Commit 751dd25b authored by Semen Fomchenkov's avatar Semen Fomchenkov Committed by Anton Midyukov remove use/x11/lightdm/gtk

GNOME use GDM. GDM is an integral part of GNOME.
parent 2ac2b723
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ distro/alt-workstation:: distro/.base +vmguest +wireless +efi \
use/live/install use/live/x11 use/live/repo use/live/rw \
use/vmguest/kvm/x11 use/stage2/kms \
use/branding/complete use/docs/license \
use/domain-client/full use/x11/amdgpu use/x11/lightdm/gtk \
use/domain-client/full use/x11/amdgpu \
use/firmware/laptop \
use/e2k/multiseat/full use/e2k/x11/101 use/e2k/sound/401
ifeq (,$(filter-out i586 x86_64,$(ARCH)))
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