#!/bin/sh -efu # configure hasher (implies that 30-users has been run already) ARCH="$(rpm --eval '%_host_cpu')" [ -n "$ARCH" ] || exit 2 gray="$(echo -ne "\\033[0;37m")" white="$(echo -ne "\\033[1;37m")" cyan="$(echo -ne "\\033[1;36m")" # root cat >> /root/.bash_profile << EOF ram="\$(awk '/^MemTotal/ { print int(\$2/1024+0.5) }' /proc/meminfo)" swap="\$(awk '/^SwapTotal/ { print int(\$2/1024+0.5) }' /proc/meminfo)" tmpfs="\$(df -kT /tmp 2>/dev/null \\ | awk '/^[a-zA-Z_0-9/-]+[[:space:]]+tmpfs/ { print int(\$3/1024); }')" cat << EOH Welcome to live builder host system! Memory: $cyan\${ram}M$gray, swap: $cyan\${swap}M$gray Autoconfigured tmpfs on /tmp: $cyan\${tmpfs}M$gray Run ${white}swapon${gray}(8) on any local swaps you might like to employ followed by ${white}service livecd-tmpfs restart${gray} to reconfigure tmpfs EOH EOF # predefined passwordless livecd user is created with livecd-user