#!/bin/sh PKGNAME=virtualhere PRODUCTDIR=/opt/$PKGNAME BINNAME=vhusbd SUPPORTEDARCHES="x86_64 armhf mips mipsel aarch64 x86" VERSION="$2" DESCRIPTION='Generic VirtualHere USB Server from the official site' . $(dirname $0)/common.sh arch="$(epm print info -a)" case "$arch" in x86_64) file="vhusbdx86_64" ;; x86) file="vhusbdi386" ;; armhf) file="vhusbdarm" ;; mips) file="vhusbdmips" ;; mipsel) file="vhusbdmipsel" ;; aarch64) file="vhusbdarm64" ;; *) fatal "$arch arch is not supported" ;; esac pkgtype="$(epm print info -p)" tdir=$(mktemp -d) trap "rm -fr $tdir" EXIT mkdir -p $tdir/opt/$PKGNAME/ cd $tdir || fatal # https://github.com/virtualhere/script/blob/main/install_server epm tool eget -O opt/$PKGNAME/$BINNAME https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/$file || fatal chmod 0755 opt/$PKGNAME/$BINNAME pack_tar() { local tarname="$1" local file="$2" local destfile="$3" [ -n "$destfile" ] || destfile="$PRODUCTDIR/$(basename $file)" local dest=$(dirname $destfile) mkdir -p .$dest [ -s .$dest/$(basename $file) ] || cp -v $file .$dest/ a='' tar cf $tarname .$(dirname $dest) } # FIXME VERSION="*" if [ "$VERSION" = "*" ] ; then VERSION="$(epm tool eget -O- https://virtualhere.com/usb_server_software | grep "<b>Version [0-9.]*</b>" | sed -e 's|.*<b>Version \([0-9.]*\)</b>.*|\1|')" [ -n "$VERSION" ] || fatal "Can't get version for $PKGNAME" fi PKG=$PKGNAME-$VERSION.tar pack_tar $PKG opt/$PKGNAME/$BINNAME epm install --repack "$PKG" || exit echo echo "Note: run # serv $PKGNAME on to enable and start $PKGNAME system service "