COMMAND_STATUS_TIME "time" #define COMMAND_STATUS_BITRATE "bitrate" #define COMMAND_STATUS_ERROR "error" #define COMMAND_STATUS_CROSSFADE "xfade" #define COMMAND_STATUS_MIXRAMPDB "mixrampdb" #define COMMAND_STATUS_MIXRAMPDELAY "mixrampdelay" #define COMMAND_STATUS_AUDIO "audio" #define COMMAND_STATUS_UPDATING_DB "updating_db" CommandResult handle_play(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { int song = args.ParseOptional(0, -1); client.partition.PlayPosition(song); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_playid(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { int id = args.ParseOptional(0, -1); client.partition.PlayId(id); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_stop(Client &client, gcc_unused Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { client.partition.Stop(); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_currentsong(Client &client, gcc_unused Request args, Response &r) { playlist_print_current(r, client.partition, client.playlist); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_pause(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { if (!args.IsEmpty()) { bool pause_flag = args.ParseBool(0); client.player_control.LockSetPause(pause_flag); } else client.player_control.LockPause(); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_status(Client &client, gcc_unused Request args, Response &r) { const char *state = nullptr; int song; const auto player_status = client.player_control.LockGetStatus(); switch (player_status.state) { case PlayerState::STOP: state = "stop"; break; case PlayerState::PAUSE: state = "pause"; break; case PlayerState::PLAY: state = "play"; break; } const playlist &playlist = client.playlist; r.Format("volume: %i\n" COMMAND_STATUS_REPEAT ": %i\n" COMMAND_STATUS_RANDOM ": %i\n" COMMAND_STATUS_SINGLE ": %i\n" COMMAND_STATUS_CONSUME ": %i\n" COMMAND_STATUS_PLAYLIST ": %li\n" COMMAND_STATUS_PLAYLIST_LENGTH ": %i\n" COMMAND_STATUS_MIXRAMPDB ": %f\n" COMMAND_STATUS_STATE ": %s\n", volume_level_get(client.partition.outputs), playlist.GetRepeat(), playlist.GetRandom(), playlist.GetSingle(), playlist.GetConsume(), (unsigned long)playlist.GetVersion(), playlist.GetLength(), client.player_control.GetMixRampDb(), state); if (client.player_control.GetCrossFade() > 0) r.Format(COMMAND_STATUS_CROSSFADE ": %i\n", int(client.player_control.GetCrossFade() + 0.5)); if (client.player_control.GetMixRampDelay() > 0) r.Format(COMMAND_STATUS_MIXRAMPDELAY ": %f\n", client.player_control.GetMixRampDelay()); song = playlist.GetCurrentPosition(); if (song >= 0) { r.Format(COMMAND_STATUS_SONG ": %i\n" COMMAND_STATUS_SONGID ": %u\n", song, playlist.PositionToId(song)); } if (player_status.state != PlayerState::STOP) { r.Format(COMMAND_STATUS_TIME ": %i:%i\n" "elapsed: %1.3f\n" COMMAND_STATUS_BITRATE ": %u\n", player_status.elapsed_time.RoundS(), player_status.total_time.IsNegative() ? 0u : unsigned(player_status.total_time.RoundS()), player_status.elapsed_time.ToDoubleS(), player_status.bit_rate); if (!player_status.total_time.IsNegative()) r.Format("duration: %1.3f\n", player_status.total_time.ToDoubleS()); if (player_status.audio_format.IsDefined()) r.Format(COMMAND_STATUS_AUDIO ": %s\n", ToString(player_status.audio_format).c_str()); } #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE const UpdateService *update_service = client.partition.instance.update; unsigned updateJobId = update_service != nullptr ? update_service->GetId() : 0; if (updateJobId != 0) { r.Format(COMMAND_STATUS_UPDATING_DB ": %i\n", updateJobId); } #endif try { client.player_control.LockCheckRethrowError(); } catch (...) { r.Format(COMMAND_STATUS_ERROR ": %s\n", FullMessage(std::current_exception()).c_str()); } song = playlist.GetNextPosition(); if (song >= 0) r.Format(COMMAND_STATUS_NEXTSONG ": %i\n" COMMAND_STATUS_NEXTSONGID ": %u\n", song, playlist.PositionToId(song)); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_next(Client &client, gcc_unused Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { playlist &playlist = client.playlist; /* single mode is not considered when this is user who * wants to change song. */ const bool single = playlist.queue.single; playlist.queue.single = false; AtScopeExit(&playlist, single) { playlist.queue.single = single; }; client.partition.PlayNext(); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_previous(Client &client, gcc_unused Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { client.partition.PlayPrevious(); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_repeat(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { bool status = args.ParseBool(0); client.partition.SetRepeat(status); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_single(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { bool status = args.ParseBool(0); client.partition.SetSingle(status); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_consume(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { bool status = args.ParseBool(0); client.partition.SetConsume(status); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_random(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { bool status = args.ParseBool(0); client.partition.SetRandom(status); client.partition.UpdateEffectiveReplayGainMode(); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_clearerror(Client &client, gcc_unused Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { client.player_control.LockClearError(); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_seek(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { unsigned song = args.ParseUnsigned(0); SongTime seek_time = args.ParseSongTime(1); client.partition.SeekSongPosition(song, seek_time); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_seekid(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { unsigned id = args.ParseUnsigned(0); SongTime seek_time = args.ParseSongTime(1); client.partition.SeekSongId(id, seek_time); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_seekcur(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { const char *p = args.front(); bool relative = *p == '+' || *p == '-'; SignedSongTime seek_time = ParseCommandArgSignedSongTime(p); client.partition.SeekCurrent(seek_time, relative); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_crossfade(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { unsigned xfade_time = args.ParseUnsigned(0); client.player_control.SetCrossFade(xfade_time); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_mixrampdb(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { float db = args.ParseFloat(0); client.player_control.SetMixRampDb(db); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_mixrampdelay(Client &client, Request args, gcc_unused Response &r) { float delay_secs = args.ParseFloat(0); client.player_control.SetMixRampDelay(delay_secs); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_replay_gain_mode(Client &client, Request args, Response &) { auto new_mode = FromString(args.front()); client.partition.SetReplayGainMode(new_mode); client.partition.EmitIdle(IDLE_OPTIONS); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_replay_gain_status(Client &client, gcc_unused Request args, Response &r) { r.Format("replay_gain_mode: %s\n", ToString(client.partition.replay_gain_mode)); return CommandResult::OK; }