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Commit f28a83ca authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

mediacheck: the former isomd5sum

This one is quite different already and utility-based name was pretty clumsy; meet the new feature and retire the old experimental one. Please note that quite aggressive cleanups are implemented within this stage2-based subprofile for the simple reason that it has a single task to do; nothing else is expected to be configured into it for that matter. This functionality asks to be further moved into initrd of course; adding it there will take a few more decisions to be made, mostly regarding user interaction in failure scenarios, and it looks like mkimage will have to be patched in case this doesn't just go into under some sort of conditional check.
parent 71db9c67
Эта фича конфигурирует внедрение контрольной суммы в образ
инсталятора после его сборки с целью проверки целостности
на ранней стадии установки.
Эта фича конфигурировала экспериментальную проверку целостности носителя;
в настоящее время является устаревшей, см.
@$(call add_feature)
@$(call add,POSTPROCESS_TARGETS,90isomd5sum)
use/isomd5sum: use/mediacheck
@$(warning deprecated, see mediacheck feature)
Эта фича конфигурирует внедрение контрольной суммы в образ
инсталятора после его сборки с целью проверки целостности
на ранней стадии установки.
NB: прототип, для реального использования надо сделать
микрообраз на основе stage2.
use/mediacheck: use/stage2 sub/stage2@mediacheck use/syslinux/mediacheck.cfg
@$(call add_feature)
@$(call add,POSTPROCESS_TARGETS,90mediacheck)
CHROOT_PACKAGES += isomd5sum
@implantisomd5 "$(IMAGEDIR)/$(IMAGE_OUTFILE)"
mv -f -- /etc/inittab.mediacheck /etc/inittab
# everything needed should have been done within initrd when this boots
rpm -e --nodeps apt libapt rpm librpmbuild librpm 2>/dev/null ||:
rm -rf /var/lib/apt /var/cache/apt /var/lib/rpm
rm -rf /lib/modules
rm -rf /usr/share
rm -rf /usr/lib*/{locale,perl*,python*}
# stage2 mod: mediacheck single-purpose "live" image
IMAGE_PACKAGES = startup-mediacheck
MKI_PACK_RESULTS = squash:mediacheck
@echo "** mediacheck: IMAGE_PACKAGES: $(IMAGE_PACKAGES)"
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