Commit c771420e authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin added vzstats group to server-ovz

This is our answer to this VZstats FAQ entry: Q: Why is it opt-out rather than opt-in? A: We just don't have a good place (such as installer or some GUI) to ask you for opt-in. Well ALT Linux got one. :)
parent 3b521753
......@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ distro/.regular-server-managed: distro/.regular-server
distro/regular-server-ovz: distro/.regular-server-managed \
use/server/ovz use/server/groups/base
@$(call add,MAIN_GROUPS,vzstats)
distro/regular-server-hyperv: distro/.regular-server-managed
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,un-def)
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