/* * Copyright 2020-2021 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef THREAD_WINDOWS_FUTURE_HXX #define THREAD_WINDOWS_FUTURE_HXX #include "CriticalSection.hxx" #include "WindowsCond.hxx" #include <memory> #include <variant> enum class WinFutureErrc : int { future_already_retrieved = 1, promise_already_satisfied, no_state, broken_promise, }; enum class WinFutureStatus { ready, timeout, deferred }; static inline const std::error_category &win_future_category() noexcept; class WinFutureCategory : public std::error_category { public: const char *name() const noexcept override { return "win_future"; } std::string message(int Errcode) const override { using namespace std::literals; switch (static_cast<WinFutureErrc>(Errcode)) { case WinFutureErrc::broken_promise: return "Broken promise"s; case WinFutureErrc::future_already_retrieved: return "Future already retrieved"s; case WinFutureErrc::promise_already_satisfied: return "Promise already satisfied"s; case WinFutureErrc::no_state: return "No associated state"s; default: return "Unknown error"s; } } std::error_condition default_error_condition(int code) const noexcept override { return std::error_condition(code, win_future_category()); } }; static inline const std::error_category &win_future_category() noexcept { static const WinFutureCategory win_future_category_instance{}; return win_future_category_instance; } class WinFutureError : public std::logic_error { public: WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc errcode) : WinFutureError( std::error_code(static_cast<int>(errcode), win_future_category())) {} private: explicit WinFutureError(std::error_code errcode) : std::logic_error("WinFutureError: " + errcode.message()), code(errcode) {} std::error_code code; }; template <typename T> class WinFutureState { private: mutable CriticalSection mutex; WindowsCond condition; std::variant<std::monostate, T, std::exception_ptr> result; bool retrieved = false; bool ready = false; public: bool is_ready() const noexcept { std::unique_lock<CriticalSection> lock(mutex); return ready; } bool already_retrieved() const noexcept { std::unique_lock<CriticalSection> lock(mutex); return retrieved; } void wait() { std::unique_lock<CriticalSection> lock(mutex); condition.wait(lock, [this]() { return ready; }); } template <class Rep, class Period> WinFutureStatus wait_for(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &timeout_duration) const { std::unique_lock<CriticalSection> lock(mutex); // deferred function not support yet if (condition.wait_for(lock, timeout_duration, [this]() { return ready; })) { return WinFutureStatus::ready; } return WinFutureStatus::timeout; } virtual T &get_value() { std::unique_lock<CriticalSection> lock(mutex); if (retrieved) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::future_already_retrieved); } if (auto eptr = std::get_if<std::exception_ptr>(&result)) { std::rethrow_exception(*eptr); } retrieved = true; condition.wait(lock, [this]() { return ready; }); if (auto eptr = std::get_if<std::exception_ptr>(&result)) { std::rethrow_exception(*eptr); } return *std::get_if<T>(&result); } void set_value(const T &value) { std::unique_lock<CriticalSection> lock(mutex); if (!std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(&result)) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::promise_already_satisfied); } result.template emplace<T>(value); ready = true; condition.notify_all(); } void set_value(T &&value) { std::unique_lock<CriticalSection> lock(mutex); if (!std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(result)) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::promise_already_satisfied); } result.template emplace<T>(std::move(value)); ready = true; condition.notify_all(); } void set_exception(std::exception_ptr eptr) { std::unique_lock<CriticalSection> lock(mutex); if (!std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(result)) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::promise_already_satisfied); } result.template emplace<std::exception_ptr>(eptr); ready = true; condition.notify_all(); } }; template <typename T> class WinFutureStateManager { public: WinFutureStateManager() = default; WinFutureStateManager(std::shared_ptr<WinFutureState<T>> new_state) : state(std::move(new_state)) {} WinFutureStateManager(const WinFutureStateManager &) = default; WinFutureStateManager &operator=(const WinFutureStateManager &) = default; WinFutureStateManager(WinFutureStateManager &&) = default; WinFutureStateManager &operator=(WinFutureStateManager &&) = default; [[nodiscard]] bool valid() const noexcept { return static_cast<bool>(state); } void wait() const { if (!valid()) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::no_state); } state->wait(); } template <class Rep, class Period> WinFutureStatus wait_for(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &timeout_duration) const { if (!valid()) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::no_state); } return state->wait_for(timeout_duration); } T &get_value() const { if (!valid()) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::no_state); } return