Commit a98f1297 authored by Stefan Leichter's avatar Stefan Leichter Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Moved implementation of QueryDosDevice from ascii to unicode.

parent 514521bf
......@@ -111,6 +111,19 @@ static const DOS_DEVICE DOSFS_Devices[] =
{ {'E','M','M','X','X','X','X','0',0}, 0x0000 }
static const WCHAR devW[] = {'\\','D','e','v','i','c','e','\\',0};
static const WCHAR dosW[] = {'\\','D','o','s','D','e','v','i','c','e','s','\\',0};
static const WCHAR auxW[] = {'A','U','X',0};
static const WCHAR comW[] = {'C','O','M',0};
static const WCHAR lptW[] = {'L','P','T',0};
static const WCHAR nulW[] = {'N','U','L',0};
static const WCHAR nullW[] = {'N','u','l','l',0};
static const WCHAR parW[] = {'P','a','r','a','l','l','e','l',0};
static const WCHAR serW[] = {'S','e','r','i','a','l',0};
static const WCHAR oneW[] = {'1',0};
* Directory info for DOSFS_ReadDir
* contains the names of *all* the files in the directory
......@@ -2354,15 +2367,67 @@ BOOL WINAPI FileTimeToDosDateTime( const FILETIME *ft, LPWORD fatdate,
DWORD WINAPI QueryDosDeviceA(LPCSTR devname,LPSTR target,DWORD bufsize)
char buffer[200];
DWORD ret = 0, retW;
LPWSTR targetW = (LPWSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,
bufsize * sizeof(WCHAR));
if(devname) RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(&devnameW, devname);
else devnameW.Buffer = NULL;
retW = QueryDosDeviceW(devnameW.Buffer, targetW, bufsize);
ret = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, targetW, retW, target,
bufsize, NULL, NULL);
TRACE("(%s,...)\n", devname ? devname : "<null>");
if (targetW) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,targetW);
return ret;
* QueryDosDeviceW (KERNEL32.@)
* returns array of strings terminated by \0, terminated by \0
* - Win9x returns for all calls ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
* - the returned devices for devname == NULL is far from complete
* - its not checked that the returned device exist
DWORD WINAPI QueryDosDeviceW(LPCWSTR devname,LPWSTR target,DWORD bufsize)
const WCHAR *pDev, *pName, *pNum = NULL;
int numsiz=0;
DWORD ret;
TRACE("(%s,...)\n", debugstr_w(devname));
if (!devname) {
/* return known MSDOS devices */
static const char devices[24] = "CON\0COM1\0COM2\0LPT1\0NUL\0\0";
memcpy( target, devices, min(bufsize,sizeof(devices)) );
return min(bufsize,sizeof(devices));
DWORD ret = 0;
int i;
static const WCHAR devices[][5] = {{'A','U','X',0},
for(i=0; (i< (sizeof(devices)/sizeof(devices[0]))); i++) {
DWORD len = strlenW(devices[i]);
if(target && (bufsize >= ret + len + 2)) {
lstrcpyW(target+ret, devices[i]);
ret += len + 1;
} else {
/* in this case WinXP returns 0 */
FIXME("function return is wrong for WinXP!\n");
/* append drives here */
if(target && bufsize > 0) target[ret++] = 0;
FIXME("Returned list is not complete\n");
return ret;
/* In theory all that are possible and have been defined.
* Now just those below, since mirc uses it to check for special files.
......@@ -2370,39 +2435,50 @@ DWORD WINAPI QueryDosDeviceA(LPCSTR devname,LPSTR target,DWORD bufsize)
* (It is more complex, and supports netmounted stuff, and \\.\ stuff,
* but currently we just ignore that.)
#define CHECK(x) (strstr(devname,#x)==devname)
if (CHECK(con) || CHECK(com) || CHECK(lpt) || CHECK(nul)) {
if ((s=strchr(buffer,':'))) *s='\0';
return strlen(buffer)+1;
} else {
if (strchr(devname,':') || devname[0]=='\\') {
/* This might be a DOS device we do not handle yet ... */
FIXME("(%s) not detected as DOS device!\n",devname);
if (!strcmpiW(devname, auxW)) {
pDev = dosW;
pName = comW;
numsiz = 1;
pNum = oneW;
} else if (!strcmpiW(devname, nulW)) {
pDev = devW;
pName = nullW;
} else if (!strncmpiW(devname, comW, strlenW(comW))) {
pDev = devW;
pName = serW;
pNum = devname + strlenW(comW);
for(numsiz=0; isdigitW(*(pNum+numsiz)); numsiz++);
if(*(pNum + numsiz)) {
return 0;
} else if (!strncmpiW(devname, lptW, strlenW(lptW))) {
pDev = devW;
pName = parW;
pNum = devname + strlenW(lptW);
for(numsiz=0; isdigitW(*(pNum+numsiz)); numsiz++);
if(*(pNum + numsiz)) {
return 0;
} else {
/* This might be a DOS device we do not handle yet ... */
FIXME("(%s) not detected as DOS device!\n",debugstr_w(devname));
/* Win9x set the error ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER */
return 0;
FIXME("device %s may not exist on this computer\n", debugstr_w(devname));
* QueryDosDeviceW (KERNEL32.@)
* returns array of strings terminated by \0, terminated by \0
DWORD WINAPI QueryDosDeviceW(LPCWSTR devname,LPWSTR target,DWORD bufsize)
LPSTR devnameA = devname?HEAP_strdupWtoA(GetProcessHeap(),0,devname):NULL;
LPSTR targetA = (LPSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,bufsize);
DWORD ret = QueryDosDeviceA(devnameA,targetA,bufsize);
ret = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, targetA, ret, target, bufsize );
if (devnameA) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,devnameA);
if (targetA) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,targetA);
ret = strlenW(pDev) + strlenW(pName) + numsiz + 2;
if (ret > bufsize) ret = 0;
if (target && ret) {
if (pNum) lstrcatW(target,pNum);
target[ret-1] = 0;
return ret;
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