#!/bin/sh DESCRIPTION="Opera browser from the official site" PRODUCTALT="stable beta developer" BRANCH=stable if [ "$2" = "beta" ] || epm installed opera-beta ; then BRANCH=beta fi if [ "$2" = "developer" ] || epm installed opera-developer ; then BRANCH=developer fi PKGNAME=opera-$BRANCH SUPPORTEDARCHES="x86_64" . $(dirname $0)/common.sh arch="amd64" epm play chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra || fatal if [ "$BRANCH" = "stable" ] ; then # https://get.geo.opera.com/pub/${pkgname}/desktop/${pkgver}/linux/${pkgname}-stable_${pkgver}_amd64.deb # fast hack for download from CDN URL="https://download5.operacdn.com/pub/opera/desktop" if ! check_url_is_accessible $URL ; then URL="https://download3.operacdn.com/pub/opera/desktop" check_url_is_accessible $URL || fatal "Can't access to Opera CDN site $URL" fi PKGBASEURL="$(epm tool eget --list --latest $URL/*)"linux PKGURL="$(epm tool eget --list --latest $PKGBASEURL "$(epm print constructname $PKGNAME "*" $arch deb)")" || fatal #" epm install "$PKGURL" || fatal exit else [ "$($DISTRVENDOR -s)" = "alt" ] && repack='--repack' || repack='' epm install $repack https://rpm.opera.com/rpm/opera_$BRANCH-*-linux-release-x64-signed.rpm fi