Commit a7c62145 authored by Mikhail Efremov's avatar Mikhail Efremov Committed by Mikhail Efremov

etcskel: Drop sonata config.

parent b4f95656
username =
password_md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
use_audioscrobbler = False
use_mpdpaths = True
current = %A | %T | %G | %L
currsong1 = %A - %T
currsong2 = Исполняет %A из альбома %B
library = %A - %T
title = [Sonata] %A - %T
lib_view = 0
lib_genre = !NONE!
lib_path = /
lib_year = !NONE!
lib_artist = !NONE!
lib_album = !NONE!
art_location_custom_filename =
lyrics = True
columnwidths = 241,271,143,44
trayicon = True
playback = True
covers = True
sticky = False
xfade_enabled = False
info_song_more = True
search_num = 5
progressbar = True
ontop = False
lyrics_location = 0
minimize = True
info_lyrics_expanded = True
notification = True
withdrawn = False
stop_on_exit = True
statusbar = False
notif_location = 0
popup_time = 2
covers_pref = 0
info_song_expanded = True
tabs_expanded = False
screen = 0
show_header = True
covers_type = 0
use_infofile = False
existing_playlist = 0
decorated = True
info_album_expanded = True
infofile_path = /tmp/xmms-info
info_art_enlarged = False
h = 471
expanded = True
xfade = 1
initial_run = False
w = 842
update_on_start = True
y = 139
x = 169
art_location = 0
browser =
auto = True
profile_num = 0
info_tab_pos = 4
current_tab_pos = 0
current_tab_visible = True
playlists_tab_pos = 2
playlists_tab_visible = True
info_tab_visible = True
streams_tab_visible = True
library_tab_visible = True
library_tab_pos = 1
streams_tab_pos = 3
names[0] = Default Profile
num_profiles = 1
passwords[0] =
hosts[0] = localhost
ports[0] = 6600
musicdirs[0] = ~/Музыка/
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