#!/bin/sh BASEPKGNAME=brave-browser SUPPORTEDARCHES="x86_64" PRODUCTALT="'' beta nightly" VERSION="$2" DESCRIPTION="Brave browser from the official site" . $(dirname $0)/common.sh repack='' # we have workaround for their postinstall script, so always repack rpm package #[ "$(epm print info -p)" = "deb" ] || repack='--repack' # repack for deb too, they have broken dependency on brave-keyring repack='--repack' # brave-browser-beta-1.51.105-1.x86_64.rpm # brave-browser-beta_1.51.105_amd64.deb # rpm packages have a release in their names [ "$(epm print info -p)" = "rpm" ] && [ "$VERSION" != "*" ] && VERSION="$VERSION-1" # hack to fix short name issue [ "$VERSION" = "*" ] && VERSION="[[:digit:]]*" PKGURL=$(epm tool eget --list --latest https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/releases "$(epm print constructname $PKGNAME "$VERSION")") if [ -z "$PKGURL" ] ; then # force use beta if can't get stable version if [ "$PKGNAME" = "$BASEPKGNAME" ] ; then TOREMOVEPKG=$PKGNAME PKGNAME=$BASEPKGNAME-beta PKGURL=$(epm tool eget --list --latest https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/releases "$(epm print constructname $PKGNAME "$VERSION")") [ -n "$PKGURL" ] || fatal "Can't get package URL" echo "Force switching from $TOREMOVEPKG to $PKGNAME ... " epm installed $TOREMOVEPKG && epm remove $TOREMOVEPKG else fatal "Can't get package URL for $PKGNAME-$VERSION" fi fi epm $repack install "$PKGURL"