12332 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 DDK SP1 installer crashes ('setupapi.SetupCloseFileQueue' should do proper handle validation before accessing members)
15934 Can't see Worms 2 intro films as they play (mciavi32 missing support to MCI_MCIAVI_PLAY_FULLSCREEN)
14695 Lifeforce demo misses codecs (msvideo1 needs to support 24 bpp output)
15980 Multiple applications expect security descriptors present in process object/token (Rhapsody 2, Rockstar Games Social Club v1.x)
28196 Test Drive Unlimited: Water is always rendered on top of everything.
29921 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010 Express installer shows highlighted items incorrectly
28254 Multiple kernel drivers crash during load/relocation (relocation entry crosses page boundary)(PMP Exam Version 7 CrypKey, Age of Wushu SDProtect DRM, StarForce v3)
41212 Alt-Tab in full-screen on resolutions other than native causes a crash
29460 Multiple kernel drivers crash in entry due to ntoskrnl.exe IoGetCurrentProcess() being a stub (Ruijie Supplicant Su1xDriver.sys, nProtect GameGuard/Tachyon Kernel Control Driver)
42518 WinVerifyTrust fails for signatures using SHA256 digest
31101 ScoobyRom v0.6.x-0.8.x (.NET 4.0 app) fails to start with Wine-Mono
44656 Multiple applications need ntdll.NtSuspendProcess and ntdll.NtResumeProcess implementation (Crashpad/Chromium/CEF, Oracle Data Visualization Desktop, cbwin)
31350 Multiple .NET 3.x WPF applications crash in Vista/Win7 mode due to dwmapi.DwmGetTransportAttributes stub returning E_NOTIMPL (T-Online Mediencenter Assistent, Valil.Chess, Zwift 1.0)
45543 Multiple games and applications crash in dwrite due to invalid index access to cluster array (Rekordbox 5.3.0, SpellForce 3)
34372 Multiple applications need AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack (cross compiled dbus, spamMonitor)
45703 Microsoft Office 365 applications crash on startup (Microsoft AppV ISV virtual filesystem technology requires several native and core API to be hot-patchable)
37359 planetside 2 no mouseclicks registered
45819 Symantec Eraser Control Driver 'eeCtrl64.sys' (Norton 360) fails in driver entry point due to 'ntoskrnl.exe.ExInitializeResourceLite' stub (needs STATUS_SUCCESS)
37540 Multiple games and applications wrapped with Enigma v4 and GG DRM schemes crash on startup (incompatible with use of position independent code (PIC) in Wine dlls)
45963 Multiple applications need setupapi.SetupDiInstallDeviceInterfaces and setupapi.SetupDiRegisterCoDeviceInstallers stubs for HID device driver install
38423 Python 3.5.x exe installer fails with Access denied error
46174 Multiple apps (Halo Online Voice Chat, Discord, Miro Realtimeboard) crashes on unimplemented function qwave.dll.QOSCreateHandle
39614 Wine initialises a Critical Section for Mutexes by NULL instead of (void*)-1
46378 WarGaming.net Game Center crashes when installing games or self-updates
42420 MidiIllustrator Virtuoso 3 crashes when using any File open dialog
46626 UPlay fails to start : "Error at hooking API LoadStringA" (UPlay's hooking engine can't handle ENDBR32 instruction inserted at non-hotpatch API entries due to distro build environments '-fcf-protection')
