update cleartmp script

parent 425d5a7b
echo "Cleaning...."
[ -d /home/"$USER"/Projects/000_distro/mkimage-profiles/build ] && \
pushd /home/"$USER"/Projects/000_distro/mkimage-profiles \
[ -d "$PROFILESDIR/build" ] && \
&& make clean \
&& rm -rf /tmp/.private/"$USER"/mkimage-profiles.build.* \
&& rm -rf $TMP/mkimage-profiles.build.* \
&& rm -rf ./build && popd \
&& echo "cleaning mkimage-profiles is DONE"
[ -d /tmp/.private/"$USER"/hasher-sisyphus-64 ] && rm -rf /tmp/.private/"$USER"/hasher-sisyphus-64/ \
[ -d $TMP/hasher-sisyphus-64 ] && rm -rf $TMP/hasher-sisyphus-64/ \
&& echo "cleaning hasher-sisyphus is DONE"
rmiso() {
......@@ -18,15 +19,9 @@ rmiso() {
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
case "$1" in
printf \
./cleartmp.sh [опции]"
printf \
--iso -i - Удаляет iso файлы в /tmp/.private/USER/out"
printf "Использование: ./bin/cleartmp [опции]\n\n"
printf "Опции:\n"
printf " --iso -i Удаляет iso файлы в /tmp/.private/USER/out\n"
exit 0
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