state->get_value(); } void set_value(const T &value) { if (!valid()) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::no_state); } state->set_value(value); } void set_value(T &&value) { if (!valid()) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::no_state); } state->set_value(std::move(value)); } void set_exception(std::exception_ptr eptr) { if (!valid()) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::no_state); } state->set_exception(eptr); } private: std::shared_ptr<WinFutureState<T>> state; }; template <typename T> class WinFuture : public WinFutureStateManager<T> { using Base = WinFutureStateManager<T>; static_assert(!std::is_array_v<T> && std::is_object_v<T> && std::is_destructible_v<T>, "T in future<T> must meet the Cpp17Destructible requirements " "(N4878 [futures.unique.future]/4)."); public: WinFuture() noexcept = default; WinFuture(WinFuture &&) noexcept = default; WinFuture &operator=(WinFuture &&) noexcept = default; WinFuture(const WinFuture &) noexcept = delete; WinFuture &operator=(const WinFuture &) noexcept = delete; WinFuture(const Base &base, std::monostate) : Base(base) {} ~WinFuture() noexcept = default; T get() { WinFuture local(std::move(*this)); return std::move(local.get_value()); } private: using Base::get_value; using Base::set_exception; using Base::set_value; }; template <typename T> class WinFuture<T &> : public WinFutureStateManager<T *> { using Base = WinFutureStateManager<T *>; public: WinFuture() noexcept = default; WinFuture(WinFuture &&) noexcept = default; WinFuture &operator=(WinFuture &&) noexcept = default; WinFuture(const WinFuture &) noexcept = delete; WinFuture &operator=(const WinFuture &) noexcept = delete; WinFuture(const Base &base, std::monostate) : Base(base) {} ~WinFuture() noexcept = default; T &get() { WinFuture local(std::move(*this)); return *local.get_value(); } private: using Base::get_value; using Base::set_exception; using Base::set_value; }; template <> class WinFuture<void> : public WinFutureStateManager<int> { using Base = WinFutureStateManager<int>; public: WinFuture() noexcept = default; WinFuture(WinFuture &&) noexcept = default; WinFuture &operator=(WinFuture &&) noexcept = default; WinFuture(const WinFuture &) noexcept = delete; WinFuture &operator=(const WinFuture &) noexcept = delete; WinFuture(const Base &base, std::monostate) : Base(base) {} ~WinFuture() noexcept = default; void get() { WinFuture local(std::move(*this)); local.get_value(); } private: using Base::get_value; using Base::set_exception; using Base::set_value; }; template <typename T> class WinPromiseBase { public: WinPromiseBase(std::shared_ptr<WinFutureState<T>> new_state) : state(std::move(new_state)) {} WinPromiseBase(WinPromiseBase &&) = default; WinPromiseBase &operator=(WinPromiseBase &&) = default; WinPromiseBase(const WinPromiseBase &) = delete; WinPromiseBase &operator=(const WinPromiseBase &) = delete; WinFutureStateManager<T> &get_state_for_set() { if (!state.valid()) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::no_state); } return state; } WinFutureStateManager<T> &get_state_for_future() { if (!state.valid()) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::no_state); } if (future_retrieved) { throw WinFutureError(WinFutureErrc::future_already_retrieved); } future_retrieved = true; return state; } private: WinFutureStateManager<T> state; bool future_retrieved = false; }; template <typename T> class WinPromise { public: WinPromise() : base(std::make_shared<WinFutureState<T>>()) {} WinPromise(WinPromise &&) = default; WinPromise(const WinPromise &) = delete; ~WinPromise() noexcept {} [[nodiscard]] WinFuture<T> get_future() { return WinFuture<T>(base.get_state_for_future(), std::monostate()); } void set_value(const T &value) { base.get_state_for_set().set_value(value); } void set_value(T &&value) { base.get_state_for_set().set_value(std::forward<T>(value)); } void set_exception(std::exception_ptr eptr) { base.get_state_for_set().set_exception(eptr); } private: WinPromiseBase<T> base; }; template <typename T> class WinPromise<T &> { public: WinPromise() : base(std::make_shared<WinFutureState<T *>>()) {} WinPromise(WinPromise &&) = default; WinPromise(const WinPromise &) = delete; ~WinPromise() noexcept {} [[nodiscard]] WinFuture<T &> get_future() { return WinFuture<T>(base.get_state_for_future(), std::monostate()); } void set_value(T &value) { base.get_state_for_set().set_value(std::addressof(value)); } void set_exception(std::exception_ptr eptr) { base.get_state_for_set().set_exception(eptr); } private: WinPromiseBase<T *> base; }; template <> class WinPromise<void> { public: WinPromise() : base(std::make_shared<WinFutureState<int>>()) {} WinPromise(WinPromise &&) = default; WinPromise(const WinPromise &) = delete; ~WinPromise() noexcept {} [[nodiscard]] WinFuture<void> get_future() { return WinFuture<void>(base.get_state_for_future(), std::monostate()); } void set_value() { base.get_state_for_set().set_value(0); } void set_exception(std::exception_ptr eptr) { base.get_state_for_set().set_exception(eptr); } private: WinPromiseBase<int> base; }; #endif