44850 Microsoft Skype 8.x crashes on unimplemented function iphlpapi.dll.GetBestRoute2
46685 AviUtl: Can't specify 4 digits number as image size in new project dialog.
45155 OpenGL Window Z order in Truespace
46794 Skyrim crashes upon clicking Continue on macOS
45213 Multiple applications using Microsoft Detours library crash on startup after compiling Wine with GCC 8.x+ and -O2 (GOT/PIC code emitted at Win32 API entries)(Microsoft Visual Studio 201x, Visual Assist plugin)
46899 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer: user can't accept license terms (richedit20 ITextRange::ScrollIntoView lacks handling of 'tomEnd')
45757 Visual Studio 2017 Installer - "The installer manifest failed signature validation"
46927 Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 7/8, OpenJDK JVM for Windows with '-XX:+UseNUMA' setting needs kernel32.dll.VirtualAllocExNuma (Minecraft)
45765 Universe Sandbox 2 unimplemented function USER32.dll.GetPointerType
46934 Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 7/8, OpenJDK JVM for Windows: InternalError: Should not get here at sun.nio.fs.WindowsNativeDispatcher.FindFirstStream0
45947 Native Access crashes on unimplemented function virtdisk.dll.OpenVirtualDisk
46953 Watch_Dogs crashes after intro
46861 TopoEdit crashes with unimplemented function mf.dll.MFEnumDeviceSources
46971 Multiple games crash at launch (Sniper Elite V2, Sniper Elite 3)
46905 Multiple eventlog monitor applications go haywire (endless console spam, live-loop CPU) due to advapi32.ReadEventLogA/W returning lasterror ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
46974 Assetto Corsa sometimes crashes when clicking on buttons in the setup menu
46989 Grand Prix Legends: Wheel (Wheel, Gas, Brake) axes inputs aren't recognized
46996 Improvements to the 7.1 and 5.1 to stereo conversion
46993 ntoskrnl.exe tests don't compile when using -O0
46998 Yakuza Kiwami: Controllers aren't detected
47016 MS Office 365 installer needs mfplay.dll.MFPCreateMediaPlayer
46999 Controller with invalid HID range value causes division by zero error
47023 Warframe in-game screenshot fails if screenshot directory already exists
47009 msi x64 installation file created by Visual Studio cannot be uninstalled
47027 Wine built with GCC 8.x+ and -O2 causes apps and games using madCodeHook/madExcept 3.x/4.x to crash (hook engine can't cope with GOT/ PIC code emitted within 15-byte range at Win32 API entries)(EA Origin, HeidiSQL 10.x)
47022 Multiple performance monitor applications fail to display system physical/committed virtual memory usage (Sysinternals Process Explorer v16.x, builtin Taskmgr)
47032 valgrind shows uninitialized read in writev from call_req_handler
47031 widl generates invalid typelib when importing types from multiple typelibs
47082 NI System Web Server crashes on unimplemented function authz.dll.AuthzFreeResourceManager
47034 Star Wars The Old Republic - Certificate Authentication Failed with wine-dev 4.6 (regression)
47096 World of Warships 0.8.3.x client (DirectX 11) crashes when post-battle results screen is about to be displayed
47039 Shantae Risky's Revenge has a blank screen in Wine 4.6
47097 Wine built with GCC 8.x+ and -O2 causes Steam games using In-Game Overlay 'gameoverlayrenderer.dll' to crash (hook engine can't cope with GOT/PIC code emitted at Win32 API entries)
47051 Microsoft Excel 2016 (Office 365) crashes on startup (Microsoft AppV ISV virtual filesystem technology requires kernel32.CreateActCtxW to be hot-patchable)
47107 Windows XP DDK installer fails to copy any files
47055 Unloaded modules traces are not accessible (RtlGetUnloadEventTraceEx)
47122 Star Citizen stopped working on commit 32d7838da73dd9bc3ee999d73a310da7adfb27dd
47063 Command Link Support in Wine
47123 Starcitizen - joystick not recognized
47065 Vocaloid 5 (.NET 4.x app) crashes on startup (needs 'Win32_OperatingSystem' WMI class 'SystemDrive' property)
47129 Rendering glitch in Caste Siege/Ballerburg (invalid vertex count in IDirect3DDevice3::DrawIndexedPrimitiveVB)
47131 Esportal client 1.0 (CS:GO anti-cheat) fails to start, reporting 'The procedure entry point InitiateShutdownW could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll'
47138 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.x installer fails ('RegSvcs.exe' bootstrapper needs unicode casing tables, 'l_intl.nls' no longer installed in WINEPREFIX)
47142 Esportal client 1.0 (CS:GO anti-cheat) fails to start, reporting 'The procedure entry point NdrServerCallAll could not be located in the dynamic link library RPCRT4.dll'
47145 Esportal client 1.0 (CS:GO anti-cheat) fails to start, reporting 'The procedure entry point K32GetWsChangesEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll'