Commit ee4c61a1 authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winevulkan: Move needs_unwrapping implementation to VkVariable.

parent a2dc7a4a
......@@ -1203,6 +1203,20 @@ class VkVariable(object):
return not self.handle.is_dispatchable()
return False
def needs_unwrapping(self):
""" Returns if variable needs unwrapping of handle. """
if self.is_struct():
return self.struct.needs_unwrapping()
if self.is_handle():
return self.handle.needs_unwrapping()
if self.is_generic_handle():
return True
return False
def needs_alloc(self, conv, unwrap):
""" Returns True if conversion needs allocation """
if self.is_dynamic_array():
......@@ -1425,20 +1439,6 @@ class VkMember(VkVariable):
def is_bit_field(self):
return self.bit_width is not None
def needs_unwrapping(self):
""" Structures with wrapped handles need unwrapping. """
if self.is_struct():
return self.struct.needs_unwrapping()
if self.is_handle():
return self.handle.is_wrapped()
if self.is_generic_handle():
return True
return False
def needs_conversion(self, conv, unwrap, direction, struct_const):
""" Check if member needs conversion. """
......@@ -1678,18 +1678,6 @@ class VkParam(VkVariable):
return True
return False
def needs_unwrapping(self):
""" Returns if parameter needs unwrapping of handle. """
# Wrapped handle parameters are handled separately, only look for wrapped handles in structs
if self.is_struct():
return self.struct.needs_unwrapping()
if self.is_handle() and self.is_dynamic_array():
return self.handle.needs_unwrapping()
return False
def spec(self):
""" Generate spec file entry for this parameter. """
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