name        : eepm
version     : 3.58.0
release     : 1
source      :
    - : c1fdae29e31fe9a24ce1ca16cf904b7eadfc4ea0daf0c8f480dca3ebb382b702
license     :
    - AGPL-3.0+
homepage    :
summary     : Etersoft EPM package manager
builddeps   :
    - make
rundeps        :
    - coreutils
    - findutils
    - diffutils
    - file
    - gawk
    - grep
    - gzip
    - less
    - sed
    - bash
    - ncurses
description : |
    Etersoft EPM is the package manager for any platform
    and any platform version. It provides
    universal interface to any package manager.
    Can be useful for system administrators working
    with various distros.
build      : |
install    : |
    %make_install DESTDIR=$installdir datadir=/usr/share bindir=/usr/bin mandir=/usr/share/man sysconfdir=/etc version=%version%