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Commit 59451872 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm repo: improve help

parent 480620ad
......@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ __epm_addrepo_altsp()
local comp
local repo="$1"
case "$repo" in
......@@ -169,8 +172,8 @@ cat <<EOF
epm repo add - add branch repo. Use follow params:
basealt - for BaseALT repo"
yandex - for BaseALT repo mirror hosted by Yandex (recommended)"
altsp - add ALT SP repo"
yandex - for BaseALT repo mirror hosted by Yandex (recommended)"
autoimports - for BaseALT autoimports repo"
autoports - for Autoports repo (with packages from Sisyphus rebuilt to the branch)
altlinuxclub - for altlinuxclub repo ("
......@@ -292,7 +295,7 @@ __epm_addrepo_altlinux()
case "$repo" in
__epm_addrepo_altsp "$repo"
......@@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ epm_repo_help()
get_help HELPCMD $SHAREDIR/epm-repo
cat <<EOF
epm repo set p9
epm repo switch p10
epm repo add autoimports
epm repo list
epm repo change yandex
......@@ -40,14 +42,10 @@ epm_repo()
"-h"|"--help"|help) # HELPCMD: help
""|list) # HELPCMD: list packages
""|list) # HELPCMD: list enabled repositories (-a|--all for list disabled repositorires too)
load_helper epm-repolist
epm_repolist "$@"
fix) # HELPCMD: fix paths in sources lists (ALT Linux only)
load_helper epm-repofix
epm_repofix "$@"
change) # HELPCMD: <mirror>: switch sources to the mirror (supports etersoft/yandex/basealt): rewrite URLs to the specified server
load_helper epm-repofix
epm_repofix "$@"
......@@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ epm_repo()
epm repo rm all
epm addrepo "$@"
switch) # HELPCMD: switch repo to <repo>: rewrite URLs to the repo
switch) # HELPCMD: switch repo to <repo>: rewrite URLs to the repo (but use epm release-upgrade [Sisyphus|p10] for upgrade to a next branch)
load_helper epm-repofix
epm_reposwitch "$@"
......@@ -68,11 +66,12 @@ epm_repo()
load_helper epm-repodisable
epm_repodisable "$@"
addkey) # HELPCMD: add repository gpg key (by URL or file)
addkey) # HELPCMD: add repository gpg key (by URL or file) (run with --help to detail)
load_helper epm-repo-addkey
epm_addkey "$@"
clean) # HELPCMD: remove temp. repos (tasks and CD-ROMs)
[ "$BASEDISTRNAME" = "alt" ] || fatal "TODO: only ALT now is supported"
# TODO: check for ALT
sudocmd apt-repo $dryrun clean
......@@ -84,11 +83,11 @@ epm_repo()
load_helper epm-reposave
epm_reporestore "$@"
reset) # HELPCMD: reset repo lists to the distro default
load_helper epm-reposave
epm_reporeset "$@"
status) # HELPCMD: print repo status
load_helper epm-reposave
epm_repostatus "$@"
......@@ -105,12 +104,17 @@ epm_repo()
load_helper epm-removerepo
epm_removerepo "$@"
fix) # HELPCMD: fix paths in sources lists (ALT Linux only)
load_helper epm-repofix
epm_repofix "$@"
# HELPCMD: PART: Local repo commands:
create) # HELPCMD: create (initialize) repo: [path] [name]
load_helper epm-repoindex
epm_repocreate "$@"
index) # HELPCMD: index repo: [--init] [path] [name]
index) # HELPCMD: index repo (update indexes): [--init] [path] [name]
load_helper epm-repoindex
epm_repoindex "$@"
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