/* * Copyright 2003-2017 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "ConfigFile.hxx" #include "Data.hxx" #include "Param.hxx" #include "Block.hxx" #include "ConfigTemplates.hxx" #include "util/Tokenizer.hxx" #include "util/StringUtil.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "fs/Path.hxx" #include "fs/io/FileReader.hxx" #include "fs/io/BufferedReader.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include <memory> #include <assert.h> static constexpr char CONF_COMMENT = '#'; static constexpr Domain config_file_domain("config_file"); static void config_read_name_value(ConfigBlock &block, char *input, unsigned line) { Tokenizer tokenizer(input); const char *name = tokenizer.NextWord(); assert(name != nullptr); const char *value = tokenizer.NextString(); if (value == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("Value missing"); if (!tokenizer.IsEnd() && tokenizer.CurrentChar() != CONF_COMMENT) throw std::runtime_error("Unknown tokens after value"); const BlockParam *bp = block.GetBlockParam(name); if (bp != nullptr) throw FormatRuntimeError("\"%s\" is duplicate, first defined on line %i", name, bp->line); block.AddBlockParam(name, value, line); } static ConfigBlock * config_read_block(BufferedReader &reader) try { std::unique_ptr<ConfigBlock> block(new ConfigBlock(reader.GetLineNumber())); while (true) { char *line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("Expected '}' before end-of-file"); line = StripLeft(line); if (*line == 0 || *line == CONF_COMMENT) continue; if (*line == '}') { /* end of this block; return from the function (and from this "while" loop) */ line = StripLeft(line + 1); if (*line != 0 && *line != CONF_COMMENT) throw std::runtime_error("Unknown tokens after '}'"); return block.release(); } /* parse name and value */ config_read_name_value(*block, line, reader.GetLineNumber()); } } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(FormatRuntimeError("Error in line %u", reader.GetLineNumber())); } gcc_nonnull_all static void Append(ConfigBlock *&head, ConfigBlock *p) { assert(p->next == nullptr); auto **i = &head; while (*i != nullptr) i = &(*i)->next; *i = p; } static void ReadConfigBlock(ConfigData &config_data, BufferedReader &reader, const char *name, ConfigBlockOption o, Tokenizer &tokenizer) { const unsigned i = unsigned(o); const ConfigTemplate &option = config_block_templates[i]; ConfigBlock *&head = config_data.blocks[i]; if (head != nullptr && !option.repeatable) { ConfigBlock *block = head; throw FormatRuntimeError("config parameter \"%s\" is first defined " "on line %d and redefined on line %u\n", name, block->line, reader.GetLineNumber()); } /* now parse the block or the value */ if (tokenizer.CurrentChar() != '{') throw FormatRuntimeError("line %u: '{' expected", reader.GetLineNumber()); char *line = StripLeft(tokenizer.Rest() + 1); if (*line != 0 && *line != CONF_COMMENT) throw FormatRuntimeError("line %u: Unknown tokens after '{'", reader.GetLineNumber()); auto *param = config_read_block(reader); assert(param != nullptr); Append(head, param); } gcc_nonnull_all static void Append(ConfigParam *&head, ConfigParam *p) { assert(p->next == nullptr); auto **i = &head; while (*i != nullptr) i = &(*i)->next; *i = p; } static void ReadConfigParam(ConfigData &config_data, BufferedReader &reader, const char *name, ConfigOption o, Tokenizer &tokenizer) { const unsigned i = unsigned(o); const ConfigTemplate &option = config_param_templates[i]; auto *&head = config_data.params[i]; if (head != nullptr && !option.repeatable) { auto *param = head; throw FormatRuntimeError("config parameter \"%s\" is first defined " "on line %d and redefined on line %u\n", name, param->line, reader.GetLineNumber()); } /* now parse the block or the value */ const char *value = tokenizer.NextString(); if (value == nullptr) throw FormatRuntimeError("line %u: Value missing", reader.GetLineNumber()); if (!tokenizer.IsEnd() && tokenizer.CurrentChar() != CONF_COMMENT) throw FormatRuntimeError("line %u: Unknown tokens after value", reader.GetLineNumber()); auto *param = new ConfigParam(value, reader.GetLineNumber()); Append(head, param); } static void ReadConfigFile(ConfigData &config_data, BufferedReader &reader) { while (true) { char *line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == nullptr) return; line = StripLeft(line); if (*line == 0 || *line == CONF_COMMENT) continue; /* the first token in each line is the name, followed by either the value or '{' */ Tokenizer tokenizer(line); const char *name = tokenizer.NextWord(); assert(name != nullptr); /* get the definition of that option, and check the "repeatable" flag */ const ConfigOption o = ParseConfigOptionName(name); ConfigBlockOption bo; if (o != ConfigOption::MAX) { ReadConfigParam(config_data, reader, name, o, tokenizer); } else if ((bo = ParseConfigBlockOptionName(name)) != ConfigBlockOption::MAX) { ReadConfigBlock(config_data, reader, name, bo, tokenizer); } else { throw FormatRuntimeError("unrecognized parameter in config file at " "line %u: %s\n", reader.GetLineNumber(), name); } } } void ReadConfigFile(ConfigData &config_data, Path path) { assert(!path.IsNull()); const std::string path_utf8 = path.ToUTF8(); FormatDebug(config_file_domain, "loading file %s", path_utf8.c_str()); FileReader file(path); BufferedReader reader(file); ReadConfigFile(config_data, reader); }