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Commit fb801636 authored by Mikhail Tergoev's avatar Mikhail Tergoev Committed by Vitaly Lipatov

epm play duplicati: replaced set_autoreq by add_libs_requires

parent fc409a05
......@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ add_requires mono-full libgtk-sharp2
subst '1iBuildRequires: rpm-build-python3' $SPEC
subst '1i%add_python3_path /usr/lib/duplicati' $SPEC
set_autoreq 'yes,nomonolib,nomono'
# set_autoreq 'yes,nomonolib,nomono'
subst 's|env python.*|env python3|' $BUILDROOT/usr/lib/duplicati/utility-scripts/
subst 's|/usr/bin/bash|/bin/bash|' $BUILDROOT/usr/lib/duplicati/{lvm-scripts/*.sh,} $BUILDROOT/usr/bin/{duplicati-server,duplicati-cli,duplicati}
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